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<h2>Text Formatting</h2>

Silki uses an extended dialect of
the <a href="">Markdown</a> text
formatting language. Markdown is designed to be a natural language for adding
formatting to plain text.


A paragraph is one or more lines of text. Paragraphs are separated by a blank

<&| .markdown-and-output, keep_paras => 1 &>
This is a paragraph. It has several sentences. It
also has a line break.

This is a separate paragraph consisting of a single
sentence on two lines.


<p class="advice">
We recommend that you don't use first-level headers in pages. The page title
itself should serve as the first-level header. Inside the page, start with
second-level headers and work from there.

Headers come in two variants. underlined and prefixed. The underlined variant
puts the header text on one line and the header markers on the next:

<&| .markdown-and-output, fixed => 1 &>
Second-level Header

You can also create headers by prefixing the text with hash marks (#):

<&| .markdown-and-output &>
## Second-level Header

### Third-level Header

<h3>Wiki Links</h3>

Linking to a page in the same wiki is simple, just wrap the page title in
double parentheses:

<pre class="markdown-docs">
((Page Title))

If you want to link to a page in another wiki on the same server, you need to
include the wiki name with the page name, separated by a slash (/):

<pre class="markdown-docs">
((Other Wiki/Page Title))

<h3>External Links</h3>

When linking to an external site, you can set the link text (the text people
see in the page), and the URL:

<&| .markdown-and-output &>
[a great directory of veg-friendly restaurants](

If you just want to put a URL in the text, wrap it in angle brackets:

<&| .markdown-and-output &>

<h3>Linking to Files</h3>

You can link to files in the current wiki, or any other wiki you have access
to. By default, Silki looks for files attached to the current page.

<pre class="markdown-example">Take a look at the PDF: {{file: file.pdf}}</pre>

<div class="markdown-output">
  <p>Take a look at the PDF: <a href="#" title="Download this file">file.pdf</a></p>

If you want to change the link text, put the link text in square brackets
before the link:

<pre class="markdown-example">Take a look at [the attached PDF]{{file: file.pdf}}</pre>

<div class="markdown-output">
  <p>Take a look at <a href="#" title="Download this file">the attached PDF</a></p>

You can also link to files attached to other pages, even in other wikis. Of
course, if a user viewing the page does not have access to the other wiki,
they won't be able to see the file.

<pre class="markdown-example">Take a look at the PDF: {{file: Other Page In This Wiki/file.pdf}}</pre>

<div class="markdown-output">
  <p>Take a look at the PDF: <a href="#" title="Download this file">file.pdf</a></p>

<pre class="markdown-example">Take a look at the PDF: {{file: Other Wiki/Other Page/file.pdf}}</pre>

<div class="markdown-output">
  <p>Take a look at the PDF: <a href="#" title="Download this file">file.pdf</a></p>

<h3>Linking to Images</h3>

Image links are very similar to file links, but they embed the image in the
wiki page:</p>

<pre class="markdown-example">The attached logo: {{image: logo.png}}</pre>

<div class="markdown-output">
    The attached logo:
    <a href="<% Silki::URI::static_uri( '/images/vegguide-logo.png' ) %>"
       title="View this file"
       ><img src="<% Silki::URI::static_uri( '/images/vegguide-logo.png' ) %>"

The image will be scaled down so that is no wider than 400 pixels, and no
taller than 150 pixels. The image will also link to a larger version of

<h3>Bold and Italics</h3>

To make some text bold, wrap it with two asterisks (**):

<&| .markdown-and-output &>
A **bold chunk** in the middle.

To make text italic, wrap it with one asterisk (*):

<&| .markdown-and-output &>
An *italic chunk* in the middle.

You can also mix these italics and bold:

<&| .markdown-and-output &>
A *ridiculously **strong piece of text***!


You can create bullet lists and numbered lists by prefixing each line with
either a bullet (*) or a number (1., 2.).

<&| .markdown-and-output &>
* Bullet 1
* Bullet 2

<&| .markdown-and-output &>
1. Number 1
2. Number 2

You can also nest lists using indentation:

<&| .markdown-and-output &>
* 1-A
* 1-B
    * 2-B
    * 3-B
* 1-C
    * 2-C
        * three
* 1-D


Silki extends Markdown to add table support. A table can have an optional set
of header rows, a body, and an optional caption. Here's a basic table:

<&| .markdown-and-output, fixed => 1 &>
| name        | description                  | price  |
| gizmo       | Takes care of the doohickies |   1.99 |
| doodad      | Collects *gizmos*            |  23.80 |
| dojigger    | Foo                          | 102.98 |
| thingamabob | Self-explanatory, no?        |   0.99 |

The header rows are marked off by a line consisting only of "+---+". You can
have multiple header rows:

<&| .markdown-and-output, fixed => 1 &>
| Location           || Services        ||
| City        | State | Sales? | Repair? |
| Minneapolis | MN    | Yes    | Yes     |
| Chicago     | IL    | Yes    | No      |
| Columbus    | OH    | No     | No      |

This example also demonstrates column grouping. By putting two column
separators next to each other ("||"), we can group cells together.

Header rows are not required, nor are the markers at the beginning and end of
the table:

<&| .markdown-and-output, fixed => 1 &>
[Locations and Services]
| Minneapolis | MN    | Yes    | Yes     |
| Chicago     | IL    | Yes    | No      |
| Columbus    | OH    | No     | No      |

The text in brackets ("[...]") is the table's caption.

By default, text in a cell is left-aligned. By adding appropriate whitespace,
you can cause the cell to be centered or right-aligned:

<&| .markdown-and-output, fixed => 1 &>
| Left        |    Center    |          Right |
| Longer text | For contrast | And cell width |


Use a blockquote for extended quotes of material from somewhere else. A
blockquote is created by prefixing each line with an greater-than (>):

<&| .markdown-and-output, keep_paras => 1 &>
> This is our hope. This is the faith that I go
> back to the South with. With this faith we will
> be able to hew out of the mountain of despair
> a stone of hope. With this faith we will be
> able to transform the jangling discords of
> our nation into a beautiful symphony of
> brotherhood. With this faith we will be able
> to work together, to pray together, to
> struggle together, to go to jail together,
> to stand up for freedom together, knowing
> that we will be free one day.
> -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

<h3>Horizontal Rule</h3>

You can insert a horizontal rule into a page by inserting four or more dashes
(-) surrounded by blank lines

<&| .markdown-and-output &>
Content ...


More content ...

<h3>Monospace / Code</h3>

If you want to insert code (monospaced text) inside some text, you can
surround it by backticks (`). If you want a standalone pre-formatted monospace
block, simply indent each line by four spaces:

<&| .markdown-and-output &>
To set the variable `$foo`, write `$foo = $value`.

<&| .markdown-and-output, fixed => 1,  &>
    while ( $x > 1 ) {

<h3>More Info</h3>

We have purposely only documented a part of the full Markdown specification
here, in order to keep things simple. However, we do support
the <a href="">full Markdown

my $simple = Markdent::Simple::Fragment->new();

<%def .markdown-and-output>
<pre class="markdown-example <% $fixed ? 'fixed' : q{} %>"><% $markdown %></pre>
<div class="markdown-output"><% $formatted | n %></div>

$fixed => 0
$keep_paras => 0

my $markdown = $m->content();
my $formatted = $simple->markdown_to_html( markdown => $markdown, dialect => 'Theory' );
$formatted =~ s{<p>|</p>}{}g unless $keep_paras;