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package Elastic::Manual::Searching;
$Elastic::Manual::Searching::VERSION = '0.28';
# ABSTRACT: Which search method to use with a View, and how to use the results.



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Elastic::Manual::Searching - Which search method to use with a View, and how to use the results.

=head1 VERSION

version 0.28


Once you have configured your L<view|Elastic::Model::View> correctly, you need
to call a L<method|Elastic::Model::View/METHODS> on it in order to produce
search results.

The three main methods are L<search()|Elastic::Model::View/search()>,
L<scroll()|Elastic::Model::View/scroll()>, and
L<scan()|Elastic::Model::View/scan()>.  All three methods return an iterator,
but each method has a different purpose. The correct method should be chosen
to match the situation.

This document discusses how to use the returned iterator, and when to use
which search method.


=head2 Iterator basics

All three search methods return an iterator based on
L<Elastic::Model::Role::Results> and L<Elastic::Model::Role::Iterator>,
which works pretty much like any iterator, eg:

    $it->first;         # first element
    $it->next;          # next element
    $it->prev;          # previous element
    $it->last;          # last element
    $it->current;       # current element
    $it->shift;         # return first element and remove it from $it

    $it->all;           # all elements
    $it->slice(0,10);   # elements 0..9

    $it->peek_next;     # return next element but don't move the cursor
    $it->peek_prev;     # return next element but don't move the cursor

    $it->has_next;      # 1 / 0
    $it->has_prev;      # 1 / 0
    $it->is_first;      # 1 / 0
    $it->is_last;       # 1 / 0
    $it->even;          # 1 / 0
    $it->odd;           # 1 / 0
    $it->parity;        # even / odd

    $it->size;          # number of elements in $it
    $it->total;         # total number of matching docs
    $it->facets;        # any facets that were requested

=head2 What elements can the iterator return?

What's different about these iterators is the C<elements> that they return.
There are three options:


=item *

B<Result:> The raw result returned from Elasticsearch is wrapped in an
L<Elastic::Model::Result> object, which provides methods for
accessing the L<object|Elastic::Model::Result/object>
itself, and metadata like L<highlights|Elastic::Model::Result/highlight>,
L<script_fields|Elastic::Model::Result/script_fields> or the
L<relevance score|Elastic::Model::Result/score> that the current doc has.

=item *

B<Object:> The object itself (or a stub-object which can auto-inflate) is
returned. The other search metadata is not accessible.

=item *

B<Element:> The raw result returned by Elasticsearch.


Depending on what you are doing, you may want either one of these three.
For instance:


=item *

If you are doing a full text query (eg a user does a keyword
search), you will want to return B<Results>.

=item *

If you're retrieving I<the 20 most recent blog posts>, you want just the B<Objects>.

=item *

If you're reindexing your data from one index to another, you want
to avoid the inflation/deflation process and just use the raw data


=head2 Choosing an element type

From any L<results iterator|Elastic::Model::Role::Result>, you can return any
of the three element types:

    $it->next_result;       # Result object
    $it->next_object;       # Object itself
    $it->next_element;      # Raw data

But that is verbose. By default, C<first()>, C<next()> etc all return Result
objects, but you can change that:

    $it = $view->search;

    $it->next;              # Result object

    $it->next;              # Object itself

    $it->next;              # Raw data

    $it->next;              # Result object

So the typical usage if you want a list of objects back, would be:

    my $results = $view->search->as_objects;

    while ( my $object = $results->next ) {


=head2 Overview of differences

In summary:


=item *

Use L<search()|Elastic::Model::View/search()> when you want to retrieve
a finite list of results.  For instance: I<"Give me the 10 best results matching
this query">.

=item *

Use L<scroll()|Elastic::Model::View/scroll()> when you want an unbound result
set.  For instance: I<"Give me all the blog posts by user 123">.

=item *

Use L<scan()|Elastic::Model::View/scan()> when you want to retrieve a large
amount of data, eg when you want to reindex all of your data.  Scanning
is very efficient, but the B<results cannot be not sorted>.


=head2 Why do I need to choose a method?

When you create an index in Elasticsearch, it is created (by default) with
5 primary shards. Each of your docs is stored in one of those shards. It is
these primary shards that allow you to scale your index size. But with the
flexible scaling comes complexity.

=head3 The query process

Let's consider what happens when you run a query like: I<"Give me the 10 most
relevant docs that match C<"foo bar">">.


=item *

Your query is sent to one of your Elasticsearch nodes.

=item *

That node forwards your query to all 5 shards in the index.

=item *

Each shard runs the query and finds the 10 most relevant docs, and returns
them to the requesting node.

=item *

The requesting node sorts these 50 docs by relevance, discards the 40 least
relevant, and returns the 10 most relevant.


So then, if you ask for page 10,000 (ie results 100,001 - 100,010), each
shard has to return 100,010 docs, and the requesting node has to sort through
and discard 500,040 of them!

That approach doesn't scale. More than likely the requesting node will just
run out of memory and be killed. There is a good reason why search engines
don't return more than 100 pages of results.

=head2 Why should I scroll? Why can't I just ask for page 2?

More than likely, your data is being updated constantly. In between your
requests for page 1 and page 2, your data may have changed order, or
a doc might have been added or deleted.  So you could end up missing results or
seeing duplicates.

Scrolling gives you consistent results.  It is like paging, where it returns
L<size|Elastic::Model::View/size> docs on each request, but Elasticsearch keeps
the original data around until your scroll times out.

Of course, this comes at a cost: extra disk space.  That means that you
shouldn't make your scroll timeouts longer than they need to be.  The
default is 1 minute, but you may be able to reduce that considerably depending
on your use case.

Of course, sometimes consistency won't matter - it may be perfectly reasonable to
show duplicates in keyword searches, but less reasonable to have duplicate or
missing items in a list.

=head2 Why can't I just pull all the data in one request?

Nobody has more than 10,000 blog posts, so why not just request all the posts
in a single C<search()> and specify C<< size => 10_000 >>?

The answer is: memory usage.

Each node needs to return 10,000 docs. The node handling the request
has to make space for 50,000 docs, then sort through them to find the top 10,000.
That may be fine as a one-off request, but when you have thousands of those
happening concurrently, you're going to run out of memory pretty quickly.

=head2 But I need to retrieve all 10 billion docs!

OK, now we're in a different league. You B<can> retrieve all the docs in your
index, as long as you don't need them to be sorted: use L<scan()|Elastic::Model::View/scan()>.
Scanning works as follows (we'll assume that L<size|Elastic::Model::View/size>
is 10, but in practice you can probably make it a lot bigger):


=item *

Your query is sent to one of your Elasticsearch nodes.

=item *

That node forwards your query to all 5 shards in the index.

=item *

Each shard runs the query, finds all matching docs, and returns the first 10
docs to the requesting node, B<IN ANY ORDER>.

=item *

The requesting node B<RETURNS ALL 50 DOCS IN ANY ORDER>.

=item *

It also returns a C<scroll_id> which:


=item 1

keeps track of what results have already been returned and

=item 2

keeps a consistent view of the index state at the time of the intial query.


=item *

With this C<scroll_id>, we can keep pulling another 50 docs (ie
number_of_primary_shards * L<size|Elastic::Model::View/size>) until we have
exhausted all the docs.


=head2 But I really need sorting!

Do you?  Do you really? Why?  No user needs to page through all 5 million
of your matching results. Google only returns 1,000 results, for good reason.

OK, OK, so there may be situations where need to retrieve large numbers of sorted
results.  The trick here is to break them up into chunks. For instance, you
could request all docs created in October, then November etc. How you do it
really depends on your requirements.


=head2 search()

    $results = $view->search;

L<search()|Elastic::Model::View/search()> retrieves the best matching
results up to a maximum of L<size|Elastic::Model::View/size> and returns them
all in an L<Elastic::Model::Results> object.

The L<Elastic::Model::Results/size> attribute contains the number of results
that are stored in the iterator. The L<Elastic::Model::Results/total>
attribute contains the total number of matching docs in Elasticsearch.

=head2 scroll()

    $results = $view->scroll('1m');

L<scroll()|Elastic::Model::View/scroll()> takes a C<timeout> parameter, which
defaults to C<1m> (one minute).  It retrieves L<size|Elastic::Model::View/size>
results and wraps them in an L<Elastic::Model::Results::Scrolled> object.

As you iterate through the results, you will eventually request a C<next()> doc
which isn't available in the buffer. The iterator will request the next tranche
of results from Elasticsearch.  It is important to make sure that the
C<timeout> is longer than the time between requests, otherwise it will throw an
error and you will need to start scrolling again.

The L<Elastic::Model::Results::Scrolled/size> attribute contains the number of
docs in Elasticsearch that match the query and are available to pull (ie
initially, it is the same as the L<Elastic::Model::Results::Scrolled/total>

=head2 scan()

    $results = $view->scan('1m');

L<scan()|Elastic::Model::View/scan()> is pretty similar to L</scroll()>. It
takes a C<timeout> parameter, which defaults to C<1m> (one minute).
B< However, it retrieves a maximum of C<number_of_primary_shards> *
results in a single request> and wraps them in
an L<Elastic::Model::Results::Scrolled> object. So you may want to consider
reducing the L<size|Elastic::Model::View/size> parameter when scanning.

When scrolling, there is a good chance that you want to load all of the results
into memory.  However, when scanning through billions of docs, you don't want
to do that. Instead of using C<next()> you should use C<shift()>:

    while ( my $result = $results->shift ) {

This means, obviously, that C<prev()> won't work - there is no previous doc.
You've thrown it away.

When using C<shift()>, while the L<Elastic::Model::Results::Scrolled/size>
attribute starts out the same as the L<Elastic::Model::Results::Scrolled/total>
attribute, it will decrement by one for each C<shift()> call.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *



=head1 AUTHOR

Clinton Gormley <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Clinton Gormley.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
