The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;

use DateTime;

my $d = DateTime->new(
    year      => 2001,
    month     => 7,
    day       => 5,
    hour      => 2,
    minute    => 12,
    second    => 50,
    time_zone => 'UTC',

is( $d->year,           2001,   '->year' );
is( $d->ce_year,        2001,   '->ce_year' );
is( $d->month,          7,      '->month' );
is( $d->quarter,        3,      '->quarter' );
is( $d->month_0,        6,      '->month_0' );
is( $d->month_name,     'July', '->month_name' );
is( $d->month_abbr,     'Jul',  '->month_abbr' );
is( $d->day_of_month,   5,      '->day_of_month' );
is( $d->day_of_month_0, 4,      '->day_of_month_0' );
is( $d->day,            5,      '->day' );
is( $d->day_0,          4,      '->day_0' );
is( $d->mday,           5,      '->mday' );
is( $d->mday_0,         4,      '->mday_0' );
is( $d->mday,           5,      '->mday' );
is( $d->mday_0,         4,      '->mday_0' );
is( $d->hour,           2,      '->hour' );
is( $d->hour_1,         2,      '->hour_1' );
is( $d->hour_12,        2,      '->hour_12' );
is( $d->hour_12_0,      2,      '->hour_12_0' );
is( $d->minute,         12,     '->minute' );
is( $d->min,            12,     '->min' );
is( $d->second,         50,     '->second' );
is( $d->sec,            50,     '->sec' );

is( $d->day_of_year,      186,        '->day_of_year' );
is( $d->day_of_year_0,    185,        '->day_of_year' );
is( $d->day_of_quarter,   5,          '->day_of_quarter' );
is( $d->doq,              5,          '->doq' );
is( $d->day_of_quarter_0, 4,          '->day_of_quarter_0' );
is( $d->doq_0,            4,          '->doq_0' );
is( $d->day_of_week,      4,          '->day_of_week' );
is( $d->day_of_week_0,    3,          '->day_of_week_0' );
is( $d->week_of_month,    1,          '->week_of_month' );
is( $d->weekday_of_month, 1,          '->weekday_of_month' );
is( $d->wday,             4,          '->wday' );
is( $d->wday_0,           3,          '->wday_0' );
is( $d->dow,              4,          '->dow' );
is( $d->dow_0,            3,          '->dow_0' );
is( $d->day_name,         'Thursday', '->day_name' );
is( $d->day_abbr,         'Thu',      '->day_abrr' );

is( $d->ymd,       '2001-07-05', '->ymd' );
is( $d->ymd('!'),  '2001!07!05', "->ymd('!')" );
is( $d->date,      '2001-07-05', '->date' );
is( $d->date('!'), '2001!07!05', "->date('!')" );

is( $d->mdy,      '07-05-2001', '->mdy' );
is( $d->mdy('!'), '07!05!2001', "->mdy('!')" );

is( $d->dmy,      '05-07-2001', '->dmy' );
is( $d->dmy('!'), '05!07!2001', "->dmy('!')" );

is( $d->hms,       '02:12:50', '->hms' );
is( $d->hms('!'),  '02!12!50', q{->hms('!')} );
is( $d->time,      '02:12:50', '->hms' );
is( $d->time('!'), '02!12!50', q{->time('!')} );

is( $d->datetime, '2001-07-05T02:12:50', '->datetime' );
is( $d->iso8601,  '2001-07-05T02:12:50', '->iso8601' );

is( $d->is_leap_year, 0, '->is_leap_year' );

is( $d->era_abbr, 'AD',          '->era_abbr' );
is( $d->era,      $d->era_abbr,  '->era (deprecated)' );
is( $d->era_name, 'Anno Domini', '->era_abbr' );

is( $d->quarter_abbr, 'Q3',          '->quarter_abbr' );
is( $d->quarter_name, '3rd quarter', '->quarter_name' );

my $leap_d = DateTime->new(
    year      => 2004,
    month     => 7,
    day       => 5,
    hour      => 2,
    minute    => 12,
    second    => 50,
    time_zone => 'UTC',

is( $leap_d->is_leap_year, 1, '->is_leap_year' );

my $sunday = DateTime->new(
    year      => 2003,
    month     => 1,
    day       => 26,
    time_zone => 'UTC',

is( $sunday->day_of_week, 7, "Sunday is day 7" );

my $monday = DateTime->new(
    year      => 2003,
    month     => 1,
    day       => 27,
    time_zone => 'UTC',

is( $monday->day_of_week, 1, "Monday is day 1" );


    # time zone offset should not affect the values returned
    my $d = DateTime->new(
        year      => 2001,
        month     => 7,
        day       => 5,
        hour      => 2,
        minute    => 12,
        second    => 50,
        time_zone => '-0124',

    is( $d->year,         2001, '->year' );
    is( $d->ce_year,      2001, '->ce_year' );
    is( $d->month,        7,    '->month' );
    is( $d->day_of_month, 5,    '->day_of_month' );
    is( $d->hour,         2,    '->hour' );
    is( $d->hour_1,       2,    '->hour_1' );
    is( $d->minute,       12,   '->minute' );
    is( $d->second,       50,   '->second' );

    my $dt0 = DateTime->new( year => 1, time_zone => 'UTC' );

    is( $dt0->year,          1,     "year 1 is year 1" );
    is( $dt0->ce_year,       1,     "ce_year 1 is year 1" );
    is( $dt0->era_abbr,      'AD',  'era is AD' );
    is( $dt0->year_with_era, '1AD', 'year_with_era is 1AD' );
    is( $dt0->christian_era, 'AD',  'christian_era is AD' );
        $dt0->year_with_christian_era, '1AD',
        'year_with_christian_era is 1AD'
    is( $dt0->secular_era,           'CE',  'secular_era is CE' );
    is( $dt0->year_with_secular_era, '1CE', 'year_with_secular_era is 1CE' );

    $dt0->subtract( years => 1 );

    is( $dt0->year,          0,     "year 1 minus 1 is year 0" );
    is( $dt0->ce_year,       -1,    "ce_year 1 minus 1 is year -1" );
    is( $dt0->era_abbr,      'BC',  'era is BC' );
    is( $dt0->year_with_era, '1BC', 'year_with_era is 1BC' );
    is( $dt0->christian_era, 'BC',  'christian_era is BC' );
        $dt0->year_with_christian_era, '1BC',
        'year_with_christian_era is 1BC'
    is( $dt0->secular_era, 'BCE', 'secular_era is BCE' );
        $dt0->year_with_secular_era, '1BCE',
        'year_with_secular_era is 1BCE'

    my $dt_neg = DateTime->new( year => -10, time_zone => 'UTC', );
    is( $dt_neg->year,    -10, "Year -10 is -10" );
    is( $dt_neg->ce_year, -11, "year -10 is ce_year -11" );

    my $dt1 = $dt_neg + DateTime::Duration->new( years => 10 );
    is( $dt1->year, 0, "year is 0 after adding ten years to year -10" );
        $dt1->ce_year, -1,
        "ce_year is -1 after adding ten years to year -10"

    my $dt = DateTime->new(
        year => 50, month  => 2,
        hour => 3,  minute => 20, second => 5,
        time_zone => 'UTC',

    is( $dt->ymd('%s'), '0050%s02%s01', 'use %s as separator in ymd' );
    is( $dt->mdy('%s'), '02%s01%s0050', 'use %s as separator in mdy' );
    is( $dt->dmy('%s'), '01%s02%s0050', 'use %s as separator in dmy' );

    is( $dt->hms('%s'), '03%s20%s05', 'use %s as separator in hms' );

# test doy in leap year
    my $dt = DateTime->new(
        year      => 2000, month => 1, day => 5,
        time_zone => 'UTC',

    is( $dt->day_of_year,   5, 'doy for 2000-01-05 should be 5' );
    is( $dt->day_of_year_0, 4, 'doy_0 for 2000-01-05 should be 4' );

    my $dt = DateTime->new(
        year      => 2000, month => 2, day => 29,
        time_zone => 'UTC',

    is( $dt->day_of_year,   60, 'doy for 2000-02-29 should be 60' );
    is( $dt->day_of_year_0, 59, 'doy_0 for 2000-02-29 should be 59' );

    my $dt = DateTime->new(
        year      => -6, month => 2, day => 25,
        time_zone => 'UTC',

    is( $dt->ymd, '-0006-02-25', 'ymd is -0006-02-25' );
        $dt->iso8601, '-0006-02-25T00:00:00',
        'iso8601 is -0005-02-25T00:00:00'
    is( $dt->year,    -6, 'year is -6' );
    is( $dt->ce_year, -7, 'ce_year is -7' );

    my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 1996, month => 2, day => 1 );

    is( $dt->quarter,        1,  '->quarter is 1' );
    is( $dt->day_of_quarter, 32, '->day_of_quarter' );

    my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 1996, month => 5, day => 1 );

    is( $dt->quarter,        2,  '->quarter is 2' );
    is( $dt->day_of_quarter, 31, '->day_of_quarter' );

    my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 1996, month => 8, day => 1 );

    is( $dt->quarter,        3,  '->quarter is 3' );
    is( $dt->day_of_quarter, 32, '->day_of_quarter' );

    my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 1996, month => 11, day => 1 );

    is( $dt->quarter,        4,  '->quarter is 4' );
    is( $dt->day_of_quarter, 32, '->day_of_quarter' );

# nano, micro, and milli seconds
    my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 1996, nanosecond => 500_000_000 );

    is( $dt->nanosecond,  500_000_000, 'nanosecond is 500,000,000' );
    is( $dt->microsecond, 500_000,     'microsecond is 500,000' );
    is( $dt->millisecond, 500,         'millisecond is 500' );

    $dt->set( nanosecond => 500_000_500 );

    is( $dt->nanosecond,  500_000_500, 'nanosecond is 500,000,500' );
    is( $dt->microsecond, 500_000,     'microsecond is 500,000' );
    is( $dt->millisecond, 500,         'millisecond is 500' );

    $dt->set( nanosecond => 499_999_999 );

    is( $dt->nanosecond,  499_999_999, 'nanosecond is 499,999,999' );
    is( $dt->microsecond, 499_999,     'microsecond is 499,999' );
    is( $dt->millisecond, 499,         'millisecond is 499' );

    $dt->set( nanosecond => 450_000_001 );

    is( $dt->nanosecond,  450_000_001, 'nanosecond is 450,000,001' );
    is( $dt->microsecond, 450_000,     'microsecond is 450,000' );
    is( $dt->millisecond, 450,         'millisecond is 450' );

    $dt->set( nanosecond => 450_500_000 );

    is( $dt->nanosecond,  450_500_000, 'nanosecond is 450,500,000' );
    is( $dt->microsecond, 450_500,     'microsecond is 450,500' );
    is( $dt->millisecond, 450,         'millisecond is 450' );

    my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2003, month => 5, day => 7 );
    is( $dt->weekday_of_month, 1, '->weekday_of_month' );
    is( $dt->week_of_month,    2, '->week_of_month' );

    my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2003, month => 5, day => 8 );
    is( $dt->weekday_of_month, 2, '->weekday_of_month' );
    is( $dt->week_of_month,    2, '->week_of_month' );

    my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 1000, hour => 23 );
    is( $dt->hour,      23, '->hour' );
    is( $dt->hour_1,    23, '->hour_1' );
    is( $dt->hour_12,   11, '->hour_12' );
    is( $dt->hour_12_0, 11, '->hour_12_0' );

    my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 1000, hour => 0 );
    is( $dt->hour,      0,  '->hour' );
    is( $dt->hour_1,    24, '->hour_1' );
    is( $dt->hour_12,   12, '->hour_12' );
    is( $dt->hour_12_0, 0,  '->hour_12_0' );

    skip 'These tests require Test::Warn', 9
        unless eval "use Test::Warn; 1";

    my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2000 );
        sub { $dt->year(2001) }, qr/is a read-only/,
        'year() is read-only'
        sub { $dt->month(5) }, qr/is a read-only/,
        'month() is read-only'
        sub { $dt->day(5) }, qr/is a read-only/,
        'day() is read-only'
        sub { $dt->hour(5) }, qr/is a read-only/,
        'hour() is read-only'
        sub { $dt->minute(5) }, qr/is a read-only/,
        'minute() is read-only'
        sub { $dt->second(5) }, qr/is a read-only/,
        'second() is read-only'
        sub { $dt->nanosecond(5) }, qr/is a read-only/,
        'nanosecond() is read-only'
        sub { $dt->time_zone('America/Chicago') }, qr/is a read-only/,
        'time_zone() is read-only'
        sub { $dt->locale('en_US') }, qr/is a read-only/,
        'locale() is read-only'
