The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
# This is a home for regular expression tests that don't fit into
# the format supported by re/regexp.t.  If you want to add a test
# that does fit that format, add it to re/re_tests, not here.

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

sub run_tests;

$| = 1;

    chdir 't' if -d 't';
    @INC = ('../lib','.');
    require './';
    skip_all_if_miniperl("no dynamic loading on miniperl, no re");

plan tests => 123;  # Update this when adding/deleting tests.

run_tests() unless caller;

# Tests start here.
sub run_tests {
        my $message =  "Call code from qr //";
        local $_ = 'var="foo"';
        $a = qr/(?{++$b})/;
        $b = 7;
        ok(/$a$a/ && $b eq '9', $message);

        my $c="$a";
        ok(/$a$a/ && $b eq '11', $message);

        undef $@;
        eval {/$c/};
        like($@, qr/not allowed at runtime/, $message);

        use re "eval";
        is($b, '14', $message);

        our $lex_a = 43;
        our $lex_b = 17;
        our $lex_c = 27;
        my $lex_res = ($lex_b =~ qr/$lex_b(?{ $lex_c = $lex_a++ })/);

        is($lex_res, 1, $message);
        is($lex_a, 44, $message);
        is($lex_c, 43, $message);

        no re "eval";
        undef $@;
        my $match = eval { /$a$c$a/ };
        ok($@ && $@ =~ /Eval-group not allowed/ && !$match, $message);
        is($b, '14', $message);

        $lex_a = 2;
        $lex_a = 43;
        $lex_b = 17;
        $lex_c = 27;
        $lex_res = ($lex_b =~ qr/17(?{ $lex_c = $lex_a++ })/);

        is($lex_res, 1, $message);
        is($lex_a, 44, $message);
        is($lex_c, 43, $message);


        our $a = bless qr /foo/ => 'Foo';
        ok 'goodfood' =~ $a,     "Reblessed qr // matches";
        is($a, '(?^:foo)', "Reblessed qr // stringifies");
        my $x = "\x{3fe}";
        my $z = my $y = "\317\276";  # Byte representation of $x
        $a = qr /$x/;
        ok $x =~ $a, "UTF-8 interpolation in qr //";
        ok "a$a" =~ $x, "Stringified qr // preserves UTF-8";
        ok "a$x" =~ /^a$a\z/, "Interpolated qr // preserves UTF-8";
        ok "a$x" =~ /^a(??{$a})\z/,
                        "Postponed interpolation of qr // preserves UTF-8";

        is(length qr /##/x, 9, "## in qr // doesn't corrupt memory; Bug 17776");

            use re 'eval';
            ok "$x$x" =~ /^$x(??{$x})\z/,
               "Postponed UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re matches UTF-8";
            ok "$y$x" =~ /^$y(??{$x})\z/,
               "Postponed UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re matches UTF-8";
            ok "$y$x" !~ /^$y(??{$y})\z/,
               "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re doesn't match UTF-8";
            ok "$x$x" !~ /^$x(??{$y})\z/,
               "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re doesn't match UTF-8";
            ok "$y$y" =~ /^$y(??{$y})\z/,
               "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re matches non-UTF8";
            ok "$x$y" =~ /^$x(??{$y})\z/,
               "Postponed non-UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re matches non-UTF8";

            $y = $z;  # Reset $y after upgrade.
            ok "$x$y" !~ /^$x(??{$x})\z/,
               "Postponed UTF-8 string in UTF-8 re doesn't match non-UTF-8";
            ok "$y$y" !~ /^$y(??{$x})\z/,
               "Postponed UTF-8 string in non-UTF-8 re doesn't match non-UTF-8";

        use re 'eval';
        # Test if $^N and $+ work in (?{{})
        our @ctl_n = ();
        our @plus = ();
        our $nested_tags;
        $nested_tags = qr{
                       push @ctl_n, (defined $^N ? $^N : "undef");
                       push @plus, (defined $+ ? $+ : "undef");
            </\s* \w+ \s*>

        my $c = 0;
        for my $test (
            # Test structure:
            #  [ Expected result, Regex, Expected value(s) of $^N, Expected value(s) of $+ ]
            [ 1, qr#^$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
            [ 1, qr#^($nested_tags)$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b a" ],
            [ 1, qr#^(|)$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
            [ 1, qr#^(?:|)$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
            [ 1, qr#^<(bl|bla)>$nested_tags<(/\1)>$#, "blubb /bla", "b /bla" ],
            [ 1, qr#(??{"(|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
            [ 1, qr#^(??{"(bla|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
            [ 1, qr#^(??{"(|)"})(??{$nested_tags})$#, "bla blubb undef", "a b undef" ],
            [ 1, qr#^(??{"(?:|)"})$nested_tags$#, "bla blubb bla", "a b a" ],
            [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?:bla|)"}))((??{$nested_tags}))$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
            [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?!)?"}))((??{$nested_tags}))$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
            [ 1, qr#^((??{"(?:|<(/?bla)>)"}))((??{$nested_tags}))\1$#, "bla blubb <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>", "a b <bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" ],
            [ 0, qr#^((??{"(?!)"}))?((??{$nested_tags}))(?!)$#, "bla blubb undef", "a b undef" ],

        ) { #"#silence vim highlighting
            @ctl_n = ();
            @plus = ();
            my $match = (("<bla><blubb></blubb></bla>" =~ $test->[1]) ? 1 : 0);
            push @ctl_n, (defined $^N ? $^N : "undef");
            push @plus, (defined $+ ? $+ : "undef");
            ok($test->[0] == $match, "match $c");
            if ($test->[0] != $match) {
              # unset @ctl_n and @plus
              @ctl_n = @plus = ();
            is("@ctl_n", $test->[2], "ctl_n $c");
            is("@plus", $test->[3], "plus $c");

        use re 'eval';

        our $f;
        local $f;
        $f = sub {
            defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : "undef";

        like("123", qr/^(\d)(((??{1 + $^N})))+$/, 'Bug 56194');

        our @ctl_n;
        our @plus;

        my $re  = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))*(?{$^N})#;
        my $re2 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))*(?{$^N})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
        my $re3 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})(|a(b)c|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
        our $re5;
        local $re5 = qr#(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})#;
        my $re6 = qr#(??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})#;
        my $re7 = qr#(??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1})#;
        my $re8 = qr/(\d+)/;
        my $c = 0;
        for my $test (
             # Test structure:
             #  [
             #    String to match
             #    Regex too match
             #    Expected values of $^N
             #    Expected values of $+
             #    Expected values of $1, $2, $3, $4 and $5
             #  ]
                  qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(??{$^N})$#,
                  "1 2 3 3",
                  "1 2 3 3",
                  "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
                  qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(abc|def|)?(??{$+})$#,
                  "1 2 3 3",
                  "1 2 3 3",
                  "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
                  qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(|abc|def)?(??{$+})$#,
                  "1 2 3 3",
                  "1 2 3 3",
                  "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
                  qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(abc|def|)?(??{$^N})$#,
                  "1 2 3 3",
                  "1 2 3 3",
                  "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
                  qr#^(1)((??{ push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+); $^N + 1}))+(|abc|def)?(??{$^N})$#,
                  "1 2 3 3",
                  "1 2 3 3",
                  "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 3, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
                   "1 2 3 abc",
                   "1 2 3 b",
                   "\$1 = 123, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
                   "1 2 3 123abc3",
                   "1 2 3 b",
                   "\$1 = 123abc3, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
                   "1 2 123abc3",
                   "1 2 b",
                   "\$1 = 123abc3, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 3, \$4 = abc, \$5 = b",
                   "1 2 abc",
                   "1 2 abc",
                   "\$1 = abc, \$2 = undef, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
                   "1 2 abc",
                   "1 2 b",
                   "\$1 = abc, \$2 = b, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef",
                   qr#^((\d+)((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1}))((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1}))((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1})))$#,
                   "1234 123 12 1 2 3 1234",
                   "1234 123 12 1 2 3 4",
                   "\$1 = 1234, \$2 = 1, \$3 = 2, \$4 = 3, \$5 = 4",
                   "1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 56",
                   "1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 5",
                   "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 2, \$3 = 3, \$4 = 4, \$5 = 56",
                   "12345562 1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 62",
                   "12345562 1234556 123455 12345 1234 123 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 2",
                   "\$1 = 1, \$2 = 2, \$3 = 3, \$4 = 4, \$5 = 5",
        ) {
            @ctl_n = ();
            @plus = ();
            undef $^R;
            my $match = $test->[0] =~ $test->[1];
            my $str = join(", ", '$1 = '.$f->($1), '$2 = '.$f->($2), '$3 = '.$f->($3), '$4 = '.$f->($4),'$5 = '.$f->($5));
            push @ctl_n, $f->($^N);
            push @plus, $f->($+);
            ok($match, "match $c; Bug 56194");
            if (not $match) {
                # unset $str, @ctl_n and @plus
                $str = "";
                @ctl_n = @plus = ();
            is("@ctl_n", $test->[2], "ctl_n $c; Bug 56194");
            is("@plus", $test->[3], "plus $c; Bug 56194");
            is($str, $test->[4], "str $c; Bug 56194");
        SKIP: {
            if ($] le '5.010') {
                skip "test segfaults on perl < 5.10", 4;

            @ctl_n = ();
            @plus = ();

            our $re4;
            local $re4 = qr#(1)((??{push @ctl_n, $f->($^N); push @plus, $f->($+);$^N + 1})){2}(?{$^N})(|abc|def)(??{"$^R"})#;
            undef $^R;
            my $match = "123abc3" =~ m/^(??{$re4})$/;
            my $str = join(", ", '$1 = '.$f->($1), '$2 = '.$f->($2), '$3 = '.$f->($3), '$4 = '.$f->($4),'$5 = '.$f->($5),'$^R = '.$f->($^R));
            push @ctl_n, $f->($^N);
            push @plus, $f->($+);
            ok($match, 'Bug 56194');
            if (not $match) {
                # unset $str
                @ctl_n = ();
                @plus = ();
                $str = "";
            is("@ctl_n", "1 2 undef", 'Bug 56194');
            is("@plus", "1 2 undef", 'Bug 56194');
               "\$1 = undef, \$2 = undef, \$3 = undef, \$4 = undef, \$5 = undef, \$^R = undef",
               'Bug 56194');

} # End of sub run_tests
