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package Alzabo::Create::Table;

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);

use Alzabo::Create;
use Alzabo::Exceptions ( abbr => 'params_exception' );

use Params::Validate qw( :all );
    ( on_fail => sub { params_exception join '', @_ } );

use Tie::IxHash;

use base qw(Alzabo::Table);

$VERSION = 2.0;


sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref $proto || $proto;

    validate( @_, { schema => { isa => 'Alzabo::Create::Schema' },
                    name => { type => SCALAR },
                    attributes => { type => ARRAYREF,
                                    optional => 1 },
                    comment => { type => UNDEF | SCALAR,
                                 default => '' },
                  } );
    my %p = @_;

    my $self = bless {}, $class;

    $self->{schema} = $p{schema};


    $self->{columns} = Tie::IxHash->new;
    $self->{pk} = [];
    $self->{indexes} = Tie::IxHash->new;

    my %attr;
    tie %{ $self->{attributes} }, 'Tie::IxHash';

    $self->set_attributes( @{ $p{attributes} } );

    $self->set_comment( $p{comment} );

    # Setting this prevents run time type errors.
    $self->{fk} = {};

    return $self;

sub set_name
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { type => SCALAR } );
    my $name = shift;

    params_exception "Table $name already exists in schema"
        if $self->schema->has_table($name);

    my @i;
    if ($self->{indexes})
        @i = $self->indexes;
        $self->delete_index($_) foreach @i;

    my $old_name = $self->{name};
    $self->{name} = $name;


    $self->add_index($_) foreach @i;

    if ($@)
        $self->{name} = $old_name;


    if ( $old_name && eval { $self->schema->table($old_name) } )
        $self->schema->register_table_name_change( table => $self,
                                                   old_name => $old_name );

        foreach my $fk ($self->all_foreign_keys)
            $fk->table_to->register_table_name_change( table => $self,
                                                       old_name => $old_name );

sub make_column
    my $self = shift;
    my %p = @_;

    my $is_pk = delete $p{primary_key};

    my %p2;
    foreach ( qw( before after ) )
        $p2{$_} = delete $p{$_} if exists $p{$_};
    $self->add_column( column => Alzabo::Create::Column->new( table => $self,
                                                              %p ),
                       %p2 );

    my $col = $self->column( $p{name} );
    $self->add_primary_key($col) if $is_pk;

    return $col;

sub add_column
    my $self = shift;

    validate( @_, { column => { isa => 'Alzabo::Create::Column' },
                    before => { optional => 1 },
                    after  => { optional => 1 } } );
    my %p = @_;

    my $col = $p{column};

    params_exception "Column " . $col->name . " already exists in " . $self->name
        if $self->{columns}->EXISTS( $col->name );

    $col->set_table($self) unless $col->table eq $self;

    $self->{columns}->STORE( $col->name, $col);

    foreach ( qw( before after ) )
        if ( exists $p{$_} )
            $self->move_column( $_ => $p{$_},
                                column => $col );

sub delete_column
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { isa => 'Alzabo::Create::Column' } );
    my $col = shift;

    params_exception"Column $col doesn't exist in $self->{name}"
        unless $self->{columns}->EXISTS( $col->name );

    $self->delete_primary_key($col) if $col->is_primary_key;

    foreach my $fk ($self->foreign_keys_by_column($col))

        foreach my $other_fk ($fk->table_to->foreign_keys( table => $self,
                                                           column => $fk->columns_to ) )
            $fk->table_to->delete_foreign_key( $other_fk );

    foreach my $i ($self->indexes)
        $self->delete_index($i) if grep { $_ eq $col } $i->columns;

    $self->{columns}->DELETE( $col->name );

sub move_column
    my $self = shift;

    validate( @_, { column  => { isa => 'Alzabo::Create::Column' },
                    before  => { isa => 'Alzabo::Create::Column',
                                 optional => 1 },
                    after   => { isa => 'Alzabo::Create::Column',
                                 optional => 1 } } );
    my %p = @_;

    if ( exists $p{before} && exists $p{after} )
            "move_column method cannot be called with both 'before' and 'after' parameters";

    if ( exists $p{before} )
        params_exception "Column " . $p{before}->name . " doesn't exist in schema"
            unless $self->{columns}->EXISTS( $p{before}->name );
        params_exception "Column " . $p{after}->name . " doesn't exist in schema"
            unless $self->{columns}->EXISTS( $p{after}->name );

    params_exception "Column " . $p{column}->name . " doesn't exist in schema"
        unless $self->{columns}->EXISTS( $p{column}->name );

    my @pk = $self->primary_key;

    $self->{columns}->DELETE( $p{column}->name );

    my $index;
    if ( $p{before} )
        $index = $self->{columns}->Indices( $p{before}->name );
        $index = $self->{columns}->Indices( $p{after}->name ) + 1;

    $self->{columns}->Splice( $index, 0, $p{column}->name => $p{column} );

    $self->{pk} = [ $self->{columns}->Indices( map { $_->name } @pk ) ];

sub add_primary_key
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { isa => 'Alzabo::Create::Column' } );
    my $col = shift;

    my $name = $col->name;
    params_exception "Column $name doesn't exist in $self->{name}"
        unless $self->{columns}->EXISTS($name);

    params_exception "Column $name is already a primary key"
        if $col->is_primary_key;



    my $idx = $self->{columns}->Indices($name);
    push @{ $self->{pk} }, $idx;

sub delete_primary_key
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { isa => 'Alzabo::Create::Column' } );
    my $col = shift;

    my $name = $col->name;
    params_exception "Column $name doesn't exist in $self->{name}"
        unless $self->{columns}->EXISTS($name);

    params_exception "Column $name is not a primary key"
        unless $col->is_primary_key;

    my $idx = $self->{columns}->Indices($name);
    $self->{pk} = [ grep { $_ != $idx } @{ $self->{pk} } ];

sub make_foreign_key
    my $self = shift;

    $self->add_foreign_key( Alzabo::Create::ForeignKey->new( @_ ) );

sub add_foreign_key
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { isa => 'Alzabo::Create::ForeignKey' } );
    my $fk = shift;

    foreach my $c ( $fk->columns_from )
        push @{ $self->{fk}{ $fk->table_to->name }{ $c->name } }, $fk;

    if ( ( $fk->is_one_to_one || $fk->is_one_to_many )
         && !
         ( $self->primary_key_size == grep { $_->is_primary_key } $fk->columns_from )
        my $i = Alzabo::Create::Index->new( table   => $self,
                                            columns => [ $fk->columns_from ],
                                            unique  => 1 );

        # could already have a non-unique index (grr, index id()
        # method is somewhat broken)
        $self->delete_index($i) if $self->has_index( $i->id );

sub delete_foreign_key
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { isa => 'Alzabo::Create::ForeignKey' } );
    my $fk = shift;

    foreach my $c ( $fk->columns_from )
        params_exception "Column " . $c->name . " doesn't exist in $self->{name}"
            unless $self->{columns}->EXISTS( $c->name );

        "No foreign keys to " . $fk->table_to->name . " exist in $self->{name}"
            unless exists $self->{fk}{ $fk->table_to->name };

    my @new_fk;
    foreach my $c ( $fk->columns_from )
            "Column " . $c->name . " is not a foreign key to " .
            $fk->table_to->name . " in $self->{name}"
                unless exists $self->{fk}{ $fk->table_to->name }{ $c->name };

        foreach my $current_fk ( @{ $self->{fk}{ $fk->table_to->name }{ $c->name } } )
            push @new_fk, $current_fk unless $current_fk eq $fk;

    foreach my $c ( $fk->columns_from )
        if (@new_fk)
            $self->{fk}{ $fk->table_to->name }{ $c->name } = \@new_fk;
            delete $self->{fk}{ $fk->table_to->name }{ $c->name };

    delete $self->{fk}{ $fk->table_to->name }
        unless keys %{ $self->{fk}{ $fk->table_to->name } };

sub make_index
    my Alzabo::Table $self = shift;

    $self->add_index( Alzabo::Create::Index->new( table => $self,
                                                  @_ ) );

sub add_index
    my Alzabo::Table $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { isa => 'Alzabo::Create::Index' } );
    my $i = shift;

    my $id = $i->id;
    params_exception "Index already exists (id $id)."
        if $self->{indexes}->EXISTS($id);

    $self->{indexes}->STORE( $id, $i );

    return $i;

sub delete_index
    my Alzabo::Table $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { isa => 'Alzabo::Create::Index' } );
    my $i = shift;

    params_exception "Index does not exist."
        unless $self->{indexes}->EXISTS( $i->id );

    $self->{indexes}->DELETE( $i->id );

sub register_table_name_change
    my $self = shift;

    validate( @_, { table => { isa => 'Alzabo::Create::Table' },
                    old_name => { type => SCALAR } } );
    my %p = @_;

    $self->{fk}{ $p{table}->name } = delete $self->{fk}{ $p{old_name} }
        if exists $self->{fk}{ $p{old_name} };

sub register_column_name_change
    my $self = shift;

    validate( @_, { column => { isa => 'Alzabo::Create::Column' },
                    old_name => { type => SCALAR } } );
    my %p = @_;

    my $new_name = $p{column}->name;
    my $index = $self->{columns}->Indices( $p{old_name} );
    $self->{columns}->Replace( $index, $p{column}, $new_name );

    foreach my $t ( keys %{ $self->{fk} } )
        $self->{fk}{$t}{$new_name} = delete $self->{fk}{$t}{ $p{old_name} }
            if exists $self->{fk}{$t}{ $p{old_name} };

    my @i = $self->{indexes}->Values;
    $self->{indexes} = Tie::IxHash->new;
    foreach my $i (@i)

sub set_attributes
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, ( { type => SCALAR } ) x @_ );

    %{ $self->{attributes} } = ();

    foreach ( grep { defined && length } @_ )

sub add_attribute
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { type => SCALAR } );
    my $attr = shift;

    $attr =~ s/^\s+//;
    $attr =~ s/\s+$//;

    $self->schema->rules->validate_table_attribute( table     => $self,
                                                    attribute => $attr );

    $self->{attributes}{$attr} = 1;

sub delete_attribute
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { type => SCALAR } );
    my $attr = shift;

    params_exception "Table " . $self->name . " doesn't have attribute $attr"
        unless exists $self->{attributes}{$attr};

    delete $self->{attributes}{$attr};

sub set_comment { $_[0]->{comment} = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : '' }

sub save_current_name
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{last_instantiated_name} = $self->name;

    foreach my $column ( $self->columns )

sub former_name { $_[0]->{last_instantiated_name} }


=head1 NAME

Alzabo::Create::Table - Table objects for schema creation


  use Alzabo::Create::Table;


This class represents tables in the schema.  It contains column,
index, and foreign key objects.



=for pod_merge merged

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

The constructor takes the following parameters:

=over 4

=item * schema => C<Alzabo::Create::Schema> object

The schema to which this table belongs.

=item * name => $name

=item * attributes => \@attributes

=item * comment => $comment

An optional comment.


It returns a new C<Alzabo::Create::Table> object.

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>

=for pod_merge schema

=for pod_merge name

=head2 set_name ($name)

Changes the name of the table.

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>,

=for pod_merge column

=for pod_merge columns

=for pod_merge has_column

=head2 make_column

Creates a new L<C<Alzabo::Create::Column>|Alzabo::Create::Column>
object and adds it to the table.  This object is the function's return

In addition, if a "before" or "after" parameter is given, the
L<C<move_column()>|move_column> method is called to move the new

This method takes all of the same parameters as the L<C<<
Alzabo::Create::Column->new() >>|Alzabo::Create::Column> method except
the "table" parameter, which is automatically supplied.

This method also accepts an additional parameter, "primary_key",
indicating whether or not the column is part of the table's primary

Returns a new L<C<Alzabo::Create::Column>|Alzabo::Create::Column> object.

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>,

=head2 add_column

Adds a column to the table.  If a "before" or "after" parameter is
given then the L<C<move_column()>|move_column> method will be called
to move the new column to the appropriate position.

It takes the following parameters:

=over 4

=item * column => C<Alzabo::Create::Column> object

=item * after => C<Alzabo::Create::Column> object (optional)

... or ...

=item * before => C<Alzabo::Create::Column> object (optional)


Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>,

=head2 delete_column (C<Alzabo::Create::Column> object)

Deletes a column from the table.

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>

=head2 move_column

This method takes the following parameters:

=over 4

=item * column => C<Alzabo::Create::Column> object

The column to move.

and either ...

=item * before => C<Alzabo::Create::Column> object

Move the column before this column

... or ...

=item * after => C<Alzabo::Create::Column> object

Move the column after this column.


Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>

=for pod_merge primary_key

=for pod_merge primary_key_size

=head2 add_primary_key (C<Alzabo::Create::Column> object)

Make the given column part of the table's primary key.  The primary
key is an ordered list of columns.  The given column will be added to
the end of this list.

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>

=head2 delete_primary_key (C<Alzabo::Create::Column> object)

Delete the given column from the primary key.

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>

=for pod_merge foreign_keys

=for pod_merge foreign_keys_by_table

=for pod_merge foreign_keys_by_column

=for pod_merge all_foreign_keys

=head2 make_foreign_key (see below)

Takes the same parameters as the
method except for the table parameter, which is automatically added.
The foreign key object that is created is then added to the table.

If the foreign key being made is 1..1 or 1..n, then a unique index
will be created on the columns involved in the "1" side of the foreign
key, unless they are the table's primary key.

Returns a new
L<C<Alzabo::Create::ForeignKey>|Alzabo::Create::ForeignKey> object.

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>

=head2 add_foreign_key (C<Alzabo::Create::ForeignKey> object)

Adds the given foreign key to the table.

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>

=head2 delete_foreign_key (C<Alzabo::Create::ForeignKey> object)

Deletes the given foreign key from the table

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>

=for pod_merge index

=for pod_merge has_index

=for pod_merge indexes

=head2 make_index

Takes the same parameters as the L<C<< Alzabo::Create::Index->new()
>>|Alzabo::Create::Index/new> method except for the "table" parameter,
which is automatically added.  The index object that is created is
then added to the table.

Returns the new L<C<Alzabo::Create::Index>|Alzabo::Create::Index>

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>

=head2 add_index (C<Alzabo::Create::Index> object)

Adds the given index to the table.

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>

=head2 delete_index (C<Alzabo::Create::Index> object)

Deletes the specified index from the table.

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>

=for pod_merge attributes

=for pod_merge has_attribute

=head2 set_attributes (@attributes)

Sets the tables's attributes.  These are strings describing the table
(for example, valid attributes in MySQL are "TYPE = INNODB" or

You can also set table constraints as attributes.  Alzabo will
generate correct SQL for both actual attributes and constraints.

=head2 add_attribute ($attribute)

Add an attribute to the column's list of attributes.

=head2 delete_attribute ($attribute)

Delete the given attribute from the column's list of attributes.


=head2 former_name

If the table's name has been changed since the last time the schema
was instantiated, this method returns the table's previous name.

=for pod_merge comment

=head2 set_comment ($comment)

Set the comment for the table object.

=head1 AUTHOR

Dave Rolsky, <>
