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package WebService::StreetMapLink;

use strict;

use vars qw($VERSION);

$VERSION = 0.21;

use Class::Factory::Util;
use URI;

use Params::Validate qw( validate_with SCALAR UNDEF );

my %CountryToClass;

sub RegisterSubclass
    my $class    = shift;
    my $priority = shift || 100;

    foreach my $country ( map { lc } $class->Countries )
        push @{ $CountryToClass{$country} },
            { class    => $class,
              priority => $priority,

    for my $class ( map { __PACKAGE__ . '::' . $_ } __PACKAGE__->subclasses )
        eval "use $class";
        die $@ if $@;

use constant NEW_SPEC => { country     => { type => SCALAR },
                           address     => { type => UNDEF | SCALAR, optional => 1 },
                           city        => { type => UNDEF | SCALAR, optional => 1 },
                           state       => { type => UNDEF | SCALAR, optional => 1 },
                           postal_code => { type => UNDEF | SCALAR, optional => 1 },
                           subclass    => { type => UNDEF | SCALAR, optional => 1 },

sub new
    my $class = shift;
    my %p = validate_with( params => \@_,
                           spec   => NEW_SPEC,
                           allow_extra => 1,

    my $subclass;
    if ( $p{subclass} )
        if ( $p{subclass} =~ /::/ )
            $subclass = $p{subclass};
            $subclass = __PACKAGE__  . '::' . $p{subclass};

        delete $p{subclass};

    unless ($subclass)
        my $country = $class->_sanitize_country( $p{country} );

        return unless exists $CountryToClass{$country};

        my $entry =
            (sort { $a->{priority} <=> $b->{priority} } @{ $CountryToClass{$country} })[0];
        $subclass = $entry->{class};

        $p{country} = $country;

    return $subclass->new(%p);

sub _sanitize_country
    my $country = shift;

    if ( $country =~ /united\s+states|u\.s\.(?:a\.)?/i )
        $country = 'usa';

    if ( $country =~ /united\s+kingdom|u\.k\./i )
        $country = 'uk';

    return lc $country;

sub uri_object
    my $self = shift;

    my $uri = URI->new( '' );

    foreach my $k ( qw( scheme host path ) )
        my $m = "_$k";
        $uri->$k( $self->$m() )
            if $self->can($m);

    $uri->query_form( $self->_query )
        if $self->can('_query');

    return $uri->canonical;

sub uri

sub _scheme { $_[0]->{scheme} ? $_[0]->{scheme} : 'http' }

sub _host  { $_[0]->{host} }
sub _path  { $_[0]->{path} }
sub _query { $_[0]->{query} }

sub service_name
    my $self = shift;

    my $class = ref $self || $self;

    return ( split /::/, $class )[-1];



=head1 NAME

WebService::StreetMapLink - An API for generating links to online map services


    use WebService::StreetMapLink;

    my $map =
            ( country => 'usa',
              address => '100 Some Street',
              city    => 'Testville',
              state   => 'MN',
              postal_code => '12345',

    my $uri = $map->uri;


This class defines an API for classes which generate links to various
online map services like MapQuest or Multimap.  It also provides a
constructor which will dispatch to an appropriate subclass based on
the country being mapped.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new()

This method constructs a new object of some
C<WebService::StreetMapLink> subclass.

This method accepts the following parameters:

=over 4

=item * country

This parameter determined which subclass will be used.  If more than
one subclass is available for the country, then one will be chosen
more or less at random.  You can provide a "subclass" parameter to
override the default choice.

This parameter is B<required>.

=item * address

=item * city

=item * state

The state or province.  Subclasses should be designed to handle either
the full name or a standard abbreviation.

=item * postal_code

The postal or zip code.

=item * subclass

This can be a full class name like C<My::Map> or just an identifier
for an existing C<WebService::StreetMapLink> subclass, like C<MapQuest>.


Subclasses may require certain parameters, and may also accept
additional parameters besides those listed.

If the parameter given are not sufficient to generate a map URI for
the given country, then this method will simply return false.

=head2 uri()

This method returns a string containing the URI of the map link.

=head2 uri_object()

This method returns a URI object representing the map link.

=head2 service_name()

The name of the service being used for the map, like 'Google' or


Creating a subclass that implements map links is quite simple.  The
subclass needs to provide a few methods.  See the subclasses
distributed with this module for examples.

All subclasses must call C<<
WebService::StreetMapLink->RegisterSubclass() >> when loaded. This
method accepts one optional argument, the subclass's priority. If not
provided, this defaults to 100 (lowest priority).

=head2 Countries()

This class method should return an array of country names which the
subclass can handle.

=head2 new()

This method will receive the same parameters as are given to
C<< WebService::StreetMapLink->new >>, and should return a new object
of the given subclass.

If the parameters it receives aren't sufficient to create a map link,
it should simply call a bare C<return>.

=head2 _scheme(), _host(), _path(), _query()

These methods are used when constructing a C<URI> object.  By default,
these methods simply look at the "scheme", "host", "path", and "query"
keys of the object.  The C<_scheme()> method will default to "http".

You are free to override any of these methods in your subclass.

=head2 service_name()

This will default to the unique part of your subclass, but you can
override this to return any string.


Please check with each service provider regarding their terms of
service.  Some of them may impose certain conditions on how they can
be linked to.  The author(s) of these modules are not responsible for
any violations of a provider's terms of service committed when using
URIs generated by these modules.

=head1 SEE ALSO

WebService::StreetMapLink::Google, WebService::StreetMapLink::MapQuest, WebService::StreetMapLink::Multimap, WebService::StreetMapLink::Streetdirectory, WebService::StreetMapLink::Catcha

=head1 AUTHOR

David Rolsky, C<< <> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<>, or through the web interface at
L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll automatically
be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


Copyright 2004-2007 David Rolsky, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
with this module.
