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package WWW::eNom::Role::Command::Contact;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Moose::Role;
use MooseX::Params::Validate;

use WWW::eNom::Types qw( Contact DomainName HashRef );

use WWW::eNom::Contact;

use Try::Tiny;
use Carp;

use Readonly;
    Registrant => 'registrant_contact',
    Admin      => 'admin_contact',
    Tech       => 'technical_contact',
    AuxBilling => 'billing_contact',


requires 'submit';

our $VERSION = 'v2.1.0'; # VERSION
# ABSTRACT: Contact Related Operations

sub get_contacts_by_domain_name {
    my $self = shift;
    my ( $domain_name ) = pos_validated_list( \@_, { isa => DomainName } );

    return try {
        my $response = $self->submit({
            method => 'GetContacts',
            params => {
                Domain => $domain_name

        if( $response->{ErrCount} > 0 ) {
            if( grep { $_ eq 'Domain name not found' } @{ $response->{errors} } ) {
                croak 'Domain not found in your account';

            croak 'Unknown error';

        my $billing_party_id = $response->{GetContacts}{Billing}{BillingPartyID};

        my $contacts;
        for my $contact_type ( keys %{ $ENOM_CONTACT_TYPE_MAPPING } ) {
            my $raw_contact_response = $response->{GetContacts}{$contact_type};

            my $common_contact_response;
            for my $field ( keys %{ $raw_contact_response } ) {
                if( $field !~ m/$contact_type/ ) {

                $common_contact_response->{ substr( $field, length( $contact_type ) ) } =
                    $raw_contact_response->{ $field } // { };

            # If no other contact has been provided then MY information (the reseller)
            # is used.  Treat this as no info.
            if( $common_contact_response->{PartyID} eq $billing_party_id ) {

            $contacts->{ $ENOM_CONTACT_TYPE_MAPPING->{ $contact_type} } =
                WWW::eNom::Contact->construct_from_response( $common_contact_response );

        # Check for anyone who used the reseller's contact info for a contact and replace
        # it with the registrant contact data.
        for my $contact_type ( values %{ $ENOM_CONTACT_TYPE_MAPPING } ) {
            if( !exists $contacts->{ $contact_type } ) {
                $contacts->{ $contact_type }  = $contacts->{registrant_contact};
                # TODO: Save this contact back, a sort of just in time repair

        return $contacts;
    catch {
        croak $_;

sub update_contacts_for_domain_name {
    my $self     = shift;
    my ( %args ) = validated_hash(
        domain_name         => { isa => DomainName },
        registrant_contact  => { isa => Contact, optional => 1 },
        admin_contact       => { isa => Contact, optional => 1 },
        technical_contact   => { isa => Contact, optional => 1 },
        billing_contact     => { isa => Contact, optional => 1 },

    try {
        # Replace all contacts at once
        if(    ( scalar grep { exists $args{$_} && defined $args{$_} } values %{ $ENOM_CONTACT_TYPE_MAPPING } )
            == ( scalar values %{ $ENOM_CONTACT_TYPE_MAPPING } ) ) {
                payload => {
                    Domain => $args{domain_name},
                    %{ $args{registrant_contact}->construct_creation_request('Registrant') },
                    %{ $args{admin_contact}->construct_creation_request('Admin')           },
                    %{ $args{technical_contact}->construct_creation_request('Tech')        },
                    %{ $args{billing_contact}->construct_creation_request('AuxBilling')    },
        # Replace contacts one at a time
        else {
            for my $contact_type ( values %{ $ENOM_CONTACT_TYPE_MAPPING } ) {
                if( !exists $args{ $contact_type } || !defined $args{ $contact_type } ) {

                    payload => {
                        Domain      => $args{domain_name},
                        ContactType => uc $CONTACT_TYPE_ENOM_MAPPING->{ $contact_type },
                        %{ $args{ $contact_type }->construct_creation_request( $CONTACT_TYPE_ENOM_MAPPING->{ $contact_type } ) },
    catch {
        croak $_;

    return $self->get_contacts_by_domain_name( $args{domain_name} );

sub _update_contacts {
    my $self     = shift;
    my ( %args ) = validated_hash(
        payload => { isa => HashRef },

    my $response = $self->submit({
        method => 'Contacts',
        params =>  $args{payload},

    if( $response->{ErrCount} > 0 ) {
        if( grep { $_ eq 'Domain name ID not found' } @{ $response->{errors} } ) {
            croak 'Domain not found in your account';

        croak 'Unknown error';

    return $response;



=head1 NAME

WWW::eNom::Role::Command::Contact - Contact Related Operations


    use WWW::eNom;
    use WWW::eNom::Contact;

    my $api = WWW::eNom->new( ... );

    # Get Contacts for a Domain
    my $contacts = $api->get_contacts_by_domain_name( '' );

    for my $contact_type (qw( registrant_contact admin_contact technical_contact billing_contact )) {
        print "Email Address of $contact_type is: " . $contacts->{$contact_type}->email . "\n";

    # Update Contacts
    my $new_registrant_contact = WWW::eNom::Contact->new( ... );
    my $new_admin_contact      = WWW::eNom::Contact->new( ... );
    my $new_technical_contact  = WWW::eNom::Contact->new( ... );
    my $new_billing_contact    = WWW::eNom::Contact->new( ... );

    my $updated_contacts = $api->update_contacts_for_domain_name(
        domain_name        => '',
        registrant_contact => $new_registrant_contact,   # Optional
        admin_contact      => $new_admin_contact,        # Optional
        technical_contact  => $new_technical_contact,    # Optional
        billing_contact    => $new_billing_contact,      # Optional


=over 4

=item submit



Implements contact related operations with L<eNom|>'s API.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 get_contacts_by_domain_name

    my $contacts = $api->get_contacts_by_domain_name( '' );

    for my $contact_type (qw( registrant_contact admin_contact technical_contact billing_contact )) {
        print "Email Address of $contact_type is: " . $contacts->{$contact_type}->email . "\n";

Abstraction of the L<GetContacts|> eNom API Call.  Given a FQDN, returns a HashRef of contacts for that domain.  The keys for the returned HashRef are:

=over 4

=item registrant_contact

=item admin_contact

=item technical_contact

=item billing_contact


Each of these keys point to a value which is an instance of L<WWW::eNom::Contact>.

=head2 update_contacts_for_domain_name

    my $updated_contacts = $api->update_contacts_for_domain_name(
        domain_name        => '',
        registrant_contact => $new_registrant_contact,   # Optional
        admin_contact      => $new_admin_contact,        # Optional
        technical_contact  => $new_technical_contact,    # Optional
        billing_contact    => $new_billing_contact,      # Optional

Abstraction of the L<Contacts|> eNom API Call.  Given a FQDN and new contacts to use, updates the specified contacts to match those provided.  Returned is a HashRef of Contacts (see L<get_contacts_by_domain_name> for response format).

One interesting thing about this method is that you only need specify the contacts you wish to update.  If you wish to update registrant, admin, technical, and billing great!  Go for it and include all of them in one call.  If you wish to update only a subset of the contacts (1, 2 or 3 of them) you should pass only the contacts to be updated.
