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package Pg::CLI::psql;
  $Pg::CLI::psql::VERSION = '0.11';

use Moose;

use namespace::autoclean;

use MooseX::Params::Validate qw( validated_hash );
use MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor;
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw( ArrayRef Bool Defined Str );
use MooseX::Types::Path::Class qw( File );

with qw( Pg::CLI::Role::Connects Pg::CLI::Role::Executable );

has quiet => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => Bool,
    default => 1,

sub execute_file {
    my $self = shift;
    my %p    = validated_hash(
        database => { isa => Str },
        file     => { isa => Str | File },
        options  => { isa => ArrayRef [Str], optional => 1 },
        stdin  => { isa => Defined, optional => 1 },
        stdout => { isa => Defined, optional => 1 },
        stderr => { isa => Defined, optional => 1 },

    push @{ $p{options} }, '-f', ( delete $p{file} ) . q{};


sub _run_options {
    my $self = shift;

    return ( $self->quiet() ? '-q' : () );



# ABSTRACT: Wrapper for the F<psql> utility



=head1 NAME

Pg::CLI::psql - Wrapper for the F<psql> utility

=head1 VERSION

version 0.11


  my $psql = Pg::CLI::psql->new(
      username => 'foo',
      password => 'bar',
      host     => '',
      port     => 5433,

      database => 'database',
      options  => [ '-c', 'DELETE FROM table' ],

      database => 'database',
      file     => 'thing.sql',

  my $errors;
      database => 'foo',
      stdin    => \$sql,
      stderr   => \$errors,


This class provides a wrapper for the F<psql> utility.

=head1 METHODS

This class provides the following methods:

=head2 Pg::CLI::psql->new( ... )

The constructor accepts a number of parameters:

=over 4

=item * executable

The path to F<psql>. By default, this will look for F<psql> in your path and
throw an error if it cannot be found.

=item * username

The username to use when connecting to the database. Optional.

=item * password

The password to use when connecting to the database. Optional.

=item * host

The host to use when connecting to the database. Optional.

=item * port

The port to use when connecting to the database. Optional.

=item * require_ssl

If this is true, then the C<PGSSLMODE> environment variable will be set to
"require" when connecting to the database.

=item * quiet

This defaults to true. When true, the "-q" flag is passed to psql whenever it
is executed.


=head2 $psql->run( database => ..., options => [ ... ] )

This method runs a command against the specified database. You must pass one
or more options that indicate what psql should do.

This method also accepts optional C<stdin>, C<stdout>, and C<stderr>
parameters. These parameters can be any defined value that could be passed as
the relevant parameter to L<IPC::Run3>'s C<run3> subroutine.

Most notably, you can pass scalar references to pipe data in via the C<stdin>
parameter or capture output sent to C<stdout> or C<stderr>

=head2 $psql->execute_file( database => ..., file => ... )

This method executes the specified file against the database. You can also
pass additional options via the C<options> parameter.

This method also accepts optional C<stdin>, C<stdout>, and C<stderr>
parameters, just like the C<< $psql->run() >> method.

=head2 $psql->version()

Returns a the three part version as a string.

=head2 $psql->two_part_version()

Returns the first two decimal numbers in the version.

=head1 BUGS

See L<Pg::CLI> for bug reporting details.

=head1 AUTHOR

Dave Rolsky <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Dave Rolsky.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)
