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package TM::Analysis;

use TM;
use Data::Dumper;

use Class::Trait 'base';
use Class::Trait 'TM::Graph';


=head1 NAME

TM::Analysis - Topic Maps, analysis functions


  use TM::Materialized::AsTMa;
  my $tm = new TM::Materialized::AsTMa (file => 'test.atm');

  Class::Trait->apply ($tm, 'TM::Analysis');

  print Dumper $tm->statistics;

  print Dumper $tm->orphanage;


This package contains some topic map analysis functionality.



=item B<statistics>

This (currently quite limited) function computes a reference to hash containing the
following fields:


=item C<nr_toplets>

Nr of midlets in the map. This includes ALL midlets for topics and also those for

=item C<nr_asserts>

Nr of assertions in the map.

=item C<nr_clusters>

Nr of clusters according to the C<cluster> function elsewhere in this document.



sub statistics {
    my $self = shift;
    my %s; # result

    foreach my $a (@_ ? @_ : qw(nr_toplets nr_asserts nr_clusters)) {       # default is all
	$s{$a} = scalar $self->toplets      if $a eq 'nr_toplets';
	$s{$a} = scalar $self->match_forall if $a eq 'nr_asserts';

	if ($a eq 'nr_clusters') { # clusters
	    Class::Trait->apply ($self, 'TM::Graph');                       # make sure we can do it
	    my $clusters = $self->clusters (use_roles => 1, use_type => 1);
	    $s{$a} = scalar @$clusters;

    # TODO: size of map
    # TODO: payload (basenames, occurrence data, variant

    return \%s;

my %o;
return \%o;


=item B<orphanage>

This computes all topics which have either no supertype and also those which have no type. Without
further parameters, it returns a hash reference with the following fields:


=item C<untyped>

Holds a list reference to all topic ids which have no type.

=item C<empty>

Holds a list reference to all topic ids which have no instance.

=item C<unclassified>

Holds a list reference to all topic ids which have no superclass.

=item C<unspecified>

Holds a list reference to all topic ids which have no subclass.


Optionally, a list of the identifiers above can be passed in so that only that particular
information is actually returned (some speedup):

   my $o = TM::Analysis::orphanage ($tm, 'untyped');


sub orphanage {
    my $self = shift;

    my %types     = (); # each topic -> how many types
    my %instances = (); # each topic -> how many instances
    my %supers    = (); # each topic -> how many superclasses
    my %subs      = (); # each topic -> how many subclasses

    my ($ISA, $ISSC, $CLASS, $INSTANCE) = ('isa', 'is-subclass-of', 'class', 'instance');

    foreach my $a (values %{$self->{assertions}}) {
	$types{$a->[TM->LID]}++; $instances{$a->[TM->TYPE]}++;

	if ($a->[TM->TYPE] eq $ISA) {
	    my ($class, $instance) = @{ $a->[TM->PLAYERS] };
	    $types{$instance}++; $instances{$class}++;
	} elsif ($a->[TM->TYPE] eq $ISSC) {
	    my ($sub, $super) = @{ $a->[TM->PLAYERS] };
	    $supers{$sub}++; $subs{$super}++;
#warn Dumper (\%types , \%instances, \%supers, \%subs);

    my @all = map { $_->[TM->LID] } $self->toplets;
    my %o;
    foreach my $a (@_ ? @_ : qw(untyped empty unclassified unspecified)) {       # default is all
	$o{$a} = [ grep !$types{$_},     @all ] if $a eq 'untyped';
	$o{$a} = [ grep !$instances{$_}, @all ] if $a eq 'empty';
	$o{$a} = [ grep !$supers{$_},    @all ] if $a eq 'unclassified';
	$o{$a} = [ grep !$subs{$_},      @all ] if $a eq 'unspecified';
    return \%o;


=item B<entropy>

This method returns a hash (reference) where the keys are the assertion types and the values are the
individual entropies of these assertion types. More frequently used (inflationary) types will have a
lower value, very seldomly used ones too. Only those in the middle count most.


sub entropy {
    my $self = shift;

    my %S;
    my $Total;

    { # compute statistics first
	foreach my $a (values %{$self->{assertions}}) {
	    $S{ $a->[TM->TYPE] }++;
    return {
	map { $_->[0] => - $_->[1] * log ( $_->[1] ) }         # compute the entropy
	map { [ $_, $S{$_}/$Total ] }                          # compute their probability (schartzian)
	keys %S                                                # iterate over all assertion types



=head1 SEE ALSO



Copyright 20(0[3-68]|10) by Robert Barta, E<lt>drrho@cpan.orgE<gt>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


our $VERSION  = '0.91';



 item B<info>

I<$hashref> = I<$tm>->info (I<list of info items>)

returns some meta/statistical information about the map in form of
a hash reference containing one or more of the following components (you might
want to discover the return values with Data::Dumper):


 item (a)

I<informational>: this hash reference contains the number of topics, the number of associations,
the UNIX date of the last modification and synchronisation with the external tied object and
a list reference to other topic maps on which this particular map depends.

 item (b)


This hash reference contains a list (reference) of topic ids of topics I<not_used> anywhere in the map.
There is also a list (I<no_baseName>) of topics which do not contain any baseName (yes this is allowed in section
3.6.1 of the standard).

 item (c)


This component contains a list reference I<undefined_topics> containing a list of topic identifiers
of topics not defined in the map. 

 item (d)


This component contains a hash reference to various statistics information, as the number of clusters,
maximum and minimum size of clusters, number of topics defined and topics mentioned.




detect cyclic dependency of topic types



You can control via a parameter in which information you are interested in:


   $my_info = $tm->info ('informational', 'warning', 'errors', 'statistics');


sub info {
  my $self  = shift;
  my @what  = @_;

  my $info;
  my $usage;

  foreach my $w (@what) {
    if ($w eq 'informational') {
      $info->{$w} = { #address     => $self,
		      nr_topics   => scalar @{$self->topics},
		      nr_assocs   => scalar @{$self->associations},
		      last_mod    => $self->{last_mod},
		      last_syncin => $self->{last_syncin},
		      depends     => [ map { $_->{memory}->{id} } @{$self->{depends}} ],
		      tieref      => ref ($self->{tie}),
		      id          => $self->{memory} ? $self->{memory}->{id} : undef
    } elsif ($w eq 'warnings') {
      # figure out those topics which do not seem to have a single baseName
      $info->{$w}->{'no_baseName'} = [];
      foreach my $tid (@{$self->topics()}) {
	push @{$info->{$w}->{'no_baseName'}}, $tid unless $self->topic($tid)->baseNames && @{$self->topic($tid)->baseNames};
      $usage = $self->_usage() unless $usage;

sub _usage {
  my $self = shift;

  my $usage;
  # figure out which topics are used as topicRef (scope, member, role, instanceOf)
  foreach my $tid (@{$self->topics()}) {
    # instanceOfs
    foreach my $i (@{$self->topic($tid)->instanceOfs}) {
      $usage->{as_instanceOf}->{$1}++ if $i->reference->href =~ /^\#(.+)/;
      $usage->{as_instance}->{$tid}++ unless $i->reference->href eq $XTM::PSI::xtm{topic};
    # scopes
    foreach my $b (@{$self->topic($tid)->baseNames}) { 
      foreach my $s (@{$b->scope->references}) {
	if ($s->href =~ /^\#(.+)/) {
    foreach my $o (@{$self->topic($tid)->occurrences}) { 
	if ($o->instanceOf->reference->href =~ /^\#(.+)/) {
        foreach my $r (@{$o->scope->references}) {
	    if ($r->href =~ /^\#(.+)/) {
  foreach my $aid (@{$self->associations()}) {
    # instanceOfs
    if (my $i = $self->association($aid)->instanceOf) {
      if ($i->reference->href =~ /^\#(.+)/) {
    foreach my $m (@{$self->association($aid)->members}) {
      # roles
      if ($m->roleSpec) {
	$usage->{as_role}->{$1}++ if ($m->roleSpec->reference->href =~ /^\#(.+)/);
      # members
      foreach my $r (@{$m->references}) {
	$usage->{as_member}->{$1}++ if ($r->href =~ /^\#(.+)/);
  return $usage;
      use Data::Dumper;
##      print STDERR Dumper \%as_instanceOf, \%as_scope, \%as_member, \%as_role;
##print Dumper $usage;

      $info->{$w}->{'not_used'} = [ 
         grep (! ( $usage->{as_instanceOf}->{$_} || 
		   $usage->{as_instance}->{$_}   || 
		   $usage->{as_scope}->{$_}      || 
		   $usage->{as_member}->{$_}     ||
		   $usage->{as_role}->{$_}), @{$self->topics()}) 
    } elsif ($w eq 'errors') {
      $usage = $self->_usage() unless $usage;
      $info->{$w}->{'undefined_topics'} = [
         grep (!$self->is_topic($_), (keys %{$usage->{as_instanceOf}},
				      keys %{$usage->{as_instance}},
				      keys %{$usage->{as_scope}},
				      keys %{$usage->{as_member}},
				      keys %{$usage->{as_role}})
    } elsif ($w eq 'statistics') {
      $usage       = $self->_usage() unless $usage;
#use Data::Dumper;
#print STDERR Dumper ($usage);
      my $clusters = $self->clusters();
      my ($tot, $min, $max) = (0, undef, 0);
      foreach my $c (keys %$clusters) {
	  $tot += scalar @{$clusters->{$c}};
	  $min = $min ? ($min > scalar @{$clusters->{$c}} ? scalar @{$clusters->{$c}} : $min) : scalar @{$clusters->{$c}};
	  $max =         $max < scalar @{$clusters->{$c}} ? scalar @{$clusters->{$c}} : $max;

      $info->{$w} = {
		     nr_topics_defined   => scalar @{$self->topics},
		     nr_assocs           => scalar @{$self->associations},
		     nr_clusters         => scalar keys %$clusters,
		     mean_topics_per_cluster => %$clusters ? 1.0 * $tot / scalar keys %$clusters : 1, # empty map => 1 cluster (do not argue with me here)
		     max_topics_per_cluster  => $max,
		     min_topics_per_cluster  => $min,
		     nr_topics_mentioned     => $tot,
    }; # ignore other directives
  return $info;
