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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use File::Spec;

use lib '.', File::Spec->catdir( File::Spec->curdir, 't', 'lib' );

use Alzabo::Test::Utils;

use Test::More;

use Alzabo::Create;

unless ( eval { require DBD::mysql } && ! $@ )
    plan skip_all => 'needs DBD::mysql';

plan tests => 26;

my $new_schema;
eval_ok( sub { $new_schema = Alzabo::Create::Schema->new( name => 'hello there',
                                                          rdbms => 'MySQL' ) },
	 "Make a new MySQL schema named 'hello there'" );

    eval { Alzabo::Create::Schema->new( name => 'hello:there',
                                        rdbms => 'MySQL' ); };

    my $e = $@;
    isa_ok( $e, 'Alzabo::Exception::RDBMSRules',
            "Exceptiont thrown from attempt to create a MySQL schema named 'hello:there'" );

    eval { $new_schema->make_table( name => 'x' x 65 ) };
    my $e = $@;
    isa_ok( $e, 'Alzabo::Exception::RDBMSRules',
            "Exception thrown from attempt to create a table in MySQL with a 65 character name" );

my $table;
    $table = $new_schema->make_table( name => 'quux' );
    $table->make_column( name => 'foo',
                         type => 'int',
                         attributes => [ 'unsigned' ],
                         null => 1,

    my $sql = join '', $new_schema->rules->table_sql($table);
    like( $sql, qr/int(?:eger)\s+unsigned/i,
          "Unsigned attribute should come right after type" );

    eval { $table->make_column( name => 'foo2',
                                type => 'text',
                                length => 1,
                              ); };
    my $e = $@;
    isa_ok( $e, 'Alzabo::Exception::RDBMSRules',
            "Exception thrown from attempt to make 'text' column with a length parameter" );

    eval { $table->make_column( name => 'var_no_len',
                                type => 'varchar' ) };
    my $e = $@;
    isa_ok( $e, 'Alzabo::Exception::RDBMSRules',
            "Exception thrown from attempt to make 'varchar' column with no length parameter" );

    foreach my $type ( qw( DATE DATETIME TIMESTAMP ) )
        my $col = $table->make_column( name => "col_$type",
                                       type => $type,

        ok( $col->is_date, "$type is date" );

    foreach my $type ( qw( DATETIME TIMESTAMP ) )
        my $col = $table->make_column( name => "col2_$type",
                                       type => $type,

        ok( $col->is_datetime, "$type is date" );

    foreach my $type ( qw( DECIMAL NUMERIC FLOAT DOUBLE REAL ) )
        my $col = $table->make_column( name => "col2_$type",
                                       type => $type,

        ok( $col->is_numeric, "$type is numeric" );
        ok( $col->is_floating_point, "$type is floating point" );

    my $col = $table->make_column( name => 'int1',
                                   type => 'integer',
                                   default => 27,

    is( $new_schema->rules->_default_for_column($col), 27, 'default is 27' );

    my $col = $table->make_column( name => 'vc1',
                                   type => 'varchar',
                                   length => 20,
                                   default => 'hello',

    is( $new_schema->rules->_default_for_column($col), q|"hello"|, 'default is "hello" (with quotes)' );

    my $col = $table->make_column( name => 'dt1',
                                   type => 'datetime',
                                   default => 'NOW()',
                                   default_is_raw => 1,

    is( $new_schema->rules->_default_for_column($col), q|NOW()|, 'default is NOW()' );

    my $col = eval { $table->make_column( name => 'vb1',
                                          type => 'varbinary',
                                        ) };

    like( $@, qr/must have a length/, 'length is required for (var)binary' );

    my $col = $table->make_column( name   => 'vb2',
                                   type   => 'varbinary',
                                   length => 10,

    is( $col->length, 10, 'column length is 10' );