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package Xmldoom::Object;

use Xmldoom::Definition;
use Xmldoom::Object::Property;
use Xmldoom::Object::Attribute;
use Xmldoom::Object::LinkAttribute;
use Xmldoom::ResultSet;
use DBIx::Romani::Query::Function::Now;
use DBIx::Romani::Query::Function::Count;
use DBIx::Romani::Query::SQL::Literal;
use DBIx::Romani::Query::SQL::Null;
use Exception::Class::DBI;
use Exception::Class::TryCatch;
use Scalar::Util qw(weaken isweak);
use Module::Runtime qw/ use_module /;
use strict;

# define our exceptions:
use Exception::Class qw( Xmldoom::Object::RollbackException );

use Data::Dumper;

# Connects registered class names to object definitions.  We can do this
# because in Perl the class namespace is global.

# this will bind this class to this table
sub BindToObject
	my $class  = shift;
	my $object = shift;

	# assign this class name to this object
	$object->set_class( $class );

	# store the definition to classname connection for future reference
	$OBJECTS{$class} = $object;

sub load
	my $class  = shift;

	# The object definition does all of the actual work with regard to 
	# querying the database and getting the data.  We just pass it along
	# to the correct Perl class.

	if ( not defined $OBJECTS{$class} )
		die "Cannot load() $class: No definition attached to Perl class";
	my $definition = $OBJECTS{$class};
	my $data       = $definition->load( @_ );

	my $result = $class->new(undef, { data => $data });
	# call user hook

	return $result;

sub load_or_new
	my ($class, $args) = @_;

	my $obj;

	try eval
		$obj = $class->load( $args );
	if ( my $err = catch )
		$obj = $class->new();

		foreach my $key_name ( @{$obj->_get_key_names()} )
			if ( defined $args->{$key_name} )
				$obj->_set_attr( $key_name, $args->{$key_name} );

	return $obj;

sub SearchRS
	my $class    = shift;
	my $criteria = shift;

	# if no criteria, then we want to get all items
	if ( not defined $criteria )
		$criteria = Xmldoom::Criteria->new();

	# The object definition is responsible for performing the actual query
	# and getting a Roma result-set back for us.

	my $definition = $OBJECTS{$class};
	my $rs         = $definition->search_rs( $criteria );

	# return our fully prepared result set
	return Xmldoom::ResultSet->new({
		class  => $class,
		result => $rs,
		conn   => $rs->get_conn(),
		parent => $criteria->get_parent()

sub Search
	my $class = shift;
	my $rs    = $class->SearchRS( @_ );
	my @ret;

	# unravel our result set
	while ( $rs->next() )
		push @ret, $rs->get_object();

	return wantarray ? @ret : \@ret;

sub SearchAttrsRS
	my $class    = shift;
	my $criteria = shift;

	# if no criteria, then we want to get all items
	if ( not defined $criteria )
		$criteria = Xmldoom::Criteria->new();

	return $OBJECTS{$class}->search_attrs_rs( $criteria, @_ );

sub SearchAttrs
	my $class = shift;
	my $rs    = $class->SearchAttrsRS( @_ );
	my @ret;

	# unravel our result set
	while ( $rs->next() )
		push @ret, $rs->get_row();

	# TODO: Some reference is being held somewhere!  I can't 
	# seem to figure this one out.
	#$rs = undef;

	return wantarray ? @ret : \@ret;

sub SearchDistinctAttrsRS
	my $class    = shift;
	my $criteria = shift;

	# if no criteria, then we want to get all items
	if ( not defined $criteria )
		$criteria = Xmldoom::Criteria->new();

	return $OBJECTS{$class}->search_distinct_attrs_rs( $criteria, @_ );

sub SearchDistinctAttrs
	my $class = shift;
	my $rs    = $class->SearchDistinctAttrsRS( @_ );
	my @ret;

	# unravel our result set
	while ( $rs->next() )
		push @ret, $rs->get_row();

	return wantarray ? @ret : \@ret;

sub Count
	my $class    = shift;
	my $criteria = shift;

	# if no criteria, then we want to get all items
	if ( not defined $criteria )
		$criteria = Xmldoom::Criteria->new();

	return $OBJECTS{$class}->count( $criteria );

sub new
	my $class = shift;
	my $public_args  = shift;
	my $private_args = shift;

	my $parent;
	my $parent_link;
	my $data;
	my $sets;

	if ( ref($private_args) eq "HASH" )
		$parent       = $private_args->{parent};
		$parent_link  = $private_args->{parent_link};
		$data         = $private_args->{data};
	if ( ref($public_args) eq "HASH" )
		$sets = $public_args;

	my $self = {
		parent      => $parent,
		definition  => $OBJECTS{$class},
		dependents  => [ ],
		original    => { },
		info        => { },
		key         => { },
		props       => [ ],
		callbacks   => { },
		new         => 1,

	# weaken reference to parent
	if ( defined $self->{parent} )
		weaken( $self->{parent} );

	# we are now an object
	bless $self, $class;

	# if we have data, then copy it into the info and key hashes.  Otherwise
	# we should set all the default values.
	if ( defined $data )
		foreach my $column ( @{$self->{definition}->get_table()->get_columns()} )
			my $col_name = $column->get_name();

			# put in their places
			$self->{info}->{$col_name} = Xmldoom::Object::Attribute->new( $data->{$col_name} );
			if ( $column->is_primary_key() )
				# we need to store the keys twice so that we can pivot
				# on the key, if we need to change it.
				$self->{key}->{$col_name} = $data->{$col_name};

		# copy info into original
		$self->{original} = { %$data };
		# this is not a new object
		$self->{new} = 0;
		# set our defaults
		foreach my $column ( @{$self->{definition}->get_table()->get_columns()} )
			$self->{info}->{$column->{name}} = Xmldoom::Object::Attribute->new( $column->{default} );

	# link our attributes to the appropriate connections in the parent
	if ( $self->{parent} )
		if ( not defined $parent_link )
			# if they aren't specified then we guess...
			$parent_link = $self->{definition}->find_links( $self->{parent}->_get_object_name() )->[0];

		# TODO: a hack for inter_table where we won't have a parent link for now!
		if ( defined $parent_link and $parent_link->get_count() == 1 )
			foreach my $pconn ( @{$parent_link->get_column_names()} )
				$self->_link_attr( $pconn->{local_column}, $self->{parent}, $pconn->{foreign_column} );

	# setup the properties
	foreach my $prop ( @{$self->{definition}->get_properties()} )
		push @{$self->{props}}, Xmldoom::Object::Property->new( $prop, $self );

	# set the initial values
	if ( defined $sets )

	return $self;

sub copy
	my $self = shift;

	my $class = ref($self);
	my $copy = $class->new();

	foreach my $name ( @{$self->{definition}->get_table()->get_column_names({ data_only => 1 })} )
		$copy->_set_attr( $name, $self->_get_attr($name) );

	return $copy;

sub _get_definition  { return shift->{definition}; }
sub _get_database    { return shift->{definition}->get_database(); }
sub _get_object_name { return shift->{definition}->get_name(); }
sub _get_table       { return shift->{definition}->get_table(); };
sub _get_key_names   { return shift->_get_table()->get_column_names({ primary_key => 1 }); }
sub _get_data_names  { return shift->_get_table()->get_column_names({ data_only   => 1 }); }
sub _get_properties  { return shift->{props}; }
sub _get_original    { return shift->{original}; }
sub _get_key         { return shift->{key}; }

sub _get_attributes
	my $self = shift;
	my $data = { };
	while ( my ($name, $attr) = each %{$self->{info}} )
		$data->{$name} = $attr->get();
	return $data;

sub _get_property
	my ($self, $name) = @_;

	foreach my $prop ( @{$self->_get_properties()} )
		if ( $prop->get_name() eq $name )
			return $prop;

	die "There is no property named '$name' on this object";

sub _get_property_recursive
	my ($self, $name) = @_;

	my $object = $self;
	my @stack  = split /\//, $name;
	# go through all the sub-properties
	while ( @stack > 1 )
		# get the next name
		$name = shift @stack;

		foreach my $prop ( @{$object->_get_properties()} )
			if ( $prop->get_name() eq $name )
				if ( not $prop->get_definition()->isa('Xmldoom::Definition::Property::Object') or 
						 $prop->get_type() ne 'inherent' )
					die "Cannot _get_property() recursively through '$name' because it is not an inherent object property.";

				# recurse, yo!
				$object = $prop->get();

	# get the final property!
	my $name = shift @stack;
	my $prop = $object->_get_property($name);

	# NOTE: we must return both the property and the object, because the property
	# will cease to be valid as soon as the object goes out of scope.
	return ( $object, $prop );

sub _get_property_value
	my $self = shift;
	my $args = shift;

	my $name;
	my $pretty = 0;

	if ( ref($args) eq 'HASH' )
		$name   = $args->{name};
		$pretty = $args->{pretty};
		$name   = $args;
		$pretty = shift;

	my ($object, $prop) = $self->_get_property_recursive($name);

	if ( $pretty )
		return $prop->get_pretty();
		return $prop->get();

sub _get_attr
	my ($self, $name) = @_;

	my $col = $self->{definition}->get_table()->get_column( $name );
	if ( not defined $col )
		die "Cannot get non-existant attribute \"$name\".";

	return $self->{info}->{$name}->get();

sub _set_attr
	my ($self, $name, $value) = @_;

	my $col = $self->{definition}->get_table()->get_column( $name );
	if ( not defined $col )
		die "Cannot set non-existant attribute \"$name\".";

	# TODO: validate the attribute.

	if ( $self->{info}->{$name}->is_local() )
		# we can only set attributes that are local to us.
		$self->{info}->{$name}->set( $value );
		# if we are manually setting a link attribute, then this 
		# overrides it setting a local attribute.
		$self->{info}->{$name} = Xmldoom::Object::Attribute->new( $value );

	# we are changed!

sub _link_attr
	my ($self, $local_name, $object, $foreign_name) = @_;

	$self->{info}->{$local_name} = Xmldoom::Object::LinkAttribute->new( $object->{info}->{$foreign_name} );

sub _register_callback
	my ($self, $name, $cb) = @_;

	if ( not defined $self->{callbacks}->{$name} )
		$self->{callbacks}->{$name} = [ $cb ];
		push @{$self->{callbacks}->{$name}}, $cb;

sub _unregister_callback
	my ($self, $name, $cb) = @_;

	if ( defined $self->{callbacks}->{$name} )
		for( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$self->{callbacks}->{$name}}; $i++ )
			if ( $self->{callbacks}->{$name}->[$i] == $cb )
				splice @{$self->{callbacks}->{$name}}, $i, 1;

sub _execute_callback
	my $self = shift;
	my $name = shift;

	if ( defined $self->{callbacks}->{$name} )
		foreach my $cb ( @{$self->{callbacks}->{$name}} )
			$cb->call( $cb, @_ );

sub save
	my $self = shift;
	my $args = shift;

	my $commit = 1;
	my $conn;

	if ( ref($args) eq 'HASH' )
		$conn   = $args->{conn};
		$commit = $args->{commit} if defined $args->{commit};
		$conn = $args;
		# DRS: dumb dumb kludge -- I hate you, Perl ...
		my $tmp = shift;
		$commit = $tmp if defined $tmp;

	my $status     = $self->{new} ? 'insert' : 'update';
	my $conn_owner = 0;

	if ( not defined $conn )
		$conn = $self->{definition}->create_db_connection();

		# we are the connection owner (or, ALL YOUR CONNECTION ARE BELONG TO US)
		$conn_owner = 1;
		$commit     = 1;

	try eval
		# call the user handler
		$self->_before_save( $status );

		# save yourself!
		$self->do_save( $conn );

		# loop through child references and call save()
		if ( defined $self->{dependents} )
			while ( scalar @{$self->{dependents}} )
				#my $child = shift @{$self->{dependents}};
				my $child = $self->{dependents}->[0];
				$child->save({ conn => $conn, commit => 0 });

				shift @{$self->{dependents}};

		# if an exception isn't thrown, we assume that all is well and commit
		$conn->commit() if $commit;

	my $error = catch;
	if ( $error )
		# make sure we are not attempting to rollback multiple times from the
		# same transaction.
		if ( not $error->isa( 'Xmldoom::Object::RollbackException' ) )
			# on the condition of error, we rollback() !!
			$conn->rollback() if $conn;

			# change the error to RollbackException so that the calling code knows
			# that we have already rollback()'d.
			$error = Xmldoom::Object::RollbackException->new( error => $error );

	$conn->disconnect() if $conn and $conn_owner;
	$error->rethrow()   if $error;

	# call the user handler
	$self->_on_save( $status );

	# copy current values into the orginals stuff
	$self->{original} = $self->_get_attributes();

	# call the user callbacks
	$self->_execute_callback("onsave", $self, $status);

sub do_save
	my ($self, $conn) = @_;

	my $definition = $self->{definition};
	my $table      = $definition->get_table();
	my $table_name = $definition->get_table_name();

	my $query;
	my $values = { };
	my $id_gen = { };

	if ( $self->{new} )
		$query = $definition->get_insert_query();
		foreach my $column ( @{$table->get_columns()} )
			my $col_name = $column->get_name();

			if ( $self->{info}->{$col_name}->is_local() and
			     not defined $self->{info}->{$col_name}->get() )
				# if the value is not defined, special behavior is required for
				# some special types.
				if ( $column->is_primary_key() and 
				    ($column->is_auto_increment or $column->get_id_generator()) )
					if ( $column->is_auto_increment() )
						# use the default connection id generator
						$id_gen->{$col_name} = $conn->create_id_generator();
						# use the module, yo!
						# use the custom id generator
						$id_gen->{$col_name} = $column->get_id_generator()->new({
							conn        => $conn,
							object      => $self,
							table_name  => $table_name,
							column_name => $col_name

					if ( $id_gen->{$col_name}->is_before_insert() )
						my $id = $id_gen->{$col_name}->get_id();

						# stash the contents of the id in the info hash
						$self->{info}->{$col_name}->set( $id );

						# put our newly found value into the query
						$values->{$col_name} = DBIx::Romani::Query::SQL::Literal->new( $id );

						# discard the id generator because this is already
						# taken care of.
						$id_gen->{$col_name} = undef;
						# insert null, and grab the id from the id generator
						# after the insert.
						$values->{$col_name} = DBIx::Romani::Query::SQL::Null->new();
				elsif ( $column->get_timestamp() )
					$values->{$col_name} = DBIx::Romani::Query::Function::Now->new();
					# else, insert a NULL!
					$values->{$col_name} = DBIx::Romani::Query::SQL::Null->new();
				# straigt simple value...
				$values->{$col_name} = DBIx::Romani::Query::SQL::Literal->new( $self->_get_attr($col_name) );
		$query = $definition->get_update_query();
		foreach my $column ( @{$table->get_columns()} )
			my $col_name = $column->get_name();

			# add the primary key
			if ( $column->is_primary_key() )
				$values->{"key.$col_name"} = DBIx::Romani::Query::SQL::Literal->new( $self->{key}->{$col_name} );

			if ( $column->get_timestamp() eq 'current' )
				$values->{$col_name} = DBIx::Romani::Query::Function::Now->new();
				# ... and the normal values
				$values->{$col_name} = DBIx::Romani::Query::SQL::Literal->new( $self->_get_attr($col_name) );

	# execute, yo!
	#printf "save(): %s\n", $conn->generate_sql( $query, $values );
	$conn->prepare( $query )->execute( $values );

	# copy from the info, into the key, either for a newly db'd object or
	# for the primary key pivot.
	foreach my $col_name ( @{$table->get_column_names({ primary_key => 1 })} )
		if ( defined $id_gen->{$col_name} )
			# we saved the id generator because its a get
			# after insert.  So, get, now...

			my $id = $id_gen->{$col_name}->get_id();
			$self->{key}->{$col_name}  = $id;
			$self->{info}->{$col_name}->set( $id );
			$self->{key}->{$col_name} = $self->{info}->{$col_name}->get();

	if ( $self->{new} )
		$self->{new} = 0;

sub _before_save
	my ($self, $type) = @_;

	# Virtual.

sub _on_save
	my ($self, $type) = @_;

	# Virtual.

sub _on_load
	my ($self, $type) = @_;

	# Virtual.

sub delete
	my $self = shift;

	# TODO: cascading deletes are cool too...
	my $definition = $self->{definition};
	my $table      = $definition->get_table();
	my $query = $definition->get_delete_query();

	my %values;
	foreach my $column ( @{$table->get_columns({ primary_key => 1 })} )
		$values{$column->{name}} = DBIx::Romani::Query::SQL::Literal->new( $self->{key}->{$column->{name}} );

	my $conn = $definition->create_db_connection();

	# TODO: add error checking if ever we implement cascading deletes

	$conn->prepare( $query )->execute( \%values );


# a private function that adds a child to list of dependent objects.  This should only
# be called by the child itself when it has changed.
sub _add_dependent
	my ($self, $child) = @_;

	# don't double add children
	foreach my $dep ( @{$self->{dependents}} )
		if ( $child == $dep )
	push @{$self->{dependents}}, $child;

# manually marks this object as changed
sub _changed
	my $self = shift;

	# we tell our parent that we are modified
	if ( defined $self->{parent} )

sub set
	my $self = shift;
	my $args = shift;

	foreach my $prop ( @{$self->{props}} )
		my $prop_name = $prop->get_name();
		if ( exists $args->{$prop_name} )
			$prop->set( $args->{$prop_name} );
			delete $args->{$prop_name};

	if ( scalar keys %$args )
		my $unknown = join ", ", keys %$args;
		die "Unknown properties: $unknown";

sub get
	my $self = shift;
	my $values = { };

	foreach my $prop ( @{$self->{props}} )
		$values->{$prop->get_name()} = $prop->get();

	return $values;

	my $self     = shift;
	my $function = our $AUTOLOAD;

	if ( defined $self and $self->isa('Xmldoom::Object') )
		# remove the package name
		$function =~ s/.*:://;

		foreach my $prop ( @{$self->{props}} )
			foreach my $autoload_name ( @{$prop->get_autoload_list()} )
				if ( $function eq $autoload_name )
					return $prop->autoload( $function, @_ );

	die sprintf "%s not a valid property function of %s.", $function, ref($self);

	# TODO: some kind of clean-up?




=head1 NAME



  # Assuming that 'MyObject' is a child of (->isa) Xmldoom::Object 
  use MyObject;


This is the base class for all Xmldoom managed classes.  It defines their interfaces and the how they may be extended.