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package Elastic::Manual::Scaling;
$Elastic::Manual::Scaling::VERSION = '0.28';
# ABSTRACT: How to grow from a single node to a massive cluster



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Elastic::Manual::Scaling - How to grow from a single node to a massive cluster

=head1 VERSION

version 0.28


Elasticsearch can run on a laptop, but it can also scale up to terrabytes of
data on hundreds of nodes. L<Elastic::Model> is designed to make it easy to
grow from humble beginnings to taking over the world.

The basic unit in Elasticsearch is the L<shard|Elastic::Manual::Terminology/Shard>,
which is a single Lucene instance (a search engine in its own right).
An L<index|Elastic::Manual::Terminology/Index> is a "virtual namespace" which
contains a collection of shards. By default, a new index is created with 5
primary shards and 1 replica shard for each primary, making a total of 10 shards.

A single shard can hold a lot of data. The exact amount depends on your hardware,
your data and your search requirements. You can easily run 5 primary shards on
a single node (server). However, if that node dies, you may lose your data.

If you start a second node, Elasticsearch will bring up the 5 replica shards. Now,
if one node dies, your other node will be able to continue functioning and
your data will be safe.

If your data grows to be more than two nodes to handle, then you can just add
more nodes. Elasticsearch will move the shards around to balance them across
all of your nodes. This strategy functions up to a maximum of 10 nodes, with
1 shard on each node (5 primaries and 5 replicas).

That already gives you more scale than 99% of applications need.

But what if your business is particularly successful and you need more scale?
What strategies are available to you? This document takes you from development
on your laptop to massive scale in production.

B<Note:> You B<cannot change the number of primary shards after creating an index>,
but you can change the number of replicas that each primary shard has at any


For the examples below, we will assume a model definition as follows:

    package MyApp;
    use Elastic::Model;

    has_namespace 'myapp' => {
        user => 'MyApp::User',
        post => 'MyApp::Post'

=head2 Simple, but inflexible

The simplest way to start out is as follows:

    use MyApp;

    my $model = MyApp->new;

This will create the index C<myapp>, and configure the mapping for types
C<user> and C<post>, and you are ready to start storing data in it.

This is fine for quick tests with throw-away data. However, what happens when
you decide that you want to change the way your C<user> type is configured?
You can B<add> to the mapping, but you can't change it. So you
have two choices: either create a new index with a new name, and update
your application to use that, or delete your index (and your data) and start again.

Neither option is terribly appealing.

=head2 Aliases - adding flexibility

The key to flexibility is the L<index alias|Elastic::Manual::Terminology/Alias>.
An alias can point at one or more indices, and can be updated atomically to
switch from an old index to a new index.

This makes it possible for your application to talk to the alias C<myapp>,
which can be repointed to the current version of your index:

    use MyApp;

    my $model = MyApp->new;
    my $ns    = $model->namespace('myapp');

    my $index  = 'myapp_'.time();

The above will create the index C<myapp_TIME> and point the alias C<myapp> at
that index. Now, when you want to change your mapping, you can repeat the process
with a new index name:

    my $new_name = 'myapp_'.time();
    my $new_index = $ns->index($new_name);

Now you can L<reindex|Elastic::Manual::Reindex> your data from
C<$index> to C<$new_index>:

    $new_index->reindex( 'myapp' );

And finally, update the alias and delete the old index:

    my $current   = $ns->alias->aliased_to;
    $ns->index($_)->delete for keys %$current;

=head2 Namespaces, domains, aliases and indices

Elastic::Model needs to know how the L<types|Elastic::Manual::Terminology/Type>
in an index relate to your classes.  For this, you define a
L<namespace|Elastic::Manual::Terminology/Namespace> in your model:

    package MyApp;

    use Elastic::Model;

    has_namespace 'myapp' => {
        user => 'MyApp::User',
        post => 'MyApp::Post'

This is sufficient for you to use the
L<domain|Elastic::Manual::Terminology/Domain> C<myapp>, which can be
either an L<index|Elastic::Manual::Terminology/Index> or an

However, you can have multiple domains (aliases and indices), all associated
with the same namespace.  For Elastic::Model to know which namespace to use
for these domains, you have two options:

=head3 Manually specify domain names

You can manually specify the extra domains in your namespace declaration:

    has_namespace 'myapp' => {
        user => 'MyApp::User',
        post => 'MyApp::Post'
    fixed_domains => ['alias_1','index_2'];

=head3 Automatically include new domain names

The preferred method is to use the "main" domain (ie the C<< $namespace->name >>)
as an alias for all indices associated with the namespace. Any other aliases
associated with these indices will be automatically included in the namespace.

For instance, let's create 3 indices:

    $ns = $model->namespace('myapp');

Create the alias C<myapp> (the main domain name) to point to all three indices:

    $ns->alias->to('myapp_1', 'myapp_2', 'myapp_3');

Create another alias:

    $ns->alias('two_of_three')->to('myapp_1', 'myapp_2');

You can now use any of these as domain names:  C<myapp>, C<myapp_1>, C<myapp_2>,
C<myapp_3> or C<two_of_three>:

    $two_of_three = $model->domain('two_of_three');

An alias that points at a single index can be used for creating new docs,
updating existing docs and for retrieving or searching for docs.

An alias that points at MORE than one index cannot be used for creating
new docs, but it can be used to retrieve and update an existing doc.


See L<Big data, search and analytics|>
for a presentation discussing the strategies described below.

=head2 Overallocation - the "Kagillion shards" solution

The first scaling response to I<"our new business-started-on-a-shoestring will
be HUGE!!!"> is: I<"Lets create an index with 10,000 shards and run it on an
Amazon EC2 micro instance!">

Unfortunately, this approach doesn't work. Each shard consumes resources:
memory, filehandles, CPU.  Your ZX Spectrum won't handle 1,000 shards!

Fortunately, querying an index with 50 shards is the same as querying 50 indices
which have one shard each.  So, with judicious use of aliases, we can grow
as needed.

=head2 Time based indices

If your data is easily segmentable by time, for instance logs or tweets, then
you could use a new index per month, week, day or hour - depending
on your requirements.  You may start with an index with 1 shard, then as
requirements grow, you create your new indices with 5 shards, 10 shards or 100.

Here is an example of how this could work. First, create an index for
the current month:

    $ns = $model->namespace('myapp');

Add it to the main alias for the namespace, C<myapp>:


Set the C<current> alias (for writing new data):


Time keeps rolling on. You've repeated the above process many times.  Now
you decide that, really, you're most interested in the data from the last two
months (although, at times, you also want to query older data).

So let's create a new alias C<last_two_months>:


Next month, you can update the C<last_two_months> alias with:


    # Or:

    $last_2 = $ns->alias('last_two_months');

With the above, you can:


=item *

write new data to the C<current> alias:

    $current = $model->domain('current');
    $current->new_doc( user => \%args )->save;

=item *

query the most recent data with the C<last_two_months> alias:

    my $results = $last_2->view->search;

=item *

query ALL data with the C<myapp> alias:

    my $results = $model->domain('myapp')->view->search;


=head2 Index-per-user

Imagine you are running an email service. The ideal would be to have a single
index for each user.  But this would be wasteful: the majority of users
receive fewer than 1,000 emails a month, so a single shard could hold the
emails for thousands of small users.

Again, aliases come to the rescue.  We can create several aliases to the same
index, and provide a default filter to restrict each alias to a single user.
First we create the index:

    my $ns    = $model->namespace('myapp');

Now we create aliases to the index C<myapp> for two users:

    $ns->alias('john')->to( myapp => { filterb => { username => 'john' }});
    $ns->alias('mary')->to( myapp => { filterb => { username => 'mary' }});

When we want to work just with tweets for user C<john>, we can do:

    $john = $model->domain('john');
    $john->new_doc(post => \%args)->save;
    $results = $john->view->search;

The filter associated with the alias (C< username == 'john' >) is
automatically applied to all queries or filters.

You can still search all messages for C<john> and C<mary> with the main domain

    $results = $model->domain('myapp')->view->search;

=head3 Routing - optimizing shard usage

Elasticsearch decides which shard to store a new doc on by using a C<routing>
string, which defaults to the doc's ID.  This routing string is hashed and
a modulus of the number of primary shards is used to select the destination
shard.  This is why you cannot change the number of primary shards in an index
after it is created.

To retrieve a doc by ID, the same process is repeated, and Elasticsearch
can efficiently decide on which shard the doc is stored.

However, for searching, things are not quite as efficient.  Elasticsearch has to
run the search on ALL shards in order to get the results back.  Seeing that most
of your searches will be related to a single user,
it would be much more efficient to just store all docs belonging to that user
on a single shard, and to send the search request to just that shard.

This can be done by specifying a custom routing value for all docs belonging
to C<john>, both when storing docs and when searching for them.  By far
the easiest way to do this is again with aliases:

        myapp   => {
            filterb => { username => 'john'},
            routing => 'john'

Now, when you use the domain C<john>, all requests will hit a single shard:

    $john = $model->domain('john');
    $john->new_doc( post => \%args );
    $results = $john->view->search;

=head3 Handling one BIG user

Your new business is successful, and one day you get a new user, whom we shall
call "twitter".  This single user starts out small, but soon grows to
the size of a million average users. They have too much data to store on a
single shard.  How do we handle this?

Because we are using aliases, it is easy to create a new index just for this
user, without having to change how your application works. First, we create
a big index:

    my $name  = 'twitter_'.time();
    my $index = $ns->index( $name );
    $index->create( settings => { number_of_shards => 100 });

Once we have reindexed the existing data from the old C<twitter> alias to
the new index:

    $index->reindex( 'twitter' );

... we add the new index to our main domain C<myapp>, so that Elastic::Model
knows that it uses the same namespace:


... and we update the C<twitter> alias to point to the new index:


And your application continues working without any changes.

=head1 AUTHOR

Clinton Gormley <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Clinton Gormley.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
