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package Net::Works::Network;
  $Net::Works::Network::VERSION = '0.01';
  $Net::Works::Network::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:DROLSKY';

use strict;
use warnings;
use namespace::autoclean;

use List::AllUtils qw( any first );
use Net::Works::Address;
use NetAddr::IP;

use Moose;

has _netmask => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => 'NetAddr::IP',
    handles => {
        netmask_as_integer => 'masklen',
        mask_length        => 'bits',
        version            => 'version',

has first => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'Net::Works::Address',
    init_arg => undef,
    lazy     => 1,
    builder  => '_build_first',

has last => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'Net::Works::Address',
    init_arg => undef,
    lazy     => 1,
    builder  => '_build_last',

override BUILDARGS => sub {
    my $self = shift;

    my $p = super();

    my $constructor = $p->{version} && $p->{version} == 6 ? 'new6' : 'new';

    my $nm = NetAddr::IP->$constructor( $p->{subnet} )
        or die "Invalid subnet specifier - [$p->{subnet}]";

    return { _netmask => $nm };

    my %max = (
        32  => 2**32 - 1,
        128 => do { use bigint; 2**128 - 1 },

    sub max_netmask_as_integer {
        my $self = shift;

        my $base = $self->first()->as_integer();

        my $netmask = $self->netmask_as_integer();

        my $bits = $self->_netmask()->bits();
        while ($netmask) {
            my $mask = do {
                use bigint;
                ( ~( 2**( $bits - $netmask ) - 1 ) & $max{$bits} );

            last if ( $base & $mask ) != $base;


        return $netmask + 1;

sub iterator {
    my $self = shift;

    my $version = $self->version();
    my $current = $self->first()->as_integer();
    my $last    = $self->last()->as_integer();

    return sub {
        return if $current > $last;

            integer => $current++,
            version => $version,

sub as_string {
    my $self = shift;

    my $netmask = $self->_netmask();

    return $self->version() == 6
        ? ( join '/', lc $netmask->short(), $netmask->masklen() )
        : $netmask->cidr();

sub _build_first {
    my $self = shift;

    return Net::Works::Address->new_from_string(
        string  => $self->_netmask()->network()->addr(),
        version => $self->version(),

sub _build_last {
    my $self = shift;

    return Net::Works::Address->new_from_string(
        string  => $self->_netmask()->broadcast()->addr(),
        version => $self->version(),

sub _remove_reserved_subnets_from_range {
    my $class   = shift;
    my $first   = shift;
    my $last    = shift;
    my $version = shift;

    my @ranges;


    return @ranges;

    my @reserved_4 = qw(

    my @reserved_6 = (
        @reserved_4, qw(

    my %reserved_networks = (
        4 => [
            map { Net::Works::Network->new( subnet => $_, version => 4 ) }
        6 => [
            map { Net::Works::Network->new( subnet => $_, version => 6 ) }

    sub _remove_reserved_subnets_from_range_r {
        my $class   = shift;
        my $first   = shift;
        my $last    = shift;
        my $version = shift;
        my $ranges  = shift;

        for my $pn ( @{ $reserved_networks{$version} } ) {
            my $reserved_first = $pn->first();
            my $reserved_last  = $pn->last();

            next if ( $last < $reserved_first || $first > $reserved_last );

            if ( $first >= $reserved_first and $last <= $reserved_last ) {

                # just remove the range, it is completely in a reserved network

            ) if ( $first < $reserved_first );

            ) if ( $last > $reserved_last );

        push @{$ranges}, [ $first, $last ];

sub range_as_subnets {
    my $class = shift;
    my $first = shift;
    my $last  = shift;

    my $version = ( any { /:/ } $first, $last ) ? 6 : 4;

    $first = Net::Works::Address->new_from_string(
        string  => $first,
        version => $version,
    ) unless ref $first;

    $last = Net::Works::Address->new_from_string(
        string  => $last,
        version => $version,
    ) unless ref $last;

    my @ranges = $class->_remove_reserved_subnets_from_range(

    my @subnets;
    for my $range (@ranges) {
        push @subnets, $class->_split_one_range( @{$range} );

    return @subnets;

sub _split_one_range {
    my $class = shift;
    my $first = shift;
    my $last  = shift;

    my $version = $first->version();

    my $bits = $version == 6 ? 128 : 32;

    my @subnets;
    while ( $first <= $last ) {
        my $smallest_subnet = Net::Works::Network->new(
            subnet  => $first . '/' . $bits,
            version => $version,

        my $max_network = first { $_->last() <= $last } (
            map {
                    subnet  => $first . '/' . $_,
                    version => $version,
            } $smallest_subnet->max_netmask_as_integer() .. $bits

        push @subnets, $max_network;

        $first = $max_network->last()->next_ip();

    return @subnets;



# ABSTRACT: An object representing a single IP address (4 or 6) subnet



=head1 NAME

Net::Works::Network - An object representing a single IP address (4 or 6) subnet

=head1 VERSION

version 0.01


  my $network = Net::Works::Network->new( subnet => '' );
  print $network->as_string();          #
  print $network->netmask_as_integer(); # 24
  print $network->mask_length();        # 32
  print $network->version();            # 4

  my $first = $network->first();
  print $first->as_string();    #

  my $last = $network->first();
  print $last->as_string();     #

  my $iterator = $network->iterator();
  while ( my $ip = $iterator->() ) { ... }

  my $network = Net::Works::Network->new( subnet => '' );
  print $network->max_netmask_as_integer(); # 30

  # All methods work with IPv4 and IPv6 subnets
  my $network = Net::Works::Network->new( subnet => 'a800:f000::/20' );

  my @subnets = Net::Works::Network->range_as_subnets( '', '' );
  print $_->as_string, "\n" for @subnets;


Objects of this class represent an IP address subnet. It can handle both IPv4
and IPv6 subnets. It provides various methods for getting information about
the subnet.

For IPv6, it uses big integers (via Math::BigInt) to represent the numeric
value of an address as needed.

This module is currently a thin wrapper around NetAddr::IP but that could
change in the future.

=head1 METHODS

This class provides the following methods:

=head2 Net::Works::Network->new( ... )

This method takes a C<subnet> parameter and an optional C<version>
parameter. The C<subnet> parameter should be a string representation of an IP
address subnet.

The C<version> parameter should be either C<4> or C<6>, but you don't really need
this unless you're trying to force a dotted quad to be interpreted as an IPv6
subnet or to a force an IPv6 address colon-separated hex number to be
interpreted as an IPv4 subnet.

=head2 $network->as_string()

Returns a string representation of the subnet like "" or

=head2 $network->version()

Returns a 4 or 6 to indicate whether this is an IPv4 or IPv6 subnet.

=head2 $network->netmask_as_integer()

Returns the numeric subnet as passed to the constructor.

=head2 $network->mask_length()

Returns the mask length for the subnet, which is either 32 (IPv4) or 128

=head2 $network->max_netmask_as_integer()

This returns the maximum possible numeric subnet that this subnet could fit
in. In other words, the subnet could be part of the
subnet, so this returns 24.

=head2 $network->first()

Returns the first IP in the subnet as an L<Net::Works::Address> object.

=head2 $network->last()

Returns the last IP in the subnet as an L<Net::Works::Address> object.

=head2 $network->iterator()

This returns an anonymous sub that returns one IP address in the range each
time it's called.

For single address subnets (/32 or /128), this returns a single address.

When it has exhausted all the addresses in the subnet, it returns C<undef>

=head2 Net::Works::Network->range_as_subnets( $first, $last )

Given two IP addresses as strings, this method breaks the range up into the
largest subnets that include all the IP addresses in the range (including the
two passed to this method).

It also excludes any reserved subnets in the range (such as the or ranges).

This method works with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. If either address
contains a colon (:) then it assumes that you want IPv6 subnets.

=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item *

Dave Rolsky <>

=item *

Olaf Alders <>



This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by MaxMind, Inc..

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
