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package Elastic::Model::Results;
$Elastic::Model::Results::VERSION = '0.51';
use Carp;
use Moose;
with 'Elastic::Model::Role::Results';
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Num);

use namespace::autoclean;

has 'took' => (
    isa    => Num,
    is     => 'ro',
    writer => '_set_took',

no Moose;

sub BUILD {
    my $self = shift;
    return if $_[0]->{elements};

    my $result = $self->model->search( $self->search );

    my $hits = $result->{hits};
    $self->_set_total( $hits->{total} );
    $self->_set_elements( $hits->{hits} );
    $self->_set_max_score( $hits->{max_score} || 0 );

    $self->_set_took( $result->{took}         || 0 );
    $self->_set_facets( $result->{facets}     || {} );
    $self->_set_aggs( $result->{aggregations} || {} );




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Elastic::Model::Results - An iterator over bounded/finite search results

=head1 VERSION

version 0.51


=head2 Retrieve a list of objects

Twenty most recently updated active users:

    $users = $model->view
                   ->index  ( 'my_domain' )
                   ->type   ( 'user' )
                   ->filterb( 'status'    => 'active' )
                   ->sort   ( 'timestamp' => 'desc'   )
                   ->size   ( 20 )

    while ( my $user = $users->next ) {
        say $user->name;

=head2 Retrieve search results

Ten most relevant posts for keywords C<perl moose> created since the beginning
of 2012, with highlighted snippets, plus the most popular tags:

    $results  = $model->view
                      ->index    ( 'my_domain' )
                      ->type     ( 'posts' )
                      ->queryb   ( 'content' => 'perl moose'  )
                      ->filterb  ( 'created' => { gt => '2012-01-01' } )
                      ->highlight( 'content' )
                      ->facets   ( 'tags' => { terms => { field => 'tags' }} )

    printf  "Showing %d of %d matching docs\n".
             $results->size, $results->total;

=head2 Highlights

    while ( my $result = $results->next ) {
        say "Title:"      . $result->object->title;
        say "Highlights:" .join ', ', $result->highlight('content');

=head2 Aggregations

    my $tags  = $results->agg('tags');
    my $terms = $tags->{buckets};

    say "Popular tags: ";
    for ( @$terms ) {
        say "$_->{key}:  $_->{doc_count}";

=head2 Facets

    my $tags  = $results->facet('tags');
    my $terms = $tags->{terms};

    say "Popular tags: ";
    for ( @$terms ) {
        say "$_->{term}:  $_->{count}";

    printf "And $tags->{other} more... ", ;


An L<Elastic::Model::Results> object is returned when you call
L<Elastic::Model::View/search()>, and is intended for searches that retrieve
a maximum of L<size|Elastic::Model::View/size> results in a single request.

A C<$results> object can iterate through L<Elastic::Model::Result> objects
(with all the result metadata), or just the DocClass object itself
(eg C<MyApp::User>). For instance, you can do:

    $result = $results->next_result;
    $object = $results->next_object;

Or you can set the default type to return:

    $object = $results->next;

    $result = $results->next;

By default, the short accessors return L<Elastic::Model::Result> objects.

Most attributes and accessors in this class come from
L<Elastic::Model::Role::Results> and L<Elastic::Model::Role::Iterator>.

Also, see L<Elastic::Manual::Searching>.


=head2 took

    $took = $results->took

The number of milliseconds that the request took to run.

=head2 size

    $size = $results->size

The number of L</elements> in the C<$results> object;

=head2 total

    $total_matching = $results->total

The total number of matching docs found by Elasticsearch.  This is
distinct from the L</size> which contains the number of results RETURNED
by Elasticsearch.

=head2 max_score

    $max_score = $results->max_score

The highest score (relevance) found by Elasticsearch. B<Note:> if you
are sorting by a field other than C<_score> then you will need
to set L<Elastic::Model::View/track_scores> to true to retrieve the

=head2 aggs

=head2 agg

    $aggs = $results->aggs
    $agg  = $results->agg($agg_name)

Aggregation results, if any were requested with L<Elastic::Model::View/aggs>.

=head2 facets

=head2 facet

    $facets = $results->facets
    $facet  = $results->facet($facet_name)

Facet results, if any were requested with L<Elastic::Model::View/facets>.

=head2 elements

    \@elements = $results->elements;

An array ref containing all of the data structures that we can iterate over.

=head2 search

    \%search_args = $results->search

Contains the hash ref of the search request passed to


=head2 index

    $index = $results->index;      # index of the current element, or undef
    $results->index(0);            # set the current element to the first element
    $results->index(-1);           # set the current element to the last element
    $results->index(undef);        # resets the iterator, no current element

L</index> contains the current index of the iterator.  Before you start
iterating, it will return undef.

=head2 reset


Resets the iterator so that the next call to L</next> will return
the first element. B<Note:> any calls to L</shift> means that those
elements have been discarded.  L</reset> will not reload these.


=head2 size

    $size = $results->size;

Returns the number of L</elements>.

=head2 even

    $bool = $results->even

Is the current L</index> even?

=head2 odd

    $bool = $results->odd

Is the current L</index> odd?

=head2 parity

    $parity = $results->parity

Returns C<'odd'> or C<'even'>. Useful for alternating the colour of rows:

    while ( my $el = $results->next ) {
        my $css_class = $el->parity;
        # display row

=head2 is_first

    $bool = $results->is_first

Is the L</current> element the first element?

=head2 is_last

    $bool = $results->is_last

Is the L</current> element the last element?

=head2 has_next

    $bool = $results->has_next

Is there a L</next> element?

=head2 has_prev

    $bool = $results->has_prev

Is there a L</prev> element?


=head2 as_results()

    $results = $results->as_results;

Sets the "short" accessors (eg L</next>, L</prev>) to return
L<Elastic::Model::Result> objects.

=head2 as_objects()

    $objects = $objects->as_objects;

Sets the "short" accessors (eg L</next>, L</prev>) to return the object itself,
eg C<MyApp::User>

=head2 as_elements()


Sets the "short" accessors (eg L</next>, L</prev>) to return the raw result
returned by Elasticsearch.

=head2 as_partials()


Sets the "short" accessors (eg L</next>, L</prev>) to return partial objects
as specified by L<Elastic::Model::View/"include_paths / exclude_paths">.


All of the accessors below have 4 forms:


=item *

Result, eg C<next_result> which returns the full result metadata as an
L<Elastic::Model::Result> object.

=item *

Object, eg C<next_object> which returns the original matching object, eg
an instance of C<MyApp::User>

=item *

Element, eg C<next_element> which returns the raw hashref from Elasticsearch

=item *

Partial Doc, eg C<next_partial> which returns a partial object as specified
by L<Elastic::Model::View/"include_paths / exclude_paths">.

=item *

Short, which can return any one of the above, depending on which
L<Wrapper|/WRAPPERS> is currently in effect.


Typically you would select the type that you need, then use the short
accessors, eg:


    while (my $object = $result->next ) {...}

=head2 first

    $el = $results->first

Returns the first element, and resets the iterator so that a call
to L</next> will return the second element. If there is
no first element, it returns undef.

Also C<first_result>, C<first_object>, C<first_element>, C<first_partial>

=head2 next

    $el = $results->next;

Returns the next element, and advances the iterator by one.  If there is
no next element, it returns undef.  If the next element is the last
element, then it will work like this:

    $results->next;        # returns last element
    $results->next;        # returns undef, and resets iterator
    $results->next;        # returns first element

Also C<next_result>, C<next_object>, C<next_element>, C<next_partial>

=head2 prev

    $el = $results->prev

Returns the previous element, and moves the iterator one step in reverse.  If
there is no previous element, it returns undef.  If the previous element is the
first element, then it will work like this:

    $results->prev;        # returns prev element
    $results->prev;        # returns undef, and resets iterator to end
    $results->prev;        # returns last element

Also C<prev_result>, C<prev_object>, C<prev_element>, C<prev_partial>

=head2 current

    $el = $results->current

Returns the current element, or undef

Also C<current_result>, C<current_object>, C<current_element>, C<current_partial>

=head2 last

    $el = $results->last

Returns the last element, and resets the iterator so that a call
to L</next> will return undef, and a second call to
L</next> will return the first element If there is
no last element, it returns undef.

Also C<last_result>, C<last_object>, C<last_element>, C<last_partial>

=head2 peek_next

    $el = $results->peek_next

Returns the next element (or undef), but doesn't move the iterator.

Also C<peek_next_result>, C<peek_next_object>, C<peek_next_element>,

=head2 peek_prev

    $el = $results->peek_prev

Returns the previous element (or undef), but doesn't move the iterator.

Also C<peek_prev_result>, C<peek_prev_object>, C<peek_prev_element>,

=head2 shift

    $el = $results->shift

Returns the L</first> element and removes it from from the list. L</size>
will decrease by 1. Returns undef if there are no more elements.

Also C<shift_result>, C<shift_object>, C<shift_element>, C<shift_partial>

=head2 slice

    @els = $results->slice($offset,$length);

Returns a list of (max) C<$length> elements, starting at C<$offset> (which
is zero-based):

    $results->slice();             # all elements;
    $results->slice(5);            # elements 5..size
    $results->slice(-5);           # elements size-5..size
    $results->slice(0,10);         # elements 0..9
    $results->slice(5,10);         # elements 5..14

If your iterator only contains 5 elements:

    $results->slice(3,10);         # elements 3..4
    $results->slice(10,10);        # an empty list

Also C<slice_results>, C<slice_objects>, C<slice_elements>, C<slice_partials>

=head2 all

    @els = $results->all

Returns all L</elements> as a list.

Also C<all_results>, C<all_objects>, C<all_elements>, C<all_partials>

=head1 AUTHOR

Clinton Gormley <>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Clinton Gormley.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.



# ABSTRACT: An iterator over bounded/finite search results