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use strict;

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = "0.1";


=head1 NAME

kif2atm - KIF to AsTMa= converter


  cat ontology.kif | kif2atm <command line switch>... > ontology.atm


This program reads the taxonomy definitions provided in KIF and returns
a topic map in AsTMa= format.

All concepts and their subclass-superclass relations will be output in topic
map form on STDOUT.

All other information (first order logic rules) is currently ignored.
All conversion problems and warnings will go to STDERR.

=head1 OPTIONS


=item B<help>

...does hopefully what you would expect.


my $help;


=item B<warn>

Writes out warnings onto STDERR.


my $warn;


=item B<stats>

Writes out statistical information at the end of the run to STDERR.


my $stats;


=item B<limit> (number)

If provided, limits the number of processed KIF sentences.


my $limit;


=item B<start_line> (number)

If provided all lines will be skipped in the KIF file and parsing will begin
at this line number.


my $start_line_nr;



=head1 KIF Notation

The full notation is documented at L<>

=head1 AsTMa (Asymptotic Topic Map), the Notation

Please refer to the online documentation L<>


Copyright 200[4], Robert Barta <>, All rights reserved.


use Data::Dumper;

use Getopt::Long;
if (!GetOptions ('help|?|man'            => \$help,
                 'warn'                  => \$warn,
                 'stats'                 => \$stats,
                 'start:i'               => \$start_line_nr,
		 'limit:i'               => \$limit,
		 ) || $help) {
    use Pod::Usage;
    pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2);

my %stats = (nr_sent     => 0,
	     nr_sent_ign => 0,
	     nr_sent_unh => 0);  # for statistics

#-- this is necessary as some concepts have non-id characters in it
my %trans = ('=>'     => 'sumo-implies',
	     '<=>'    => 'sumo-equiv',
	     '?THING' => 'Thing');
sub _cleanse {
    my $t = shift;
    return $trans{$t} ? $trans{$t} : $t;

# here we collect our information
my %topics; # all information about one topic
my @topics; # just to know the sequence (makes it easier to compare with original KIF
my @inverses;

use TM::Ontology::KIF;
my $kif = new TM::Ontology::KIF (defined $start_line_nr ? (start_line_nr  => $start_line_nr) : (),
				 defined $limit         ? (sentence_limit => $limit)         : (),
				 sentence       => sub {
				     my $s = shift;
				     my $t = _cleanse ($s->[1]->[0]);
				     warn "sentence: $stats{nr_sent} ($t)" if $warn;
				     $topics{$t}->{name} = '=>'  if $t eq 'sumo-implies';
				     $topics{$t}->{name} = '<=>' if $t eq 'sumo-equiv';
				     if ($s->[0] eq 'instance') {
					 push @topics, $t unless $topics{$t};
					 push @{$topics{$t}->{'is-a'}}, _cleanse ($s->[1]->[1]);
				     } elsif ($s->[0] eq 'subAttribute') {
					 push @topics, $t unless $topics{$t};
					 push @{$topics{$t}->{subclasses}}, _cleanse ($s->[1]->[1]);
				     } elsif ($s->[0] eq 'contraryAttribute') {
					 push @topics, $t unless $topics{$t};
					 $topics{$t}->{contrary} = _cleanse ($s->[1]->[1]);
				     } elsif ($s->[0] eq 'exhaustiveAttribute') {
					 push @topics, $t unless $topics{$t};
					 $topics{$t}->{exhaustive} = $s->[1];
				     } elsif ($s->[0] eq 'disjointDecomposition') {
					 push @topics, $t unless $topics{$t};	
					 $topics{$t}->{'disjointDecomposition'} = $s->[1];
				     } elsif ($s->[0] eq 'disjoint') {
					 push @topics, $t unless $topics{$t};	
					 $topics{$t}->{'disjoint'} = _cleanse ($s->[1]->[1]);
				     } elsif ($s->[0] eq 'inverse') {
					 push @topics, $t unless $topics{$t};	
					 $topics{$t}->{'inverse'} = _cleanse ($s->[1]->[1]);
				     } elsif ($s->[0] eq 'domain') {
					 push @topics, $t unless $topics{$t};
					 do {
					     warn "cannot handle expressions as domains";
					 } if ref ($s->[1]->[2]);
					 push @{$topics{$t}->{'domains'}}, _cleanse ($s->[1]->[2]);
#					 push @{$topics{$t}->{'domains'}}, ref($s->[1]->[2]) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$s->[1]->[2]} : _cleanse ($s->[1]->[2]);
				     } elsif ($s->[0] eq 'range') {
					 push @topics, $t unless $topics{$t};
					 $topics{$t}->{'range'} = _cleanse ($s->[1]->[2]);
				     } elsif ($s->[0] eq 'documentation') {
					 push @topics, $t unless $topics{$t};
					 $topics{$t}->{'documentation'} = $s->[1]->[1];
				     } elsif ($s->[0] eq 'rangeSubclass') {
					 push @topics, $t unless $topics{$t};
					 push @{$topics{$t}->{subclasses}}, _cleanse ($s->[1]->[1]);
				     } elsif ($s->[0] eq 'subrelation') {
					 push @topics, $t unless $topics{$t};
					 push @{$topics{$t}->{subclasses}}, _cleanse ($s->[1]->[1]);
				     } elsif ($s->[0] eq 'subclass') {
					 push @topics, $t unless $topics{$t};
					 push @{$topics{$t}->{subclasses}}, _cleanse ($s->[1]->[1]);
				     } elsif ($s->[0] eq 'disjointRelation') {
					 warn "ignored $s->[0]" if $warn;
				     } elsif (grep ($s->[0] eq $_, qw(trichotomizingOn initialList equal exists relatedInternalConcept domainSubclass partition => <=> and or not identityElement))) {
					 warn "ignored $s->[0]" if $warn;
				     } else {
					 use Data::Dumper;
					 warn "unhandled sentence: ". Data::Dumper::Dumper ($s) if $warn; 
use IO::Handle;
my $input = new IO::Handle;
$input->fdopen(fileno(STDIN),"r") || die "Cannot process STDIN";
eval {
    $kif->parse ($input);
}; warn $@ if $@;

use POSIX qw(strftime);
print "#--
#  SUMO (Suggested Upper Merged Ontology)
#  Converted to Topic Maps by kif2atm ($VERSION)
#  ".(strftime "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime)."

foreach my $t (@topics) {
    print "

$t ".($topics{$t}->{'is-a'} ? "(".join (" ", @{$topics{$t}->{'is-a'}}).")" : '');
    print "
bn: "._clean ($topics{$t}->{'name'})          if $topics{$t}->{'name'};
    print "
in: "._clean ($topics{$t}->{'documentation'}) if $topics{$t}->{'documentation'};

    foreach my $s (@{$topics{$t}->{'subclasses'}}) {
	print "

superclass : $s
subclass   : $t

    if ($topics{$t}->{'domains'}) {
        if ($topics{$t}->{'range'}) {                      # oh, a function
	  print "

function : $t
range    : $topics{$t}->{'range'}
domain   : ".join (" ", @{$topics{$t}->{'domains'}})."
        } else {                                           # a relation
	  print "

relation : $t
domain   : ".join (" ", @{$topics{$t}->{'domains'}})."

    if ($topics{$t}->{'inverse'}) {
print "

relations : $t $topics{$t}->{'inverse'}

   if ($topics{$t}->{'disjointDecomposition'}) {
      shift @{$topics{$t}->{'disjointDecomposition'}}; # we do not need the topic itself
print "

whole     : $t
component : ".join (" ", @{$topics{$t}->{'disjointDecomposition'}})."

   if ($topics{$t}->{'disjoint'}) {
print "

objects   : $t $topics{$t}->{'disjoint'}

   if ($topics{$t}->{'contrary'}) {
print "

attributes : $t $topics{$t}->{'contrary'}

   if ($topics{$t}->{'exhaustive'}) {
      shift @{$topics{$t}->{'exhaustive'}}; # we do not need the topic itself
print "

attribute : $t
values    : ".join (" ", @{$topics{$t}->{'exhaustive'}})."


if ($stats) {
    print STDERR "
Nr of sentences processed: $stats{nr_sent} ($stats{nr_sent_ign} ignored, $stats{nr_sent_unh} not handled)
Nr of topics:              ".@topics."
Nr of associations:        $stats{nr_assocs}

sub _clean {
    my $s = shift;
    $s =~ s/\n/\\\n/g;
    $s =~ s/^"//;
    $s =~ s/"$//;
    $s =~ s/&%//g;
    return $s;
