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package Courriel::Header;
$Courriel::Header::VERSION = '0.36';
use strict;
use warnings;
use namespace::autoclean;

use Courriel::Helpers qw( fold_header );
use Courriel::Types qw( NonEmptyStr Str Streamable );
use Encode qw( encode find_encoding );
use MIME::Base64 qw( encode_base64 );
use MooseX::Params::Validate qw( validated_list );

use Moose;
use MooseX::StrictConstructor;

with 'Courriel::Role::Streams' => { -exclude => ['stream_to'] };

has name => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => NonEmptyStr,
    required => 1,

has value => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => Str,
    required => 1,

    my @spec = (
        charset => { isa => NonEmptyStr, default => 'utf8' },
        output  => { isa => Streamable,  coerce  => 1 },

    sub stream_to {
        my $self = shift;
        my ( $charset, $output ) = validated_list(

        my $string = $self->name();
        $string .= ': ';

        $string .= $self->_maybe_encoded_value($charset);

        $output->( fold_header($string) );


sub as_string {
    my $self = shift;

    my $string = q{};

    $self->stream_to( output => $self->_string_output( \$string ), @_ );

    return $string;

    my $header_chunk = qr/
                                 (?<ascii>[\x21-\x7e]+)   # printable ASCII (excluding space, \x20)
                                 (?<non_ascii>\S+)        # anything that's not space

    # XXX - this really isn't very correct. Only certain types of values (per RFC
    # 2047) can be encoded, not just any random text. I'm not sure how best to
    # handle this. If we parsed an email that encoded stuff that shouldn't be
    # encoded, what should we do? At the very least, we should add some checks to
    # Courriel::Builder to ensure that people don't try to create an email with
    # non-ASCII in certain parts of fields (like in email addresses).
    sub _maybe_encoded_value {
        my $self    = shift;
        my $charset = shift;

        my $value = $self->value();
        my @chunks;

        while ( $value =~ /\G$header_chunk/g ) {
            push @chunks, {%+};

        my @values;
        for my $i ( 0 .. $#chunks ) {
            if ( defined $chunks[$i]->{non_ascii} ) {
                my $to_encode
                    = $chunks[ $i + 1 ]
                    && defined $chunks[ $i + 1 ]{non_ascii}
                    ? $chunks[$i]{non_ascii} . ( $chunks[$i]{ws} // q{} )
                    : $chunks[$i]{non_ascii};

                push @values, $self->_mime_encode( $to_encode, $charset );
                push @values, q{ } if $chunks[ $i + 1 ];
            else {
                push @values,
                    ( $chunks[$i]{ascii} // q{} )
                    . ( $chunks[$i]{ws}  // q{} );

        return join q{}, @values;

sub _mime_encode {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $text    = shift;
    my $charset = find_encoding(shift)->mime_name();

    my $head = '=?' . $charset . '?B?';
    my $tail = '?=';

    my $base_length = 75 - ( length($head) + length($tail) );

    # This code is copied from Mail::Message::Field::Full in the Mail-Box
    # distro.
    my $real_length = int( $base_length / 4 ) * 3;

    my @result;
    my $chunk = q{};
    while ( length( my $chr = substr( $text, 0, 1, '' ) ) ) {
        my $chr = encode( $charset, $chr, 0 );

        if ( length($chunk) + length($chr) > $real_length ) {
            push @result, $head . encode_base64( $chunk, q{} ) . $tail;
            $chunk = q{};

        $chunk .= $chr;

    push @result, $head . encode_base64( $chunk, q{} ) . $tail
        if length $chunk;

    return join q{ }, @result;



# ABSTRACT: A single header's name and value



=head1 NAME

Courriel::Header - A single header's name and value

=head1 VERSION

version 0.36


  my $subject = $headers->get('subject');
  print $subject->value();


This class represents a single header, which consists of a name and value.

=encoding utf-8

=head1 API

This class supports the following methods:

=head1 Courriel::Header->new( ... )

This method requires two attributes, C<name> and C<value>. Both must be
strings. The C<name> cannot be empty, but the C<value> can.

=head2 $header->name()

The header name as passed to the constructor.

=head2 $header->value()

The header value as passed to the constructor.

=head2 $header->as_string( charset => $charset )

Returns the header name and value with any necessary MIME encoding and folding.

The C<charset> parameter specifies what character set to use for MIME-encoding
non-ASCII values. This defaults to "utf8". The charset name must be one
recognized by the L<Encode> module.

=head2 $header->stream_to( output => $output, charset => ... )

This method will send the stringified header to the specified output. The
output can be a subroutine reference, a filehandle, or an object with a
C<print()> method. The output may be sent as a single string, as a list of
strings, or via multiple calls to the output.

See the C<as_string()> method for documentation on the C<charset> parameter.

=head1 ROLES

This class does the C<Courriel::Role::Streams> role.

=head1 AUTHOR

Dave Rolsky <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Dave Rolsky.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
