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package Elastic::Manual::Intro;

# ABSTRACT: An introduction to Elastic::Model



=head1 NAME

Elastic::Manual::Intro - An introduction to Elastic::Model

=head1 VERSION

version 0.27


=head2 Install Elasticsearch

You need a recent version of Java installed, then download the current
stable release of Elasticsearch from L<>.
For instance:

    curl -L -O
    tar -xzf elasticsearch-0.20.5.tar.gz

B<Note: The minimum required version of Elasticsearch is 0.19.11.>

=head2 Install Elastic::Model

Use your favourite CPAN installer:

    cpanm Elastic::Model

See L<Elastic::Manual/TEST SUITE> for how to run the full test suite
against a local Elasticsearch cluster.

=head2 Start Elasticsearch

    cd elasticsearch-0.20.5/
    ./bin/Elasticsearch -f      # -f starts the server in the foreground

You now have a running Elasticsearch cluster with one node. You can test that
it is running with:

    curl http://localhost:9200/?pretty=true

See L<> and
L<> for more information
about installing and configuring Elasticsearch.


=head2 Create a Model

First set up a simple L<model|Elastic::Manual::Terminology/Model>.  The model
handles the relationship between your classes and Elasticsearch.

    package MyApp;

    use Elastic::Model;

    has_namespace 'myapp' => {
        user    => 'MyApp::User'

    no Elastic::Model;


Your model must define at least one L<namespace|Elastic::Manual::Terminology/Namespace>,
which tells Elastic::Model which
L<type|Elastic::Manual::Terminology/Type> (like a table in a DB) should be
handled by which of your classes.  So the above declaration says:

I<"For all L<indices|Elastic::Model::Terminology/Index> which belong to namespace
C<myapp>, objects of class C<MyApp::User> will be stored under the
L<type|Elastic::Model::Terminology/Type> C<user> in Elasticsearch.">

=head2 Create your User class

    package MyApp::User;

    use Elastic::Doc;

    use DateTime();

    has 'name' => (
        is  => 'rw',
        isa => 'Str',

    has 'email' => (
        is  => 'rw',
        isa => 'Str',

    has 'created' => (
        is      => 'ro',
        isa     => 'DateTime',
        default => sub { DateTime->now }

    no Elastic::Doc;


This simple Moose class only changes "C<use Moose;>" to "C<use Elastic::Doc;>".
At the moment we're not configuring anything else. Thanks to Moose's
introspection, we have enough information to setup everything we need.


=head2 Connect your Model to an Elasticsearch cluster

    #!/bin/env perl

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use MyApp();

    my $model  = MyApp->new();

This creates an instance of your model, with a connection to a local
Elasticsearch cluster.  The last line is the equivalent of:

    use Elasticsearch::Compat();
    my $es     = Elasticsearch::Compat->new( servers => 'localhost:9200' );
    my $model  = MyApp->new( es => $es );

=head2 Create an index

Before we get started, we need to create an
L<index|Elastic::Manual::Terminology/Index> (like a database in a relational DB)
in Elasticsearch.


This has created index C<myapp>, which contains
L<type|Elastic::Manual::Terminology/Type> C<user> (where a type is like a
table in a database). It has also configured the type's
L<mapping|Elastic::Manual::Terminology/Mapping> (which is like the schema
or column definition).

Our index is now ready to use.


=head2 Preparation for object access

Before we can save or retrieve objects/documents from Elasticsearch, we need
a C<domain>:

=head3 Get a domain

A L<domain|Elastic::Manual::Terminology/Domain> is like a database handle. It
allows us to talk to a particular index or
L<alias|Elastic::Manual::Terminology/Alias>.  (An alias is like a shortcut
which points at one or more indices.)

    $domain = $model->domain('myapp');

See L<Elastic::Manual::Scaling> for more about how to use aliases.

=head2 Create an object

Normally, you would create an object with:

    my $user = MyApp::User->new(...)

but to use all of the magic of Elastic::Model, you must create your object
via the C<$domain> object:

    my $user    = $domain->new_doc(
        user => {                           # $type => \%args_to_new
            id    => 1,                     # auto-generated if not provided
            name  => 'Clinton',
            email => '',

    $user->save;                            # save to Elasticsearch

=head2 Retrieve an object by ID

Now, we can retrieve the user object from Elasticsearch, using the
C<type> and C<id>:

    $user = $domain->get( user => 1 );

    say $user->name;
    # Clinton

=head2 Update your object

    $user->email( '' );

Elastic::Model keeps track of what attributes have been changed, plus their
original value:

    say $user->has_changed;
    # 1

    say $user->has_changed('email');
    # 1

    dump $user->old_values;
    # { email => '' };

The L<UID|Elastic::Model::UID> (unique ID) of the object tracks (amongst other
things) the current version number. Elasticsearch uses this version
number to avoid overwriting changes that have been made by another process
(see L<Optimistic Currency Control|>).

    say $user->uid->version;
    # 1

The version number is incremented each time a changed object is saved.


    say $user->uid->version;
    # 2

    say $user->has_changed;
    # 0

=head1 QUERYING Elasticsearch

By default, everything in Elasticsearch is indexed and searchable. You can
search across one index or many indices, one type or many types.

In order to query the objects stored in Elasticsearch, you need a
L<view|Elastic::Model::View>. Views are reusable, so you might create views
like C<$recent_users>, C<$approved_comments> etc.

=head2 Creating a view

You can create a C<view> from your C<$domain> object, in which case the view
will be limited to just that domain:

    $view = $domain->view;              # limited to index 'myapp';

To create a view which queries multiple domains, you could do:

    $view = $model->view->domain(['index_1', 'alias_2']);

Or to query all domains known to your model:

    $view = $model->view;

=head2 Configuring a view

When setting an attribute on a view, a cloned instance of the old view is
returned, meaning that you can use one view to derive another:

    $all   = $domain->view;                         # all types in $domain
    $users = $all->type('user');                    # type 'user' in index $domain
    $clint = $users->queryb({name => 'clinton'});   # users whose name is 'clinton'

=head2 Query syntax

Queries can be specified using the standard
L<Elasticsearch query DSL|>
or with the more Perlish more compact L<ElasticSearch::SearchBuilder> syntax.

Standard query DSL:

    $search = $view->query( { text =>  { name    => 'clinton' }})
                   ->filter({ range => { created => { gt => '2012-01-01' }}});

SearchBuilder syntax:

    $search = $view->queryb(  { name    => 'clinton'             })
                   ->filterb( { created => { gt => '2012-01-01' }});

=head2 Getting search results

Once you have defined your view, you call a search method (eg
L<search()|Elastic::Model::View/"search()">) which performs
the search and returns a L<Results|Elastic::Model::Results> object.

    my $results = $search->search;
    say "Total results found: ".$results->total;

    while (my $doc = $results->next_doc) {
        say $doc->name

Views can also be used to return highlighted results, and
which provide aggregated results, much like GROUP-BY functions in SQL, for
instance, the most popular terms, or the number of posting per day.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=item *



=head1 AUTHOR

Clinton Gormley <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Clinton Gormley.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
