The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use lib 't';
use strict;
use warnings;
use bytes;

use Test::More ;
use CompTestUtils;

    plan(skip_all => "oneshot needs Perl 5.005 or better - you have Perl $]" )
        if $] < 5.005 ;

    # use Test::NoWarnings, if available
    my $extra = 0 ;
    $extra = 1
        if eval { require Test::NoWarnings ;  import Test::NoWarnings; 1 };

    plan tests => 989 + $extra ;

    use_ok('IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress', qw(anyuncompress $AnyUncompressError)) ;


sub run

    my $CompressClass   = identify();
    my $UncompressClass = getInverse($CompressClass);
    my $Error           = getErrorRef($CompressClass);
    my $UnError         = getErrorRef($UncompressClass);
    my $TopFuncName     = getTopFuncName($CompressClass);

    my @MultiValues     = getMultiValues($CompressClass);

    foreach my $bit ($CompressClass, $UncompressClass,
        my $Error = getErrorRef($bit);
        my $Func = getTopFuncRef($bit);
        my $TopType = getTopFuncName($bit);

        #my $inverse = getInverse($bit);
        #my $InverseFunc = getTopFuncRef($inverse);

        title "Testing $TopType Error Cases";

        my $a;
        my $x ;

        eval { $a = $Func->(\$a => \$x, Fred => 1) ;} ;
        like $@, mkErr("^$TopType: unknown key value\\(s\\) Fred"), '  Illegal Parameters';

        eval { $a = $Func->() ;} ;
        like $@, "/^$TopType: expected at least 1 parameters/", '  No Parameters';

        eval { $a = $Func->(\$x, \1) ;} ;
        like $$Error, "/^$TopType: output buffer is read-only/", '  Output is read-only' ;

        my $in ;
        eval { $a = $Func->($in, \$x) ;} ;
        like $@, mkErr("^$TopType: input filename is undef or null string"), 
            '  Input filename undef' ;

        $in = '';    
        eval { $a = $Func->($in, \$x) ;} ;
        like $@, mkErr("^$TopType: input filename is undef or null string"), 
            '  Input filename empty' ;

            my $lex1 = new LexFile my $in ;
            writeFile($in, "abc");
            my $out = $in ;
            eval { $a = $Func->($in, $out) ;} ;
            like $@, mkErr("^$TopType: input and output filename are identical"),
                '  Input and Output filename are the same';

            my $dir ;
            my $lex = new LexDir $dir ;
            my $d = quotemeta $dir;

            $a = $Func->("$dir", \$x) ;
            is $a, undef, "  $TopType returned undef";
            like $$Error, "/input file '$d' is a directory/",
                '  Input filename is a directory';

            $a = $Func->(\$x, "$dir") ;
            is $a, undef, "  $TopType returned undef";
            like $$Error, "/output file '$d' is a directory/",
                '  Output filename is a directory';

        eval { $a = $Func->(\$in, \$in) ;} ;
        like $@, mkErr("^$TopType: input and output buffer are identical"),
            '  Input and Output buffer are the same';
            # Threaded 5.6.x seems to have a problem comparing filehandles.
            use Config;

            skip 'Cannot compare filehandles with threaded $]', 2
                if $] >= 5.006  && $] < 5.007 && $Config{useithreads};

            my $lex = new LexFile my $out_file ;
            open OUT, ">$out_file" ;
            eval { $a = $Func->(\*OUT, \*OUT) ;} ;
            like $@, mkErr("^$TopType: input and output handle are identical"),
                '  Input and Output handle are the same';
            close OUT;
            is -s $out_file, 0, "  File zero length" ;

            my %x = () ;
            my $object = bless \%x, "someClass" ;

            # Buffer not a scalar reference
            #eval { $a = $Func->(\$x, \%x) ;} ;
            eval { $a = $Func->(\$x, $object) ;} ;
            like $@, mkErr("^$TopType: illegal output parameter"),
                '  Bad Output Param';
            # Buffer not a scalar reference
            eval { $a = $Func->(\$x, \%x) ;} ;
            like $@, mkErr("^$TopType: illegal output parameter"),
                '  Bad Output Param';

            eval { $a = $Func->(\%x, \$x) ;} ;
            like $@, mkErr("^$TopType: illegal input parameter"),
                '  Bad Input Param';

            #eval { $a = $Func->(\%x, \$x) ;} ;
            eval { $a = $Func->($object, \$x) ;} ;
            like $@, mkErr("^$TopType: illegal input parameter"),
                '  Bad Input Param';

        my $filename = 'abc.def';
        ok ! -e $filename, "  input file '$filename' does not exist";
        $a = $Func->($filename, \$x) ;
        is $a, undef, "  $TopType returned undef";
        like $$Error, "/^input file '$filename' does not exist\$/", "  input File '$filename' does not exist";
        $filename = '/tmp/abd/abc.def';
        ok ! -e $filename, "  output File '$filename' does not exist";
        $a = $Func->(\$x, $filename) ;
        is $a, undef, "  $TopType returned undef";
        like $$Error, ("/^(cannot open file '$filename'|input file '$filename' does not exist):/"), "  output File '$filename' does not exist";
        eval { $a = $Func->(\$x, '<abc>') } ;
        like $$Error, "/Need input fileglob for outout fileglob/",
                '  Output fileglob with no input fileglob';
        is $a, undef, "  $TopType returned undef";

        $a = $Func->('<abc)>', '<abc>') ;
        is $a, undef, "  $TopType returned undef";
        like $$Error, "/Unmatched \\) in input fileglob/",
                "  Unmatched ) in input fileglob";

    foreach my $bit ($UncompressClass,
        my $Error = getErrorRef($bit);
        my $Func = getTopFuncRef($bit);
        my $TopType = getTopFuncName($bit);

            my $in ;
            my $out ;
            my @x ;

                use Config;

                skip 'readonly + threads', 1
                    if $Config{useithreads};

                eval { $a = $Func->(\$in, \$out, TrailingData => \"abc") ;} ;
                like $@, mkErr("^$TopType: Parameter 'TrailingData' not writable"),
                    '  TrailingData output not writable';

            eval { $a = $Func->(\$in, \$out, TrailingData => \@x) ;} ;
            like $@, mkErr("^$TopType: Parameter 'TrailingData' not a scalar reference"),
                '  TrailingData output not scalar reference';

    foreach my $bit ($UncompressClass,
        my $Error = getErrorRef($bit);
        my $Func = getTopFuncRef($bit);
        my $TopType = getTopFuncName($bit);

        my $data = "mary had a little lamb" ;
        my $keep = $data ;

        for my $trans ( 0, 1)
            title "Non-compressed data with $TopType, Transparent => $trans ";
            my $a;
            my $x ;
            my $out = '' ;

            $a = $Func->(\$data, \$out, Transparent => $trans) ;

            is $data, $keep, "  Input buffer not changed" ;

            if ($trans)
                ok $a, "  $TopType returned true" ;
                is $out, $data, "  got expected output" ;
                ok ! $$Error, "  no error [$$Error]" ;
                ok ! $a, "  $TopType returned false" ;
                #like $$Error, '/xxx/', "  error" ;
                ok $$Error, "  error is '$$Error'" ;

    foreach my $bit ($CompressClass
        my $Error = getErrorRef($bit);
        my $Func = getTopFuncRef($bit);
        my $TopType = getTopFuncName($bit);
        my $TopTypeInverse = getInverse($bit);
        my $FuncInverse = getTopFuncRef($TopTypeInverse);
        my $ErrorInverse = getErrorRef($TopTypeInverse);

        title "$TopTypeInverse - corrupt data";

        my $data = "abcd" x 100 ;
        my $out;

        ok $Func->(\$data, \$out), "  $TopType ok";

        # corrupt the compressed data
        #substr($out, -10, 10) = "x" x 10 ;
        substr($out, int(length($out)/3), 10) = 'abcdeabcde';

        my $result;
        ok ! $FuncInverse->(\$out => \$result, Transparent => 0), "  $TopTypeInverse ok";
        ok $$ErrorInverse, "  Got error '$$ErrorInverse'" ;

        #is $result, $data, "  data ok";

        ok ! anyuncompress(\$out => \$result, Transparent => 0), "anyuncompress ok";
        ok $AnyUncompressError, "  Got error '$AnyUncompressError'" ;

    foreach my $bit ($CompressClass
        my $Error = getErrorRef($bit);
        my $Func = getTopFuncRef($bit);
        my $TopType = getTopFuncName($bit);
        my $TopTypeInverse = getInverse($bit);
        my $FuncInverse = getTopFuncRef($TopTypeInverse);

        my @opts = ();
        @opts = (RawInflate => 1, UnLzma => 1)
            if $CompressClass eq 'IO::Compress::RawInflate';

        for my $append ( 1, 0 )
            my $already = '';
            $already = 'abcde' if $append ;

            for my $buffer ( undef, '', "abcde" )

                my $disp_content = defined $buffer ? $buffer : '<undef>' ;

                my $keep = $buffer;
                my $out_file = "abcde.out";
                my $in_file = "";

                    title "$TopType - From Buff to Buff content '$disp_content' Append $append" ;

                    my $output = $already;
                    ok &$Func(\$buffer, \$output, Append => $append), '  Compressed ok' ;

                    is $keep, $buffer, "  Input buffer not changed" ;
                    my $got = anyUncompress(\$output, $already);
                    $got = undef if ! defined $buffer && $got eq '' ;
                    is $got, $buffer, "  Uncompressed matches original";


                    title "$TopType - From Buff to Array Ref content '$disp_content' Append $append" ;

                    my @output = ('first') ;
                    ok &$Func(\$buffer, \@output, Append => $append), '  Compressed ok' ;

                    is $output[0], 'first', "  Array[0] unchanged";
                    is $keep, $buffer, "  Input buffer not changed" ;
                    my $got = anyUncompress($output[1]);
                    $got = undef if ! defined $buffer && $got eq '' ;
                    is $got, $buffer, "  Uncompressed matches original";

                    title "$TopType - From Array Ref to Array Ref content '$disp_content' Append $append" ;

                    my $lex = new LexFile my $in_file ;
                    writeFile($in_file, $buffer);
                    my @output = ('first') ;
                    my @input = ($in_file);
                    ok &$Func(\@input, \@output, Append => $append), '  Compressed ok' ;

                    is $output[0], 'first', "  Array[0] unchanged";
                    my $got = anyUncompress($output[1]);
                    $got = undef if ! defined $buffer && $got eq '' ;
                    is $got, $buffer, "  Uncompressed matches original";

                    title "$TopType - From Buff to Filename content '$disp_content' Append $append" ;

                    my $lex = new LexFile my $out_file ;
                    ok ! -e $out_file, "  Output file does not exist";
                    writeFile($out_file, $already);

                    ok &$Func(\$buffer, $out_file, Append => $append), '  Compressed ok' ;

                    ok -e $out_file, "  Created output file";
                    my $got = anyUncompress($out_file, $already);
                    $got = undef if ! defined $buffer && $got eq '' ;
                    is $got, $buffer, "  Uncompressed matches original";

                    title "$TopType - From Buff to Handle content '$disp_content' Append $append" ;

                    my $lex = new LexFile my $out_file ;

                    ok ! -e $out_file, "  Output file does not exist";
                    writeFile($out_file, $already);
                    my $of = new IO::File ">>$out_file" ;
                    ok $of, "  Created output filehandle" ;

                    ok &$Func(\$buffer, $of, AutoClose => 1, Append => $append), '  Compressed ok' ;

                    ok -e $out_file, "  Created output file";
                    my $got = anyUncompress($out_file, $already);
                    $got = undef if ! defined $buffer && $got eq '' ;
                    is $got, $buffer, "  Uncompressed matches original";

                    title "$TopType - From Filename to Filename content '$disp_content' Append $append" ;

                    my $lex = new LexFile(my $in_file, my $out_file) ;
                    writeFile($in_file, $buffer);

                    ok ! -e $out_file, "  Output file does not exist";
                    writeFile($out_file, $already);

                    ok &$Func($in_file => $out_file, Append => $append), '  Compressed ok' ;

                    ok -e $out_file, "  Created output file";
                    my $got = anyUncompress($out_file, $already);
                    $got = undef if ! defined $buffer && $got eq '' ;
                    is $got, $buffer, "  Uncompressed matches original";


                    title "$TopType - From Filename to Handle content '$disp_content' Append $append" ;

                    my $lex = new LexFile(my $in_file, my $out_file) ;
                    writeFile($in_file, $buffer);

                    ok ! -e $out_file, "  Output file does not exist";
                    writeFile($out_file, $already);
                    my $out = new IO::File ">>$out_file" ;

                    ok &$Func($in_file, $out, AutoClose => 1, Append => $append), '  Compressed ok' ;

                    ok -e $out_file, "  Created output file";
                    my $got = anyUncompress($out_file, $already);
                    $got = undef if ! defined $buffer && $got eq '' ;
                    is $got, $buffer, "  Uncompressed matches original";


                    title "$TopType - From Filename to Buffer content '$disp_content' Append $append" ;

                    my $lex = new LexFile(my $in_file, my $out_file) ;
                    writeFile($in_file, $buffer);

                    my $out = $already;

                    ok &$Func($in_file => \$out, Append => $append), '  Compressed ok' ;

                    my $got = anyUncompress(\$out, $already);
                    $got = undef if ! defined $buffer && $got eq '' ;
                    is $got, $buffer, "  Uncompressed matches original";

                    title "$TopType - From Handle to Filename content '$disp_content' Append $append" ;

                    my $lex = new LexFile(my $in_file, my $out_file) ;
                    writeFile($in_file, $buffer);
                    my $in = new IO::File "<$in_file" ;

                    ok ! -e $out_file, "  Output file does not exist";
                    writeFile($out_file, $already);

                    ok &$Func($in, $out_file, Append => $append), '  Compressed ok' 
                        or diag "error is $$Error" ;

                    ok -e $out_file, "  Created output file";
                    my $got = anyUncompress($out_file, $already);
                    $got = undef if ! defined $buffer && $got eq '' ;
                    is $buffer, $got, "  Uncompressed matches original";


                    title "$TopType - From Handle to Handle content '$disp_content' Append $append" ;

                    my $lex = new LexFile(my $in_file, my $out_file) ;
                    writeFile($in_file, $buffer);
                    my $in = new IO::File "<$in_file" ;

                    ok ! -e $out_file, "  Output file does not exist";
                    writeFile($out_file, $already);
                    my $out = new IO::File ">>$out_file" ;

                    ok &$Func($in, $out, AutoClose => 1, Append => $append), '  Compressed ok' ;

                    ok -e $out_file, "  Created output file";
                    my $got = anyUncompress($out_file, $already);
                    $got = undef if ! defined $buffer && $got eq '' ;
                    is $buffer, $got, "  Uncompressed matches original";


                    title "$TopType - From Handle to Buffer content '$disp_content' Append $append" ;

                    my $lex = new LexFile(my $in_file, my $out_file) ;
                    writeFile($in_file, $buffer);
                    my $in = new IO::File "<$in_file" ;

                    my $out = $already ;

                    ok &$Func($in, \$out, Append => $append), '  Compressed ok' ;

                    my $got = anyUncompress(\$out, $already);
                    $got = undef if ! defined $buffer && $got eq '' ;
                    is $buffer, $got, "  Uncompressed matches original";


                    title "$TopType - From stdin (via '-') to Buffer content '$disp_content' Append $append" ;

                    my $lex = new LexFile(my $in_file, my $out_file) ;
                    writeFile($in_file, $buffer);

                       open(SAVEIN, "<&STDIN");
                    my $dummy = fileno SAVEIN ;
                    ok open(STDIN, "<$in_file"), "  redirect STDIN";

                    my $out = $already;

                    ok &$Func('-', \$out, Append => $append), '  Compressed ok' 
                        or diag $$Error ;

                       open(STDIN, "<&SAVEIN");

                    my $got = anyUncompress(\$out, $already);
                    $got = undef if ! defined $buffer && $got eq '' ;
                    is $buffer, $got, "  Uncompressed matches original";



    foreach my $bit ($CompressClass)
        my $Error = getErrorRef($bit);
        my $Func = getTopFuncRef($bit);
        my $TopType = getTopFuncName($bit);

        my $TopTypeInverse = getInverse($bit);
        my $FuncInverse = getTopFuncRef($TopTypeInverse);
        my $ErrorInverse = getErrorRef($TopTypeInverse);

        my $lex = new LexFile(my $file1, my $file2) ;

        writeFile($file1, "data1");
        writeFile($file2, "data2");
        my $of = new IO::File "<$file1" ;
        ok $of, "  Created output filehandle" ;

        #my @input = (   undef, "", $file2, \undef, \'', \"abcde", $of) ;
        #my @expected = ("", "", $file2, "", "", "abcde", "data1");
        #my @uexpected = ("", "", "data2", "", "", "abcde", "data1");
        #my @input = (   $file2, \"abcde", $of) ;
        #my @expected = ( $file2, "abcde", "data1");
        #my @uexpected = ("data2", "abcde", "data1");

        my @input = (   $file1, $file2) ;
        #my @expected = ( $file1, $file2);
        my @expected = ("data1", "data2");
        my @uexpected = ("data1", "data2");

        my @keep = @input ;

            title "$TopType - From Array Ref to Array Ref" ;

            my @output = ('first') ;
            ok &$Func(\@input, \@output, AutoClose => 0), '  Compressed ok' ;

            is $output[0], 'first', "  Array[0] unchanged";

            is_deeply \@input, \@keep, "  Input array not changed" ;
            my @got = shift @output;
            foreach (@output) { push @got, anyUncompress($_) }

            is_deeply \@got, ['first', @expected], "  Got Expected uncompressed data";


        foreach my $ms (@MultiValues)
                title "$TopType - From Array Ref to Buffer, MultiStream $ms" ;

                # rewind the filehandle
                $of->open("<$file1") ;

                my $output  ;
                ok &$Func(\@input, \$output, MultiStream => $ms, AutoClose => 0), '  Compressed ok' 
                    or diag $$Error;

                my $got = anyUncompress([ \$output, MultiStream => $ms ]);

                is $got, join('', @uexpected), "  Got Expected uncompressed data";
                my @headers = getHeaders(\$output);
                is @headers, $ms ? @input : 1, "  Header count ok";

                title "$TopType - From Array Ref to Filename, MultiStream $ms" ;

                my $lex = new LexFile( my $file3) ;

                # rewind the filehandle
                $of->open("<$file1") ;

                my $output  ;
                ok &$Func(\@input, $file3, MultiStream => $ms, AutoClose => 0), '  Compressed ok' ;

                my $got = anyUncompress([ $file3, MultiStream => $ms ]);

                is $got, join('', @uexpected), "  Got Expected uncompressed data";
                my @headers = getHeaders($file3);
                is @headers, $ms ? @input : 1, "  Header count ok";

                title "$TopType - From Array Ref to Filehandle, MultiStream $ms" ;

                my $lex = new LexFile(my $file3) ;

                my $fh3 = new IO::File ">$file3";

                # rewind the filehandle
                $of->open("<$file1") ;

                my $output  ;
                ok &$Func(\@input, $fh3, MultiStream => $ms, AutoClose => 0), '  Compressed ok' ;


                my $got = anyUncompress([ $file3, MultiStream => $ms ]);

                is $got, join('', @uexpected), "  Got Expected uncompressed data";
                my @headers = getHeaders($file3);
                is @headers, $ms ? @input : 1, "  Header count ok";

                title "Truncated file";
                skip '', 7
                    if $CompressClass =~ /lzop|lzf|lzma/i ;

                my @in ;
                push @in, "abcde" x 10;
                push @in, "defgh" x 1000;
                push @in, "12345" x 50000;

                my $out;

                for (@in) {
                  ok &$Func(\$_ , \$out, Append => 1 ), '  Compressed ok'
                    or diag $$Error;
                #ok &$Func(\@in, \$out, MultiStream => 1 ), '  Compressed ok'
                substr($out, -179) = '';

                my $got;
                my $status ;
                ok $status = &$FuncInverse(\$out => \$got, MultiStream => 0), "  Uncompressed stream 1 ok";
                is $got, "abcde" x 10 ;
                ok ! &$FuncInverse(\$out => \$got, MultiStream => 1), "  Didn't uncompress";
                is $$ErrorInverse, "unexpected end of file", "  Got unexpected eof";

    foreach my $bit ($UncompressClass,
        my $Error = getErrorRef($bit);
        my $Func = getTopFuncRef($bit);
        my $TopType = getTopFuncName($bit);
        my $CompressClass = getInverse($bit);
        my $C_Func = getTopFuncRef($CompressClass);

        my $data = "mary had a little lamb" ;
        my $keep = $data ;
        my $extra = "after the main event";

        foreach my $fb ( qw( filehandle buffer ) )
            title "Trailingdata with $TopType, from $fb";

            my $lex = new LexFile my $name ;
            my $input ;

            my $compressed ;
            ok &$C_Func(\$data, \$compressed), '  Compressed ok' ;
            $compressed .= $extra;

            if ($fb eq 'buffer')
                $input = \$compressed;
                writeFile($name, $compressed);

                $input = new IO::File "<$name" ;

            my $trailing;
            my $out;
            ok $Func->($input, \$out, TrailingData => $trailing), "  Uncompressed OK" ;
            is $out, $keep, "  Got uncompressed data";

            my $rest = '';
            if ($fb eq 'filehandle')
                read($input, $rest, 10000) ;

            is $trailing . $rest, $extra, "  Got trailing data";

#    foreach my $bit ($CompressClass)
#    {
#        my $Error = getErrorRef($bit);
#        my $Func = getTopFuncRef($bit);
#        my $TopType = getTopFuncName($bit);
#        my $TopTypeInverse = getInverse($bit);
#        my $FuncInverse = getTopFuncRef($TopTypeInverse);
#        my @inFiles  = map { "in$_.tmp"  } 1..4;
#        my @outFiles = map { "out$_.tmp" } 1..4;
#        my $lex = new LexFile(@inFiles, @outFiles);
#        writeFile($_, "data $_") foreach @inFiles ;
#        {
#            title "$TopType - Hash Ref: to filename" ;
#            my $output ;
#            ok &$Func( { $inFiles[0] => $outFiles[0],
#                         $inFiles[1] => $outFiles[1],
#                         $inFiles[2] => $outFiles[2] } ), '  Compressed ok' ;
#            foreach (0 .. 2)
#            {
#                my $got = anyUncompress($outFiles[$_]);
#                is $got, "data $inFiles[$_]", "  Uncompressed $_ matches original";
#            }
#        }
#        {
#            title "$TopType - Hash Ref: to buffer" ;
#            my @buffer ;
#            ok &$Func( { $inFiles[0] => \$buffer[0],
#                         $inFiles[1] => \$buffer[1],
#                         $inFiles[2] => \$buffer[2] } ), '  Compressed ok' ;
#            foreach (0 .. 2)
#            {
#                my $got = anyUncompress(\$buffer[$_]);
#                is $got, "data $inFiles[$_]", "  Uncompressed $_ matches original";
#            }
#        }
#        {
#            title "$TopType - Hash Ref: to undef" ;
#            my @buffer ;
#            my %hash = ( $inFiles[0] => undef,
#                         $inFiles[1] => undef,
#                         $inFiles[2] => undef, 
#                     );  
#            ok &$Func( \%hash ), '  Compressed ok' ;
#            foreach (keys %hash)
#            {
#                my $got = anyUncompress(\$hash{$_});
#                is $got, "data $_", "  Uncompressed $_ matches original";
#            }
#        }
#        {
#            title "$TopType - Filename to Hash Ref" ;
#            my %output ;
#            ok &$Func( $inFiles[0] => \%output), '  Compressed ok' ;
#            is keys %output, 1, "  one pair in hash" ;
#            my ($k, $v) = each %output;
#            is $k, $inFiles[0], "  key is '$inFiles[0]'";
#            my $got = anyUncompress($v);
#            is $got, "data $inFiles[0]", "  Uncompressed matches original";
#        }
#        {
#            title "$TopType - File Glob to Hash Ref" ;
#            my %output ;
#            ok &$Func( '<in*.tmp>' => \%output), '  Compressed ok' ;
#            is keys %output, 4, "  four pairs in hash" ;
#            foreach my $fil (@inFiles)
#            {
#                ok exists $output{$fil}, "  key '$fil' exists" ;
#                my $got = anyUncompress($output{$fil});
#                is $got, "data $fil", "  Uncompressed matches original";
#            }
#        }
#    }

#    foreach my $bit ($CompressClass)
#    {
#        my $Error = getErrorRef($bit);
#        my $Func = getTopFuncRef($bit);
#        my $TopType = getTopFuncName($bit);
#        my $TopTypeInverse = getInverse($bit);
#        my $FuncInverse = getTopFuncRef($TopTypeInverse);
#        my @inFiles  = map { "in$_.tmp"  } 1..4;
#        my @outFiles = map { "out$_.tmp" } 1..4;
#        my $lex = new LexFile(@inFiles, @outFiles);
#        writeFile($_, "data $_") foreach @inFiles ;
#    #    if (0)
#    #    {
#    #        title "$TopType - Hash Ref to Array Ref" ;
#    #
#    #        my @output = ('first') ;
#    #        ok &$Func( { \@input, \@output } , AutoClose => 0), '  Compressed ok' ;
#    #
#    #        is $output[0], 'first', "  Array[0] unchanged";
#    #
#    #        is_deeply \@input, \@keep, "  Input array not changed" ;
#    #        my @got = shift @output;
#    #        foreach (@output) { push @got, anyUncompress($_) }
#    #
#    #        is_deeply \@got, ['first', @expected], "  Got Expected uncompressed data";
#    #
#    #    }
#    #
#    #    if (0)
#    #    {
#    #        title "$TopType - From Array Ref to Buffer" ;
#    #
#    #        # rewind the filehandle
#    #        $of->open("<$file1") ;
#    #
#    #        my $output  ;
#    #        ok &$Func(\@input, \$output, AutoClose => 0), '  Compressed ok' ;
#    #
#    #        my $got = anyUncompress(\$output);
#    #
#    #        is $got, join('', @expected), "  Got Expected uncompressed data";
#    #    }
#    #
#    #    if (0)
#    #    {
#    #        title "$TopType - From Array Ref to Filename" ;
#    #
#    #        my ($file3) = ("file3");
#    #        my $lex = new LexFile($file3) ;
#    #
#    #        # rewind the filehandle
#    #        $of->open("<$file1") ;
#    #
#    #        my $output  ;
#    #        ok &$Func(\@input, $file3, AutoClose => 0), '  Compressed ok' ;
#    #
#    #        my $got = anyUncompress($file3);
#    #
#    #        is $got, join('', @expected), "  Got Expected uncompressed data";
#    #    }
#    #
#    #    if (0)
#    #    {
#    #        title "$TopType - From Array Ref to Filehandle" ;
#    #
#    #        my ($file3) = ("file3");
#    #        my $lex = new LexFile($file3) ;
#    #
#    #        my $fh3 = new IO::File ">$file3";
#    #
#    #        # rewind the filehandle
#    #        $of->open("<$file1") ;
#    #
#    #        my $output  ;
#    #        ok &$Func(\@input, $fh3, AutoClose => 0), '  Compressed ok' ;
#    #
#    #        $fh3->close();
#    #
#    #        my $got = anyUncompress($file3);
#    #
#    #        is $got, join('', @expected), "  Got Expected uncompressed data";
#    #    }
#    }

    foreach my $bit ($CompressClass
        my $Error = getErrorRef($bit);
        my $Func = getTopFuncRef($bit);
        my $TopType = getTopFuncName($bit);

        for my $files ( [qw(a1)], [qw(a1 a2 a3)] )

            my $tmpDir1 ;
            my $tmpDir2 ;
            my $lex = new LexDir($tmpDir1, $tmpDir2) ;
            my $d1 = quotemeta $tmpDir1 ;
            my $d2 = quotemeta $tmpDir2 ;

            ok   -d $tmpDir1, "  Temp Directory $tmpDir1 exists";

            my @files = map { "$tmpDir1/$_.tmp" } @$files ;
            foreach (@files) { writeFile($_, "abc $_") }

            my @expected = map { "abc $_" } @files ;
            my @outFiles = map { s/$d1/$tmpDir2/; $_ } @files ;

                title "$TopType - From FileGlob to FileGlob files [@$files]" ;

                ok &$Func("<$tmpDir1/a*.tmp>" => "<$tmpDir2/a#1.tmp>"), '  Compressed ok' 
                    or diag $$Error ;

                my @copy = @expected;
                for my $file (@outFiles)
                    is anyUncompress($file), shift @copy, "  got expected from $file" ;

                is @copy, 0, "  got all files";

                title "$TopType - From FileGlob to Array files [@$files]" ;

                my @buffer = ('first') ;
                ok &$Func("<$tmpDir1/a*.tmp>" => \@buffer), '  Compressed ok' 
                    or diag $$Error ;

                is shift @buffer, 'first';

                my @copy = @expected;
                for my $buffer (@buffer)
                    is anyUncompress($buffer), shift @copy, "  got expected " ;

                is @copy, 0, "  got all files";

            foreach my $ms (@MultiValues)
                    title "$TopType - From FileGlob to Buffer files [@$files], MS $ms" ;

                    my $buffer ;
                    ok &$Func("<$tmpDir1/a*.tmp>" => \$buffer, 
                               MultiStream => $ms), '  Compressed ok' 
                        or diag $$Error ;


                    my $got = anyUncompress([ \$buffer, MultiStream => $ms ]);

                    is $got, join("", @expected), "  got expected" ;
                    my @headers = getHeaders(\$buffer);
                    is @headers, $ms ? @files : 1, "  Header count ok";

                    title "$TopType - From FileGlob to Filename files [@$files], MS $ms" ;

                    my $lex = new LexFile(my $filename) ;
                    ok &$Func("<$tmpDir1/a*.tmp>" => $filename,
                              MultiStream => $ms), '  Compressed ok' 
                        or diag $$Error ;


                    my $got = anyUncompress([$filename, MultiStream => $ms]);

                    is $got, join("", @expected), "  got expected" ;
                    my @headers = getHeaders($filename);
                    is @headers, $ms ? @files : 1, "  Header count ok";

                    title "$TopType - From FileGlob to Filehandle files [@$files], MS $ms" ;

                    my $lex = new LexFile(my $filename) ;
                    my $fh = new IO::File ">$filename";
                    ok &$Func("<$tmpDir1/a*.tmp>" => $fh, 
                              MultiStream => $ms, AutoClose => 1), '  Compressed ok' 
                        or diag $$Error ;


                    my $got = anyUncompress([$filename, MultiStream => $ms]);

                    is $got, join("", @expected), "  got expected" ;
                    my @headers = getHeaders($filename);
                    is @headers, $ms ? @files : 1, "  Header count ok";


    foreach my $bit ($UncompressClass,
        my $Error = getErrorRef($bit);
        my $Func = getTopFuncRef($bit);
        my $TopType = getTopFuncName($bit);

        my $buffer = "abcde" ;
        my $buffer2 = "ABCDE" ;
        my $keep_orig = $buffer;

        my $comp = compressBuffer($UncompressClass, $buffer) ;
        my $comp2 = compressBuffer($UncompressClass, $buffer2) ;
        my $keep_comp = $comp;

        my $incumbent = "incumbent data" ;

        my @opts = (Strict => 1);
        push @opts,  (RawInflate => 1, UnLzma => 1)
            if $bit eq 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress';

        for my $append (0, 1)
            my $expected = $buffer ;
            $expected = $incumbent . $buffer if $append ;

                title "$TopType - From Buff to Buff, Append($append)" ;

                my $output ;
                $output = $incumbent if $append ;
                ok &$Func(\$comp, \$output, Append => $append, @opts), '  Uncompressed ok' ;

                is $keep_comp, $comp, "  Input buffer not changed" ;
                is $output, $expected, "  Uncompressed matches original";

                title "$TopType - From Buff to Array, Append($append)" ;

                my @output = ('first');
                #$output = $incumbent if $append ;
                ok &$Func(\$comp, \@output, Append => $append, @opts), '  Uncompressed ok' ;

                is $keep_comp, $comp, "  Input buffer not changed" ;
                is $output[0], 'first', "  Uncompressed matches original";
                is ${ $output[1] }, $buffer, "  Uncompressed matches original"
                    or diag $output[1] ;
                is @output, 2, "  only 2 elements in the array" ;

                title "$TopType - From Buff to Filename, Append($append)" ;

                my $lex = new LexFile(my $out_file) ;
                if ($append)
                  { writeFile($out_file, $incumbent) }
                  { ok ! -e $out_file, "  Output file does not exist" }

                ok &$Func(\$comp, $out_file, Append => $append, @opts), '  Uncompressed ok' ;

                ok -e $out_file, "  Created output file";
                my $content = readFile($out_file) ;

                is $keep_comp, $comp, "  Input buffer not changed" ;
                is $content, $expected, "  Uncompressed matches original";

                title "$TopType - From Buff to Handle, Append($append)" ;

                my $lex = new LexFile(my $out_file) ;
                my $of ;
                if ($append) {
                    writeFile($out_file, $incumbent) ;
                    $of = new IO::File "+< $out_file" ;
                else {
                    ok ! -e $out_file, "  Output file does not exist" ;
                    $of = new IO::File "> $out_file" ;
                isa_ok $of, 'IO::File', '  $of' ;

                ok &$Func(\$comp, $of, Append => $append, AutoClose => 1, @opts), '  Uncompressed ok' ;

                ok -e $out_file, "  Created output file";
                my $content = readFile($out_file) ;

                is $keep_comp, $comp, "  Input buffer not changed" ;
                is $content, $expected, "  Uncompressed matches original";

                title "$TopType - From Filename to Filename, Append($append)" ;

                my $lex = new LexFile(my $in_file, my $out_file) ;
                if ($append)
                  { writeFile($out_file, $incumbent) }
                  { ok ! -e $out_file, "  Output file does not exist" }

                writeFile($in_file, $comp);

                ok &$Func($in_file, $out_file, Append => $append, @opts), '  Uncompressed ok' ;

                ok -e $out_file, "  Created output file";
                my $content = readFile($out_file) ;

                is $keep_comp, $comp, "  Input buffer not changed" ;
                is $content, $expected, "  Uncompressed matches original";

                title "$TopType - From Filename to Handle, Append($append)" ;

                my $lex = new LexFile(my $in_file, my $out_file) ;
                my $out ;
                if ($append) {
                    writeFile($out_file, $incumbent) ;
                    $out = new IO::File "+< $out_file" ;
                else {
                    ok ! -e $out_file, "  Output file does not exist" ;
                    $out = new IO::File "> $out_file" ;
                isa_ok $out, 'IO::File', '  $out' ;

                writeFile($in_file, $comp);

                ok &$Func($in_file, $out, Append => $append, AutoClose => 1, @opts), '  Uncompressed ok' ;

                ok -e $out_file, "  Created output file";
                my $content = readFile($out_file) ;

                is $keep_comp, $comp, "  Input buffer not changed" ;
                is $content, $expected, "  Uncompressed matches original";

                title "$TopType - From Filename to Buffer, Append($append)" ;

                my $lex = new LexFile(my $in_file) ;
                writeFile($in_file, $comp);

                my $output ;
                $output = $incumbent if $append ;

                ok &$Func($in_file, \$output, Append => $append, @opts), '  Uncompressed ok' ;

                is $keep_comp, $comp, "  Input buffer not changed" ;
                is $output, $expected, "  Uncompressed matches original";

                title "$TopType - From Handle to Filename, Append($append)" ;

                my $lex = new LexFile(my $in_file, my $out_file) ;
                if ($append)
                  { writeFile($out_file, $incumbent) }
                  { ok ! -e $out_file, "  Output file does not exist" }

                writeFile($in_file, $comp);
                my $in = new IO::File "<$in_file" ;

                ok &$Func($in, $out_file, Append => $append, @opts), '  Uncompressed ok' ;

                ok -e $out_file, "  Created output file";
                my $content = readFile($out_file) ;

                is $keep_comp, $comp, "  Input buffer not changed" ;
                is $content, $expected, "  Uncompressed matches original";

                title "$TopType - From Handle to Handle, Append($append)" ;

                my $lex = new LexFile(my $in_file, my $out_file) ;
                my $out ;
                if ($append) {
                    writeFile($out_file, $incumbent) ;
                    $out = new IO::File "+< $out_file" ;
                else {
                    ok ! -e $out_file, "  Output file does not exist" ;
                    $out = new IO::File "> $out_file" ;
                isa_ok $out, 'IO::File', '  $out' ;

                writeFile($in_file, $comp);
                my $in = new IO::File "<$in_file" ;

                ok &$Func($in, $out, Append => $append, AutoClose => 1, @opts), '  Uncompressed ok' ;

                ok -e $out_file, "  Created output file";
                my $content = readFile($out_file) ;

                is $keep_comp, $comp, "  Input buffer not changed" ;
                is $content, $expected, "  Uncompressed matches original";

                title "$TopType - From Filename to Buffer, Append($append)" ;

                my $lex = new LexFile(my $in_file) ;
                writeFile($in_file, $comp);
                my $in = new IO::File "<$in_file" ;

                my $output ;
                $output = $incumbent if $append ;

                ok &$Func($in, \$output, Append => $append, @opts), '  Uncompressed ok' ;

                is $keep_comp, $comp, "  Input buffer not changed" ;
                is $output, $expected, "  Uncompressed matches original";

                title "$TopType - From stdin (via '-') to Buffer content, Append($append) " ;

                my $lex = new LexFile(my $in_file) ;
                writeFile($in_file, $comp);

                   open(SAVEIN, "<&STDIN");
                my $dummy = fileno SAVEIN ;
                ok open(STDIN, "<$in_file"), "  redirect STDIN";

                my $output ;
                $output = $incumbent if $append ;

                ok &$Func('-', \$output, Append => $append, @opts), '  Uncompressed ok' 
                    or diag $$Error ;

                   open(STDIN, "<&SAVEIN");

                is $keep_comp, $comp, "  Input buffer not changed" ;
                is $output, $expected, "  Uncompressed matches original";

            title "$TopType - From Handle to Buffer, InputLength" ;

            my $lex = new LexFile(my $in_file, my $out_file) ;
            my $out ;

            my $expected = $buffer ;
            my $appended = 'appended';
            my $len_appended = length $appended;
            writeFile($in_file, $comp . $appended . $comp . $appended) ;
            my $in = new IO::File "<$in_file" ;

            ok &$Func($in, \$out, Transparent => 0, InputLength => length $comp, @opts), '  Uncompressed ok' ;

            is $out, $expected, "  Uncompressed matches original";

            my $buff;
            is $in->read($buff, $len_appended), $len_appended, "  Length of Appended data ok";
            is $buff, $appended, "  Appended data ok";

            $out = '';
            ok &$Func($in, \$out, Transparent => 0, InputLength => length $comp, @opts), '  Uncompressed ok' ;

            is $out, $expected, "  Uncompressed matches original";

            $buff = '';
            is $in->read($buff, $len_appended), $len_appended, "  Length of Appended data ok";
            is $buff, $appended, "  Appended data ok";

        for my $stdin ('-', *STDIN) # , \*STDIN)
            title "$TopType - From stdin (via $stdin) to Buffer content, InputLength" ;

            my $lex = new LexFile my $in_file ;
            my $expected = $buffer ;
            my $appended = 'appended';
            my $len_appended = length $appended;
            writeFile($in_file, $comp . $appended ) ;

               open(SAVEIN, "<&STDIN");
            my $dummy = fileno SAVEIN ;
            ok open(STDIN, "<$in_file"), "  redirect STDIN";

            my $output ;

            ok &$Func($stdin, \$output, Transparent => 0, InputLength => length $comp, @opts), '  Uncompressed ok' 
                or diag $$Error ;

            my $buff ;
            is read(STDIN, $buff, $len_appended), $len_appended, "  Length of Appended data ok";

            is $output, $expected, "  Uncompressed matches original";
            is $buff, $appended, "  Appended data ok";

              open(STDIN, "<&SAVEIN");

    foreach my $bit ($UncompressClass,
        # TODO -- Add Append mode tests

        my $Error = getErrorRef($bit);
        my $Func = getTopFuncRef($bit);
        my $TopType = getTopFuncName($bit);

        my $buffer = "abcde" ;
        my $keep_orig = $buffer;

        my $null = compressBuffer($UncompressClass, "") ;
        my $undef = compressBuffer($UncompressClass, undef) ;
        my $comp = compressBuffer($UncompressClass, $buffer) ;
        my $keep_comp = $comp;

        my @opts = ();
        @opts = (RawInflate => 1, UnLzma => 1)
            if $bit eq 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress';

        my $incumbent = "incumbent data" ;

        my $lex = new LexFile(my $file1, my $file2) ;

        writeFile($file1, compressBuffer($UncompressClass,"data1"));
        writeFile($file2, compressBuffer($UncompressClass,"data2"));

        my $of = new IO::File "<$file1" ;
        ok $of, "  Created output filehandle" ;

        #my @input    = ($file2, \$undef, \$null, \$comp, $of) ;
        #my @expected = ('data2', '',      '',    'abcde', 'data1');
        my @input    = ($file1, $file2);
        my @expected = ('data1', 'data2');

        my @keep = @input ;

            title "$TopType - From ArrayRef to Buffer" ;

            my $output  ;
            ok &$Func(\@input, \$output, AutoClose => 0, @opts), '  UnCompressed ok' ;

            is $output, join('', @expected)

            title "$TopType - From ArrayRef to Filename" ;

            my $lex = new LexFile my $output;
            $of->open("<$file1") ;

            ok &$Func(\@input, $output, AutoClose => 0, @opts), '  UnCompressed ok' ;

            is readFile($output), join('', @expected)

            title "$TopType - From ArrayRef to Filehandle" ;

            my $lex = new LexFile my $output;
            my $fh = new IO::File ">$output" ;
            $of->open("<$file1") ;

            ok &$Func(\@input, $fh, AutoClose => 0, @opts), '  UnCompressed ok' ;

            is readFile($output), join('', @expected)

            title "$TopType - From Array Ref to Array Ref" ;

            my @output = (\'first') ;
            $of->open("<$file1") ;
            ok &$Func(\@input, \@output, AutoClose => 0, @opts), '  UnCompressed ok' ;

            is_deeply \@input, \@keep, "  Input array not changed" ;
            is_deeply [map { defined $$_ ? $$_ : "" } @output], 
                      ['first', @expected], 
                      "  Got Expected uncompressed data";


    foreach my $bit ($UncompressClass,
        # TODO -- Add Append mode tests

        my $Error = getErrorRef($bit);
        my $Func = getTopFuncRef($bit);
        my $TopType = getTopFuncName($bit);

        my $tmpDir1 ;
        my $tmpDir2 ;
        my $lex = new LexDir($tmpDir1, $tmpDir2) ;
        my $d1 = quotemeta $tmpDir1 ;
        my $d2 = quotemeta $tmpDir2 ;

        my @opts = ();
        @opts = (RawInflate => 1, UnLzma => 1)
            if $bit eq 'IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress';

        ok   -d $tmpDir1, "  Temp Directory $tmpDir1 exists";

        my @files = map { "$tmpDir1/$_.tmp" } qw( a1 a2 a3) ;
        foreach (@files) { writeFile($_, compressBuffer($UncompressClass, "abc $_")) }

        my @expected = map { "abc $_" } @files ;
        my @outFiles = map { s/$d1/$tmpDir2/; $_ } @files ;

            title "$TopType - From FileGlob to FileGlob" ;

            ok &$Func("<$tmpDir1/a*.tmp>" => "<$tmpDir2/a#1.tmp>", @opts), '  UnCompressed ok' 
                or diag $$Error ;

            my @copy = @expected;
            for my $file (@outFiles)
                is readFile($file), shift @copy, "  got expected from $file" ;

            is @copy, 0, "  got all files";

            title "$TopType - From FileGlob to Arrayref" ;

            my @output = (\'first');
            ok &$Func("<$tmpDir1/a*.tmp>" => \@output, @opts), '  UnCompressed ok' 
                or diag $$Error ;

            my @copy = ('first', @expected);
            for my $data (@output)
                is $$data, shift @copy, "  got expected data" ;

            is @copy, 0, "  got all files";

            title "$TopType - From FileGlob to Buffer" ;

            my $output ;
            ok &$Func("<$tmpDir1/a*.tmp>" => \$output, @opts), '  UnCompressed ok' 
                or diag $$Error ;

            is $output, join('', @expected), "  got expected uncompressed data";

            title "$TopType - From FileGlob to Filename" ;

            my $lex = new LexFile my $output ;
            ok ! -e $output, "  $output does not exist" ;
            ok &$Func("<$tmpDir1/a*.tmp>" => $output, @opts), '  UnCompressed ok' 
                or diag $$Error ;

            ok -e $output, "  $output does exist" ;
            is readFile($output), join('', @expected), "  got expected uncompressed data";

            title "$TopType - From FileGlob to Filehandle" ;

            my $lex = new LexFile my $output ;
            my $fh = new IO::File ">$output" ;
            ok &$Func("<$tmpDir1/a*.tmp>" => $fh, AutoClose => 1, @opts), '  UnCompressed ok' 
                or diag $$Error ;

            ok -e $output, "  $output does exist" ;
            is readFile($output), join('', @expected), "  got expected uncompressed data";


    foreach my $TopType ($CompressClass
                         # TODO -- add the inflate classes
        my $Error = getErrorRef($TopType);
        my $Func = getTopFuncRef($TopType);
        my $Name = getTopFuncName($TopType);

        title "More write tests" ;

        my $lex = new LexFile(my $file1, my $file2, my $file3) ;

        writeFile($file1, "F1");
        writeFile($file2, "F2");
        writeFile($file3, "F3");

#        my @data = (
#              [ '[\"ab", \"cd"]',                        "abcd" ],
#              [ '[\"a", $fh1, \"bc"]',                   "aF1bc"],
#            ) ;
#        foreach my $data (@data)
#        {
#            my ($send, $get) = @$data ;
#            my $fh1 = new IO::File "< $file1" ;
#            my $fh2 = new IO::File "< $file2" ;
#            my $fh3 = new IO::File "< $file3" ;
#            title "$send";
#            my ($copy);
#            eval "\$copy = $send";
#            my $Answer ;
#            ok &$Func($copy, \$Answer), "  $Name ok";
#            my $got = anyUncompress(\$Answer);
#            is $got, $get, "  got expected output" ;
#            ok ! $$Error,  "  no error"
#                or diag "Error is $$Error";
#        }

        title "Array Input Error tests" ;

        my @data = (
                   [ '[]',    "empty array reference"],
                   [ '[[]]',    "unknown input parameter"],
                   [ '[[[]]]',   "unknown input parameter"],
                   [ '[[\"ab"], [\"cd"]]', "unknown input parameter"],
                   [ '[\""]',     "not a filename"],
                   [ '[\undef]',  "not a filename"],
                   [ '[\"abcd"]', "not a filename"],
                   [ '[\&xx]',      "unknown input parameter"],
                   [ '[$fh2]',      "not a filename"],
                ) ;

        foreach my $data (@data)
            my ($send, $get) = @$data ;

            my $fh1 = new IO::File "< $file1" ;
            my $fh2 = new IO::File "< $file2" ;
            my $fh3 = new IO::File "< $file3" ;

            title "$send";
            eval "\$copy = $send";
            my $Answer ;
            my $a ;
            eval { $a = &$Func($copy, \$Answer) };
            ok ! $a, "  $Name fails";

            is $$Error, $get, "  got error message";


        @data = (
                ) ;

        foreach my $send (@data)
            title "$send";
            eval "\$copy = $send";
            my $Answer ;
            eval { &$Func($copy, \$Answer) } ;
            like $@, mkErr("^$TopFuncName: input filename is undef or null string"), 
                "  got error message";


        # check setting $/ 

        my $CompFunc = getTopFuncRef($CompressClass);
        my $UncompFunc = getTopFuncRef($UncompressClass);
        my $lex = new LexFile my $file ;

        local $\ = "\n" ;
        my $input = "hello world";
        my $compressed ;
        my $output;
        ok &$CompFunc(\$input => \$compressed), '  Compressed ok' ;
        ok &$UncompFunc(\$compressed => $file), '  UnCompressed ok' ;
        my $content = readFile($file) ;
        is $content, $input, "round trip ok" ;


# TODO add more error cases
