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package Elastic::Manual::Scoping;

# ABSTRACT: An optional in-memory cache, essential for keeping weak refs live



=head1 NAME

Elastic::Manual::Scoping - An optional in-memory cache, essential for keeping weak refs live

=head1 VERSION

version 0.27

=head1 Warning

Scoping is an advanced topic - don't worry about L<Elastic::Model::Scope> until
you need it.

=head1 USES FOR Elastic::Model::Scope

L<Elastic::Model::Scope> acts as an in-memory cache, and serves three
futher purposes:

=head2 Keep weak-ref Elastic::Doc attributes alive

If you have a C<$post> object which has a C<user> attribute, and a C<$user>
object with a C<posts> attribute, then you will want to make (eg) the
C<< $posts->user >> attribute a
L<weak ref|>
to avoid circular references.

But then you would have a problem:

    sub add_post_to_user {
        my ( $domain, $user_id, $content )= @_;
        my $user = $domain->get( user => $user_id );
        my $post = $domain->create(
            post => {
                content => $content,
                user    => $user;
        return $post;

    my $post = add_post_to_user($domain, 1234, 'my post content');

    print $post->user->name;
    # ERROR - user has disappeared!

B<Scopes keep all your doc class objects in scope, so that they don't disappear
out from under you>.

So this would work:

    my $post;
        my $scope = $model->new_scope;
        $post = add_post_to_user($domain, 1234, 'my post content');

        print $post->user->name;
        # Clint

    # $scope has now disappeared

    print $post->user->name;
    # ERROR - user has disappeared!

=head2 Reuse Elastic::Doc objects as singletons.

By default, each object is a singleton.  For instance, if you do:

    my $foo = $domain->get( user => 123 );
    my $bar = $domain->get( user => 123 );

    print $bar->name;
    # Clint


    print $bar->name;
    # John

    print refaddr($foo) == refaddr($bar) ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
    # TRUE

C<$foo> and C<$bar> are the same object.

B<Scopes allow you to reuse objects.>

=head2 Multiple versions of Elastic::Doc objects live at the same time.

With any database, there are timing issues. Another process may change
have changed C<user 123> between the first call to C<< $domain->get >> and the

Also, because Elasticsearch has B< I<real time GET>> (ie if you retrieve
a document by ID, you will get the latest version that exists) but B<I<NEAR real
time search>> (search docs are refreshed only once every second, so may
contain an older version of a doc), you could find yourself in this situation:

    $user = $domain->get(user => 123);
    print $user->name;
    # Clint

    print $user->uid->version;
    # 1


    print $user->uid->version;
    # 2

    $results = $domain->view->type('user')->queryb({ name => 'Clint' });
    # results contain user 123, version 1
    # even though version 2 no longer matches the search

Depending on your requirements, you may want the C<user 123> object in
C<$results> to be the same as it was in version 1 (eg so that the search
results that you show the user make sense), or you may want to use
the most up to date version (ie version 2).

B<Multiple scopes allow you have different versions of an object live at the
same time.>


Documents from search results are a bit special.

By default when we do a search in Elasticsearch, instead of just getting a UID
back, we get back the whole object. Depending on timing, the version returned
in search may be the same, older or newer than the version we have stored in
our current scope.

We don't try to retrieve the object from the scope, because we already have
everything we need to create it.  But once we have created it, we do
try to store it in the current scope:

=head2 Object is not in current scope

If an object with the same C<domain_name/type/id> DOESN'T exist in the
current scope, then we store the new object in the current scope and return

=head2 Object is in current scope

If an object with the same C<domain_name/type/id> DOES exist in the
current scope, then we compare versions: If the stored version is more recent
than the new version, we return the stored object.

Otherwise, we try to update the stored object (and therefore any instances
of it that already exist in your application)    to the new version, but only
if you haven't already looked at it! (You don't want your objects changing
their values under you.)

If you have looked at the stored version, then we move it to another
cache for safe keeping, and store and return the new version.

B<Note:> "Looking" at an object means calling any accessor on any attribute
that is stored in Elasticsearch. This does not include the
L<Elastic::Model::Role::Doc/"uid"> of the object.

=head2 Object is in current scope, but is deleted

    $scope_1 = $model->new_scope;
    $results = $domain->view->filterb( -ids => 1 )->search;

    $domain->delete( user => 1);

    print $results->first_object->name;
    # Throws error - deleted!

=head2 Tie objects to the current scope

The "current scope" for search results is the scope
in place B<when the object is inflated> (or accessed for the first time), not
at the time the search is run.)

To ensure that the objects from search results are tied to a particular scope
(eg the current scope), you can use:

    $results->slice_objects();      # inflates all objects in the current scope
    $results->slice_objects(0,10);  # inflates the first 10 objects

The inflated objects are cached in the C<$results> object itself, so accessing
the object later on will return the same object, even if you do:

    $object = $results->next_result->object;

=head1 SEE ALSO


=item *


=item *



=head1 AUTHOR

Clinton Gormley <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Clinton Gormley.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
