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/*global js_beautify: true */

function run_beautifier_tests(test_obj, Urlencoded, js_beautify, html_beautify, css_beautify)

    var opts = {
        indent_size: 4,
        indent_char: ' ',
        preserve_newlines: true,
        jslint_happy: false,
        keep_array_indentation: false,
        brace_style: 'collapse',
        space_before_conditional: true,
        break_chained_methods: false,
        selector_separator: '\n',
        end_with_newline: false

    function test_js_beautifier(input)
        return js_beautify(input, opts);

    function test_html_beautifier(input)
        return html_beautify(input, opts);

    function test_css_beautifier(input)
        return css_beautify(input, opts);

    var sanitytest;

    // test the input on beautifier with the current flag settings
    // does not check the indentation / surroundings as bt() does
    function test_fragment(input, expected)
        expected = expected || expected === '' ? expected : input;
        sanitytest.expect(input, expected);
        // if the expected is different from input, run it again
        // expected output should be unchanged when run twice.
        if (expected !== input) {
            sanitytest.expect(expected, expected);

    // test the input on beautifier with the current flag settings
    // test both the input as well as { input } wrapping
    function bt(input, expectation)
        var wrapped_input, wrapped_expectation;

        expectation = expectation || expectation === '' ? expectation : input;
        sanitytest.test_function(test_js_beautifier, 'js_beautify');
        test_fragment(input, expectation);

        // test also the returned indentation
        // e.g if input = "asdf();"
        // then test that this remains properly formatted as well:
        // {
        //     asdf();
        //     indent;
        // }

        if (opts.indent_size === 4 && input) {
            wrapped_input = '{\n' + input.replace(/^(.+)$/mg, '    $1') + '\n    foo = bar;\n}';
            wrapped_expectation = '{\n' + expectation.replace(/^(.+)$/mg, '    $1') + '\n    foo = bar;\n}';
            test_fragment(wrapped_input, wrapped_expectation);


    // test html
    function bth(input, expectation)
        var wrapped_input, wrapped_expectation, field_input, field_expectation;

        expectation = expectation || expectation === '' ? expectation : input;
        sanitytest.test_function(test_html_beautifier, 'html_beautify');
        test_fragment(input, expectation);

        if (opts.indent_size === 4 && input) {
            wrapped_input = '<div>\n' + input.replace(/^(.+)$/mg, '    $1') + '\n    <span>inline</span>\n</div>';
            wrapped_expectation = '<div>\n' + expectation.replace(/^(.+)$/mg, '    $1') + '\n    <span>inline</span>\n</div>';
            if (opts.end_with_newline) {
                wrapped_expectation += '\n';
            test_fragment(wrapped_input, wrapped_expectation);

        // Test that handlebars non-block {{}} tags act as content and do not
        // get any spacing or line breaks.
        if (input.indexOf('content') != -1) {
            // Just {{field}}
            field_input = input.replace(/content/g, '{{field}}');
            field_expectation = expectation.replace(/content/g, '{{field}}');
            test_fragment(field_input, field_expectation);

            // handlebars comment
            field_input = input.replace(/content/g, '{{! comment}}');
            field_expectation = expectation.replace(/content/g, '{{! comment}}');
            test_fragment(field_input, field_expectation);

            // mixed {{field}} and content
            field_input = input.replace(/content/g, 'pre{{field1}} {{field2}} {{field3}}post');
            field_expectation = expectation.replace(/content/g, 'pre{{field1}} {{field2}} {{field3}}post');
            test_fragment(field_input, field_expectation);

    // test css
    function btc(input, expectation)
        var wrapped_input, wrapped_expectation;

        expectation = expectation || expectation === '' ? expectation : input;
        sanitytest.test_function(test_css_beautifier, 'css_beautify');
        test_fragment(input, expectation);

    // test the input on beautifier with the current flag settings,
    // but dont't
    function bt_braces(input, expectation)
        var braces_ex = opts.brace_style;
        opts.brace_style = 'expand';
        bt(input, expectation);
        opts.brace_style = braces_ex;

    function beautifier_tests()
        sanitytest = test_obj;

        opts.indent_size       = 4;
        opts.indent_char       = ' ';
        opts.preserve_newlines = true;
        opts.jslint_happy      = false;
        opts.keep_array_indentation = false;
        opts.brace_style       = "collapse";

        // unicode support
        bt('var ' + String.fromCharCode(3232) + '_' + String.fromCharCode(3232) + ' = "hi";');
        bt('var ' + String.fromCharCode(228) + 'x = {\n    ' + String.fromCharCode(228) + 'rgerlich: true\n};');

        opts.end_with_newline = true;
        test_fragment('', '\n');
        test_fragment('   return .5','   return .5\n');
        test_fragment('   \n\nreturn .5\n\n\n\n','   return .5\n');
        test_fragment('\n', '\n');

        opts.end_with_newline = false;
        test_fragment('\n', '');
        bt('return .5');
        test_fragment('   return .5');
        test_fragment('   return .5;\n   a();');
        test_fragment('   < div');
        bt('a        =          1', 'a = 1');
        bt('a=1', 'a = 1');
        bt('(3) / 2');
        bt('["a", "b"].join("")');
        bt("a();\n\nb();", "a();\n\nb();");
        bt('var a = 1 var b = 2', "var a = 1\nvar b = 2");
        bt('var a=1, b=c[d], e=6;', 'var a = 1,\n    b = c[d],\n    e = 6;');
        bt('var a,\n    b,\n    c;');
        bt('let a = 1 let b = 2', "let a = 1\nlet b = 2");
        bt('let a=1, b=c[d], e=6;', 'let a = 1,\n    b = c[d],\n    e = 6;');
        bt('let a,\n    b,\n    c;');
        bt('const a = 1 const b = 2', "const a = 1\nconst b = 2");
        bt('const a=1, b=c[d], e=6;', 'const a = 1,\n    b = c[d],\n    e = 6;');
        bt('const a,\n    b,\n    c;');
        bt('a = " 12345 "');
        bt("a = ' 12345 '");
        bt('if (a == 1) b = 2;', "if (a == 1) b = 2;");
        bt('if(1){2}else{3}', "if (1) {\n    2\n} else {\n    3\n}");
        bt('if(1||2);', 'if (1 || 2);');
        bt('(a==1)||(b==2)', '(a == 1) || (b == 2)');
        bt('var a = 1 if (2) 3;', "var a = 1\nif (2) 3;");
        bt('a = a + 1');
        bt('a = a == 1');
        bt('a /= 5');
        bt('a = 0.5 * 3');
        bt('a *= 10.55');
        bt('a < .5');
        bt('a <= .5');
        bt('a<.5', 'a < .5');
        bt('a<=.5', 'a <= .5');
        bt('a = 0xff;');
        bt('a=0xff+4', 'a = 0xff + 4');
        bt('a = [1, 2, 3, 4]');
        bt('F*(g/=f)*g+b', 'F * (g /= f) * g + b');
        bt('a.b({c:d})', 'a.b({\n    c: d\n})');
        bt('a.b\n(\n{\nc:\nd\n}\n)', 'a.b({\n    c: d\n})');
        bt('a.b({c:"d"})', 'a.b({\n    c: "d"\n})');
        bt('a.b\n(\n{\nc:\n"d"\n}\n)', 'a.b({\n    c: "d"\n})');
        bt('a=!b', 'a = !b');
        bt('a=!!b', 'a = !!b');
        bt('a?b:c', 'a ? b : c');
        bt('a?1:2', 'a ? 1 : 2');
        bt('a?(b):c', 'a ? (b) : c');
        bt('x={a:1,b:w=="foo"?x:y,c:z}', 'x = {\n    a: 1,\n    b: w == "foo" ? x : y,\n    c: z\n}');
        bt('x=a?b?c?d:e:f:g;', 'x = a ? b ? c ? d : e : f : g;');
        bt('x=a?b?c?d:{e1:1,e2:2}:f:g;', 'x = a ? b ? c ? d : {\n    e1: 1,\n    e2: 2\n} : f : g;');
        bt('function void(void) {}');
        bt('if(!a)foo();', 'if (!a) foo();');
        bt('a=~a', 'a = ~a');
        bt('a;/*comment*/b;', "a; /*comment*/\nb;");
        bt('a;/* comment */b;', "a; /* comment */\nb;");
        test_fragment('a;/*\ncomment\n*/b;', "a;\n/*\ncomment\n*/\nb;"); // simple comments don't get touched at all
        bt('a;/**\n* javadoc\n*/b;', "a;\n/**\n * javadoc\n */\nb;");
        test_fragment('a;/**\n\nno javadoc\n*/b;', "a;\n/**\n\nno javadoc\n*/\nb;");
        bt('a;/*\n* javadoc\n*/b;', "a;\n/*\n * javadoc\n */\nb;"); // comment blocks detected and reindented even w/o javadoc starter
        bt('if(a)break;', "if (a) break;");
        bt('if(a){break}', "if (a) {\n    break\n}");
        bt('if((a))foo();', 'if ((a)) foo();');
        bt('for(var i=0;;) a', 'for (var i = 0;;) a');
        bt('for(var i=0;;)\na', 'for (var i = 0;;)\n    a');
        bt('a++;', 'a++;');
        bt('for(;;i++)a()', 'for (;; i++) a()');
        bt('for(;;i++)\na()', 'for (;; i++)\n    a()');
        bt('for(;;++i)a', 'for (;; ++i) a');
        bt('return(1)', 'return (1)');
        bt('try{a();}catch(b){c();}finally{d();}', "try {\n    a();\n} catch (b) {\n    c();\n} finally {\n    d();\n}");
        bt('(xx)()'); // magic function call
        bt('a[1]()'); // another magic function call
        bt('if(a){b();}else if(c) foo();', "if (a) {\n    b();\n} else if (c) foo();");
        bt('switch(x) {case 0: case 1: a(); break; default: break}', "switch (x) {\n    case 0:\n    case 1:\n        a();\n        break;\n    default:\n        break\n}");
        bt('switch(x){case -1:break;case !y:break;}', 'switch (x) {\n    case -1:\n        break;\n    case !y:\n        break;\n}');
        bt('a !== b');
        bt('if (a) b(); else c();', "if (a) b();\nelse c();");
        bt("// comment\n(function something() {})"); // typical greasemonkey start
        bt("{\n\n    x();\n\n}"); // was: duplicating newlines
        bt('if (a in b) foo();');
        bt('var a, b;');
        //  bt('var a, b');
        bt('{a:1, b:2}', "{\n    a: 1,\n    b: 2\n}");
        bt('a={1:[-1],2:[+1]}', 'a = {\n    1: [-1],\n    2: [+1]\n}');
        bt('var l = {\'a\':\'1\', \'b\':\'2\'}', "var l = {\n    'a': '1',\n    'b': '2'\n}");
        bt('if (template.user[n] in bk) foo();');
        bt('{{}/z/}', "{\n    {}\n    /z/\n}");
        bt('return 45', "return 45");
        bt('return this.prevObject ||\n\n    this.constructor(null);');
        bt('If[1]', "If[1]");
        bt('Then[1]', "Then[1]");
        bt('a = 1e10', "a = 1e10");
        bt('a = 1.3e10', "a = 1.3e10");
        bt('a = 1.3e-10', "a = 1.3e-10");
        bt('a = -1.3e-10', "a = -1.3e-10");
        bt('a = 1e-10', "a = 1e-10");
        bt('a = e - 10', "a = e - 10");
        bt('a = 11-10', "a = 11 - 10");
        bt("a = 1;// comment", "a = 1; // comment");
        bt("a = 1; // comment", "a = 1; // comment");
        bt("a = 1;\n // comment", "a = 1;\n// comment");
        bt('a = [-1, -1, -1]');

        // The exact formatting these should have is open for discussion, but they are at least reasonable
        bt('a = [ // comment\n    -1, -1, -1\n]');
        bt('var a = [ // comment\n    -1, -1, -1\n]');
        bt('a = [ // comment\n    -1, // comment\n    -1, -1\n]');
        bt('var a = [ // comment\n    -1, // comment\n    -1, -1\n]');

        bt('o = [{a:b},{c:d}]', 'o = [{\n    a: b\n}, {\n    c: d\n}]');

        bt("if (a) {\n    do();\n}"); // was: extra space appended

        bt("if (a) {\n// comment\n}else{\n// comment\n}", "if (a) {\n    // comment\n} else {\n    // comment\n}"); // if/else statement with empty body
        bt("if (a) {\n// comment\n// comment\n}", "if (a) {\n    // comment\n    // comment\n}"); // multiple comments indentation
        bt("if (a) b() else c();", "if (a) b()\nelse c();");
        bt("if (a) b() else if c() d();", "if (a) b()\nelse if c() d();");

        bt("do { a(); } while ( 1 );", "do {\n    a();\n} while (1);");
        bt("do {} while (1);");
        bt("do {\n} while (1);", "do {} while (1);");
        bt("do {\n\n} while (1);");
        bt("var a = x(a, b, c)");
        bt("delete x if (a) b();", "delete x\nif (a) b();");
        bt("delete x[x] if (a) b();", "delete x[x]\nif (a) b();");
        bt("for(var a=1,b=2)d", "for (var a = 1, b = 2) d");
        bt("for(var a=1,b=2,c=3) d", "for (var a = 1, b = 2, c = 3) d");
        bt("for(var a=1,b=2,c=3;d<3;d++)\ne", "for (var a = 1, b = 2, c = 3; d < 3; d++)\n    e");
        bt("function x(){(a||b).c()}", "function x() {\n    (a || b).c()\n}");
        bt("function x(){return - 1}", "function x() {\n    return -1\n}");
        bt("function x(){return ! a}", "function x() {\n    return !a\n}");
        bt("x => x", "x => x");
        bt("(x) => x", "(x) => x");
        bt("x => { x }", "x => {\n    x\n}");
        bt("(x) => { x }", "(x) => {\n    x\n}");

        // a common snippet in jQuery plugins
        bt("settings = $.extend({},defaults,settings);", "settings = $.extend({}, defaults, settings);");

        // reserved words used as property names
        bt("$http().then().finally().default()", "$http().then().finally().default()");
        bt("$http()\n.then()\n.finally()\n.default()", "$http()\n    .then()\n    .finally()\n    .default()");
        bt("$http()", "$http()");
        bt("$http()\n.when\\\n.catch()\n.throw()", "$http()\n    .when\n    .in\n    .new\n    .catch()\n    .throw()");

        bt('{xxx;}()', '{\n    xxx;\n}()');

        bt("a = 'a'\nb = 'b'");
        bt("a = /reg/exp");
        bt("a = /reg/");
        bt("{/abc/i.test()}", "{\n    /abc/i.test()\n}");
        bt('var x=(a)/a;', 'var x = (a) / a;');

        bt('x != -1', 'x != -1');

        bt('for (; s-->0;)t', 'for (; s-- > 0;) t');
        bt('for (; s++>0;)u', 'for (; s++ > 0;) u');
        bt('a = s++>s--;', 'a = s++ > s--;');
        bt('a = s++>--s;', 'a = s++ > --s;');

        bt('{x=#1=[]}', '{\n    x = #1=[]\n}');
        bt('{a:#1={}}', '{\n    a: #1={}\n}');
        bt('{a:#1#}', '{\n    a: #1#\n}');


        test_fragment('{a:1},{a:2}', '{\n    a: 1\n}, {\n    a: 2\n}');
        test_fragment('var ary=[{a:1}, {a:2}];', 'var ary = [{\n    a: 1\n}, {\n    a: 2\n}];');

        test_fragment('{a:#1', '{\n    a: #1'); // incomplete
        test_fragment('{a:#', '{\n    a: #'); // incomplete

        test_fragment('}}}', '}\n}\n}'); // incomplete

        test_fragment('<!--\nvoid();\n// -->', '<!--\nvoid();\n// -->');

        test_fragment('a=/regexp', 'a = /regexp'); // incomplete regexp

        bt('{a:#1=[],b:#1#,c:#999999#}', '{\n    a: #1=[],\n    b: #1#,\n    c: #999999#\n}');

        bt("a = 1e+2");
        bt("a = 1e-2");
        bt("do{x()}while(a>1)", "do {\n    x()\n} while (a > 1)");

        bt("x(); /reg/exp.match(something)", "x();\n/reg/exp.match(something)");

        test_fragment("something();(", "something();\n(");
        test_fragment("#!she/bangs, she bangs\nf=1", "#!she/bangs, she bangs\n\nf = 1");
        test_fragment("#!she/bangs, she bangs\n\nf=1", "#!she/bangs, she bangs\n\nf = 1");
        test_fragment("#!she/bangs, she bangs\n\n/* comment */", "#!she/bangs, she bangs\n\n/* comment */");
        test_fragment("#!she/bangs, she bangs\n\n\n/* comment */", "#!she/bangs, she bangs\n\n\n/* comment */");
        test_fragment("#", "#");
        test_fragment("#!", "#!");

        bt("function namespace::something()");

        test_fragment("<!--\nsomething();\n-->", "<!--\nsomething();\n-->");
        test_fragment("<!--\nif(i<0){bla();}\n-->", "<!--\nif (i < 0) {\n    bla();\n}\n-->");

        bt('{foo();--bar;}', '{\n    foo();\n    --bar;\n}');
        bt('{foo();++bar;}', '{\n    foo();\n    ++bar;\n}');
        bt('{--bar;}', '{\n    --bar;\n}');
        bt('{++bar;}', '{\n    ++bar;\n}');
        bt('if(true)++a;','if (true) ++a;');
        bt('if(true)\n++a;','if (true)\n    ++a;');
        bt('if(true)--a;','if (true) --a;');
        bt('if(true)\n--a;','if (true)\n    --a;');

        // Handling of newlines around unary ++ and -- operators
        bt('{foo\n++bar;}', '{\n    foo\n    ++bar;\n}');
        bt('{foo++\nbar;}', '{\n    foo++\n    bar;\n}');

        // This is invalid, but harder to guard against. Issue #203.
        bt('{foo\n++\nbar;}', '{\n    foo\n    ++\n    bar;\n}');

        // regexps
        bt('a(/abc\\/\\/def/);b()', "a(/abc\\/\\/def/);\nb()");
        bt('a(/a[b\\[\\]c]d/);b()', "a(/a[b\\[\\]c]d/);\nb()");
        test_fragment('a(/a[b\\[', "a(/a[b\\["); // incomplete char class
        // allow unescaped / in char classes
        bt('a(/[a/b]/);b()', "a(/[a/b]/);\nb()");
        bt('typeof /foo\\//;');
        bt('yield /foo\\//;');
        bt('throw /foo\\//;');
        bt('do /foo\\//;');
        bt('return /foo\\//;');
        bt('switch (a) {\n    case /foo\\//:\n        b\n}');
        bt('if (a) /foo\\//\nelse /foo\\//;');

        bt('function foo() {\n    return [\n        "one",\n        "two"\n    ];\n}');
        bt('a=[[1,2],[4,5],[7,8]]', "a = [\n    [1, 2],\n    [4, 5],\n    [7, 8]\n]");
            "a = [\n    [1, 2],\n    [4, 5],\n    function() {},\n    [7, 8]\n]");
            "a = [\n    [1, 2],\n    [4, 5],\n    function() {},\n    function() {},\n    [7, 8]\n]");
            "a = [\n    [1, 2],\n    [4, 5],\n    function() {},\n    [7, 8]\n]");
            "a = [b, c, function() {}, function() {}, d]");
            "a = [b, c,\n    function() {},\n    function() {},\n    d\n]");
        bt('a=[a[1],b[4],c[d[7]]]', "a = [a[1], b[4], c[d[7]]]");
        bt('[1,2,[3,4,[5,6],7],8]', "[1, 2, [3, 4, [5, 6], 7], 8]");

            '[\n    [\n        ["1", "2"],\n        ["3", "4"]\n    ],\n    [\n        ["5", "6", "7"],\n        ["8", "9", "0"]\n    ],\n    [\n        ["1", "2", "3"],\n        ["4", "5", "6", "7"],\n        ["8", "9", "0"]\n    ]\n]');

        bt('{[x()[0]];indent;}', '{\n    [x()[0]];\n    indent;\n}');

        bt('return ++i', 'return ++i');
        bt('return !!x', 'return !!x');
        bt('return !x', 'return !x');
        bt('return [1,2]', 'return [1, 2]');
        bt('return;', 'return;');
        bt('return\nfunc', 'return\nfunc');
        bt('catch(e)', 'catch (e)');
        bt('yield [1, 2]');

        bt('var a=1,b={foo:2,bar:3},{baz:4,wham:5},c=4;',
            'var a = 1,\n    b = {\n        foo: 2,\n        bar: 3\n    },\n    {\n        baz: 4,\n        wham: 5\n    }, c = 4;');
        bt('var a=1,b={foo:2,bar:3},{baz:4,wham:5},\nc=4;',
            'var a = 1,\n    b = {\n        foo: 2,\n        bar: 3\n    },\n    {\n        baz: 4,\n        wham: 5\n    },\n    c = 4;');

        // inline comment
        bt('function x(/*int*/ start, /*string*/ foo)', 'function x( /*int*/ start, /*string*/ foo)');

        // javadoc comment
        bt('/**\n* foo\n*/', '/**\n * foo\n */');
        bt('{\n/**\n* foo\n*/\n}', '{\n    /**\n     * foo\n     */\n}');

        // starless block comment
        bt('/**\nfoo\n    bar\n**/');
        bt('{\n/**\nfoo\n*/\n}', '{\n    /**\n    foo\n    */\n}');
        bt('{\n/**\nfoo\n**/\n}', '{\n    /**\n    foo\n    **/\n}');
        bt('{\n/**\nfoo\nbar\n**/\n}', '{\n    /**\n    foo\n    bar\n    **/\n}');
        bt('{\n/**\nfoo\n\nbar\n**/\n}', '{\n    /**\n    foo\n\n    bar\n    **/\n}');
        bt('{\n/**\nfoo\n    bar\n**/\n}', '{\n    /**\n    foo\n        bar\n    **/\n}');
        bt('{\n    /**\n    foo\nbar\n    **/\n}');

        bt('var a,b,c=1,d,e,f=2;', 'var a, b, c = 1,\n    d, e, f = 2;');
        bt('var a,b,c=[],d,e,f=2;', 'var a, b, c = [],\n    d, e, f = 2;');
        bt('function() {\n    var a, b, c, d, e = [],\n        f;\n}');

        bt('do/regexp/;\nwhile(1);', 'do /regexp/;\nwhile (1);'); // hmmm

        bt('var a = a,\na;\nb = {\nb\n}', 'var a = a,\n    a;\nb = {\n    b\n}');

        bt('var a = a,\n    /* c */\n    b;');
        bt('var a = a,\n    // c\n    b;');

        bt('foo.("bar");'); // weird element referencing

        bt('if (a) a()\nelse b()\nnewline()');
        bt('if (a) a()\nnewline()');
        bt('a=typeof(x)', 'a = typeof(x)');

        bt('var a = function() {\n        return null;\n    },\n    b = false;');

        bt('var a = function() {\n    func1()\n}');
        bt('var a = function() {\n    func1()\n}\nvar b = function() {\n    func2()\n}');

        // code with and without semicolons
        bt( 'var whatever = require("whatever");\nfunction() {\n    a = 6;\n}',
            'var whatever = require("whatever");\n\nfunction() {\n    a = 6;\n}');
        bt( 'var whatever = require("whatever")\nfunction() {\n    a = 6\n}',
            'var whatever = require("whatever")\n\nfunction() {\n    a = 6\n}');

        opts.space_after_anon_function = true;

        bt('switch(x) {case 0: case 1: a(); break; default: break}',
            "switch (x) {\n    case 0:\n    case 1:\n        a();\n        break;\n    default:\n        break\n}");
        bt('switch(x){case -1:break;case !y:break;}',
            'switch (x) {\n    case -1:\n        break;\n    case !y:\n        break;\n}');
        bt('a=typeof(x)', 'a = typeof (x)');
        bt('x();\n\nfunction(){}', 'x();\n\nfunction () {}');
        bt('function () {\n    var a, b, c, d, e = [],\n        f;\n}');
        test_fragment("// comment 1\n(function()", "// comment 1\n(function ()"); // typical greasemonkey start
        bt('var o1=$.extend(a);function(){alert(x);}', 'var o1 = $.extend(a);\n\nfunction () {\n    alert(x);\n}');
        bt('function* () {\n    yield 1;\n}');

        opts.space_after_anon_function = false;

        opts.jslint_happy = true;

        bt('a=typeof(x)', 'a = typeof (x)');
        bt('x();\n\nfunction(){}', 'x();\n\nfunction () {}');
        bt('function () {\n    var a, b, c, d, e = [],\n        f;\n}');
        bt('switch(x) {case 0: case 1: a(); break; default: break}',
            "switch (x) {\ncase 0:\ncase 1:\n    a();\n    break;\ndefault:\n    break\n}");
        bt('switch(x){case -1:break;case !y:break;}',
            'switch (x) {\ncase -1:\n    break;\ncase !y:\n    break;\n}');
        test_fragment("// comment 1\n(function()", "// comment 1\n(function ()"); // typical greasemonkey start
        bt('var o1=$.extend(a);function(){alert(x);}', 'var o1 = $.extend(a);\n\nfunction () {\n    alert(x);\n}');
        bt('function* () {\n    yield 1;\n}');

        opts.jslint_happy = false;

        bt('switch(x) {case 0: case 1: a(); break; default: break}',
            "switch (x) {\n    case 0:\n    case 1:\n        a();\n        break;\n    default:\n        break\n}");
        bt('switch(x){case -1:break;case !y:break;}',
            'switch (x) {\n    case -1:\n        break;\n    case !y:\n        break;\n}');
        test_fragment("// comment 2\n(function()", "// comment 2\n(function()"); // typical greasemonkey start
        bt("var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function() {}, d = '';", "var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n    c = function() {},\n    d = '';");
        bt("var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0, c = function() {},\nd = '';", "var a2, b2, c2, d2 = 0,\n    c = function() {},\n    d = '';");
        bt('var o2=$.extend(a);function(){alert(x);}', 'var o2 = $.extend(a);\n\nfunction() {\n    alert(x);\n}');
        bt('function*() {\n    yield 1;\n}');

        bt('function* x() {\n    yield 1;\n}');

        bt('{"x":[{"a":1,"b":3},\n7,8,8,8,8,{"b":99},{"a":11}]}', '{\n    "x": [{\n            "a": 1,\n            "b": 3\n        },\n        7, 8, 8, 8, 8, {\n            "b": 99\n        }, {\n            "a": 11\n        }\n    ]\n}');
        bt('{"x":[{"a":1,"b":3},7,8,8,8,8,{"b":99},{"a":11}]}', '{\n    "x": [{\n        "a": 1,\n        "b": 3\n    }, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, {\n        "b": 99\n    }, {\n        "a": 11\n    }]\n}');

        bt('{"1":{"1a":"1b"},"2"}', '{\n    "1": {\n        "1a": "1b"\n    },\n    "2"\n}');
        bt('{a:{a:b},c}', '{\n    a: {\n        a: b\n    },\n    c\n}');

        bt('{[y[a]];keep_indent;}', '{\n    [y[a]];\n    keep_indent;\n}');

        bt('if (x) {y} else { if (x) {y}}', 'if (x) {\n    y\n} else {\n    if (x) {\n        y\n    }\n}');

        bt('if (foo) one()\ntwo()\nthree()');
        bt('if (1 + foo() && bar(baz()) / 2) one()\ntwo()\nthree()');
        bt('if (1 + foo() && bar(baz()) / 2) one();\ntwo();\nthree();');

        opts.indent_size = 1;
        opts.indent_char = ' ';
        bt('{ one_char() }', "{\n one_char()\n}");

        bt('var a,b=1,c=2', 'var a, b = 1,\n c = 2');

        opts.indent_size = 4;
        opts.indent_char = ' ';
        bt('{ one_char() }', "{\n    one_char()\n}");

        opts.indent_size = 1;
        opts.indent_char = "\t";
        bt('{ one_char() }', "{\n\tone_char()\n}");
        bt('x = a ? b : c; x;', 'x = a ? b : c;\nx;');

        //set to something else than it should change to, but with tabs on, should override
        opts.indent_size = 5;
        opts.indent_char = ' ';
        opts.indent_with_tabs = true;

        bt('{ one_char() }', "{\n\tone_char()\n}");
        bt('x = a ? b : c; x;', 'x = a ? b : c;\nx;');

        opts.indent_size = 4;
        opts.indent_char = ' ';
        opts.indent_with_tabs = false;

        opts.preserve_newlines = false;

        bt('var\na=dont_preserve_newlines;', 'var a = dont_preserve_newlines;');

        // make sure the blank line between function definitions stays
        // even when preserve_newlines = false
        bt('function foo() {\n    return 1;\n}\n\nfunction foo() {\n    return 1;\n}');
        bt('function foo() {\n    return 1;\n}\nfunction foo() {\n    return 1;\n}',
           'function foo() {\n    return 1;\n}\n\nfunction foo() {\n    return 1;\n}'
        bt('function foo() {\n    return 1;\n}\n\n\nfunction foo() {\n    return 1;\n}',
           'function foo() {\n    return 1;\n}\n\nfunction foo() {\n    return 1;\n}'

        opts.preserve_newlines = true;
        bt('var\na=do_preserve_newlines;', 'var\n    a = do_preserve_newlines;');
        bt('// a\n// b\n\n// c\n// d');
        bt('if (foo) //  comment\n{\n    bar();\n}');

        opts.keep_array_indentation = false;
        bt("a = ['a', 'b', 'c',\n   'd', 'e', 'f']",
            "a = ['a', 'b', 'c',\n    'd', 'e', 'f'\n]");
        bt("a = ['a', 'b', 'c',\n   'd', 'e', 'f',\n        'g', 'h', 'i']",
            "a = ['a', 'b', 'c',\n    'd', 'e', 'f',\n    'g', 'h', 'i'\n]");
        bt("a = ['a', 'b', 'c',\n       'd', 'e', 'f',\n            'g', 'h', 'i']",
            "a = ['a', 'b', 'c',\n    'd', 'e', 'f',\n    'g', 'h', 'i'\n]");
        bt('var x = [{}\n]', 'var x = [{}]');
        bt('var x = [{foo:bar}\n]', 'var x = [{\n    foo: bar\n}]');
        bt("a = ['something',\n    'completely',\n    'different'];\nif (x);",
            "a = ['something',\n    'completely',\n    'different'\n];\nif (x);");
        bt("a = ['a','b','c']", "a = ['a', 'b', 'c']");

        bt("a = ['a',   'b','c']", "a = ['a', 'b', 'c']");
        bt("x = [{'a':0}]",
            "x = [{\n    'a': 0\n}]");
        bt('{a([[a1]], {b;});}',
            '{\n    a([\n        [a1]\n    ], {\n        b;\n    });\n}');
        bt("a();\n   [\n   ['sdfsdfsd'],\n        ['sdfsdfsdf']\n   ].toString();",
            "a();\n[\n    ['sdfsdfsd'],\n    ['sdfsdfsdf']\n].toString();");
        bt("a();\na = [\n   ['sdfsdfsd'],\n        ['sdfsdfsdf']\n   ].toString();",
            "a();\na = [\n    ['sdfsdfsd'],\n    ['sdfsdfsdf']\n].toString();");
        bt("function() {\n    Foo([\n        ['sdfsdfsd'],\n        ['sdfsdfsdf']\n    ]);\n}",
            "function() {\n    Foo([\n        ['sdfsdfsd'],\n        ['sdfsdfsdf']\n    ]);\n}");
        bt('function foo() {\n    return [\n        "one",\n        "two"\n    ];\n}');
        // 4 spaces per indent input, processed with 4-spaces per indent
        bt( "function foo() {\n" +
            "    return [\n" +
            "        {\n" +
            "            one: 'x',\n" +
            "            two: [\n" +
            "                {\n" +
            "                    id: 'a',\n" +
            "                    name: 'apple'\n" +
            "                }, {\n" +
            "                    id: 'b',\n" +
            "                    name: 'banana'\n" +
            "                }\n" +
            "            ]\n" +
            "        }\n" +
            "    ];\n" +
            "function foo() {\n" +
            "    return [{\n" +
            "        one: 'x',\n" +
            "        two: [{\n" +
            "            id: 'a',\n" +
            "            name: 'apple'\n" +
            "        }, {\n" +
            "            id: 'b',\n" +
            "            name: 'banana'\n" +
            "        }]\n" +
            "    }];\n" +
        // 3 spaces per indent input, processed with 4-spaces per indent
        bt( "function foo() {\n" +
            "   return [\n" +
            "      {\n" +
            "         one: 'x',\n" +
            "         two: [\n" +
            "            {\n" +
            "               id: 'a',\n" +
            "               name: 'apple'\n" +
            "            }, {\n" +
            "               id: 'b',\n" +
            "               name: 'banana'\n" +
            "            }\n" +
            "         ]\n" +
            "      }\n" +
            "   ];\n" +
            "function foo() {\n" +
            "    return [{\n" +
            "        one: 'x',\n" +
            "        two: [{\n" +
            "            id: 'a',\n" +
            "            name: 'apple'\n" +
            "        }, {\n" +
            "            id: 'b',\n" +
            "            name: 'banana'\n" +
            "        }]\n" +
            "    }];\n" +

        opts.keep_array_indentation = true;
        bt("a = ['a', 'b', 'c',\n   'd', 'e', 'f']");
        bt("a = ['a', 'b', 'c',\n   'd', 'e', 'f',\n        'g', 'h', 'i']");
        bt("a = ['a', 'b', 'c',\n       'd', 'e', 'f',\n            'g', 'h', 'i']");
        bt('var x = [{}\n]', 'var x = [{}\n]');
        bt('var x = [{foo:bar}\n]', 'var x = [{\n        foo: bar\n    }\n]');
        bt("a = ['something',\n    'completely',\n    'different'];\nif (x);");
        bt("a = ['a','b','c']", "a = ['a', 'b', 'c']");
        bt("a = ['a',   'b','c']", "a = ['a', 'b', 'c']");
        bt("x = [{'a':0}]",
            "x = [{\n    'a': 0\n}]");
        bt('{a([[a1]], {b;});}',
            '{\n    a([[a1]], {\n        b;\n    });\n}');
        bt("a();\n   [\n   ['sdfsdfsd'],\n        ['sdfsdfsdf']\n   ].toString();",
            "a();\n   [\n   ['sdfsdfsd'],\n        ['sdfsdfsdf']\n   ].toString();");
        bt("a();\na = [\n   ['sdfsdfsd'],\n        ['sdfsdfsdf']\n   ].toString();",
            "a();\na = [\n   ['sdfsdfsd'],\n        ['sdfsdfsdf']\n   ].toString();");
        bt("function() {\n    Foo([\n        ['sdfsdfsd'],\n        ['sdfsdfsdf']\n    ]);\n}",
            "function() {\n    Foo([\n        ['sdfsdfsd'],\n        ['sdfsdfsdf']\n    ]);\n}");
        bt('function foo() {\n    return [\n        "one",\n        "two"\n    ];\n}');
        // 4 spaces per indent input, processed with 4-spaces per indent
        bt( "function foo() {\n" +
            "    return [\n" +
            "        {\n" +
            "            one: 'x',\n" +
            "            two: [\n" +
            "                {\n" +
            "                    id: 'a',\n" +
            "                    name: 'apple'\n" +
            "                }, {\n" +
            "                    id: 'b',\n" +
            "                    name: 'banana'\n" +
            "                }\n" +
            "            ]\n" +
            "        }\n" +
            "    ];\n" +
        // 3 spaces per indent input, processed with 4-spaces per indent
        // Should be unchanged, but is not - #445
//         bt( "function foo() {\n" +
//             "   return [\n" +
//             "      {\n" +
//             "         one: 'x',\n" +
//             "         two: [\n" +
//             "            {\n" +
//             "               id: 'a',\n" +
//             "               name: 'apple'\n" +
//             "            }, {\n" +
//             "               id: 'b',\n" +
//             "               name: 'banana'\n" +
//             "            }\n" +
//             "         ]\n" +
//             "      }\n" +
//             "   ];\n" +
//             "}");

        opts.keep_array_indentation = false;

        bt('a = //comment\n    /regex/;');

        test_fragment('/*\n * X\n */');
        test_fragment('/*\r\n * X\r\n */', '/*\n * X\n */');

        bt('if (a)\n{\nb;\n}\nelse\n{\nc;\n}', 'if (a) {\n    b;\n} else {\n    c;\n}');

        opts.brace_style = 'expand';

        bt('//case 1\nif (a == 1)\n{}\n//case 2\nelse if (a == 2)\n{}');
        bt('if(1){2}else{3}', "if (1)\n{\n    2\n}\nelse\n{\n    3\n}");
            "try\n{\n    a();\n}\ncatch (b)\n{\n    c();\n}\ncatch (d)\n{}\nfinally\n{\n    e();\n}");
        bt('if(a){b();}else if(c) foo();',
            "if (a)\n{\n    b();\n}\nelse if (c) foo();");
        bt('if(X)if(Y)a();else b();else c();',
            "if (X)\n    if (Y) a();\n    else b();\nelse c();");
        bt("if (a) {\n// comment\n}else{\n// comment\n}",
            "if (a)\n{\n    // comment\n}\nelse\n{\n    // comment\n}"); // if/else statement with empty body
        bt('if (x) {y} else { if (x) {y}}',
            'if (x)\n{\n    y\n}\nelse\n{\n    if (x)\n    {\n        y\n    }\n}');
        bt('if (a)\n{\nb;\n}\nelse\n{\nc;\n}',
            'if (a)\n{\n    b;\n}\nelse\n{\n    c;\n}');
        test_fragment('    /*\n* xx\n*/\n// xx\nif (foo) {\n    bar();\n}',
                      '    /*\n     * xx\n     */\n    // xx\n    if (foo)\n    {\n        bar();\n    }');
        bt('if (foo)\n{}\nelse /regex/.test();');
        bt('if (foo) /regex/.test();');
        bt('if (a)\n{\nb;\n}\nelse\n{\nc;\n}', 'if (a)\n{\n    b;\n}\nelse\n{\n    c;\n}');
        test_fragment('if (foo) {', 'if (foo)\n{');
        test_fragment('foo {', 'foo\n{');
        test_fragment('return {', 'return {'); // return needs the brace.
        test_fragment('return /* inline */ {', 'return /* inline */ {');
        // test_fragment('return\n{', 'return\n{'); // can't support this?, but that's an improbable and extreme case anyway.
        test_fragment('return;\n{', 'return;\n{');
        bt("throw {}");
        bt("throw {\n    foo;\n}");
        bt('var foo = {}');
        bt('if (foo) bar();\nelse break');
        bt('function x() {\n    foo();\n}zzz', 'function x()\n{\n    foo();\n}\nzzz');
        test_fragment('a: do {} while (); xxx', 'a: do {} while ();\nxxx');
        bt('{a: do {} while (); xxx}', '{\n    a: do {} while ();xxx\n}');
        bt('var a = new function();');
        bt('var a = new function() {};');
        bt('var a = new function()\n{};', 'var a = new function() {};');
        bt('var a = new function a()\n{};');
        bt('var a = new function a()\n    {},\n    b = new function b()\n    {};');
        test_fragment('new function');
        bt("foo({\n    'a': 1\n},\n10);",
            "foo(\n    {\n        'a': 1\n    },\n    10);");
        bt('(["foo","bar"]).each(function(i) {return i;});',
            '(["foo", "bar"]).each(function(i)\n{\n    return i;\n});');
        bt('(function(i) {return i;})();',
            '(function(i)\n{\n    return i;\n})();');
        bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" +
            "    'Value1': '1'\n" +
            "}, /*Argument 2\n" +
            " */ {\n" +
            "    'Value2': '2'\n" +
            // expected
            "test( /*Argument 1*/\n" +
            "    {\n" +
            "        'Value1': '1'\n" +
            "    },\n" +
            "    /*Argument 2\n" +
            "     */\n" +
            "    {\n" +
            "        'Value2': '2'\n" +
            "    });");
        bt( "test(\n" +
            "/*Argument 1*/ {\n" +
            "    'Value1': '1'\n" +
            "},\n" +
            "/*Argument 2\n" +
            " */ {\n" +
            "    'Value2': '2'\n" +
            // expected
            "test(\n" +
            "    /*Argument 1*/\n" +
            "    {\n" +
            "        'Value1': '1'\n" +
            "    },\n" +
            "    /*Argument 2\n" +
            "     */\n" +
            "    {\n" +
            "        'Value2': '2'\n" +
            "    });");
        bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/\n" +
            "{\n" +
            "    'Value1': '1'\n" +
            "}, /*Argument 2\n" +
            " */\n" +
            "{\n" +
            "    'Value2': '2'\n" +
            // expected
            "test( /*Argument 1*/\n" +
            "    {\n" +
            "        'Value1': '1'\n" +
            "    },\n" +
            "    /*Argument 2\n" +
            "     */\n" +
            "    {\n" +
            "        'Value2': '2'\n" +
            "    });");

        opts.brace_style = 'collapse';

        bt('//case 1\nif (a == 1) {}\n//case 2\nelse if (a == 2) {}');
        bt('if(1){2}else{3}', "if (1) {\n    2\n} else {\n    3\n}");
             "try {\n    a();\n} catch (b) {\n    c();\n} catch (d) {} finally {\n    e();\n}");
        bt('if(a){b();}else if(c) foo();',
            "if (a) {\n    b();\n} else if (c) foo();");
        bt("if (a) {\n// comment\n}else{\n// comment\n}",
            "if (a) {\n    // comment\n} else {\n    // comment\n}"); // if/else statement with empty body
        bt('if (x) {y} else { if (x) {y}}',
            'if (x) {\n    y\n} else {\n    if (x) {\n        y\n    }\n}');
        bt('if (a)\n{\nb;\n}\nelse\n{\nc;\n}',
            'if (a) {\n    b;\n} else {\n    c;\n}');
        test_fragment('    /*\n* xx\n*/\n// xx\nif (foo) {\n    bar();\n}',
                      '    /*\n     * xx\n     */\n    // xx\n    if (foo) {\n        bar();\n    }');
        bt('if (foo) {} else /regex/.test();');
        bt('if (foo) /regex/.test();');
        bt('if (a)\n{\nb;\n}\nelse\n{\nc;\n}', 'if (a) {\n    b;\n} else {\n    c;\n}');
        test_fragment('if (foo) {', 'if (foo) {');
        test_fragment('foo {', 'foo {');
        test_fragment('return {', 'return {'); // return needs the brace.
        test_fragment('return /* inline */ {', 'return /* inline */ {');
        // test_fragment('return\n{', 'return\n{'); // can't support this?, but that's an improbable and extreme case anyway.
        test_fragment('return;\n{', 'return; {');
        bt("throw {}");
        bt("throw {\n    foo;\n}");
        bt('var foo = {}');
        bt('if (foo) bar();\nelse break');
        bt('function x() {\n    foo();\n}zzz', 'function x() {\n    foo();\n}\nzzz');
        test_fragment('a: do {} while (); xxx', 'a: do {} while ();\nxxx');
        bt('{a: do {} while (); xxx}', '{\n    a: do {} while ();xxx\n}');
        bt('var a = new function();');
        bt('var a = new function() {};');
        bt('var a = new function a() {};');
        test_fragment('new function');
        bt("foo({\n    'a': 1\n},\n10);",
            "foo({\n        'a': 1\n    },\n    10);");
        bt('(["foo","bar"]).each(function(i) {return i;});',
            '(["foo", "bar"]).each(function(i) {\n    return i;\n});');
        bt('(function(i) {return i;})();',
            '(function(i) {\n    return i;\n})();');
        bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" +
            "    'Value1': '1'\n" +
            "}, /*Argument 2\n" +
            " */ {\n" +
            "    'Value2': '2'\n" +
            // expected
            "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" +
            "        'Value1': '1'\n" +
            "    },\n" +
            "    /*Argument 2\n" +
            "     */\n" +
            "    {\n" +
            "        'Value2': '2'\n" +
            "    });");
        bt( "test(\n" +
            "/*Argument 1*/ {\n" +
            "    'Value1': '1'\n" +
            "},\n" +
            "/*Argument 2\n" +
            " */ {\n" +
            "    'Value2': '2'\n" +
            // expected
            "test(\n" +
            "    /*Argument 1*/\n" +
            "    {\n" +
            "        'Value1': '1'\n" +
            "    },\n" +
            "    /*Argument 2\n" +
            "     */\n" +
            "    {\n" +
            "        'Value2': '2'\n" +
            "    });");
        bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/\n" +
            "{\n" +
            "    'Value1': '1'\n" +
            "}, /*Argument 2\n" +
            " */\n" +
            "{\n" +
            "    'Value2': '2'\n" +
            // expected
            "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" +
            "        'Value1': '1'\n" +
            "    },\n" +
            "    /*Argument 2\n" +
            "     */\n" +
            "    {\n" +
            "        'Value2': '2'\n" +
            "    });");

        opts.brace_style = "end-expand";

        bt('//case 1\nif (a == 1) {}\n//case 2\nelse if (a == 2) {}');
        bt('if(1){2}else{3}', "if (1) {\n    2\n}\nelse {\n    3\n}");
            "try {\n    a();\n}\ncatch (b) {\n    c();\n}\ncatch (d) {}\nfinally {\n    e();\n}");
        bt('if(a){b();}else if(c) foo();',
            "if (a) {\n    b();\n}\nelse if (c) foo();");
        bt("if (a) {\n// comment\n}else{\n// comment\n}",
            "if (a) {\n    // comment\n}\nelse {\n    // comment\n}"); // if/else statement with empty body
        bt('if (x) {y} else { if (x) {y}}',
            'if (x) {\n    y\n}\nelse {\n    if (x) {\n        y\n    }\n}');
        bt('if (a)\n{\nb;\n}\nelse\n{\nc;\n}',
            'if (a) {\n    b;\n}\nelse {\n    c;\n}');
        test_fragment('    /*\n* xx\n*/\n// xx\nif (foo) {\n    bar();\n}',
                      '    /*\n     * xx\n     */\n    // xx\n    if (foo) {\n        bar();\n    }');
        bt('if (foo) {}\nelse /regex/.test();');
        bt('if (foo) /regex/.test();');
        bt('if (a)\n{\nb;\n}\nelse\n{\nc;\n}', 'if (a) {\n    b;\n}\nelse {\n    c;\n}');
        test_fragment('if (foo) {', 'if (foo) {');
        test_fragment('foo {', 'foo {');
        test_fragment('return {', 'return {'); // return needs the brace.
        test_fragment('return /* inline */ {', 'return /* inline */ {');
        // test_fragment('return\n{', 'return\n{'); // can't support this?, but that's an improbable and extreme case anyway.
        test_fragment('return;\n{', 'return; {');
        bt("throw {}");
        bt("throw {\n    foo;\n}");
        bt('var foo = {}');
        bt('if (foo) bar();\nelse break');
        bt('function x() {\n    foo();\n}zzz', 'function x() {\n    foo();\n}\nzzz');
        test_fragment('a: do {} while (); xxx', 'a: do {} while ();\nxxx');
        bt('{a: do {} while (); xxx}', '{\n    a: do {} while ();xxx\n}');
        bt('var a = new function();');
        bt('var a = new function() {};');
        bt('var a = new function a() {};');
        test_fragment('new function');
        bt("foo({\n    'a': 1\n},\n10);",
            "foo({\n        'a': 1\n    },\n    10);");
        bt('(["foo","bar"]).each(function(i) {return i;});',
            '(["foo", "bar"]).each(function(i) {\n    return i;\n});');
        bt('(function(i) {return i;})();',
            '(function(i) {\n    return i;\n})();');
        bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" +
            "    'Value1': '1'\n" +
            "}, /*Argument 2\n" +
            " */ {\n" +
            "    'Value2': '2'\n" +
            // expected
            "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" +
            "        'Value1': '1'\n" +
            "    },\n" +
            "    /*Argument 2\n" +
            "     */\n" +
            "    {\n" +
            "        'Value2': '2'\n" +
            "    });");
        bt( "test(\n" +
            "/*Argument 1*/ {\n" +
            "    'Value1': '1'\n" +
            "},\n" +
            "/*Argument 2\n" +
            " */ {\n" +
            "    'Value2': '2'\n" +
            // expected
            "test(\n" +
            "    /*Argument 1*/\n" +
            "    {\n" +
            "        'Value1': '1'\n" +
            "    },\n" +
            "    /*Argument 2\n" +
            "     */\n" +
            "    {\n" +
            "        'Value2': '2'\n" +
            "    });");
        bt( "test( /*Argument 1*/\n" +
            "{\n" +
            "    'Value1': '1'\n" +
            "}, /*Argument 2\n" +
            " */\n" +
            "{\n" +
            "    'Value2': '2'\n" +
            // expected
            "test( /*Argument 1*/ {\n" +
            "        'Value1': '1'\n" +
            "    },\n" +
            "    /*Argument 2\n" +
            "     */\n" +
            "    {\n" +
            "        'Value2': '2'\n" +
            "    });");

        opts.brace_style = 'collapse';

        bt('a = <?= external() ?> ;'); // not the most perfect thing in the world, but you're the weirdo beaufifying php mix-ins with javascript beautifier
        bt('a = <%= external() %> ;');

        bt('// func-comment\n\nfunction foo() {}\n\n// end-func-comment');

        test_fragment('roo = {\n    /*\n    ****\n      FOO\n    ****\n    */\n    BAR: 0\n};');

        bt('"foo""bar""baz"', '"foo"\n"bar"\n"baz"');
        bt("'foo''bar''baz'", "'foo'\n'bar'\n'baz'");

        test_fragment("if (zz) {\n    // ....\n}\n(function");

        bt("{\n    get foo() {}\n}");
        bt("{\n    var a = get\n    foo();\n}");
        bt("{\n    set foo() {}\n}");
        bt("{\n    var a = set\n    foo();\n}");
        bt("var x = {\n    get function()\n}");
        bt("var x = {\n    set function()\n}");

        // According to my current research get/set have no special meaning outside of an object literal
        bt("var x = set\n\na() {}", "var x = set\n\na() {}");
        bt("var x = set\n\nfunction() {}", "var x = set\n\nfunction() {}");

        bt('<!-- foo\nbar();\n-->');
        bt('<!-- dont crash');
        bt('for () /abc/.test()');
        bt('if (k) /aaa/m.test(v) && l();');
        bt('switch (true) {\n    case /swf/i.test(foo):\n        bar();\n}');
        bt('createdAt = {\n    type: Date,\n    default:\n}');
        bt('switch (createdAt) {\n    case a:\n        Date,\n    default:\n\n}');
        opts.space_before_conditional = false;
        bt('if(a) b()');
        opts.space_before_conditional = true;

        opts.preserve_newlines = true;
        bt('var a = 42; // foo\n\nvar b;');
        bt('var a = 42; // foo\n\n\nvar b;');
        bt("var a = 'foo' +\n    'bar';");
        bt("var a = \"foo\" +\n    \"bar\";");
        bt('this.oa = new OAuth(\n' +
           '    _requestToken,\n' +
           '    _accessToken,\n' +
           '    consumer_key\n' +

        opts.unescape_strings = false;
        test_fragment('"\\x22\\x27", \'\\x22\\x27\', "\\x5c", \'\\x5c\', "\\xff and \\xzz", "unicode \\u0000 \\u0022 \\u0027 \\u005c \\uffff \\uzzzz"');
        opts.unescape_strings = true;
        test_fragment('"\\x20\\x40\\x4a"', '" @J"');
        test_fragment('"\\u0072\\u016B\\u0137\\u012B\\u0074\\u0069\\u0073"', '"rūķītis"');
        test_fragment('"Google Chrome est\\u00E1 actualizado."', '"Google Chrome está actualizado."');
        bt('"\\x22\\x27",\'\\x22\\x27\',"\\x5c",\'\\x5c\',"\\xff and \\xzz","unicode \\u0000 \\u0022 \\u0027 \\u005c \\uffff \\uzzzz"',
           '"\\"\'", \'"\\\'\', "\\\\", \'\\\\\', "\\xff and \\xzz", "unicode \\u0000 \\" \' \\\\ \\uffff \\uzzzz"');
        opts.unescape_strings = false;

        bt('return function();');
        bt('var a = function();');
        bt('var a = 5 + function();');

        bt('3.*7;', '3. * 7;');
        bt('a = 1.e-64 * 0.5e+4 / 6e-23;');
        bt('import foo.*;', 'import foo.*;'); // actionscript's import
        test_fragment('function f(a: a, b: b)'); // actionscript

        bt('{\n    foo // something\n    ,\n    bar // something\n    baz\n}');
        bt('function a(a) {} function b(b) {} function c(c) {}', 'function a(a) {}\n\nfunction b(b) {}\n\nfunction c(c) {}');
        bt('foo(a, function() {})');

        bt('foo(a, /regex/)');

        bt('/* foo */\n"x"');

        opts.break_chained_methods = false;
        opts.preserve_newlines = false;
        bt('foo\\n.baz().cucumber(fat)', '');
        bt('foo\\n.baz().cucumber(fat);', ';\');
        bt('foo\\n.baz().cucumber(fat)\n', '\');
        bt('this\n.something =\n.baz().cucumber(fat)', 'this.something =');
        bt(' =');
        bt('this\n.something\ = foo.moo\', ' =');

        opts.break_chained_methods = false;
        opts.preserve_newlines = true;
        bt('foo\\n.baz().cucumber(fat)', 'foo\n    .bar()\n    .baz().cucumber(fat)');
        bt('foo\\n.baz().cucumber(fat);', 'foo\n    .bar()\n    .baz().cucumber(fat);\');
        bt('foo\\n.baz().cucumber(fat)\n', 'foo\n    .bar()\n    .baz().cucumber(fat)\');
        bt('this\n.something =\n.baz().cucumber(fat)', 'this\n    .something =\n    .baz().cucumber(fat)');
        bt(' =');
        bt('this\n.something\ = foo.moo\', 'this\n    .something\n    .xxx = foo.moo\n    .bar()');

        opts.break_chained_methods = true;
        opts.preserve_newlines = false;
        bt('foo\\n.baz().cucumber(fat)', '\n    .baz()\n    .cucumber(fat)');
        bt('foo\\n.baz().cucumber(fat);', '\n    .baz()\n    .cucumber(fat);\\n    .baz()\n    .cucumber(fat)');
        bt('foo\\n.baz().cucumber(fat)\n', '\n    .baz()\n    .cucumber(fat)\\n    .baz()\n    .cucumber(fat)');
        bt('this\n.something =\n.baz().cucumber(fat)', 'this.something =\n    .baz()\n    .cucumber(fat)');
        bt(' =');
        bt('this\n.something\ = foo.moo\', ' =');

        opts.break_chained_methods = true;
        opts.preserve_newlines = true;
        bt('foo\\n.baz().cucumber(fat)', 'foo\n    .bar()\n    .baz()\n    .cucumber(fat)');
        bt('foo\\n.baz().cucumber(fat);', 'foo\n    .bar()\n    .baz()\n    .cucumber(fat);\\n    .baz()\n    .cucumber(fat)');
        bt('foo\\n.baz().cucumber(fat)\n', 'foo\n    .bar()\n    .baz()\n    .cucumber(fat)\\n    .baz()\n    .cucumber(fat)');
        bt('this\n.something =\n.baz().cucumber(fat)', 'this\n    .something =\n    .baz()\n    .cucumber(fat)');
        bt(' =');
        bt('this\n.something\ = foo.moo\', 'this\n    .something\n    .xxx = foo.moo\n    .bar()');

        opts.break_chained_methods = false;

        // Line wrap test intputs
        wrap_input_1=(' && "sassy") || (leans\n&& mean));\n' +
                      'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n.but_this_can\n' +
                      'if (wraps_can_occur && inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n.okay();\n' +
                      'object_literal = {\n' +
                      '    propertx: first_token + 12345678.99999E-6,\n' +
                      '    property: first_token_should_never_wrap + but_this_can,\n' +
                      '    propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap + !but_this_can,\n' +
                      '    proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" + "but_this_can"\n' +

        wrap_input_2=('{\n' +
                      ' && "sassy") || (leans\n&& mean));\n' +
                      '    Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n.but_this_can\n' +
                      '    if (wraps_can_occur && inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n.okay();\n' +
                      '    object_literal = {\n' +
                      '        propertx: first_token + 12345678.99999E-6,\n' +
                      '        property: first_token_should_never_wrap + but_this_can,\n' +
                      '        propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap + !but_this_can,\n' +
                      '        proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" + "but_this_can"\n' +
                      '    }' +

        opts.preserve_newlines = false;
        opts.wrap_line_length = 0;
                      /* expected */
                      ' && "sassy") || (leans && mean));\n' +
                      'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' +
                      'if (wraps_can_occur && inside_an_if_block) that_is_.okay();\n' +
                      'object_literal = {\n' +
                      '    propertx: first_token + 12345678.99999E-6,\n' +
                      '    property: first_token_should_never_wrap + but_this_can,\n' +
                      '    propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap + !but_this_can,\n' +
                      '    proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" + "but_this_can"\n' +

        opts.wrap_line_length = 70;
                      /* expected */
                      ' && "sassy") || (leans && mean));\n' +
                      'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap.but_this_can\n' +
                      'if (wraps_can_occur && inside_an_if_block) that_is_.okay();\n' +
                      'object_literal = {\n' +
                      '    propertx: first_token + 12345678.99999E-6,\n' +
                      '    property: first_token_should_never_wrap + but_this_can,\n' +
                      '    propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap + !but_this_can,\n' +
                      '    proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" + "but_this_can"\n' +

        opts.wrap_line_length = 40;
                      /* expected */
                      ' &&\n' +
                      '    "sassy") || (leans && mean));\n' +
                      'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' +
                      '    .but_this_can\n' +
                      'if (wraps_can_occur &&\n' +
                      '    inside_an_if_block) that_is_.okay();\n' +
                      'object_literal = {\n' +
                      '    propertx: first_token +\n' +
                      '        12345678.99999E-6,\n' +
                      '    property: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' +
                      '        but_this_can,\n' +
                      '    propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' +
                      '        !but_this_can,\n' +
                      '    proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" +\n' +
                      '        "but_this_can"\n' +

        opts.wrap_line_length = 41;
        // NOTE: wrap is only best effort - line continues until next wrap point is found.
                      /* expected */
                      ' && "sassy") ||\n' +
                      '    (leans && mean));\n' +
                      'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' +
                      '    .but_this_can\n' +
                      'if (wraps_can_occur &&\n' +
                      '    inside_an_if_block) that_is_.okay();\n' +
                      'object_literal = {\n' +
                      '    propertx: first_token +\n' +
                      '        12345678.99999E-6,\n' +
                      '    property: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' +
                      '        but_this_can,\n' +
                      '    propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' +
                      '        !but_this_can,\n' +
                      '    proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" +\n' +
                      '        "but_this_can"\n' +

        opts.wrap_line_length = 45;
        // NOTE: wrap is only best effort - line continues until next wrap point is found.
                      /* expected */
                      '{\n' +
                      ' && "sassy") ||\n' +
                      '        (leans && mean));\n' +
                      '    Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' +
                      '        .but_this_can\n' +
                      '    if (wraps_can_occur &&\n' +
                      '        inside_an_if_block) that_is_.okay();\n' +
                      '    object_literal = {\n' +
                      '        propertx: first_token +\n' +
                      '            12345678.99999E-6,\n' +
                      '        property: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' +
                      '            but_this_can,\n' +
                      '        propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' +
                      '            !but_this_can,\n' +
                      '        proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" +\n' +
                      '            "but_this_can"\n' +
                      '    }\n'+

        opts.preserve_newlines = true;
        opts.wrap_line_length = 0;
                      /* expected */
                      ' && "sassy") || (leans && mean));\n' +
                      'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' +
                      '    .but_this_can\n' +
                      'if (wraps_can_occur && inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n' +
                      '    .okay();\n' +
                      'object_literal = {\n' +
                      '    propertx: first_token + 12345678.99999E-6,\n' +
                      '    property: first_token_should_never_wrap + but_this_can,\n' +
                      '    propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap + !but_this_can,\n' +
                      '    proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" + "but_this_can"\n' +

        opts.wrap_line_length = 70;
                      /* expected */
                      ' && "sassy") || (leans && mean));\n' +
                      'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' +
                      '    .but_this_can\n' +
                      'if (wraps_can_occur && inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n' +
                      '    .okay();\n' +
                      'object_literal = {\n' +
                      '    propertx: first_token + 12345678.99999E-6,\n' +
                      '    property: first_token_should_never_wrap + but_this_can,\n' +
                      '    propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap + !but_this_can,\n' +
                      '    proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" + "but_this_can"\n' +

        opts.wrap_line_length = 40;
                      /* expected */
                      ' &&\n' +
                      '    "sassy") || (leans && mean));\n' +
                      'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' +
                      '    .but_this_can\n' +
                      'if (wraps_can_occur &&\n' +
                      '    inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n' +
                      '    .okay();\n' +
                      'object_literal = {\n' +
                      '    propertx: first_token +\n' +
                      '        12345678.99999E-6,\n' +
                      '    property: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' +
                      '        but_this_can,\n' +
                      '    propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' +
                      '        !but_this_can,\n' +
                      '    proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" +\n' +
                      '        "but_this_can"\n' +

        opts.wrap_line_length = 41;
        // NOTE: wrap is only best effort - line continues until next wrap point is found.
                      /* expected */
                      ' && "sassy") ||\n' +
                      '    (leans && mean));\n' +
                      'Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' +
                      '    .but_this_can\n' +
                      'if (wraps_can_occur &&\n' +
                      '    inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n' +
                      '    .okay();\n' +
                      'object_literal = {\n' +
                      '    propertx: first_token +\n' +
                      '        12345678.99999E-6,\n' +
                      '    property: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' +
                      '        but_this_can,\n' +
                      '    propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' +
                      '        !but_this_can,\n' +
                      '    proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" +\n' +
                      '        "but_this_can"\n' +

        opts.wrap_line_length = 45;
        // NOTE: wrap is only best effort - line continues until next wrap point is found.
                      /* expected */
                      '{\n' +
                      ' && "sassy") ||\n' +
                      '        (leans && mean));\n' +
                      '    Test_very_long_variable_name_this_should_never_wrap\n' +
                      '        .but_this_can\n' +
                      '    if (wraps_can_occur &&\n' +
                      '        inside_an_if_block) that_is_\n' +
                      '        .okay();\n' +
                      '    object_literal = {\n' +
                      '        propertx: first_token +\n' +
                      '            12345678.99999E-6,\n' +
                      '        property: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' +
                      '            but_this_can,\n' +
                      '        propertz: first_token_should_never_wrap +\n' +
                      '            !but_this_can,\n' +
                      '        proper: "first_token_should_never_wrap" +\n' +
                      '            "but_this_can"\n' +
                      '    }\n'+

        opts.wrap_line_length = 0;

        opts.preserve_newlines = false;
        bt('if (foo) // comment\n    bar();');
        bt('if (foo) // comment\n    (bar());');
        bt('if (foo) // comment\n    (bar());');
        bt('if (foo) // comment\n    /asdf/;');
        bt('this.oa = new OAuth(\n' +
           '    _requestToken,\n' +
           '    _accessToken,\n' +
           '    consumer_key\n' +
           'this.oa = new OAuth(_requestToken, _accessToken, consumer_key);');
        bt('foo = {\n    x: y, // #44\n    w: z // #44\n}');
        bt('switch (x) {\n    case "a":\n        // comment on newline\n        break;\n    case "b": // comment on same line\n        break;\n}');
        bt('this.type =\n    this.options =\n    // comment\n    this.enabled null;',
           'this.type = this.options =\n    // comment\n    this.enabled null;');
        bt('someObj\n    .someFunc1()\n    // This comment should not break the indent\n    .someFunc2();',
           'someObj.someFunc1()\n    // This comment should not break the indent\n    .someFunc2();');

        bt('if (true ||\n!true) return;', 'if (true || !true) return;');

        // these aren't ready yet.
        //bt('if (foo) // comment\n    bar() /*i*/ + baz() /*j\n*/ + asdf();');
            'if (foo)\n    if (bar)\n        if (baz) whee();\na();');
            'if (foo)\n    if (bar)\n        if (baz) whee();\n        else a();');
        bt('if (foo)\nbar();\nelse\ncar();',
            'if (foo) bar();\nelse car();');

        bt('if (foo) if (bar) if (baz);\na();',
            'if (foo)\n    if (bar)\n        if (baz);\na();');
        bt('if (foo) if (bar) if (baz) whee();\na();',
            'if (foo)\n    if (bar)\n        if (baz) whee();\na();');
        bt('if (foo) a()\nif (bar) if (baz) whee();\na();',
            'if (foo) a()\nif (bar)\n    if (baz) whee();\na();');
        bt('if (foo);\nif (bar) if (baz) whee();\na();',
            'if (foo);\nif (bar)\n    if (baz) whee();\na();');
        bt('if (options)\n' +
           '    for (var p in options)\n' +
           '        this[p] = options[p];',
           'if (options)\n'+
           '    for (var p in options) this[p] = options[p];');
        bt('if (options) for (var p in options) this[p] = options[p];',
           'if (options)\n    for (var p in options) this[p] = options[p];');

        bt('if (options) do q(); while (b());',
           'if (options)\n    do q(); while (b());');
        bt('if (options) while (b()) q();',
           'if (options)\n    while (b()) q();');
        bt('if (options) do while (b()) q(); while (a());',
           'if (options)\n    do\n        while (b()) q(); while (a());');

        bt('function f(a, b, c,\nd, e) {}',
            'function f(a, b, c, d, e) {}');

        bt('function f(a,b) {if(a) b()}function g(a,b) {if(!a) b()}',
            'function f(a, b) {\n    if (a) b()\n}\n\nfunction g(a, b) {\n    if (!a) b()\n}');
        bt('function f(a,b) {if(a) b()}\n\n\n\nfunction g(a,b) {if(!a) b()}',
            'function f(a, b) {\n    if (a) b()\n}\n\nfunction g(a, b) {\n    if (!a) b()\n}');

        // This is not valid syntax, but still want to behave reasonably and not side-effect
        bt('(if(a) b())(if(a) b())',
            '(\n    if (a) b())(\n    if (a) b())');
        bt('(if(a) b())\n\n\n(if(a) b())',
            '(\n    if (a) b())\n(\n    if (a) b())');

        bt("if\n(a)\nb();", "if (a) b();");
        bt('var a =\nfoo', 'var a = foo');
        bt('var a = {\n"a":1,\n"b":2}', "var a = {\n    \"a\": 1,\n    \"b\": 2\n}");
        bt("var a = {\n'a':1,\n'b':2}", "var a = {\n    'a': 1,\n    'b': 2\n}");
        bt('var a = /*i*/ "b";');
        bt('var a = /*i*/\n"b";', 'var a = /*i*/ "b";');
        bt('var a = /*i*/\nb;', 'var a = /*i*/ b;');
        bt('{\n\n\n"x"\n}', '{\n    "x"\n}');
        bt('if(a &&\nb\n||\nc\n||d\n&&\ne) e = f', 'if (a && b || c || d && e) e = f');
        bt('if(a &&\n(b\n||\nc\n||d)\n&&\ne) e = f', 'if (a && (b || c || d) && e) e = f');
        test_fragment('\n\n"x"', '"x"');
        bt('a = 1;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nb = 2;',
                'a = 1;\nb = 2;');

        opts.preserve_newlines = true;
        bt('if (foo) // comment\n    bar();');
        bt('if (foo) // comment\n    (bar());');
        bt('if (foo) // comment\n    (bar());');
        bt('if (foo) // comment\n    /asdf/;');
        bt('foo = {\n    x: y, // #44\n    w: z // #44\n}');
        bt('switch (x) {\n    case "a":\n        // comment on newline\n        break;\n    case "b": // comment on same line\n        break;\n}');
        bt('this.type =\n    this.options =\n    // comment\n    this.enabled null;');
        bt('someObj\n    .someFunc1()\n    // This comment should not break the indent\n    .someFunc2();');

        bt('if (true ||\n!true) return;', 'if (true ||\n    !true) return;');

        // these aren't ready yet.
        // bt('if (foo) // comment\n    bar() /*i*/ + baz() /*j\n*/ + asdf();');
            'if (foo)\n    if (bar)\n        if (baz)\n            whee();\na();');
            'if (foo)\n    if (bar)\n        if (baz)\n            whee();\n        else\n            a();');
        bt('if (foo) bar();\nelse\ncar();',
            'if (foo) bar();\nelse\n    car();');

        bt('if (foo) if (bar) if (baz);\na();',
            'if (foo)\n    if (bar)\n        if (baz);\na();');
        bt('if (foo) if (bar) if (baz) whee();\na();',
            'if (foo)\n    if (bar)\n        if (baz) whee();\na();');
        bt('if (foo) a()\nif (bar) if (baz) whee();\na();',
            'if (foo) a()\nif (bar)\n    if (baz) whee();\na();');
        bt('if (foo);\nif (bar) if (baz) whee();\na();',
            'if (foo);\nif (bar)\n    if (baz) whee();\na();');
        bt('if (options)\n' +
           '    for (var p in options)\n' +
           '        this[p] = options[p];');
        bt('if (options) for (var p in options) this[p] = options[p];',
           'if (options)\n    for (var p in options) this[p] = options[p];');

        bt('if (options) do q(); while (b());',
           'if (options)\n    do q(); while (b());');
        bt('if (options) do; while (b());',
           'if (options)\n    do; while (b());');
        bt('if (options) while (b()) q();',
           'if (options)\n    while (b()) q();');
        bt('if (options) do while (b()) q(); while (a());',
           'if (options)\n    do\n        while (b()) q(); while (a());');

        bt('function f(a, b, c,\nd, e) {}',
            'function f(a, b, c,\n    d, e) {}');

        bt('function f(a,b) {if(a) b()}function g(a,b) {if(!a) b()}',
            'function f(a, b) {\n    if (a) b()\n}\n\nfunction g(a, b) {\n    if (!a) b()\n}');
        bt('function f(a,b) {if(a) b()}\n\n\n\nfunction g(a,b) {if(!a) b()}',
            'function f(a, b) {\n    if (a) b()\n}\n\n\n\nfunction g(a, b) {\n    if (!a) b()\n}');
        // This is not valid syntax, but still want to behave reasonably and not side-effect
        bt('(if(a) b())(if(a) b())',
            '(\n    if (a) b())(\n    if (a) b())');
        bt('(if(a) b())\n\n\n(if(a) b())',
            '(\n    if (a) b())\n\n\n(\n    if (a) b())');

        // space between functions
        bt('/*\n * foo\n */\nfunction foo() {}');
        bt('// a nice function\nfunction foo() {}');
        bt('function foo() {}\nfunction foo() {}',
            'function foo() {}\n\nfunction foo() {}'

        bt('[\n    function() {}\n]');

        bt("if\n(a)\nb();", "if (a)\n    b();");
        bt('var a =\nfoo', 'var a =\n    foo');
        bt('var a = {\n"a":1,\n"b":2}', "var a = {\n    \"a\": 1,\n    \"b\": 2\n}");
        bt("var a = {\n'a':1,\n'b':2}", "var a = {\n    'a': 1,\n    'b': 2\n}");
        bt('var a = /*i*/ "b";');
        bt('var a = /*i*/\n"b";', 'var a = /*i*/\n    "b";');
        bt('var a = /*i*/\nb;', 'var a = /*i*/\n    b;');
        bt('{\n\n\n"x"\n}', '{\n\n\n    "x"\n}');
        bt('if(a &&\nb\n||\nc\n||d\n&&\ne) e = f', 'if (a &&\n    b ||\n    c || d &&\n    e) e = f');
        bt('if(a &&\n(b\n||\nc\n||d)\n&&\ne) e = f', 'if (a &&\n    (b ||\n        c || d) &&\n    e) e = f');
        test_fragment('\n\n"x"', '"x"');

        // this beavior differs between js and python, defaults to unlimited in js, 10 in python
        bt('a = 1;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nb = 2;',
            'a = 1;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nb = 2;');
        opts.max_preserve_newlines = 8;
        bt('a = 1;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nb = 2;',
            'a = 1;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nb = 2;');

        // Test the option to have spaces within parens
        opts.space_in_paren = false;
        bt('if(p) foo(a,b)', 'if (p) foo(a, b)');
        bt('try{while(true){willThrow()}}catch(result)switch(result){case 1:++result }',
           'try {\n    while (true) {\n        willThrow()\n    }\n} catch (result) switch (result) {\n    case 1:\n        ++result\n}');
        bt('((e/((a+(b)*c)-d))^2)*5;', '((e / ((a + (b) * c) - d)) ^ 2) * 5;');
        bt('function f(a,b) {if(a) b()}function g(a,b) {if(!a) b()}',
            'function f(a, b) {\n    if (a) b()\n}\n\nfunction g(a, b) {\n    if (!a) b()\n}');
            'a = [];');
            'a = [b, c, d];');
        bt('a= f[b];',
            'a = f[b];');
        opts.space_in_paren = true;
        bt('if(p) foo(a,b)', 'if ( p ) foo( a, b )');
        bt('try{while(true){willThrow()}}catch(result)switch(result){case 1:++result }',
           'try {\n    while ( true ) {\n        willThrow()\n    }\n} catch ( result ) switch ( result ) {\n    case 1:\n        ++result\n}');
        bt('((e/((a+(b)*c)-d))^2)*5;', '( ( e / ( ( a + ( b ) * c ) - d ) ) ^ 2 ) * 5;');
        bt('function f(a,b) {if(a) b()}function g(a,b) {if(!a) b()}',
            'function f( a, b ) {\n    if ( a ) b()\n}\n\nfunction g( a, b ) {\n    if ( !a ) b()\n}');
            'a = [];');
            'a = [ b, c, d ];');
        bt('a= f[b];',
            'a = f[ b ];');
        opts.space_in_empty_paren = true;
        bt('if(p) foo(a,b)', 'if ( p ) foo( a, b )');
        bt('try{while(true){willThrow()}}catch(result)switch(result){case 1:++result }',
           'try {\n    while ( true ) {\n        willThrow( )\n    }\n} catch ( result ) switch ( result ) {\n    case 1:\n        ++result\n}');
        bt('((e/((a+(b)*c)-d))^2)*5;', '( ( e / ( ( a + ( b ) * c ) - d ) ) ^ 2 ) * 5;');
        bt('function f(a,b) {if(a) b()}function g(a,b) {if(!a) b()}',
            'function f( a, b ) {\n    if ( a ) b( )\n}\n\nfunction g( a, b ) {\n    if ( !a ) b( )\n}');
            'a = [ ];');
            'a = [ b, c, d ];');
        bt('a= f[b];',
            'a = f[ b ];');
        opts.space_in_empty_paren = false;
        opts.space_in_paren = false;

        // Test template strings
        bt('`This is a ${template} string.`', '`This is a ${template} string.`');
        bt('`This\n  is\n  a\n  ${template}\n  string.`', '`This\n  is\n  a\n  ${template}\n  string.`');

        // Test that e4x literals passed through when e4x-option is enabled
        bt('xml=<a b="c"><d/><e>\n foo</e>x</a>;', 'xml = < a b = "c" > < d / > < e >\n    foo < /e>x</a > ;');
        opts.e4x = true;
        bt('xml=<a b="c"><d/><e>\n foo</e>x</a>;', 'xml = <a b="c"><d/><e>\n foo</e>x</a>;');
        bt('<a b=\'This is a quoted "c".\'/>', '<a b=\'This is a quoted "c".\'/>');
        bt('<a b="This is a quoted \'c\'."/>', '<a b="This is a quoted \'c\'."/>');
        bt('<a b="A quote \' inside string."/>', '<a b="A quote \' inside string."/>');
        bt('<a b=\'A quote " inside string.\'/>', '<a b=\'A quote " inside string.\'/>');
        bt('<a b=\'Some """ quotes ""  inside string.\'/>', '<a b=\'Some """ quotes ""  inside string.\'/>');
        // Handles inline expressions
        bt('xml=<{a} b="c"><d/><e v={z}>\n foo</e>x</{a}>;', 'xml = <{a} b="c"><d/><e v={z}>\n foo</e>x</{a}>;');
        // xml literals with special characters in elem names
        // see
        bt('xml = <_:.valid.xml- _:.valid.xml-="123"/>;', 'xml = <_:.valid.xml- _:.valid.xml-="123"/>;');
        // Handles CDATA
        bt('xml=<![CDATA[ b="c"><d/><e v={z}>\n foo</e>x/]]>;', 'xml = <![CDATA[ b="c"><d/><e v={z}>\n foo</e>x/]]>;');
        bt('xml=<![CDATA[]]>;', 'xml = <![CDATA[]]>;');
        bt('xml=<a b="c"><![CDATA[d/></a></{}]]></a>;', 'xml = <a b="c"><![CDATA[d/></a></{}]]></a>;');

        // Handles messed up tags, as long as it isn't the same name
        // as the root tag. Also handles tags of same name as root tag
        // as long as nesting matches.
        bt('xml=<a x="jn"><c></b></f><a><d jnj="jnn"><f></a ></nj></a>;',
         'xml = <a x="jn"><c></b></f><a><d jnj="jnn"><f></a ></nj></a>;');
        // If xml is not terminated, the remainder of the file is treated
        // as part of the xml-literal (passed through unaltered)
        test_fragment('xml=<a></b>\nc<b;', 'xml = <a></b>\nc<b;');
        opts.e4x = false;

        // START tests for issue 241
        bt('obj\n' +
           '    .last({\n' +
           '        foo: 1,\n' +
           '        bar: 2\n' +
           '    });\n' +
           'var test = 1;');

        bt('obj\n' +
           '    .last(a, function() {\n' +
           '        var test;\n' +
           '    });\n' +
           'var test = 1;');

        bt('obj.first()\n' +
           '    .second()\n' +
           '    .last(function(err, response) {\n' +
           '        console.log(err);\n' +
           '    });');

        // END tests for issue 241

        // START tests for issue 268 and 275
        bt('obj.last(a, function() {\n' +
           '    var test;\n' +
           '});\n' +
           'var test = 1;');
        bt('obj.last(a,\n' +
           '    function() {\n' +
           '        var test;\n' +
           '    });\n' +
           'var test = 1;');

        bt('(function() {if (!window.FOO) window.FOO || (window.FOO = function() {var b = {bar: "zort"};});})();',
           '(function() {\n' +
           '    if (!window.FOO) window.FOO || (window.FOO = function() {\n' +
           '        var b = {\n' +
           '            bar: "zort"\n' +
           '        };\n' +
           '    });\n' +
        // END tests for issue 268 and 275

        // START tests for issue 281
        bt('define(["dojo/_base/declare", "my/Employee", "dijit/form/Button",\n' +
           '    "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/Deferred"\n' +
           '], function(declare, Employee, Button, lang, Deferred) {\n' +
           '    return declare(Employee, {\n' +
           '        constructor: function() {\n' +
           '            new Button({\n' +
           '                onClick: lang.hitch(this, function() {\n' +
           '                    new Deferred().then(lang.hitch(this, function() {\n' +
           '                        this.salary * 0.25;\n' +
           '                    }));\n' +
           '                })\n' +
           '            });\n' +
           '        }\n' +
           '    });\n' +

        bt('define(["dojo/_base/declare", "my/Employee", "dijit/form/Button",\n' +
           '        "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/Deferred"\n' +
           '    ],\n' +
           '    function(declare, Employee, Button, lang, Deferred) {\n' +
           '        return declare(Employee, {\n' +
           '            constructor: function() {\n' +
           '                new Button({\n' +
           '                    onClick: lang.hitch(this, function() {\n' +
           '                        new Deferred().then(lang.hitch(this, function() {\n' +
           '                            this.salary * 0.25;\n' +
           '                        }));\n' +
           '                    })\n' +
           '                });\n' +
           '            }\n' +
           '        });\n' +
           '    });');
        // END tests for issue 281

        // START tests for issue 459
        bt( '(function() {\n' +
            '    return {\n' +
            '        foo: function() {\n' +
            '            return "bar";\n' +
            '        },\n' +
            '        bar: ["bar"]\n' +
            '    };\n' +
        // END tests for issue 459

        // START tests for issue 505
        // strings should end at newline unless continued by backslash
        bt( 'var name = "a;\n' +
            'name = "b";');
        bt( 'var name = "a; \\\n' +
            '    name = b";');
        // END tests for issue 505

        // START tests for issue 514
        // some operators require spaces to distinguish them
        bt('var c = "_ACTION_TO_NATIVEAPI_" + ++g++ + +new Date;');
        bt('var c = "_ACTION_TO_NATIVEAPI_" - --g-- - -new Date;');
        // END tests for issue 514

        // START tests for issue 440
        // reserved words can be used as object property names
        bt( 'a = {\n' +
            '    function: {},\n' +
            '    "function": {},\n' +
            '    throw: {},\n' +
            '    "throw": {},\n' +
            '    var: {},\n' +
            '    "var": {},\n' +
            '    set: {},\n' +
            '    "set": {},\n' +
            '    get: {},\n' +
            '    "get": {},\n' +
            '    if: {},\n' +
            '    "if": {},\n' +
            '    then: {},\n' +
            '    "then": {},\n' +
            '    else: {},\n' +
            '    "else": {},\n' +
            '    yay: {}\n' +
        // END tests for issue 440

        // START tests for issue 311
        // if-else with braces edge case
            'if (x) {\n' +
            '    a();\n' +
            '} else {\n' +
            '    b();\n' +
            '}\n' +
            'if (y) {\n' +
            '    c();\n' +
        // END tests for issue 311

        // START tests for issue 485
        // ensure function declarations behave the same in arrays as elsewhere
        bt( 'var v = ["a",\n' +
            '    function() {\n' +
            '        return;\n' +
            '    }, {\n' +
            '        id: 1\n' +
            '    }\n' +
        bt( 'var v = ["a", function() {\n' +
            '    return;\n' +
            '}, {\n' +
            '    id: 1\n' +
        // END tests for issue 485

        // START tests for issue 382
        // initial totally cursor support for es6 module export
        bt( 'module "Even" {\n' +
            '    import odd from "Odd";\n' +
            '    export function sum(x, y) {\n' +
            '        return x + y;\n' +
            '    }\n' +
            '    export var pi = 3.141593;\n' +
            '    export default moduleName;\n' +
        bt( 'module "Even" {\n' +
            '    export default function div(x, y) {}\n' +
        // END tests for issue 382

        // START tests for issue 508
            'a = {\n' +
            '    set b(x) {},\n' +
            '    c: 1,\n' +
            '    d: function() {}\n' +
            'a = {\n' +
            '    get b() {\n' +
            '        retun 0;\n' +
            '    },\n' +
            '    c: 1,\n' +
            '    d: function() {}\n' +
        // END tests for issue 508

        // START tests for issue 298
        // do not under indent if/while/for condtionals experesions
        bt("'use strict';\n" +
            "if ([].some(function() {\n" +
            "        return false;\n" +
            "    })) {\n" +
            "    console.log('hello');\n" +
        // END tests for issue 298

        // START tests for issue 552
        // Typescript?  Okay... we didn't break it before try not to now.
        bt( "class Test {\n" +
            "    blah: string[];\n" +
            "    foo(): number {\n" +
            "        return 0;\n" +
            "    }\n" +
            "    bar(): number {\n" +
            "        return 0;\n" +
            "    }\n" +
        // END tests for issue 552

        bt('var a=1,b={bang:2},c=3;',
            'var a = 1,\n    b = {\n        bang: 2\n    },\n    c = 3;');
        bt('var a={bing:1},b=2,c=3;',
            'var a = {\n        bing: 1\n    },\n    b = 2,\n    c = 3;');


        opts.end_with_newline = true;
        test_fragment('', '\n');
        test_fragment('<div></div>\n\n\n', '<div></div>\n');
        test_fragment('<head>\n' +
            '    <script>\n' +
            '        mocha.setup("bdd");\n' +
            '\n' +
            '    </script>\n' +

        opts.end_with_newline = false;
        // error cases need love too
        bth('<img title="Bad food!" src="foo.jpg" alt="Evil" ">');
        bth("<!-- don't blow up if a comment is not complete");

            '<head>\n' +
            '    <script>\n' +
            '        mocha.setup("bdd");\n' +
            '    </script>\n' +

        test_fragment('<div></div>\n', '<div></div>');
            '<div>\n' +
            '    <div></div>\n' +
            '<div>\n' +
            '    <div>content</div>\n' +
        bth('<div>\n' +
            '    <span>content</span>\n' +
        bth('<div>\n' +
        bth('<div>\n' +
            '    content\n' +
        bth('<div>\n' +
            '    </div>',
            '<div>\n' +
        bth('    <div>\n' +
            '    </div>',
            '<div>\n' +
        bth('<div>\n' +
            '</div>\n' +
            '    <div>\n' +
            '    </div>',
            '<div>\n' +
            '</div>\n' +
            '<div>\n' +
        bth('    <div>\n' +
            '<div>\n' +
        bth('<div        >content</div>',
        bth('<div     thinger="preserve  space  here"   ></div  >',
            '<div thinger="preserve  space  here"></div>');
        bth('content\n' +
            '    <div>\n' +
            '    </div>\n' +
            'content\n' +
            '<div>\n' +
            '</div>\n' +
        bth('<li>\n' +
            '    <div>\n' +
            '    </div>\n' +
        bth('<li>\n' +
            '<div>\n' +
            '</div>\n' +
            '<li>\n' +
            '    <div>\n' +
            '    </div>\n' +
        bth('<li>\n' +
            '    content\n' +
            '</li>\n' +
            '<li>\n' +
            '    content\n' +

        bth('<img> content');
        bth('<img>   content', '<img> content');

        bth('<img> <img>content');
        bth('<img>   <img>content', '<img> <img>content');

        bth('<img> <b>content</b>');
        bth('<img>   <b>content</b>', '<img> <b>content</b>');

        bth('<div> content <img> content</div>');
        bth('<div>    content <img>    content </div>',
            '<div> content <img> content </div>');
        bth('Text <a href="#">Link</a> Text');

		// START tests for issue 453
		bth('<script type="text/unknown"><div></div></script>',
			'<script type="text/unknown">\n' +
			'    <div></div>\n' +
		bth('<script type="text/javascript"><div></div></script>',
			'<script type="text/javascript">\n' +
			'    < div > < /div>\n' +
			'<script>\n' +
			'    < div > < /div>\n' +
		bth('<script type="text/javascript">var foo = "bar";</script>',
			'<script type="text/javascript">\n' +
			'    var foo = "bar";\n' +
		bth('<script type="application/javascript">var foo = "bar";</script>',
			'<script type="application/javascript">\n' +
			'    var foo = "bar";\n' +
		bth('<script type="application/javascript;version=1.8">var foo = "bar";</script>',
			'<script type="application/javascript;version=1.8">\n' +
			'    var foo = "bar";\n' +
		bth('<script type="application/x-javascript">var foo = "bar";</script>',
			'<script type="application/x-javascript">\n' +
			'    var foo = "bar";\n' +
		bth('<script type="application/ecmascript">var foo = "bar";</script>',
			'<script type="application/ecmascript">\n' +
			'    var foo = "bar";\n' +
		bth('<script type="text/javascript1.5">var foo = "bar";</script>',
			'<script type="text/javascript1.5">\n' +
			'    var foo = "bar";\n' +
		bth('<script>var foo = "bar";</script>',
			'<script>\n' +
			'    var foo = "bar";\n' +

		bth('<style type="text/unknown"><tag></tag></style>',
			'<style type="text/unknown">\n' +
			'    <tag></tag>\n' +
		bth('<style type="text/css"><tag></tag></style>',
			'<style type="text/css">\n' +
			'    <tag></tag>\n' +
			'<style>\n' +
			'    <tag></tag>\n' +
		bth('<style type="text/css">.selector {font-size:12px;}</style>',
			'<style type="text/css">\n' +
			'    .selector {\n' +
			'        font-size: 12px;\n' +
			'    }\n'+
		bth('<style>.selector {font-size:12px;}</style>',
			'<style>\n' +
			'    .selector {\n' +
			'        font-size: 12px;\n' +
			'    }\n'+
		// END tests for issue 453

        var unformatted = opts.unformatted;
        opts.unformatted = ['script', 'style'];
        bth('<script id="javascriptTemplate" type="text/x-kendo-template">\n' +
            '  <ul>\n' +
            '  # for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { #\n' +
            '    <li>#= data[i] #</li>\n' +
            '  # } #\n' +
            '  </ul>\n' +
        bth('<style>\n' +
            '  body {background-color:lightgrey}\n' +
            '  h1   {color:blue}\n' +
        opts.unformatted = unformatted;

        unformatted = opts.unformatted;
        opts.unformatted = ['custom-element'];
        test_fragment('<div>should <custom-element>not</custom-element>' +
                      ' insert newlines</div>',
                      '<div>should <custom-element>not</custom-element>' +
                      ' insert newlines</div>');
        opts.unformatted = unformatted;

        // Tests that don't pass, but probably should.
        // bth('<div><span>content</span></div>');

        // Handlebars tests
        // Without the indent option on, handlebars are treated as content.
        opts.indent_handlebars = false;
        bth('{{#if 0}}\n' +
            '    <div>\n' +
            '    </div>\n' +
            '{{#if 0}}\n' +
            '<div>\n' +
            '</div>\n' +
        bth('<div>\n' +
            '{{#each thing}}\n' +
            '    {{name}}\n' +
            '{{/each}}\n' +
            '<div>\n' +
            '    {{#each thing}} {{name}} {{/each}}\n' +

        opts.indent_handlebars = true;
        bth('{{#if 0}}{{/if}}');
        bth('{{#if 0}}content{{/if}}');
        bth('{{#if 0}}\n' +
        bth('{{#if     words}}{{/if}}',
            '{{#if words}}{{/if}}');
        bth('{{#if     words}}content{{/if}}',
            '{{#if words}}content{{/if}}');
        bth('{{#if     words}}content{{/if}}',
            '{{#if words}}content{{/if}}');
        bth('{{#if 1}}\n' +
            '    <div>\n' +
            '    </div>\n' +
        bth('{{#if 1}}\n' +
            '<div>\n' +
            '</div>\n' +
            '{{#if 1}}\n' +
            '    <div>\n' +
            '    </div>\n' +
        bth('<div>\n' +
            '    {{#if 1}}\n' +
            '    {{/if}}\n' +
        bth('<div>\n' +
            '{{#if 1}}\n' +
            '{{/if}}\n' +
            '<div>\n' +
            '    {{#if 1}}\n' +
            '    {{/if}}\n' +
        bth('{{#if}}\n' +
            '{{#each}}\n' +
            '{{#if}}\n' +
            'content\n' +
            '{{/if}}\n' +
            '{{#if}}\n' +
            'content\n' +
            '{{/if}}\n' +
            '{{/each}}\n' +
            '{{#if}}\n' +
            '    {{#each}}\n' +
            '        {{#if}}\n' +
            '            content\n' +
            '        {{/if}}\n' +
            '        {{#if}}\n' +
            '            content\n' +
            '        {{/if}}\n' +
            '    {{/each}}\n' +
        bth('{{#if 1}}\n' +
            '    <div>\n' +
            '    </div>\n' +

        // Test {{else}} aligned with {{#if}} and {{/if}}
        bth('{{#if 1}}\n' +
            '    content\n' +
            '    {{else}}\n' +
            '    content\n' +
            '{{#if 1}}\n' +
            '    content\n' +
            '{{else}}\n' +
            '    content\n' +
        bth('{{#if 1}}\n' +
            '    {{else}}\n' +
            '    {{/if}}',
            '{{#if 1}}\n' +
            '{{else}}\n' +
        bth('{{#if thing}}\n' +
            '{{#if otherthing}}\n' +
            '    content\n' +
            '    {{else}}\n' +
            'content\n' +
            '    {{/if}}\n' +
            '       {{else}}\n'+
            'content\n' +
            '{{#if thing}}\n' +
            '    {{#if otherthing}}\n' +
            '        content\n' +
            '    {{else}}\n' +
            '        content\n' +
            '    {{/if}}\n' +
            '    content\n' +

        // Test {{}} inside of <> tags, which should be separated by spaces
        // for readability, unless they are inside a string.
            '<div {{somestyle}}></div>');
        bth('<div{{#if test}}class="foo"{{/if}}>content</div>',
            '<div {{#if test}} class="foo" {{/if}}>content</div>');
        bth('<div{{#if thing}}{{somestyle}}class="{{class}}"{{else}}class="{{class2}}"{{/if}}>content</div>',
            '<div {{#if thing}} {{somestyle}} class="{{class}}" {{else}} class="{{class2}}" {{/if}}>content</div>');
        bth('<span{{#if condition}}class="foo"{{/if}}>content</span>',
            '<span {{#if condition}} class="foo" {{/if}}>content</span>');
        bth('<div unformatted="{{#if}}content{{/if}}">content</div>');
        bth('<div unformatted="{{#if  }}    content{{/if}}">content</div>');

        // Quotes found inside of Handlebars expressions inside of quoted
        // strings themselves should not be considered string delimiters.
        bth('<div class="{{#if thingIs "value"}}content{{/if}}"></div>');
        bth('<div class="{{#if thingIs \'value\'}}content{{/if}}"></div>');
        bth('<div class=\'{{#if thingIs "value"}}content{{/if}}\'></div>');
        bth('<div class=\'{{#if thingIs \'value\'}}content{{/if}}\'></div>');

        opts.wrap_line_length = 0;
        bth('<div>Some text that should not wrap at all.</div>',
            /* expected */
            '<div>Some text that should not wrap at all.</div>');

        // A value of 0 means no max line length, and should not wrap.
        bth('<div>Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all.</div>',
            /* expected */
            '<div>Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all.</div>');

        opts.wrap_line_length = "0";
        bth('<div>Some text that should not wrap at all.</div>',
            /* expected */
            '<div>Some text that should not wrap at all.</div>');

        // A value of "0" means no max line length, and should not wrap
        bth('<div>Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all.</div>',
            /* expected */
            '<div>Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all. Some text that should not wrap at all.</div>');

        //BUGBUG: This should wrap before 40 not after.
        opts.wrap_line_length = 40;
        bth('<div>Some test text that should wrap_inside_this section here.</div>',
            /* expected */
            '<div>Some test text that should wrap_inside_this\n' +
            '    section here.</div>');

        opts.wrap_line_length = "40";
        bth('<div>Some test text that should wrap_inside_this section here.</div>',
            /* expected */
            '<div>Some test text that should wrap_inside_this\n' +
            '    section here.</div>');

        opts.indent_size = 1;
        opts.indent_char = '\t';
        opts.preserve_newlines = false;
        bth('<div>\n\tfoo\n</div>', '<div> foo </div>');

        opts.preserve_newlines = true;

        // test preserve_newlines and max_preserve_newlines
        opts.preserve_newlines = false;
        bth('<div>Should not</div>\n\n\n' +
            '<div>preserve newlines</div>',
            '<div>Should not</div>\n' +
            '<div>preserve newlines</div>');

        opts.preserve_newlines = true;
        opts.max_preserve_newlines  = 0;
        bth('<div>Should</div>\n\n\n' +
            '<div>preserve zero newlines</div>',
            '<div>Should</div>\n' +
            '<div>preserve zero newlines</div>');

        opts.max_preserve_newlines  = 1;
        bth('<div>Should</div>\n\n\n' +
            '<div>preserve one newline</div>',
            '<div>Should</div>\n\n' +
            '<div>preserve one newline</div>');

        opts.max_preserve_newlines  = null;
        bth('<div>Should</div>\n\n\n' +
            '<div>preserve one newline</div>',
            '<div>Should</div>\n\n\n' +
            '<div>preserve one newline</div>');

        // css beautifier
        opts.indent_size = 1;
        opts.indent_char = '\t';
        opts.selector_separator_newline = true;
        opts.end_with_newline = true;
        btc('', '\n');
        btc('\n', '\n');
        btc(".tabs{}\n", ".tabs {}\n");
        btc(".tabs{}", ".tabs {}\n");

        opts.end_with_newline = false;
        btc('', '');
        btc('\n', '');
        btc(".tabs{}\n", ".tabs {}");

        // test basic css beautifier
        btc(".tabs {}");
        btc(".tabs{color:red;}", ".tabs {\n\tcolor: red;\n}");
        btc(".tabs{color:rgb(255, 255, 0)}", ".tabs {\n\tcolor: rgb(255, 255, 0)\n}");
        btc(".tabs{background:url('back.jpg')}", ".tabs {\n\tbackground: url('back.jpg')\n}");
        btc("#bla, #foo{color:red}", "#bla,\n#foo {\n\tcolor: red\n}");
        btc("@media print {.tab{}}", "@media print {\n\ {}\n}");
        btc("@media print {.tab{background-image:url(foo@2x.png)}}", "@media print {\n\ {\n\t\tbackground-image: url(foo@2x.png)\n\t}\n}");

        btc("a:before {\n" +
            "\tcontent: 'a{color:black;}\"\"\\'\\'\"\\n\\n\\na{color:black}\';\n" +

        //lead-in whitespace determines base-indent.
        // lead-in newlines are stripped.
        btc("\n\na, img {padding: 0.2px}", "a,\nimg {\n\tpadding: 0.2px\n}");
        btc("   a, img {padding: 0.2px}", "   a,\n   img {\n   \tpadding: 0.2px\n   }");
        btc(" \t \na, img {padding: 0.2px}", " \t a,\n \t img {\n \t \tpadding: 0.2px\n \t }");
        btc("\n\n     a, img {padding: 0.2px}", "a,\nimg {\n\tpadding: 0.2px\n}");

        // comments
        btc("/* test */", "/* test */");
        btc(".tabs{/* test */}", ".tabs {\n\t/* test */\n}");
        btc("/* header */.tabs {}", "/* header */\n\n.tabs {}");
        btc("/* header", "/* header");
        btc("// comment", "// comment");
        btc(".selector1 {\n\tmargin: 0; /* This is a comment including an url */\n}",
            ".selector1 {\n\tmargin: 0;\n\t/* This is a comment including an url */\n}")

        //single line comment support (less/sass)
        btc(".tabs{\n// comment\nwidth:10px;\n}", ".tabs {\n\t// comment\n\twidth: 10px;\n}");
        btc(".tabs{// comment\nwidth:10px;\n}", ".tabs {\n\t// comment\n\twidth: 10px;\n}");
        btc("//comment\n.tabs{width:10px;}", "//comment\n.tabs {\n\twidth: 10px;\n}");
        btc(".tabs{//comment\n//2nd single line comment\nwidth:10px;}", ".tabs {\n\t//comment\n\t//2nd single line comment\n\twidth: 10px;\n}");
        btc(".tabs{width:10px;//end of line comment\n}", ".tabs {\n\twidth: 10px; //end of line comment\n}");
        btc(".tabs{width:10px;//end of line comment\nheight:10px;}", ".tabs {\n\twidth: 10px; //end of line comment\n\theight: 10px;\n}");
        btc(".tabs{width:10px;//end of line comment\nheight:10px;//another\n}", ".tabs {\n\twidth: 10px; //end of line comment\n\theight: 10px; //another\n}");

        // separate selectors
        btc("#bla, #foo{color:red}", "#bla,\n#foo {\n\tcolor: red\n}");
        btc("a, img {padding: 0.2px}", "a,\nimg {\n\tpadding: 0.2px\n}");

        // block nesting
        btc("#foo {\n\tbackground-image: url(foo@2x.png);\n\t@font-face {\n\t\tfont-family: 'Bitstream Vera Serif Bold';\n\t\tsrc: url('');\n\t}\n}");
        btc("@media screen {\n\t#foo:hover {\n\t\tbackground-image: url(foo@2x.png);\n\t}\n\t@font-face {\n\t\tfont-family: 'Bitstream Vera Serif Bold';\n\t\tsrc: url('');\n\t}\n}");
@font-face {
    font-family: 'Bitstream Vera Serif Bold';
    src: url('');
@media screen {
    #foo:hover {
        background-image: url(foo.png);
    @media screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
        @font-face {
            font-family: 'Helvetica Neue'
        #foo:hover {
            background-image: url(foo@2x.png);
        btc("@font-face {\n\tfont-family: 'Bitstream Vera Serif Bold';\n\tsrc: url('');\n}\n@media screen {\n\t#foo:hover {\n\t\tbackground-image: url(foo.png);\n\t}\n\t@media screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {\n\t\t@font-face {\n\t\t\tfont-family: 'Helvetica Neue'\n\t\t}\n\t\t#foo:hover {\n\t\t\tbackground-image: url(foo@2x.png);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}");

        // less-css cases
        btc('.well{@well-bg:@bg-color;@well-fg:@fg-color;}','.well {\n\t@well-bg: @bg-color;\n\t@well-fg: @fg-color;\n}');
        btc('.well {&.active {\nbox-shadow: 0 1px 1px @border-color, 1px 0 1px @border-color;}}',
            '.well {\n' +
            '\t&.active {\n' +
            '\t\tbox-shadow: 0 1px 1px @border-color, 1px 0 1px @border-color;\n' +
            '\t}\n' +
        btc('a {\n' +
            '\tcolor: blue;\n' +
            '\t&:hover {\n' +
            '\t\tcolor: green;\n' +
            '\t}\n' +
            '\t& & &&&.active {\n' +
            '\t\tcolor: green;\n' +
            '\t}\n' +

        // Not sure if this is sensible
        // but I believe it is correct to not remove the space in "&: hover".
        btc('a {\n' +
            '\t&: hover {\n' +
            '\t\tcolor: green;\n' +
            '\t}\n' +

        // import
        btc('@import "test";');

        // don't break nested pseudo-classes
            "a:first-child {\n\tcolor: red;\n\tdiv:first-child {\n\t\tcolor: black;\n\t}\n}");

            "a:first-child,\na:first-child {\n\tcolor: red;\n\tdiv:first-child, div:hover {\n\t\tcolor: black;\n\t}\n}");

        // handle SASS/LESS parent reference
        btc("div{&:first-letter {text-transform: uppercase;}}",
            "div {\n\t&:first-letter {\n\t\ttext-transform: uppercase;\n\t}\n}");

        //nested modifiers (&:hover etc)
        btc(".tabs{&:hover{width:10px;}}", ".tabs {\n\t&:hover {\n\t\twidth: 10px;\n\t}\n}");
        btc(".tabs{&.big{width:10px;}}", ".tabs {\n\t&.big {\n\t\twidth: 10px;\n\t}\n}");
        btc(".tabs{&>big{width:10px;}}", ".tabs {\n\t&>big {\n\t\twidth: 10px;\n\t}\n}");
        btc(".tabs{&+.big{width:10px;}}", ".tabs {\n\t&+.big {\n\t\twidth: 10px;\n\t}\n}");

        //nested rules
        btc(".tabs{.child{width:10px;}}", ".tabs {\n\t.child {\n\t\twidth: 10px;\n\t}\n}");

        btc("@myvar:10px;.tabs{width:10px;}", "@myvar: 10px;\n.tabs {\n\twidth: 10px;\n}");
        btc("@myvar:10px; .tabs{width:10px;}", "@myvar: 10px;\n.tabs {\n\twidth: 10px;\n}");

        // test options
        opts.indent_size = 2;
        opts.indent_char = ' ';
        opts.selector_separator_newline = false;

        btc("#bla, #foo{color:green}", "#bla, #foo {\n  color: green\n}");
        btc("@media print {.tab{}}", "@media print {\n  .tab {}\n}");
        btc("@media print {.tab,.bat{}}", "@media print {\n  .tab, .bat {}\n}");
        btc("#bla, #foo{color:black}", "#bla, #foo {\n  color: black\n}");

        // pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements
        btc("#foo:hover {\n  background-image: url(foo@2x.png)\n}");
        btc("#foo *:hover {\n  color: purple\n}");
        btc("::selection {\n  color: #ff0000;\n}");

        // TODO: don't break nested pseduo-classes
        btc("@media screen {.tab,.bat:hover {color:red}}", "@media screen {\n  .tab, .bat:hover {\n    color: red\n  }\n}");

        // particular edge case with braces and semicolons inside tags that allows custom text
        btc("a:not(\"foobar\\\";{}omg\"){\ncontent: 'example\\';{} text';\ncontent: \"example\\\";{} text\";}",
            "a:not(\"foobar\\\";{}omg\") {\n  content: 'example\\';{} text';\n  content: \"example\\\";{} text\";\n}");

        // may not eat the space before "["
        btc('html.js [data-custom="123"] {\n  opacity: 1.00;\n}');
        btc('html.js *[data-custom="123"] {\n  opacity: 1.00;\n}');

        return sanitytest;

    return beautifier_tests();

if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
    exports.run_beautifier_tests = run_beautifier_tests;