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package Elastic::Manual::QueryDSL::Filters;
$Elastic::Manual::QueryDSL::Filters::VERSION = '0.51';
# ABSTRACT: Overview of the filters available in Elasticsearch



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Elastic::Manual::QueryDSL::Filters - Overview of the filters available in Elasticsearch

=head1 VERSION

version 0.51


Filters are pretty self explanatory. We present some of the most common filters
below.  To understand more about what filters are available, and how they work,
you should read the about the Query DSL on
L<> and, optionally,
the L<ElasticSearch::SearchBuilder> syntax. All examples will be given
first in the SearchBuilder syntax (with C<filterb()>), then in the native Query DSL.


It is important to remember that filters work on exact values.  So
C<"Foo"> will not match C<"FOO">.

While you can use a filter on an analyzed text field, you need to filter on
the actual terms that are stored in that field.  For instance, if the
attribute value is: C<"A quick Brown FOX">, it might be analyzed to the terms
C<['quick','brown','fox']>.  Filtering on C<"Brown"> will not work. You need
to use the actual term: C<"brown"> instead.

Alternatively, if you need the analysis phase, you can
L<use a query as a filter|/Using a query as a filter>.


=head2 Equality


=item SearchBuilder:

    # WHERE status = 'active'
    $view->filterb( status => 'active' );

    # WHERE count = 5
    $view->filterb( count  => 5 );

    # WHERE tags IN ('perl','python')
    $view->filterb( tags  => [ 'perl', 'python' ]);

See L<ElasticSearch::SearchBuilder/EQUALITY (FILTERS)>.

=item QueryDSL:

    # WHERE status = 'active'
    $view->filter(  term   => { status => 'active' } );

    # WHERE count = 5
    $view->filter(  term   => { count => 5 );

    # WHERE tags IN ('perl','python')
    $view->filter(  terms => { tag => ['perl', 'python' ]})

See L<>
and L<>.


=head2 Range


=item SearchBuilder:

    # WHERE date BETWEEN '2012-01-01' AND '2013-01-01'
        date   => {
            gte => '2012-01-01',
            lt  => '2013-01-01'

See L<ElasticSearch::SearchBuilder/RANGES>

=item QueryDSL:

    # WHERE date BETWEEN '2012-01-01' AND '2013-01-01'
        range => {
            date => {
                gte => '2012-01-01',
                lt  => '2013-01-01'

See L<>


=head2 And, Or and Not


=item SearchBuilder:

See L<ElasticSearch::SearchBuilder/ANDE<verbar>OR LOGIC>


=item And

    # WHERE status = 'active' AND count > 5
    $view->filterb( status => 'active', count  => { gt => 5 } );

=item Or

    # WHERE status = 'active' OR count > 5
    $view->filterb([ status => 'active', count  => { gt => 5 } ]);

=item Not

    # WHERE status <> 'active'
    $view->filterb( status => { '!=' => 'active' });

    # WHERE tags NOT IN ('perl','python')
    $view->filterb( tags   => { '!=' => ['perl', 'python'] });

    # WHERE NOT ( x = 1 AND y = 2 )
    $view->filterb( -not   => { x => 1, y => 2 });

    # WHERE NOT ( x = 1 OR y = 2 )
    $view->filterb( -not   => [ x => 1, y => 2 ]);


=item QueryDSL:


=item And

    # WHERE status = 'active' AND count > 5
        and => [
            { term => { status => 'active'   }},
            { range => { count  => { gt => 5 }}}

See L<>

=item Or

    # WHERE status = 'active' OR count > 5
        or => [
            { term => { status => 'active'   }},
            { range => { count  => { gt => 5 }}}

See L<>

=item Not

    # WHERE status <> 'active'
    $view->filter(  not    => { term => { status => 'active' }});

    # WHERE tags NOT IN ('perl','python')
    $view->filter(  not  => { terms => { tags => ['perl', 'python'] }});

    # WHERE NOT ( x = 1 AND y = 2 )
        not => {
            and => [
                { term => { x => 1 }},
                { term => { y => 2 }}

    # WHERE NOT ( x = 1 OR y = 2 )
        not => {
            or => [
                { term => { x => 1 }},
                { term => { y => 2 }}

See L<>



=head2 Exists and  Missing


=item SearchBuilder:

    # WHERE status IS NULL
    $view->filterb( -missing => 'status' );
    $view->filterb( status => undef );

    # WHERE status IS NOT NULL
    $view->filterb( -exists => 'status' );

See L<ElasticSearch::SearchBuilder/MISSING OR NULL VALUES>.

=item QueryDSL:

    # WHERE status IS NULL
    $view->filter(  missing  => { field => 'status' });

    # WHERE status IS NOT NULL
    $view->filter(  exists  => { field => 'status' });

See L<>
and L<>.


=head2 Prefix

B<Warning:> The prefix filter does not peform well.  First it has to load all
terms into memory to find those that begin with the prefix. Then it searches on all
of those terms.

If you find yourself wanting to use a prefix filter, then you should rather
use the L<edge_ngram token filter|>
to prepare your field correctly for partial matching (eg C<"ABC"> becomes
C<"A">, C<"AB">, C<"ABC">), and use simple L</Equality> instead.


=item SearchBuilder

    # WHERE code LIKE 'XYZ_%'
    $view->filterb( code => { '^'    => 'XYZ_' });
    $view->filterb( code => { prefix => 'XYZ_' });

See L<ElasticSearch::SearchBuilder/PREFIX (FILTERS)>.

=item Query DSL

    # WHERE code LIKE 'XYZ_%'
    $view->filter( prefix => { code => 'XYZ_' });

See L<>.


=head2 Geolocation


=item SearchBuilder:

    # where "point" is less than 50km from (lat:10, lon:5)
        point => {
            -geo_distance => {
                location  => { lat => 10, lon => 5 },
                distance  => '50km'



=item *

L<ElasticSearch::SearchBuilder/-geo_distance E<verbar> -not_geo_distance>

=item *

Geo-distance ranges:
L<ElasticSearch::SearchBuilder/-geo_distance_range E<verbar> -not_geo_distance_range>.

=item *

Geo-bounding boxes:
L<ElasticSearch::SearchBuilder/-geo_bounding_box E<verbar> -geo_bbox E<verbar> -not_geo_bounding_box E<verbar> -not_geo_bbox>.

=item *

L<ElasticSearch::SearchBuilder/-geo_polygon E<verbar> -not_geo_polygon>.


=item QueryDSL:

        geo_distance => {
            distance => '50km',
            point    => { lat => 10, lon => 5 }



=item *


=item *

Geo-distance ranges:

=item *

Geo-bounding boxes:

=item *




=head2 Types, IDs and Elastic::Model::UID


=item SearchBuilder

    # WHERE = 1
    $view->filterb( _id => 1 );

    # WHERE IN (1,2,3)
    $view->filterb( _id => [1,2,3] );

    # WHERE in (1,2,3) AND doc.type in ('user','post')
    $view->filterb( _id => [1,2,3], _type => ['user','post'] );

Assuming that a document has an Elastic::Doc attribute C<user>:

    # WHERE user_id = 1
    $view->filterb( '' => 1 );

    # WHERE user_type = 'user'
    $view->filterb( 'user.uid.type' => 'user' );

=item Query DSL

    # WHERE = 1
    $view->filter( term => { _id => 1 } );

    # WHERE IN (1,2,3)
    $view->filter( terms => { _id => [1,2,3] });

    # WHERE in (1,2,3) AND doc.type in ('user','post')
        and => [
            { terms => { _id   => [1,2,3] }},
            { terms => { _type => ['user','post'] }}

Assuming that a document has an Elastic::Doc attribute C<user>:

    # WHERE user_id = 1
    $view->filter( term => { '' => 1 });

    # WHERE user_type = 'user'
    $view->filter( term => { 'user.uid.type' => 'user' });


=head2 Scripts

Script filters can be written in mvel, groovy, javascript, python or java.
See L<>.
Scripts can be useful, but they do have a performance impact, so consider
whether you really need a script, or whether you could achieve your
goals by indexing a field differently.

B<Note:> Mvel is deprecated and will be removed in Elasticsearch 1.4. In
Elasticsearch 1.2 and above it is disabled by default. The new
default scripting language is Groovy.

See L<> for more.


=item SearchBuilder

        -script => {
            script => "doc['foo'].value > minimum",
            params => { minimum => 5 },
            lang   => 'groovy'

See L<ElasticSearch::SearchBuilder/-script>.

=item QueryDSL

        script => {
            script => "doc['foo'].value > minimum",
            params => { minimum => 5 },
            lang   => 'groovy'

See L<>


=head2 Using a query as a filter

If you need to use a query as a filter (ie it can do full text matching, but
won't be scored), you can embed a query in a filter:


=item SearchBuilder

    # WHERE status = 'active' AND matches(title, 'perl python')
        status  => 'active',
        -query  => { title => 'perl python' }

See L<ElasticSearch::SearchBuilder/QUERY E<sol> FILTER CONTEXT>.

=item QueryDSL

    # WHERE status = 'active' AND matches(title, 'perl python')
        and => [
            { term => { status => 'active' }},
            { query => {
                text => {
                    title => 'perl python'

See L<>.


=head2 Parent-child filters

Parent-child relationships are not yet supported natively in Elastic::Model.
They will be soon.

In the meantime, see:


=item *


=item *



=head2 Nested filters

See L<Elastic::Manual::QueryDSL::Nested>.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=item *


=item *



=head1 AUTHOR

Clinton Gormley <>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Clinton Gormley.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
