The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use 5.008001;
use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;


{ package Set::Relation::V2; # class
    our $VERSION = '0.013001';
    $VERSION = eval $VERSION;

    use Carp 'confess';
    use Scalar::Util 'blessed', 'refaddr';
    use List::Util 'any', 'all', 'notall', 'uniqstr';

    # with Set::Relation
    sub does {
        my ($self, $role_name) = @_;
        confess q{This does() may only be invoked on an object.}
            if not blessed $self;
        confess q{does(): Bad $role_name arg; it must be a defined string.}
            if !defined $role_name;
        return 0
            if !$self->isa( __PACKAGE__ );
        return 1
            if $role_name eq 'Set::Relation';
        return 0;

    # has _heading
        # isa HashRef
            # One elem per attribute:
                # hkey is Str attr name
                # hval is undef+unused
        # default {}
    sub _heading {
        my $self = shift;
        $self->{_heading} = $_[0] if scalar @_;
        return $self->{_heading};

    # has _body
        # isa HashRef
            # One elem per tuple:
                # hkey is refaddr of hval
                # hval is HashRef that is the coll of separate tuple attrs:
                    # hkey is Str attr name
                    # hval is the actual tuple attr value
        # default {}
    sub _body {
        my $self = shift;
        $self->{_body} = $_[0] if scalar @_;
        return $self->{_body};

    # Note, this flag expressly only applies to the object it is a
    # member of, and it doesn't say anything about this object's RVAs.
    # Note, this flag is always true when an index exists over all attrs,
    # because said index is always made in such a way to ensure this,
    # but this flag may also be true when said index doesn't exist,
    # depending on how the V2 object was created.
    # has _is_known_dup_free
        # isa Bool
        # default 0
    sub _is_known_dup_free {
        my $self = shift;
        $self->{_is_known_dup_free} = $_[0] if scalar @_;
        return $self->{_is_known_dup_free};

    # has _which
        # isa Maybe[Str]
        # default undef
    sub _which {
        my $self = shift;
        $self->{_which} = $_[0] if scalar @_;
        return $self->{_which};

    # has _indexes
        # isa HashRef
            # One elem per index:
                # hkey is index name;
                    # - is Str ident gen f head subset tha index ranges ovr
                # hval is 2-elem ArrayRef that is the index itself + meta
                    # [0] is HashRef of atnms that index ranges over
                        # - structure same as '_heading'
                    # [1] is index itself;
                        # - HashRef; one elem per tup of projection of body
                            # on attrs that index ranges over
                        # hkey is Str ident gen fr distinct projection tupl
                        # hval is set of body tup having projection tuples
                            # in comn; is HashRef; one elem per body tuple
                            # - structure same as '_body', is slice o _body
        # default {}
    sub _indexes {
        my $self = shift;
        $self->{_indexes} = $_[0] if scalar @_;
        return $self->{_indexes};

    # has _keys
        # isa HashRef
            # One elem per key:
                # hkey is key name;
                    # - is Str ident gen f head subset tha index ranges ovr
                # hval is HashRef of atnms that index ranges over
                    # - structure same as '_heading'
        # default {}
    sub _keys {
        my $self = shift;
        $self->{_keys} = $_[0] if scalar @_;
        return $self->{_keys};


sub new {
    my ($class, @args) = @_;
    $class = (blessed $class) || $class;

    my $params = $class->BUILDARGS( @args );

    my $self = bless {}, $class;

    # Set attribute default values.
    $self->_heading( {} );
    $self->_body( {} );
    $self->_is_known_dup_free( 0 );
    $self->_which( undef );
    $self->_indexes( {} );
    $self->_keys( {} );

    $self->BUILD( $params );

    return $self;


    my ($class, @args) = @_;
    if (@args == 1) {
        if (ref $args[0] ne 'HASH') {
            # Constructor was called with a single positional argument.
            return { members => $args[0] };
        else {
            # Constructor was called with (possibly zero) named arguments.
            return { %{$args[0]} };
    elsif ((scalar @args % 2) == 0) {
        # Constructor was called with (possibly zero) named arguments.
        return { @args };
    else {
        # Constructor was called with odd number positional arguments >= 3.
        confess q{new(): Bad arguments list; it must either have an even}
            . q{ number of elements or exactly 1 element.};


sub BUILD {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;
    my ($members, $keys) = @{$args}{'members', 'keys'};

    # Note, $members may be in all of the same formats as a HDMD_Perl5_STD
    # Relation value literal payload, but with a few extra trivial options.

    if (!defined $members) {
        # Extra option 1.
        $members = [];
    elsif (!ref $members) {
        # Extra option 2.
        $members = [$members];
    elsif (blessed $members and $members->can( 'does' )
            and $members->does( 'Set::Relation' )
            and !$members->isa( __PACKAGE__ )) {
        # We got a $members that is a Set::Relation-doing class where that
        # class isn't us; so clone it from a dump using public interface.
        $members = $self->_new( $members->export_for_new() );
    confess q{new(): Bad :$members arg; it must be either undefined}
            . q{ or an array-ref or a non-ref or a Set::Relation object.}
        if ref $members ne 'ARRAY'
            and not (blessed $members and $members->isa( __PACKAGE__ ));

    # If we get here, $members is either a Set::Relation::V2 or an ary-ref.

    if (!defined $keys) {
        $keys = [];
    elsif (ref $keys ne 'ARRAY') {
        $keys = [$keys];
    if (any { ref $_ ne 'ARRAY' } @{$keys}) {
        $keys = [$keys];
    for my $key (@{$keys}) {
        confess q{new(): Bad $keys arg; it is not correctly formatted.}
            if ref $key ne 'ARRAY'
                or notall { defined $_ and !ref $_ } @{$key};

    # If we get here, $keys is an Array of Array of Str.

    # Note, we expressly do not set _is_known_dup_free to true when
    # we are not cloning an S::R object and we know we have an empty body
    # because often our other methods will be directly adding tuples to
    # result objects after simply asking new() to make an empty starter
    # object, and so we are trying to avoid bugs due to those other methods
    # forgetting to expressly set _is_known_dup_free to false.
    # But if we know we have exactly 1 input tuple, we set the flag to
    # true, since its unlikely the meths add tuples both on new and after.

    if (blessed $members and $members->isa( __PACKAGE__ )) {
        # We'll just shallow-clone anoth Set::Relation::V2 obj's memb-set.
        $self->_heading( $members->_heading() );
        $self->_body( $members->_body() );
        $self->_is_known_dup_free( $members->_is_known_dup_free() );
        $self->_which( $members->_which() );
        $self->_indexes( $members->_indexes() );
        $self->_keys( $members->_keys() );
    elsif (@{$members} == 0) {
        # Input specifies zero attrs + zero tuples.
        # No-op; attr defaults are fine.
    else {
        # Input specifies at least one attr or at least one tuple.
        my $member0 = $members->[0];
        if (!defined $member0) {
            confess q{new(): Bad :$members arg; it is an array ref}
                . q{ but it directly has an undefined element.};
        elsif (!ref $member0) {
            # Input spec at least 1 attr + zero tuples.
            # Each $members elem is expected to be an atnm.
            confess q{new(): Bad :$members arg; it has a non-ref elem,}
                    . q{ indicating it should just be a list of attr}
                    . q{ names, but at least one other elem is}
                    . q{ undefined or is a ref.}
                if notall { defined $_ and !ref $_ } @{$members};
            confess q{new(): Bad :$members arg; it specifies a list of}
                    . q{ attr names with at least one duplicated name.}
                if (uniqstr @{$members}) != @{$members};
            $self->_heading( {CORE::map { ($_ => undef) } @{$members}} );
        elsif (ref $member0 eq 'HASH') {
            # Input spec at least 1 tuple, in named attr format.
            my $heading
                = {CORE::map { ($_ => undef) } CORE::keys %{$member0}};
            my $body = {};
            for my $tuple (@{$members}) {
                confess q{new(): Bad :$members arg; it has a hash-ref}
                        . q{ elem, indicating it should just be a list of}
                        . q{ tuples in named-attr format, but at least one}
                        . q{ other elem is not a hash-ref, or the 2 elems}
                        . q{ don't have exactly the same set of hkeys.}
                    if ref $tuple ne 'HASH'
                        or !$self->_is_identical_hkeys( $heading, $tuple );
                confess q{new(): Bad :$members arg;}
                        . q{ at least one of its hash-ref elems is such}
                        . q{ that there exists circular refs between}
                        . q{ itself or its tuple-valued components.}
                    if $self->_tuple_arg_has_circular_refs( $tuple );
                $tuple = $self->_import_nfmt_tuple( $tuple );
                $body->{refaddr $tuple} = $tuple;
            $self->_heading( $heading );
            $self->_body( $body );
            if (@{$members} == 1) {
                $self->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );
        elsif (ref $member0 eq 'ARRAY') {
            # Input is in ordered attr format.
            my $member1 = $members->[1];
            confess q{new(): Bad :$members arg; it has an array-ref first}
                    . q{ elem, indicating it should just be a list of}
                    . q{ tuples in ordered-attr format, but either}
                    . q{ :$members doesn't have exactly 2 elements or its}
                    . q{ second element isn't also an array-ref.}
                if @{$members} != 2 or ref $member1 ne 'ARRAY';
            # Each $member0 elem is expected to be an atnm.
            confess q{new(): Bad :$members array-ref arg array-ref}
                    . q{ first elem; it should be just be a list of}
                    . q{ attr names, but at least one name}
                    . q{ is undefined or is a ref.}
                if notall { defined $_ and !ref $_ } @{$member0};
            confess q{new(): Bad :$members arg; it specifies a list of}
                    . q{ attr names with at least one duplicated name.}
                if (uniqstr @{$member0}) != @{$member0};
            my $heading = {CORE::map { ($_ => undef) } @{$member0}};
            my $body = {};
            for my $tuple (@{$member1}) {
                confess q{new(): Bad :$members array-ref arg array-ref}
                        . q{ second elem; at least one elem isn't an}
                        . q{ array-ref, or that doesn't have the same}
                        . q{ count of elems as the :$members first elem.}
                    if ref $tuple ne 'ARRAY' or @{$tuple} != @{$member0};
                # Each $tuple elem is expected to be an atvl.
                confess q{new(): Bad :$members arg;}
                        . q{ at least one of its array-ref elems}
                        . q{ is such that there exists circular refs}
                        . q{ between its tuple-valued components.}
                    if any { ref $_ eq 'HASH'
                            and $self->_tuple_arg_has_circular_refs( $_ )
                        } (@{$tuple});
                $tuple = $self->_import_ofmt_tuple( $member0, $tuple );
                $body->{refaddr $tuple} = $tuple;
            $self->_heading( $heading );
            $self->_body( $body );
            if (@{$member1} == 1) {
                $self->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );
        else {
            confess q{new(): Bad :$members arg; it is an array-ref but it}
                . q{ has an elem that is neither a defined scalar nor}
                . q{ an array-ref nor a hash-ref.};

    my $self_h = $self->_heading();

    for my $key (@{$keys}) {
        confess q{new(): At least one of the relation keys defined by the}
                . q{ $keys arg isn't a subset of the heading of the}
                . q{ relation defined by the $members arg.}
            if notall { exists $self_h->{$_} } @{$key};
        confess q{new(): The relation defined by the $members arg violates}
                . q{ at least one of the candidate unique key constraints}
                . qq{ defined by the $members arg: [@{$key}].}
            if !$self->_has_key( $key );



sub _new {
    my ($self, @args) = @_;
    return (blessed $self)->new( @args );


sub export_for_new {
    my ($self, $want_ord_attrs, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;
    return {
        'members' => $self->_members( 'export_for_new',
            '$want_ord_attrs', $want_ord_attrs, $allow_dup_tuples ),
        'keys' => $self->keys(),


sub which {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $ident_str = $self->_which();
    if (!defined $ident_str) {
        my $index = $self->_dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs();
        my $hs = $self->_heading_ident_str( $self->_heading() );
        my $bs = CORE::join qq{,\n}, sort (CORE::keys %{$index});
        my $vstr = "H=$hs;\nB={$bs}";
        $ident_str = 'Relation:' . (length $vstr) . ':{' . $vstr . '}';
        $self->_which( $ident_str );
    return $ident_str;


sub members {
    my ($self, $want_ord_attrs, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;
    return $self->_members( 'members',
        '$want_ord_attrs', $want_ord_attrs, $allow_dup_tuples );

sub _members {
    my ($self, $rtn_nm, $arg_nm, $want_ord_attrs, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;
    if (!$allow_dup_tuples and !$self->_is_known_dup_free()) {
    if ($want_ord_attrs) {
        my $ord_attr_names = $self->_normalize_true_want_ord_attrs_arg(
            $rtn_nm, $arg_nm, $want_ord_attrs );
        return [$ord_attr_names, [CORE::map {
                $self->_export_ofmt_tuple( $ord_attr_names, $_ )
            } values %{$self->_body()}]];
    elsif ((CORE::keys %{$self->_body()}) == 0) {
        # We have zero tuples, just export attr names.
        return [sort (CORE::keys %{$self->_heading()})];
    else {
        # We have at least one tuple, export in named-attr format.
        return [CORE::map { $self->_export_nfmt_tuple( $_ ) }
            values %{$self->_body()}];


sub heading {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return [sort (CORE::keys %{$self->_heading()})];


sub body {
    my ($self, $want_ord_attrs, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;
    if (!$allow_dup_tuples and !$self->_is_known_dup_free()) {
    if ($want_ord_attrs) {
        my $ord_attr_names = $self->_normalize_true_want_ord_attrs_arg(
            'body', '$want_ord_attrs', $want_ord_attrs );
        return [CORE::map { $self->_export_ofmt_tuple(
            $ord_attr_names, $_ ) } values %{$self->_body()}];
    else {
        return [CORE::map { $self->_export_nfmt_tuple( $_ ) }
            values %{$self->_body()}];


sub _normalize_true_want_ord_attrs_arg {
    my ($self, $rtn_nm, $arg_nm, $want_ord_attrs) = @_;

    my $heading = $self->_heading();

    my $attr_names = [CORE::keys %{$heading}];
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg;}
            . q{ it must be either undefined|false or the scalar value '1'}
            . q{ or an array-ref of attr names whose degree and}
            . q{ elements match the heading of the invocant.}
        if not (!ref $want_ord_attrs and $want_ord_attrs eq '1'
            or ref $want_ord_attrs eq 'ARRAY'
                and @{$want_ord_attrs} == @{$attr_names}
                and all { exists $heading->{$_} } @{$want_ord_attrs});

        $want_ord_attrs eq '1' ? [sort @{$attr_names}] : $want_ord_attrs;


sub slice {
    my ($self, $attr_names, $want_ord_attrs, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;

    (my $proj_h, $attr_names)
        = $self->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_atnms_arg(
        'slice', '$attr_names', $attr_names );
    my (undef, undef, $proj_only)
        = $self->_ptn_conj_and_disj( $self->_heading(), $proj_h );
    confess q{slice(): Bad $attr_names arg; that attr list}
            . q{ isn't a subset of the invocant's heading.}
        if @{$proj_only} > 0;

    if (!$allow_dup_tuples and !$self->_is_known_dup_free()) {

    if ($want_ord_attrs) {
        confess q{slice(): Bad $want_ord_attrs arg; it must be}
                . q{ either undefined|false or the scalar value '1'.}
            if $want_ord_attrs ne '1';
        return [CORE::map { $self->_export_ofmt_tuple(
            $attr_names, $_ ) } values %{$self->_body()}];
    else {
        return [CORE::map {
            my $t = $_;
            $t = {CORE::map { ($_ => $t->{$_}) } @{$attr_names}};
            $self->_export_nfmt_tuple( $t );
        } values %{$self->_body()}];


sub attr {
    my ($self, $name, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;

    $self->_assert_valid_atnm_arg( 'attr', '$name', $name );
    confess q{attr(): Bad $name arg; that attr name}
            . q{ doesn't match an attr of the invocant's heading.}
        if !exists $self->_heading()->{$name};

    if (!$allow_dup_tuples and !$self->_is_known_dup_free()) {

    return [CORE::map {
            my $atvl = $_->{$name};
            if (ref $atvl eq 'HASH') {
                $atvl = $self->_export_nfmt_tuple( $atvl );
        } values %{$self->_body()}];


sub keys {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return [CORE::map { [sort @{$_}] } values %{$self->_keys()}];


sub _normalize_same_heading_tuples_arg {
    my ($r, $rtn_nm, $arg_nm, $t) = @_;

    my $r_h = $r->_heading();

    if (ref $t eq 'HASH') {
        $t = [$t];
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg; it must be}
            . q{ an array-ref or a hash-ref.}
        if ref $t ne 'ARRAY';
    for my $tuple (@{$t}) {
        confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg elem;}
                . q{ it isn't a hash-ref, or it doesn't have exactly the}
                . q{ same set of attr names as the invocant.}
            if ref $tuple ne 'HASH'
                or !$r->_is_identical_hkeys( $r_h, $tuple );
        confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg elem;}
                . q{ it is a hash-ref, and there exist circular refs}
                . q{ between itself or its tuple-valued components.}
            if $r->_tuple_arg_has_circular_refs( $tuple );

    return $t;


sub _tuple_arg_has_circular_refs {
    # This routine just checks that no Hash which would be treated as
    # being of a value type contains itself as a component, where the
    # component and any intermediate components are treated as value types.
    # It *is* fine for a Hash to contain the same other Hash more than once
    # such that the other is a sibling/cousin/etc to itself.
    my ($self, $tuple, $ancs_of_tup_atvls) = @_;
    $ancs_of_tup_atvls = $ancs_of_tup_atvls ? {%{$ancs_of_tup_atvls}} : {};
    $ancs_of_tup_atvls->{refaddr $tuple} = undef;
    for my $atvl (values %{$tuple}) {
        if (ref $atvl eq 'HASH') {
            return 1
                if exists $ancs_of_tup_atvls->{refaddr $atvl};
            return 1
                if $self->_tuple_arg_has_circular_refs(
                    $atvl, $ancs_of_tup_atvls );
    return 0;


sub _is_identical_hkeys {
    my ($self, $h1, $h2) = @_;
    my $h1_hkeys = [CORE::keys %{$h1}];
    my $h2_hkeys = [CORE::keys %{$h2}];
    return (@{$h1_hkeys} == @{$h2_hkeys}
        and all { exists $h1->{$_} } @{$h2_hkeys});


sub _heading_ident_str {
    my ($self, $heading) = @_;
    my $vstr = CORE::join q{,}, CORE::map {
            'Atnm:' . (length $_) . ':<' . $_ . '>'
        } sort (CORE::keys %{$heading});
    return 'Heading:' . (length $vstr) . ':{' . $vstr . '}';

sub _ident_str {
    # Note, we assume that any hash-ref arg we get is specifically in
    # internal tuple format, meaning each hval is a 2-elem array etc,
    # and that this is recursive for hash-ref hvals of said.
    my ($self, $value) = @_;
    my $ident_str;
    if (!defined $value) {
        # The Perl undef is equal to itself, distinct from all def values.
        $ident_str = 'Undef';
    elsif (!ref $value) {
        # Treat all defined non-ref values as their string representation.
        $ident_str = 'Scalar:' . (length $value) . ':<' . $value . '>';
    elsif (!blessed $value) {
        # By default, every non-object reference is distinct, and its
        # identity is its memory address; the exception is if the reference
        # is a hash-ref, in which case it is treated as an internal tuple.
        if (ref $value eq 'HASH') {
            my $vstr = CORE::join q{,}, CORE::map {
                my $atnm = 'Atnm:' . (length $_) . ':<' . $_ . '>';
                my $atvl = $self->_ident_str( $value->{$_} );
            } sort (CORE::keys %{$value});
            $ident_str = 'Tuple:' . (length $vstr) . ':{' . $vstr . '}';
        else {
            my $vstr = "$value";
            $ident_str = 'Ref:' . (length $vstr) . ':<' . $vstr . '>';
    else {
        # By default, every object instance is distinct, and its identity
        # is its memory address; the exception is if the object is a
        # Set::Relation::V2 or if it overloads stringification.
        if ($value->isa( __PACKAGE__ )) {
            $ident_str = $value->which(); # 'Relation:...'
        else {
            my $vstr = "$value";
            $ident_str = 'Object[' . (blessed $value) . ']:'
                . (length $vstr) . ':<' . $vstr . '>';
    return $ident_str;


sub _import_nfmt_tuple {
    my ($self, $tuple) = @_;
    return {CORE::map {
        my $atnm = $_;
        my $atvl = $tuple->{$_};
        if (ref $atvl eq 'HASH') {
            $atvl = $self->_import_nfmt_tuple( $atvl );
        elsif (blessed $atvl and $atvl->can( 'does' )
                and $atvl->does( 'Set::Relation' )
                and !$atvl->isa( __PACKAGE__ )) {
            $atvl = $self->_new( $atvl );
        ($atnm => $atvl);
    } CORE::keys %{$tuple}};

sub _export_nfmt_tuple {
    my ($self, $tuple) = @_;
    return {CORE::map {
        my $atnm = $_;
        my $atvl = $tuple->{$_};
        if (ref $atvl eq 'HASH') {
            $atvl = $self->_export_nfmt_tuple( $atvl );
        ($atnm => $atvl);
    } CORE::keys %{$tuple}};

sub _import_ofmt_tuple {
    my ($self, $atnms, $atvls) = @_;
    return {CORE::map {
        my $atnm = $atnms->[$_];
        my $atvl = $atvls->[$_];
        if (ref $atvl eq 'HASH') {
            $atvl = $self->_import_nfmt_tuple( $atvl );
        elsif (blessed $atvl and $atvl->can( 'does' )
                and $atvl->does( 'Set::Relation' )
                and !$atvl->isa( __PACKAGE__ )) {
            $atvl = $self->_new( $atvl );
        ($atnm => $atvl);
    } 0..$#{$atnms}};

sub _export_ofmt_tuple {
    my ($self, $atnms, $tuple) = @_;
    return [CORE::map {
        my $atvl = $tuple->{$_};
        if (ref $atvl eq 'HASH') {
            $atvl = $self->_export_nfmt_tuple( $atvl );
    } @{$atnms}];


sub degree {
    my ($topic) = @_;
    return scalar CORE::keys %{$topic->_heading()};

sub is_nullary {
    my ($topic) = @_;
    return $topic->degree() == 0;

sub has_attrs {
    my ($topic, $attr_names) = @_;
    (my $proj_h, $attr_names)
        = $topic->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_atnms_arg(
        'has_attrs', '$attr_names', $attr_names );
    my (undef, undef, $proj_only)
        = $topic->_ptn_conj_and_disj( $topic->_heading(), $proj_h );
    return @{$proj_only} == 0;

sub attr_names {
    my ($topic) = @_;
    return [sort (CORE::keys %{$topic->_heading()})];


sub cardinality {
    my ($topic, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;
    my $on_entry_body_cardinality = scalar CORE::keys %{$topic->_body()};
    if ($topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {
        return $on_entry_body_cardinality;
    elsif ($on_entry_body_cardinality == 0) {
        $topic->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );
        return 0;
    elsif ($allow_dup_tuples) {
        return $on_entry_body_cardinality;
    else {
        return scalar CORE::keys %{$topic->_body()};

sub count {
    my ($self, @args) = @_;
    return $self->cardinality( @args );

sub is_empty {
    my ($topic) = @_;
    return $topic->cardinality( 1 ) == 0;

sub has_member {
    my ($r, $t) = @_;
    $t = $r->_normalize_same_heading_tuples_arg( 'has_member', '$t', $t );
    my $r_i = $r->_dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs();
    return all {
            exists $r_i->{$r->_ident_str( $r->_import_nfmt_tuple( $_ ) )}
        } @{$t};


sub has_key {
    my ($topic, $attr_names) = @_;
    (undef, $attr_names) = $topic->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_atnms_arg(
        'has_key', '$attr_names', $attr_names );
    my $topic_h = $topic->_heading();
    confess q{has_key(): Bad $attr_names arg; that attr list}
            . q{ isn't a subset of the invocant's heading.}
        if notall { exists $topic_h->{$_} } @{$attr_names};
    return $topic->_has_key( $attr_names );

sub _has_key {
    my ($topic, $attr_names) = @_;

    my $subheading = {CORE::map { ($_ => undef) } @{$attr_names}};
    my $subheading_ident_str = $topic->_heading_ident_str( $subheading );
    my $keys = $topic->_keys();

    return 1
        if exists $keys->{$subheading_ident_str};

    my $index = $topic->_want_index( $attr_names );

    return 0
        if notall { (CORE::keys %{$_}) == 1 } values %{$index};

    $keys->{$subheading_ident_str} = $subheading;
    return 1;


sub empty {
    my ($topic) = @_;
    if ($topic->is_empty()) {
        return $topic;
    my $result = $topic->_new();
    $result->_heading( $topic->_heading() );
    return $result;

sub insertion {
    my ($r, $t) = @_;

    $t = $r->_normalize_same_heading_tuples_arg( 'insertion', '$t', $t );

    if (@{$t} == 0) {
        return $r;

    my $tuples = {CORE::map {
            my $tuple = $r->_import_nfmt_tuple( $_ );
            (refaddr $tuple, $tuple);
        } @{$t}};

    my $result = $r->empty();

    $result->_body( {%{$r->_body()}, %{$tuples}} );

    return $result;

sub deletion {
    my ($r, $t) = @_;

    $t = $r->_normalize_same_heading_tuples_arg( 'deletion', '$t', $t );

    if (@{$t} == 0) {
        return $r;

    my $tuples = {CORE::map {
            my $tuple = $r->_import_nfmt_tuple( $_ );
            ($r->_ident_str( $tuple ), $tuple);
        } @{$t}};

    my $result = $r->empty();

    my $r_i = $r->_dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs();
    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    for my $tuple_ident_str (CORE::keys %{$r_i}) {
        if (!exists $tuples->{$tuple_ident_str}) {
            my ($tuple_refaddr, $tuple) = %{$r_i->{$tuple_ident_str}};
            $result_b->{$tuple_refaddr} = $tuple;

    $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;


sub rename {
    my ($topic, $map) = @_;

    confess q{rename(): Bad $map arg; it must be a hash-ref.}
        if ref $map ne 'HASH';
    confess q{rename(): Bad $map arg;}
            . q{ its hash elem values should be just be a list of attr}
            . q{ names, but at least one name is undefined or isa ref.}
        if notall { defined $_ and !ref $_ } values %{$map};
    confess q{rename(): Bad $map arg;}
            . q{ its hash elem values specify a list of}
            . q{ attr names with at least one duplicated name.}
        if (uniqstr values %{$map}) != (CORE::keys %{$map});

    my ($topic_attrs_to_ren, $topic_attrs_no_ren, $map_hvals_not_in_topic)
        = $topic->_ptn_conj_and_disj(
            $topic->_heading(), {reverse %{$map}} );
    confess q{rename(): Bad $map arg; that list of attrs to be renamed,}
            . q{ the hash values, isn't a subset of th invocant's heading.}
        if @{$map_hvals_not_in_topic} > 0;

    my ($map_hkeys_same_as_topic_no_ren, undef, undef)
        = $topic->_ptn_conj_and_disj(
            {CORE::map { ($_ => undef) } @{$topic_attrs_no_ren}}, $map );
    confess q{rename(): Bad $map arg; at least one key of that hash,}
            . q{ a new name for an attr of the invocant to rename,}
            . q{ duplicates an attr of the invocant not being renamed.}
        if @{$map_hkeys_same_as_topic_no_ren} > 0;

    return $topic->_rename( $map );

sub _rename {
    my ($topic, $map) = @_;

    # Remove any explicit no-ops of an attr being renamed to the same name.
    $map = {CORE::map { ($_ => $map->{$_}) }
        grep { $map->{$_} ne $_ } CORE::keys %{$map}};

    if ((scalar CORE::keys %{$map}) == 0) {
        # Rename of zero attrs of input yields the input.
        return $topic;

    # Expand map to specify all topic attrs being renamed to something.
    my $inv_map = {reverse %{$map}};
    $map = {CORE::map { ((
            exists $inv_map->{$_} ? $inv_map->{$_} : $_
        ) => $_) } CORE::keys %{$topic->_heading()}};

    my $result = $topic->_new();

    $result->_heading( {CORE::map { ($_ => undef) } CORE::keys %{$map}} );

    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    for my $topic_t (values %{$topic->_body()}) {
        my $result_t = {CORE::map {
                ($_ => $topic_t->{$map->{$_}})
            } CORE::keys %{$map}};
        $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;

    if ($topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {
        $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;


sub projection {
    my ($topic, $attr_names) = @_;

    (my $proj_h, $attr_names)
        = $topic->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_atnms_arg(
        'projection', '$attr_names', $attr_names );
    my (undef, undef, $proj_only)
        = $topic->_ptn_conj_and_disj( $topic->_heading(), $proj_h );
    confess q{projection(): Bad $attr_names arg; that attr list}
            . q{ isn't a subset of the invocant's heading.}
        if @{$proj_only} > 0;

    return $topic->_projection( $attr_names );

sub _projection {
    my ($topic, $attr_names) = @_;

    if (@{$attr_names} == 0) {
        # Projection of zero attrs yields identity relation zero or one.
        if ($topic->is_empty()) {
            return $topic->_new();
        else {
            return $topic->_new( [ {} ] );
    if (@{$attr_names} == $topic->degree()) {
        # Projection of all attrs of input yields the input.
        return $topic;

    my $result = $topic->_new();

    $result->_heading( {CORE::map { ($_ => undef) } @{$attr_names}} );

    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    for my $topic_t (values %{$topic->_body()}) {
        my $result_t
            = {CORE::map { ($_ => $topic_t->{$_}) } @{$attr_names}};
        $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;

    return $result;

sub cmpl_proj {
    my ($topic, $attr_names) = @_;

    my $topic_h = $topic->_heading();

    (my $cproj_h, $attr_names)
        = $topic->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_atnms_arg(
        'cmpl_proj', '$attr_names', $attr_names );
    my (undef, undef, $cproj_only)
        = $topic->_ptn_conj_and_disj( $topic_h, $cproj_h );
    confess q{cmpl_proj(): Bad $attr_names arg; that attr list}
            . q{ isn't a subset of the invocant's heading.}
        if @{$cproj_only} > 0;

    return $topic->_projection(
        [grep { !$cproj_h->{$_} } CORE::keys %{$topic_h}] );


sub wrap {
    my ($topic, $outer, $inner) = @_;

    $topic->_assert_valid_atnm_arg( 'wrap', '$outer', $outer );
    (my $inner_h, $inner) = $topic->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_atnms_arg(
        'wrap', '$inner', $inner );

    my (undef, $topic_attrs_no_wr, $inner_attrs_not_in_topic)
        = $topic->_ptn_conj_and_disj( $topic->_heading(), $inner_h );
    confess q{wrap(): Bad $inner arg; that list of attrs to be wrapped}
            . q{ isn't a subset of the invocant's heading.}
        if @{$inner_attrs_not_in_topic} > 0;
    confess q{wrap(): Bad $outer arg; that name for a new attr to add}
            . q{ to the invocant, consisting of wrapped invocant attrs,}
            . q{ duplicates an attr of the invocant not being wrapped.}
        if any { $_ eq $outer } @{$topic_attrs_no_wr};

    return $topic->_wrap( $outer, $inner, $topic_attrs_no_wr );

sub _wrap {
    my ($topic, $outer, $inner, $topic_attrs_no_wr) = @_;

    my $result = $topic->_new();

        {CORE::map { ($_ => undef) } @{$topic_attrs_no_wr}, $outer} );

    my $topic_b = $topic->_body();
    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    if ($topic->is_empty()) {
        # An empty $topic means an empty result.
        # So $result_b is already correct.
    elsif (@{$inner} == 0) {
        # Wrap zero $topic attrs as new attr.
        # So this is a simple static extension of $topic w static $outer.
        my $inner_t = {};
        for my $topic_t (values %{$topic_b}) {
            my $result_t = {$outer => $inner_t, {%{$topic_t}}};
            $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;
    elsif (@{$topic_attrs_no_wr} == 0) {
        # Wrap all $topic attrs as new attr.
        for my $topic_t_refaddr (CORE::keys %{$topic_b}) {
            my $result_t = {$outer => $topic_b->{$topic_t_refaddr}};
            $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;
    else {
        # Wrap at least one but not all $topic attrs as new attr.
        for my $topic_t (values %{$topic_b}) {
            my $inner_t = {CORE::map { ($_ => $topic_t->{$_}) } @{$inner}};
            my $result_t = {
                $outer => $inner_t,
                CORE::map { ($_ => $topic_t->{$_}) } @{$topic_attrs_no_wr}
            $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;

    if ($topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {
        $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;

sub cmpl_wrap {
    my ($topic, $outer, $cmpl_inner) = @_;

    $topic->_assert_valid_atnm_arg( 'cmpl_wrap', '$outer', $outer );
    (my $cmpl_inner_h, $cmpl_inner)
        = $topic->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_atnms_arg(
            'cmpl_wrap', '$cmpl_inner', $cmpl_inner );

    my $topic_h = $topic->_heading();

    confess q{cmpl_wrap(): Bad $cmpl_inner arg; that attr list}
            . q{ isn't a subset of the invocant's heading.}
        if notall { exists $topic_h->{$_} } @{$cmpl_inner};

    my $inner = [grep { !$cmpl_inner_h->{$_} } CORE::keys %{$topic_h}];
    my $inner_h = {CORE::map { $_ => undef } @{$inner}};

    my (undef, $topic_attrs_no_wr, undef)
        = $topic->_ptn_conj_and_disj( $topic_h, $inner_h );
    confess q{cmpl_wrap(): Bad $outer arg; that name for a new attr to add}
            . q{ to the invocant, consisting of wrapped invocant attrs,}
            . q{ duplicates an attr of the invocant not being wrapped.}
        if any { $_ eq $outer } @{$topic_attrs_no_wr};

    return $topic->_wrap( $outer, $inner, $topic_attrs_no_wr );


sub unwrap {
    my ($topic, $inner, $outer) = @_;

    (my $inner_h, $inner) = $topic->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_atnms_arg(
        'unwrap', '$inner', $inner );
    $topic->_assert_valid_atnm_arg( 'unwrap', '$outer', $outer );

    my $topic_h = $topic->_heading();

    confess q{unwrap(): Bad $outer arg; that attr name}
            . q{ doesn't match an attr of the invocant's heading.}
        if !exists $topic_h->{$outer};

    my $topic_h_except_outer = {%{$topic_h}};
    delete $topic_h_except_outer->{$outer};

    my ($inner_attrs_dupl_topic, $topic_attrs_no_uwr, undef)
        = $topic->_ptn_conj_and_disj( $topic_h_except_outer, $inner_h );
    confess q{unwrap(): Bad $inner arg; at least one name in that attr}
            . q{ list, which the invocant would be extended with when}
            . q{ unwrapping $topic{$outer}, duplicates an attr of the}
            . q{ invocant not being unwrapped.}
        if @{$inner_attrs_dupl_topic} > 0;

    my $topic_b = $topic->_body();

    for my $topic_t (values %{$topic_b}) {
        my $inner_t = $topic_t->{$outer};
        confess q{unwrap(): Can't unwrap $topic{$outer} because there is}
                . q{ not a same-heading tuple value for the $outer attr of}
                . q{ every tuple of $topic whose heading matches $inner.}
            if ref $inner_t ne 'HASH'
                or !$topic->_is_identical_hkeys( $inner_h, $inner_t );

    my $result = $topic->_new();

    $result->_heading( {%{$topic_h_except_outer}, %{$inner_h}} );

    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    if ($topic->is_empty()) {
        # An empty $topic means an empty result.
        # So $result_b is already correct.
    elsif (@{$topic_attrs_no_uwr} == 0) {
        # Only $topic attr is $outer, all result attrs from $outer unwrap.
        for my $topic_t (values %{$topic_b}) {
            my $result_t = $topic_t->{$outer};
            $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;
    elsif (@{$inner} == 0) {
        # Unwrap of $outer adds zero attrs to $topic.
        # So this is a simple projection of $topic excising $outer.
        for my $topic_t (values %{$topic_b}) {
            my $result_t = {
                CORE::map { ($_ => $topic_t->{$_}) } @{$topic_attrs_no_uwr}
            $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;
    else {
        # Result has at least 1 attr from $outer, at least 1 not from it.
        for my $topic_t (values %{$topic_b}) {
            my $result_t = {
                CORE::map { ($_ => $topic_t->{$_}) } @{$topic_attrs_no_uwr}
            $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;

    if ($topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {
        $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;


sub group {
    my ($topic, $outer, $inner) = @_;

    $topic->_assert_valid_atnm_arg( 'group', '$outer', $outer );
    (my $inner_h, $inner) = $topic->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_atnms_arg(
        'group', '$inner', $inner );

    my (undef, $topic_attrs_no_gr, $inner_attrs_not_in_topic)
        = $topic->_ptn_conj_and_disj( $topic->_heading(), $inner_h );
    confess q{group(): Bad $inner arg; that list of attrs to be grouped}
            . q{ isn't a subset of the invocant's heading.}
        if @{$inner_attrs_not_in_topic} > 0;
    confess q{group(): Bad $outer arg; that name for a new attr to add}
            . q{ to the invocant, consisting of grouped invocant attrs,}
            . q{ duplicates an attr of the invocant not being grouped.}
        if any { $_ eq $outer } @{$topic_attrs_no_gr};

    return $topic->_group( $outer, $inner, $topic_attrs_no_gr, $inner_h );

sub _group {
    my ($topic, $outer, $inner, $topic_attrs_no_gr, $inner_h) = @_;

    my $result = $topic->_new();

        {CORE::map { ($_ => undef) } @{$topic_attrs_no_gr}, $outer} );

    if ($topic->is_empty()) {
        # An empty $topic means an empty result.
        # So result body is already correct.
    elsif (@{$inner} == 0) {
        # Group zero $topic attrs as new attr.
        # So this is a simple static extension of $topic w static $outer.
        my $result_b = $result->_body();
        my $inner_r = $topic->_new( [ {} ] );
        for my $topic_t (values %{$topic->_body()}) {
            my $result_t = {$outer => $inner_r, {%{$topic_t}}};
            $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;
    elsif (@{$topic_attrs_no_gr} == 0) {
        # Group all $topic attrs as new attr.
        # So $topic is just used as sole attr of sole tuple of result.
        my $result_t = {$outer => $topic};
        $result->_body( {refaddr $result_t => $result_t} );
    else {
        # Group at least one but not all $topic attrs as new attr.
        my $result_b = $result->_body();
        my $topic_index = $topic->_want_index( $topic_attrs_no_gr );
        for my $matched_topic_b (values %{$topic_index}) {

            my $inner_r = $topic->_new();
            $inner_r->_heading( $inner_h );
            my $inner_b = $inner_r->_body();
            for my $topic_t (values %{$matched_topic_b}) {
                my $inner_t
                    = {CORE::map { ($_ => $topic_t->{$_}) } @{$inner}};
                $inner_b->{refaddr $inner_t} = $inner_t;

            my $any_mtpt = (values %{$matched_topic_b})[0];

            my $result_t = {
                $outer => $inner_r,
                CORE::map { ($_ => $any_mtpt->{$_}) } @{$topic_attrs_no_gr}
            $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;

    if ($topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {
        $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;

sub cmpl_group {
    my ($topic, $outer, $group_per) = @_;

    $topic->_assert_valid_atnm_arg( 'cmpl_group', '$outer', $outer );
    (my $group_per_h, $group_per)
        = $topic->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_atnms_arg(
            'cmpl_group', '$group_per', $group_per );

    my $topic_h = $topic->_heading();

    confess q{cmpl_group(): Bad $group_per arg; that attr list}
            . q{ isn't a subset of the invocant's heading.}
        if notall { exists $topic_h->{$_} } @{$group_per};

    my $inner = [grep { !$group_per_h->{$_} } CORE::keys %{$topic_h}];
    my $inner_h = {CORE::map { $_ => undef } @{$inner}};

    my (undef, $topic_attrs_no_gr, undef)
        = $topic->_ptn_conj_and_disj( $topic_h, $inner_h );
    confess q{cmpl_group(): Bad $outer arg; that name for a new attr to}
            . q{ add to th invocant, consisting of grouped invocant attrs,}
            . q{ duplicates an attr of the invocant not being grouped.}
        if any { $_ eq $outer } @{$topic_attrs_no_gr};

    return $topic->_group( $outer, $inner, $topic_attrs_no_gr, $inner_h );


sub ungroup {
    my ($topic, $inner, $outer) = @_;

    (my $inner_h, $inner) = $topic->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_atnms_arg(
        'ungroup', '$inner', $inner );
    $topic->_assert_valid_atnm_arg( 'ungroup', '$outer', $outer );

    my $topic_h = $topic->_heading();

    confess q{ungroup(): Bad $outer arg; that attr name}
            . q{ doesn't match an attr of the invocant's heading.}
        if !exists $topic_h->{$outer};

    my $topic_h_except_outer = {%{$topic_h}};
    delete $topic_h_except_outer->{$outer};

    my ($inner_attrs_dupl_topic, $topic_attrs_no_ugr, undef)
        = $topic->_ptn_conj_and_disj( $topic_h_except_outer, $inner_h );
    confess q{ungroup(): Bad $inner arg; at least one name in that attr}
            . q{ list, which the invocant would be extended with when}
            . q{ ungrouping $topic{$outer}, duplicates an attr of the}
            . q{ invocant not being ungrouped.}
        if @{$inner_attrs_dupl_topic} > 0;

    my $topic_b = $topic->_body();

    for my $topic_t (values %{$topic_b}) {
        my $inner_r = $topic_t->{$outer};
        confess q{ungroup(): Can't ungroup $topic{$outer} because there is}
                . q{ not a same-heading relation val for the $outer attr}
                . q{ of every tuple of $topic whose head matches $inner.}
            if !blessed $inner_r or !$inner_r->isa( __PACKAGE__ )
                or !$topic->_is_identical_hkeys(
                    $inner_h, $inner_r->_heading() );

    if ($topic->degree() == 1) {
        # Ungroup of a unary relation is the N-adic union of its sole
        # attribute's value across all tuples.
        return $topic->_new( $inner )
            ->_union( [CORE::map { $_->{$outer} } values %{$topic_b}] );

    # If we get here, the input relation is not unary.

    my $result = $topic->_new();

    $result->_heading( {%{$topic_h_except_outer}, %{$inner_h}} );

    my $topic_tuples_w_nonemp_inn
        = [grep { !$_->{$outer}->is_empty() } values %{$topic_b}];

    if (@{$topic_tuples_w_nonemp_inn} == 0) {
        # An empty post-basic-filtering $topic means an empty result.
        # So result body is already correct.
    elsif (@{$inner} == 0) {
        # Ungroup of $outer adds zero attrs to $topic.
        # So this is a simple proj of post-basic-filt $topic excis $outer.
        my $result_b = $result->_body();
        for my $topic_t (@{$topic_tuples_w_nonemp_inn}) {
            my $result_t = {
                CORE::map { ($_ => $topic_t->{$_}) } @{$topic_attrs_no_ugr}
            $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;
    else {
        # Result has at least 1 attr from $outer, at least 1 not from it.
        my $result_b = $result->_body();
        for my $topic_t (@{$topic_tuples_w_nonemp_inn}) {
            my $no_ugr_t = {CORE::map { ($_ => $topic_t->{$_}) }
            my $inner_r = $topic_t->{$outer};
            for my $inner_t (values %{$inner_r->_body()}) {
                my $result_t = {%{$inner_t}, %{$no_ugr_t}};
                $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;

    return $result;


sub tclose {
    my ($topic) = @_;

    confess q{tclose(): This method may only be invoked on a}
            . q{ Set::Relation object with exactly 2 (same-typed) attrs.}
        if $topic->degree() != 2;

    if ($topic->cardinality() < 2) {
        # Can't create paths of 2+ arcs when not more than 1 arc exists.
        return $topic;

    # If we get here, there are at least 2 arcs, so there is a chance they
    # may connect into longer paths.

    my ($atnm1, $atnm2) = sort (CORE::keys %{$topic->_heading()});

    return $topic->_rename( { 'x' => $atnm1, 'y' => $atnm2 } )
        ->_rename( { $atnm1 => 'x', $atnm2 => 'y' } );

# TODO: Reimplement tclose to do all the work internally rather
# than farming out to rename/join/projection/union/etc; this should make
# performance an order of magnitude better and without being complicated.

sub _tclose_of_xy {
    my ($xy) = @_;

    if (!$xy->_is_known_dup_free()) {

    my $xyz = $xy->_rename( { 'y' => 'x', 'z' => 'y' } )
        ->_regular_join( $xy, ['y'], ['z'], ['x'] );

    if ($xyz->is_empty()) {
        # No paths of xy connect to any other paths of xy.
        return $xy;

    # If we get here, then at least one pair of paths in xy can connect
    # to form a longer path.

    my $ttt = $xyz->_projection( ['x', 'z'] )
        ->_rename( { 'y' => 'z' } )
        ->_union( [$xy] );

    if ($ttt->_is_identical( $xy )) {
        # All the longer paths resulting from conn were already in xy.
        return $xy;

    # If we get here, then at least one longer path produced above was not
    # already in xy and was added; so now we need to check if any
    # yet-longer paths can be made from the just-produced.

    return $ttt->_tclose_of_xy();


sub restriction {
    my ($topic, $func, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;

    $topic->_assert_valid_func_arg( 'restriction', '$func', $func );

    if ($topic->is_empty()) {
        return $topic;

    if (!$allow_dup_tuples and !$topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {

    my $result = $topic->empty();

    my $topic_b = $topic->_body();
    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    for my $topic_t_refaddr (CORE::keys %{$topic_b}) {
        my $topic_t = $topic_b->{$topic_t_refaddr};
        my $is_matched;
            local $_ = $topic->_export_nfmt_tuple( $topic_t );
            $is_matched = $func->();
        if ($is_matched) {
            $result_b->{$topic_t_refaddr} = $topic_t;

    if ($topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {
        $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;

sub restr_and_cmpl {
    my ($topic, $func, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;
    $topic->_assert_valid_func_arg( 'restr_and_cmpl', '$func', $func );
    return $topic->_restr_and_cmpl( $func, $allow_dup_tuples );

sub _restr_and_cmpl {
    my ($topic, $func, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;

    if ($topic->is_empty()) {
        return [$topic, $topic];

    if (!$allow_dup_tuples and !$topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {

    my $pass_result = $topic->empty();
    my $fail_result = $topic->empty();

    my $topic_b = $topic->_body();
    my $pass_result_b = $pass_result->_body();
    my $fail_result_b = $fail_result->_body();

    for my $topic_t_refaddr (CORE::keys %{$topic_b}) {
        my $topic_t = $topic_b->{$topic_t_refaddr};
        my $is_matched;
            local $_ = $topic->_export_nfmt_tuple( $topic_t );
            $is_matched = $func->();
        if ($is_matched) {
            $pass_result_b->{$topic_t_refaddr} = $topic_t;
        else {
            $fail_result_b->{$topic_t_refaddr} = $topic_t;

    if ($topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {
        $pass_result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );
        $fail_result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return [$pass_result, $fail_result];

sub cmpl_restr {
    my ($topic, $func, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;

    $topic->_assert_valid_func_arg( 'cmpl_restr', '$func', $func );

    if ($topic->is_empty()) {
        return $topic;

    if (!$allow_dup_tuples and !$topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {

    my $result = $topic->empty();

    my $topic_b = $topic->_body();
    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    for my $topic_t_refaddr (CORE::keys %{$topic_b}) {
        my $topic_t = $topic_b->{$topic_t_refaddr};
        my $is_matched;
            local $_ = $topic->_export_nfmt_tuple( $topic_t );
            $is_matched = $func->();
        if (!$is_matched) {
            $result_b->{$topic_t_refaddr} = $topic_t;

    if ($topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {
        $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;


sub classification {
    my ($topic, $func, $class_attr_name, $group_attr_name,
        $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;

    $topic->_assert_valid_func_arg( 'classification', '$func', $func );
        'classification', '$class_attr_name', $class_attr_name );
        'classification', '$group_attr_name', $group_attr_name );

    my $result = $topic->_new();

        {$class_attr_name => undef, $group_attr_name => undef} );

    if ($topic->is_empty()) {
        # An empty $topic means an empty result.
        # So result body is already correct.
        return $result;

    if (!$allow_dup_tuples and !$topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {

    my $topic_h = $topic->_heading();
    my $topic_b = $topic->_body();

    my $tuples_per_class = {};

    for my $topic_t (values %{$topic_b}) {
        my $class;
            local $_ = $topic->_export_nfmt_tuple( $topic_t );
            $class = $func->();
        my $class_ident_str = $topic->_ident_str( $class );
        if (!exists $tuples_per_class->{$class_ident_str}) {
            $tuples_per_class->{$class_ident_str} = [$class, []];
        push @{$tuples_per_class->{$class_ident_str}->[1]}, $topic_t;

    my $result_b = $result->_body();
    for my $class_ident_str (CORE::keys %{$tuples_per_class}) {
        my ($class, $tuples_in_class)
            = @{$tuples_per_class->{$class_ident_str}};

        my $inner_r = $topic->_new();
        $inner_r->_heading( $topic_h );
            {CORE::map { (refaddr $_ => $_) } @{$tuples_in_class}} );

        my $result_t = {
            $class_attr_name => $class,
            $group_attr_name => $inner_r,
        $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;

    if ($topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {
        $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;


sub extension {
    my ($topic, $attr_names, $func, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;

    (my $exten_h, $attr_names)
        = $topic->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_atnms_arg(
        'extension', '$attr_names', $attr_names );
    $topic->_assert_valid_func_arg( 'extension', '$func', $func );

    my ($both, undef, undef)
        = $topic->_ptn_conj_and_disj( $topic->_heading(), $exten_h );
    confess q{extension(): Bad $attr_names arg; that attr list}
            . q{ isn't disjoint with the invocant's heading.}
        if @{$both} > 0;

    return $topic->_extension(
        $attr_names, $func, $exten_h, $allow_dup_tuples );

sub _extension {
    my ($topic, $attr_names, $func, $exten_h, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;

    if (@{$attr_names} == 0) {
        # Extension of input by zero attrs yields the input.
        return $topic;

    if (!$allow_dup_tuples and !$topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {

    my $result = $topic->_new();

    $result->_heading( {%{$topic->_heading()}, %{$exten_h}} );

    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    for my $topic_t (values %{$topic->_body()}) {
        my $exten_t;
            local $_ = $topic->_export_nfmt_tuple( $topic_t );
            $exten_t = $func->();
            'extension', '$func', '$attr_names', $exten_t, $exten_h );
        $exten_t = $topic->_import_nfmt_tuple( $exten_t );
        my $result_t = {%{$topic_t}, %{$exten_t}};
        $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;

    if ($topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {
        $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;


sub static_exten {
    my ($topic, $attrs) = @_;

    confess q{static_exten(): Bad $attrs arg; it isn't a hash-ref.}
        if ref $attrs ne 'HASH';

    my ($both, undef, undef)
        = $topic->_ptn_conj_and_disj( $topic->_heading(), $attrs );
    confess q{static_exten(): Bad $attrs arg; that attr list}
            . q{ isn't disjoint with the invocant's heading.}
        if @{$both} > 0;

    confess q{static_exten(): Bad $attrs arg;}
            . q{ it is a hash-ref, and there exist circular refs}
            . q{ between itself or its tuple-valued components.}
        if $topic->_tuple_arg_has_circular_refs( $attrs );

    return $topic->_static_exten( $attrs );

sub _static_exten {
    my ($topic, $attrs) = @_;

    if ((scalar CORE::keys %{$attrs}) == 0) {
        # Extension of input by zero attrs yields the input.
        return $topic;

    $attrs = $topic->_import_nfmt_tuple( $attrs );

    my $result = $topic->_new();

    $result->_heading( {%{$topic->_heading()},
        CORE::map { ($_ => undef) } CORE::keys %{$attrs}} );

    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    for my $topic_t (values %{$topic->_body()}) {
        my $result_t = {%{$topic_t}, %{$attrs}};
        $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;

    if ($topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {
        $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;


sub map {
    my ($topic, $result_attr_names, $func, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;

    (my $result_h, $result_attr_names)
        = $topic->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_atnms_arg(
            'map', '$result_attr_names', $result_attr_names );
    $topic->_assert_valid_func_arg( 'map', '$func', $func );

    if (@{$result_attr_names} == 0) {
        # Map to zero attrs yields identity relation zero or one.
        if ($topic->is_empty()) {
            return $topic->_new();
        else {
            return $topic->_new( [ {} ] );

    if (!$allow_dup_tuples and !$topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {

    my $result = $topic->_new();

    $result->_heading( $result_h );

    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    for my $topic_t (values %{$topic->_body()}) {
        my $result_t;
            local $_ = $topic->_export_nfmt_tuple( $topic_t );
            $result_t = $func->();
            'map', '$func', '$result_attr_names', $result_t, $result_h );
        $result_t = $topic->_import_nfmt_tuple( $result_t );
        $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;

    return $result;


sub summary {
    my ($topic, $group_per, $summ_attr_names, $summ_func,
        $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;

    (my $group_per_h, $group_per)
        = $topic->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_atnms_arg(
            'summary', '$group_per', $group_per );
    (my $exten_h, $summ_attr_names)
        = $topic->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_atnms_arg(
            'summary', '$summ_attr_names', $summ_attr_names );
    $topic->_assert_valid_func_arg( 'summary', '$summ_func', $summ_func );

    my $topic_h = $topic->_heading();

    confess q{summary(): Bad $group_per arg; that attr list}
            . q{ isn't a subset of the invocant's heading.}
        if notall { exists $topic_h->{$_} } @{$group_per};

    confess q{summary(): Bad $summ_attr_names arg; one or more of those}
            . q{ names for new summary attrs to add to the invocant }
            . q{ duplicates an attr of the invocant not being grouped.}
        if any { exists $group_per_h->{$_} } @{$summ_attr_names};

    my $inner = [grep { !$group_per_h->{$_} } CORE::keys %{$topic_h}];
    my $inner_h = {CORE::map { $_ => undef } @{$inner}};

    my (undef, $topic_attrs_no_gr, undef)
        = $topic->_ptn_conj_and_disj( $topic_h, $inner_h );

    my $result = $topic->_new();

    $result->_heading( {%{$group_per_h}, %{$exten_h}} );

    if ($topic->is_empty()) {
        # An empty $topic means an empty result.
        return $result;

    if (!$allow_dup_tuples and !$topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {

    # Note: We skipped a number of shortcuts that _group() has for
    # brevity, leaving just the general case; they might come back later.

    my $result_b = $result->_body();
    my $topic_index = $topic->_want_index( $topic_attrs_no_gr );
    for my $matched_topic_b (values %{$topic_index}) {

        my $inner_r = $topic->_new();
        $inner_r->_heading( $inner_h );
        my $inner_b = $inner_r->_body();
        for my $topic_t (values %{$matched_topic_b}) {
            my $inner_t = {CORE::map { ($_ => $topic_t->{$_}) } @{$inner}};
            $inner_b->{refaddr $inner_t} = $inner_t;

        my $any_mtpt = (values %{$matched_topic_b})[0];
        my $group_per_t = {CORE::map { ($_ => $any_mtpt->{$_}) }

        my $exten_t;
            local $_ = {
                'summarize' => $inner_r,
                'per' => $topic->_export_nfmt_tuple( $group_per_t ),
            $exten_t = $summ_func->();
        $topic->_assert_valid_tuple_result_of_func_arg( 'summary',
            '$summ_func', '$summ_attr_names', $exten_t, $exten_h );
        $exten_t = $topic->_import_nfmt_tuple( $exten_t );

        my $result_t = {%{$group_per_t}, %{$exten_t}};
        $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;

    return $result;


sub cardinality_per_group {
    my ($topic, $count_attr_name, $group_per, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;

        'cardinality_per_group', '$count_attr_name', $count_attr_name );
    (my $group_per_h, $group_per)
        = $topic->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_atnms_arg(
            'cardinality_per_group', '$group_per', $group_per );

    my $topic_h = $topic->_heading();

    confess q{cardinality_per_group(): Bad $group_per arg;}
            . q{ that attr list isn't a subset of the invocant's heading.}
        if notall { exists $topic_h->{$_} } @{$group_per};

    confess q{cardinality_per_group(): Bad $count_attr_name arg;}
            . q{ that name for a new attr to add to the invocant}
            . q{ duplicates an attr of the invocant not being grouped.}
        if exists $group_per_h->{$count_attr_name};

    my $inner = [grep { !$group_per_h->{$_} } CORE::keys %{$topic_h}];
    my $inner_h = {CORE::map { $_ => undef } @{$inner}};

    my (undef, $topic_attrs_no_gr, undef)
        = $topic->_ptn_conj_and_disj( $topic_h, $inner_h );

    my $result = $topic->_new();

    $result->_heading( {%{$group_per_h}, $count_attr_name => undef} );

    if ($topic->is_empty()) {
        # An empty $topic means an empty result.
        return $result;

    if (!$allow_dup_tuples and !$topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {

    my $result_b = $result->_body();
    my $topic_index = $topic->_want_index( $topic_attrs_no_gr );
    for my $matched_topic_b (values %{$topic_index}) {
        my $count = scalar CORE::keys %{$matched_topic_b};
        my $any_mtpt = (values %{$matched_topic_b})[0];
        my $group_per_t = {CORE::map { ($_ => $any_mtpt->{$_}) }
        my $result_t = {%{$group_per_t}, $count_attr_name => $count};
        $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;

    return $result;

sub count_per_group {
    my ($self, @args) = @_;
    return $self->cardinality_per_group( @args );


sub _atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_atnms_arg {
    my ($self, $rtn_nm, $arg_nm, $atnms) = @_;

    if (defined $atnms and !ref $atnms) {
        $atnms = [$atnms];
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg;}
            . q{ it must be an array-ref or a defined non-ref.}
        if ref $atnms ne 'ARRAY';
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg;}
            . q{ it should be just be a list of attr names,}
            . q{ but at least one name is undefined or is a ref.}
        if notall { defined $_ and !ref $_ } @{$atnms};
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg;}
            . q{ it specifies a list of}
            . q{ attr names with at least one duplicated name.}
        if (uniqstr @{$atnms}) != @{$atnms};

    my $heading = {CORE::map { ($_ => undef) } @{$atnms}};
    return ($heading, $atnms);

sub _assert_valid_atnm_arg {
    my ($self, $rtn_nm, $arg_nm, $atnm) = @_;
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg;}
            . q{ it should be just be an attr name,}
            . q{ but it is undefined or is a ref.}
        if !defined $atnm or ref $atnm;

sub _assert_valid_nnint_arg {
    my ($self, $rtn_nm, $arg_nm, $atnm) = @_;
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg;}
            . q{ it should be just be a non-negative integer,}
            . q{ but it is undefined or is a ref or is some other scalar.}
        if !defined $atnm or ref $atnm or not $atnm =~ /^[0-9]+$/;

sub _assert_valid_func_arg {
    my ($self, $rtn_nm, $arg_nm, $func) = @_;
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg;}
            . q{ it must be a Perl subroutine reference.}
        if ref $func ne 'CODE';

sub _assert_valid_tuple_result_of_func_arg {
    my ($self, $rtn_nm, $arg_nm_func, $arg_nm_attrs, $result_t, $heading)
        = @_;
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm_func arg;}
            . q{ at least one result of executing that Perl subroutine}
            . q{ reference was not a hash-ref or it didn't have the same}
            . qq{ set of hkeys as specified by the $arg_nm_attrs arg.}
        if ref $result_t ne 'HASH'
            or !$self->_is_identical_hkeys( $heading, $result_t );
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm_func arg;}
            . q{ at least one result of executing that Perl subroutine}
            . q{ reference was a hash-ref, and there exist circular refs}
            . q{ between itself or its tuple-valued components.}
        if $self->_tuple_arg_has_circular_refs( $result_t );

sub _normalize_same_heading_relation_arg {
    my ($self, $rtn_nm, $arg_nm, $other) = @_;
    if (blessed $other and $other->can( 'does' )
            and $other->does( 'Set::Relation' )
            and !$other->isa( __PACKAGE__ )) {
        $other = $self->_new( $other );
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg; it isn't a Set::Relation}
            . q{ object, or it doesn't have exactly the}
            . q{ same set of attr names as the invocant.}
        if !blessed $other or !$other->isa( __PACKAGE__ )
            or !$self->_is_identical_hkeys(
                $self->_heading(), $other->_heading() );
    return $other;

sub _normalize_relation_arg {
    my ($self, $rtn_nm, $arg_nm, $other) = @_;
    if (blessed $other and $other->can( 'does' )
            and $other->does( 'Set::Relation' )
            and !$other->isa( __PACKAGE__ )) {
        $other = $self->_new( $other );
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg;}
            . q{ it isn't a Set::Relation object.}
        if !blessed $other or !$other->isa( __PACKAGE__ );
    return $other;


sub is_identical {
    my ($topic, $other) = @_;
    $other = $topic->_normalize_relation_arg(
        'is_identical', '$other', $other );
    return $topic->_is_identical( $other );

sub _is_identical {
    my ($topic, $other) = @_;
    return ($topic->degree() == $other->degree()
        and $topic->_is_identical_hkeys(
            $topic->_heading(), $other->_heading() )
        and $topic->cardinality() == $other->cardinality()
        and $topic->_is_identical_hkeys(
            $other->_dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs() ));


sub is_subset {
    my ($topic, $other) = @_;
    $other = $topic->_normalize_same_heading_relation_arg(
        'is_subset', '$other', $other );
    my $other_i = $other->_dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs();
    return all { exists $other_i->{$_} }
        CORE::keys %{$topic->_dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs()};

sub is_superset {
    my ($topic, $other) = @_;
    $other = $topic->_normalize_same_heading_relation_arg(
        'is_superset', '$other', $other );
    my $topic_i = $topic->_dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs();
    return all { exists $topic_i->{$_} }
        CORE::keys %{$other->_dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs()};

sub is_proper_subset {
    my ($topic, $other) = @_;
    $other = $topic->_normalize_same_heading_relation_arg(
        'is_proper_subset', '$other', $other );
    my $other_i = $other->_dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs();
    return ($topic->cardinality() < $other->cardinality()
        and all { exists $other_i->{$_} }
            CORE::keys %{$topic->_dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs()});

sub is_proper_superset {
    my ($topic, $other) = @_;
    $other = $topic->_normalize_same_heading_relation_arg(
        'is_proper_superset', '$other', $other );
    my $topic_i = $topic->_dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs();
    return ($other->cardinality() < $topic->cardinality()
        and all { exists $topic_i->{$_} }
            CORE::keys %{$other->_dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs()});

sub is_disjoint {
    my ($topic, $other) = @_;
    $other = $topic->_normalize_same_heading_relation_arg(
        'is_disjoint', '$other', $other );
    return $topic->_intersection( [$other] )->is_empty();


sub union {
    my ($topic, $others) = @_;
    $others = $topic->_normalize_same_heading_relations_arg(
        'union', '$others', $others );
    return $topic->_union( $others );

sub _union {
    my ($topic, $others) = @_;

    my $inputs = [
        grep { !$_->is_empty() } # filter out identity value instances
        $topic, @{$others}];

    if (@{$inputs} == 0) {
        # All inputs were the identity value; so is result.
        return $topic->empty();
    if (@{$inputs} == 1) {
        # Only one non-identity value input; so it is the result.
        return $inputs->[0];

    # If we get here, there are at least 2 non-empty input relations.

    my $result = $topic->empty();

    $result->_body( {CORE::map { %{$_->_body()} } @{$inputs}} );

    return $result;


sub exclusion {
    # Also known as symmetric_diff().
    my ($topic, $others) = @_;

    $others = $topic->_normalize_same_heading_relations_arg(
        'exclusion', '$others', $others );

    my $inputs = [
        sort { $b->cardinality() <=> $a->cardinality() }
        grep { !$_->is_empty() } # filter out identity value instances
        $topic, @{$others}];

    if (@{$inputs} == 0) {
        # All inputs were the identity value; so is result.
        return $topic->empty();
    if (@{$inputs} == 1) {
        # Only one non-identity value input; so it is the result.
        return $inputs->[0];

    # If we get here, there are at least 2 non-empty input relations.

    my $largest = shift @{$inputs};
    my $largest_i = $largest->_dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs();

    my $t_by_ident_str = {CORE::map {
            ($_ => (values %{$largest_i->{$_}})[0])
        } CORE::keys %{$largest_i}};

    for my $input (@{$inputs}) {
        my $input_i = $input->_dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs();
        for my $tuple_ident_str (CORE::keys %{$input_i}) {
            if (exists $t_by_ident_str->{$tuple_ident_str}) {
                delete $t_by_ident_str->{$tuple_ident_str};
            else {
                    = (values %{$input_i->{$tuple_ident_str}})[0];

    my $result = $topic->empty();

        {CORE::map { (refaddr $_ => $_) } values %{$t_by_ident_str}} );

    $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;

sub symmetric_diff {
    my ($self, @args) = @_;
    return $self->exclusion( @args );


sub intersection {
    my ($topic, $others) = @_;
    $others = $topic->_normalize_same_heading_relations_arg(
        'intersection', '$others', $others );
    return $topic->_intersection( $others );

sub _intersection {
    my ($topic, $others) = @_;

    if (@{$others} == 0) {
        return $topic;

    my $inputs = [
        sort { $a->cardinality( 1 ) <=> $b->cardinality( 1 ) }
        $topic, @{$others}];

    my $smallest = shift @{$inputs};

    if ($smallest->is_empty()) {
        return $smallest;

    # If we get here, there are at least 2 non-empty input relations.

    my $result = $topic->empty();

    my $smallest_i = $smallest->_dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs();
    my $larger_is = [CORE::map {
        } @{$inputs}];
    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    for my $tuple_ident_str (CORE::keys %{$smallest_i}) {
        for my $larger_i (@{$larger_is}) {
            next TUPLE
                if !exists $larger_i->{$tuple_ident_str};
        my ($tuple_refaddr, $tuple) = %{$smallest_i->{$tuple_ident_str}};
        $result_b->{$tuple_refaddr} = $tuple;

    $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;


sub _normalize_same_heading_relations_arg {
    my ($self, $rtn_nm, $arg_nm, $others) = @_;

    my $self_h = $self->_heading();

    if (blessed $others and $others->can( 'does' )
            and $others->does( 'Set::Relation' )) {
        $others = [$others];
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg;}
            . q{ it must be an array-ref or a Set::Relation object.}
        if ref $others ne 'ARRAY';
    $others = [CORE::map {
        my $other = $_;
        if (blessed $other and $other->can( 'does' )
                and $other->does( 'Set::Relation' )
                and !$other->isa( __PACKAGE__ )) {
            $other = $self->_new( $other );
        confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg elem;}
                . q{ it isn't a Set::Relation object, or it doesn't have}
                . q{ exactly the same set of attr names as the invocant.}
            if !blessed $other or !$other->isa( __PACKAGE__ )
                or !$self->_is_identical_hkeys(
                    $self_h, $other->_heading() );
    } @{$others}];

    return $others;

sub _normalize_relations_arg {
    my ($self, $rtn_nm, $arg_nm, $others) = @_;

    if (blessed $others and $others->can( 'does' )
            and $others->does( 'Set::Relation' )) {
        $others = [$others];
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg;}
            . q{ it must be an array-ref or a Set::Relation object.}
        if ref $others ne 'ARRAY';
    $others = [CORE::map {
        my $other = $_;
        if (blessed $other and $other->can( 'does' )
                and $other->does( 'Set::Relation' )
                and !$other->isa( __PACKAGE__ )) {
            $other = $self->_new( $other );
        confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg elem;}
                . q{ it isn't a Set::Relation object.}
            if !blessed $other or !$other->isa( __PACKAGE__ );
    } @{$others}];

    return $others;


sub diff {
    my ($source, $filter) = @_;
    $filter = $source->_normalize_same_heading_relation_arg(
        'diff', '$other', $filter );
    return $source->_diff( $filter );

sub _diff {
    my ($source, $filter) = @_;
    if ($source->is_empty() or $filter->is_empty()) {
        return $source;
    return $source->_regular_diff( $filter );

sub _regular_diff {
    my ($source, $filter) = @_;

    my $result = $source->empty();

    my $source_i = $source->_dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs();
    my $filter_i = $filter->_dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs();
    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    for my $tuple_ident_str (CORE::keys %{$source_i}) {
        if (!exists $filter_i->{$tuple_ident_str}) {
            my ($tuple_refaddr, $tuple) = %{$source_i->{$tuple_ident_str}};
            $result_b->{$tuple_refaddr} = $tuple;

    $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;


sub semidiff {
    my ($source, $filter) = @_;
    $filter = $source->_normalize_relation_arg(
        'semidiff', '$filter', $filter );
    if ($source->is_empty() or $filter->is_empty()) {
        return $source;
    return $source->_regular_diff( $source->_semijoin( $filter ) );

sub antijoin {
    my ($self, @args) = @_;
    return $self->semidiff( @args );

sub semijoin_and_diff {
    my ($source, $filter) = @_;
    $filter = $source->_normalize_relation_arg(
        'semijoin_and_diff', '$filter', $filter );
    return $source->_semijoin_and_diff( $filter );

sub _semijoin_and_diff {
    my ($source, $filter) = @_;
    if ($source->is_empty()) {
        return [$source, $source];
    if ($filter->is_empty()) {
        return [$source->empty(), $source];
    my $semijoin = $source->_semijoin( $filter );
    return [$semijoin, $source->_regular_diff( $semijoin )];

sub semijoin {
    my ($source, $filter) = @_;
    $filter = $source->_normalize_relation_arg(
        'semijoin', '$filter', $filter );
    return $source->_semijoin( $filter );

sub _semijoin {
    my ($source, $filter) = @_;

    if ($source->is_empty()) {
        return $source;
    if ($filter->is_empty()) {
        return $source->empty();

    # If we get here, both inputs have at least one tuple.

    if ($source->is_nullary() or $filter->is_nullary()) {
        return $source;

    # If we get here, both inputs also have at least one attribute.

    my ($both, $source_only, $filter_only) = $source->_ptn_conj_and_disj(
        $source->_heading(), $filter->_heading() );

    if (@{$both} == 0) {
        # The inputs have disjoint headings; result is source.
        return $source;
    if (@{$source_only} == 0 and @{$filter_only} == 0) {
        # The inputs have identical headings; result is intersection.
        return $source->_intersection( [$filter] );

    # If we get here, the inputs also have overlapping non-ident headings.

    return $source->_regular_semijoin( $filter, $both );

sub _regular_semijoin {
    my ($source, $filter, $both) = @_;

    my $result = $source->empty();

    my ($sm, $lg) = ($source->cardinality( 1 ) < $filter->cardinality( 1 ))
        ? ($source, $filter) : ($filter, $source);

    my $sm_index = $sm->_want_index( $both );
    my $lg_index = $lg->_want_index( $both );
    my $source_index = $source->_want_index( $both );
    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    for my $subtuple_ident_str (CORE::keys %{$sm_index}) {
        if (exists $lg_index->{$subtuple_ident_str}) {
            my $matched_source_b = $source_index->{$subtuple_ident_str};
            for my $tuple_refaddr (CORE::keys %{$matched_source_b}) {
                    = $matched_source_b->{$tuple_refaddr};

    if ($source->_is_known_dup_free() and $filter->_is_known_dup_free()) {
        $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;


sub join {
    my ($topic, $others) = @_;
    $others = $topic->_normalize_relations_arg(
        'join', '$others', $others );
    return $topic->_join( $others );

sub _join {
    my ($topic, $others) = @_;

    if (@{$others} == 0) {
        return $topic;

    my $inputs = [$topic, @{$others}];

    if (any { $_->is_empty() } @{$inputs}) {
        # At least one input has zero tuples; so does result.
        my $result = $topic->_new();
        my $result_h = {CORE::map { %{$_->_heading()} } @{$inputs}};
        $result->_heading( $result_h );
        return $result;

    # If we get here, all inputs have at least one tuple.

    $inputs = [
        sort { $a->cardinality( 1 ) <=> $b->cardinality( 1 ) }
        grep { !$_->is_nullary() } # filter out identity value instances

    if (@{$inputs} == 0) {
        # All inputs were the identity value; so is result.
        return $topic;
    if (@{$inputs} == 1) {
        # Only one non-identity value input; so it is the result.
        return $inputs->[0];

    # If we get here, there are at least 2 non-empty non-nullary inp rels.

    my $result = shift @{$inputs};
    for my $input (@{$inputs}) {
        # TODO: Optimize this better by determining more strategic order
        # to join the various inputs, such as by doing intersections first,
        # then semijoins, then regular joins, then cross-products.
        # But at least we're going min to max cardinality meanwhile.

        my ($both, $result_only, $input_only)
            = $result->_ptn_conj_and_disj(
                $result->_heading(), $input->_heading() );

        if (@{$both} == 0) {
            # The inputs have disjoint headings; result is cross-product.
            $result = $result->_regular_product( $input );
            next INPUT;
        if (@{$result_only} == 0 and @{$input_only} == 0) {
            # The inputs have identical headings; result is intersection.
            $result = $result->_intersection( [$input] );
            next INPUT;

        # If we get here, the inputs also have overlapping non-ident heads.

        if (@{$result_only} == 0) {
            # The first input's attrs are a proper subset of the second's;
            # result has same heading as second, a subset of sec's tuples.
            $result = $input->_regular_semijoin( $result, $both );
            next INPUT;
        if (@{$input_only} == 0) {
            # The second input's attrs are a proper subset of the first's;
            # result has same heading as first, a subset of first's tuples.
            $result = $result->_regular_semijoin( $input, $both );
            next INPUT;

        # If we get here, both inputs also have mini one attr of their own.

        $result = $result->_regular_join(
            $input, $both, $result_only, $input_only );
    return $result;

sub _regular_join {
    my ($topic, $other, $both, $topic_only, $other_only) = @_;

    my $result = $topic->_new();

    $result->_heading( {CORE::map { ($_ => undef) }
        @{$both}, @{$topic_only}, @{$other_only}} );

    my ($sm, $lg) = ($topic->cardinality( 1 ) < $other->cardinality( 1 ))
        ? ($topic, $other) : ($other, $topic);

    my $sm_index = $sm->_want_index( $both );
    my $lg_index = $lg->_want_index( $both );
    my $result_b = {};

    for my $subtuple_ident_str (CORE::keys %{$sm_index}) {
        if (exists $lg_index->{$subtuple_ident_str}) {
            my $matched_sm_b = $sm_index->{$subtuple_ident_str};
            my $matched_lg_b = $lg_index->{$subtuple_ident_str};
            for my $sm_t (values %{$matched_sm_b}) {
                for my $lg_t (values %{$matched_lg_b}) {
                    my $result_t = {%{$sm_t}, %{$lg_t}};
                    $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;
    $result->_body( $result_b );

    if ($topic->_is_known_dup_free() and $other->_is_known_dup_free()) {
        $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;


sub product {
    my ($topic, $others) = @_;

    $others = $topic->_normalize_relations_arg(
        'product', '$others', $others );

    if (@{$others} == 0) {
        return $topic;

    my $inputs = [$topic, @{$others}];

    my $attr_names
        = [CORE::map { CORE::keys %{$_->_heading()} } @{$inputs}];

    confess q{product(): Bad $others arg;}
            . q{ one of its elems has an attr name duplicated by}
            . q{ either the invocant or another $others elem.}
        if (uniqstr @{$attr_names}) != @{$attr_names};

    if (any { $_->is_empty() } @{$inputs}) {
        # At least one input has zero tuples; so does result.
        my $result = $topic->_new();
        $result->_heading( {CORE::map { ($_ => undef) } @{$attr_names}} );
        return $result;

    # If we get here, all inputs have at least one tuple.

    $inputs = [
        sort { $a->cardinality( 1 ) <=> $b->cardinality( 1 ) }
        grep { !$_->is_nullary() } # filter out identity value instances

    if (@{$inputs} == 0) {
        # All inputs were the identity value; so is result.
        return $topic;
    if (@{$inputs} == 1) {
        # Only one non-identity value input; so it is the result.
        return $inputs->[0];

    # If we get here, there are at least 2 non-empty non-nullary inp rels.

    my $result = shift @{$inputs};
    for my $input (@{$inputs}) {
        $result = $result->_regular_product( $input );
    return $result;

sub _regular_product {
    my ($topic, $other) = @_;

    my $result = $topic->_new();

    $result->_heading( {%{$topic->_heading()}, %{$other->_heading()}} );

    my ($sm, $lg) = ($topic->cardinality( 1 ) < $other->cardinality( 1 ))
        ? ($topic, $other) : ($other, $topic);

    my $sm_b = $sm->_body();
    my $lg_b = $lg->_body();
    my $result_b = {};

    for my $sm_t (values %{$sm_b}) {
        for my $lg_t (values %{$lg_b}) {
            my $result_t = {%{$sm_t}, %{$lg_t}};
            $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;
    $result->_body( $result_b );

    if ($topic->_is_known_dup_free() and $other->_is_known_dup_free()) {
        $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;


sub quotient {
    my ($dividend, $divisor) = @_;

    $divisor = $dividend->_normalize_relation_arg(
        'quotient', '$divisor', $divisor );

    my (undef, $dividend_only, $divisor_only)
        = $dividend->_ptn_conj_and_disj(
            $dividend->_heading(), $divisor->_heading() );

    confess q{quotient(): Bad $divisor arg;}
            . q{ its heading isn't a subset of the invocant's heading.}
        if @{$divisor_only} > 0;

    my $proj_of_dividend_only = $dividend->_projection( $dividend_only );

    if ($dividend->is_empty() or $divisor->is_empty()) {
        # At least one input has zero tup; res has all tup o dividend proj.
        return $proj_of_dividend_only;

    # If we get here, both inputs have at least one tuple.

    if ($dividend->is_nullary() or $divisor->is_nullary()) {
        # Both inputs or just divisor is ident-one rel; result is dividend.
        return $dividend;

    # If we get here, divisor has at least one attribute,
    # and divisor heading is proper subset of dividend heading.

    return $proj_of_dividend_only
        ->_diff( $proj_of_dividend_only
            ->_regular_product( $divisor )
            ->_diff( $dividend )
            ->_projection( $dividend_only )


sub composition {
    my ($topic, $other) = @_;

    $other = $topic->_normalize_relation_arg(
        'composition', '$other', $other );

    my ($both, $topic_only, $other_only) = $topic->_ptn_conj_and_disj(
        $topic->_heading(), $other->_heading() );

    if ($topic->is_empty() or $other->is_empty()) {
        # At least one input has zero tuples; so does result.
        return $topic->_new( [@{$topic_only}, @{$other_only}] );

    # If we get here, both inputs have at least one tuple.

    if ($topic->is_nullary()) {
        # First input is identity-one relation; result is second input.
        return $other;
    if ($other->is_nullary()) {
        # Second input is identity-one relation; result is first input.
        return $topic;

    # If we get here, both inputs also have at least one attribute.

    if (@{$both} == 0) {
        # The inputs have disjoint headings; result is cross-product.
        return $topic->_regular_product( $other );
    if (@{$topic_only} == 0 and @{$other_only} == 0) {
        # The inputs have identical headings; result is ident-one relation.
        return $topic->_new( [ {} ] );

    # If we get here, the inputs also have overlapping non-ident headings.

    if (@{$topic_only} == 0) {
        # The first input's attributes are a proper subset of the second's;
        # result has same heading as second, a subset of second's tuples.
        return $other->_regular_semijoin( $topic, $both )
            ->_projection( $other_only );
    if (@{$other_only} == 0) {
        # The second input's attributes are a proper subset of the first's;
        # result has same heading as first, a subset of first's tuples.
        return $topic->_regular_semijoin( $other, $both )
            ->_projection( $topic_only );

    # If we get here, both inputs also have at least one attr of their own.

    return $topic->_regular_join(
        $other, $both, $topic_only, $other_only )
            ->_projection( [@{$topic_only}, @{$other_only}] );


sub _ptn_conj_and_disj {
    # inputs are hashes, results are arrays
    my ($self, $src1, $src2) = @_;
    my $both = [grep { exists $src1->{$_} } CORE::keys %{$src2}];
    my $both_h = {CORE::map { ($_ => undef) } @{$both}};
    my $only1 = [grep { !exists $both_h->{$_} } CORE::keys %{$src1}];
    my $only2 = [grep { !exists $both_h->{$_} } CORE::keys %{$src2}];
    return ($both, $only1, $only2);


sub _want_index {
    my ($self, $atnms) = @_;
    if (@{$atnms} == $self->degree()) {
        # Special case; index is over all attributes of the relation, so
        # create this index in a special way that includes dup elimination.
        return $self->_dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs();
    my $subheading = {CORE::map { ($_ => undef) } @{$atnms}};
    my $subheading_ident_str = $self->_heading_ident_str( $subheading );
    my $indexes = $self->_indexes();
    if (!exists $indexes->{$subheading_ident_str}) {
        my $index_and_meta = $indexes->{$subheading_ident_str}
            = [ $subheading, {} ];
        my $index = $index_and_meta->[1];
        my $body = $self->_body();
        for my $tuple_refaddr (CORE::keys %{$body}) {
            my $tuple = $body->{$tuple_refaddr};
            my $subtuple_ident_str = $self->_ident_str(
                {CORE::map { ($_ => $tuple->{$_}) } @{$atnms}} );
            my $matched_b = $index->{$subtuple_ident_str} ||= {};
            $matched_b->{$tuple_refaddr} = $tuple;
    return $indexes->{$subheading_ident_str}->[1];


sub _dup_free_want_index_over_all_attrs {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $heading = $self->_heading();
    my $indexes = $self->_indexes();

    my $heading_ident_str = $self->_heading_ident_str( $heading );

    if (!exists $indexes->{$heading_ident_str}) {
        my $extras_to_delete = {};

        my $body = $self->_body();
        my $index_and_meta = $indexes->{$heading_ident_str}
            = [ $heading, {} ];
        my $index = $index_and_meta->[1];
        for my $tuple_refaddr (CORE::keys %{$body}) {
            my $tuple = $body->{$tuple_refaddr};
            my $tuple_ident_str = $self->_ident_str( $tuple );
            if (exists $index->{$tuple_ident_str}) {
                delete $body->{$tuple_refaddr};
                $extras_to_delete->{$tuple_refaddr} = $tuple;
            $index->{$tuple_ident_str} = {$tuple_refaddr => $tuple};

        if ((CORE::keys %{$extras_to_delete}) > 0) {
            for my $subheading_ident_str (CORE::keys %{$indexes}) {
                    if $subheading_ident_str eq $heading_ident_str;
                my ($subheading, $index)
                    = @{$indexes->{$subheading_ident_str}};
                for my $tuple_refaddr (CORE::keys %{$extras_to_delete}) {
                    my $tuple = $extras_to_delete->{$tuple_refaddr};
                    my $subtuple_ident_str = $self->_ident_str(
                        {CORE::map { ($_ => $tuple->{$_}) }
                            CORE::keys %{$subheading}} );
                    delete $index->{$subtuple_ident_str}->{$tuple_refaddr};

        $self->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $indexes->{$heading_ident_str}->[1];


sub join_with_group {
    my ($primary, $secondary, $group_attr) = @_;

    $secondary = $primary->_normalize_relation_arg(
        'join_with_group', '$secondary', $secondary );
        'join_with_group', '$group_attr', $group_attr );

    my $primary_h = $primary->_heading();

    confess q{join_with_group(): Bad $group_attr arg;}
            . q{ that name for a new attr to add}
            . q{ to $primary, consisting of grouped $secondary-only attrs,}
            . q{ duplicates an attr of $primary (not being grouped).}
        if exists $primary_h->{$group_attr};

    # TODO: inline+merge what join/group do for better performance.

    my ($both, $primary_only, $inner) = $primary->_ptn_conj_and_disj(
            $primary_h, $secondary->_heading() );
    my $inner_h = {CORE::map { $_ => undef } @{$inner}};

    return $primary
        ->_join( [$secondary] )
        ->_group( $group_attr, $inner, [CORE::keys %{$primary_h}],
            $inner_h );


sub rank {
    my ($topic, $name, $ord_func) = @_;

    my $topic_h = $topic->_heading();

    $topic->_assert_valid_atnm_arg( 'rank', '$name', $name );
    confess q{rank(): Bad $name arg; that name for a new attr to add}
            . q{ to the invocant, consisting of each tuple's numeric rank,}
            . q{ duplicates an existing attr of the invocant.}
        if exists $topic_h->{$name};

    $topic->_assert_valid_func_arg( 'rank', '$ord_func', $ord_func );

    my $result = $topic->_new();

    $result->_heading( {%{$topic_h}, $name => undef} );

    if ($topic->is_empty()) {
        return $result;

    if (!$topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {

    my $ext_topic_tuples = [];
    my $topic_tuples_by_ext_tt_ref = {};

    for my $topic_t (values %{$topic->_body()}) {
        my $ext_topic_t = $topic->_export_nfmt_tuple( $topic_t );
        push @{$ext_topic_tuples}, $ext_topic_t;
        $topic_tuples_by_ext_tt_ref->{refaddr $ext_topic_t} = $topic_t;

    my $sorted_ext_topic_tuples = [sort {
        local $_ = { 'a' => $a, 'b' => $b };
    } @{$ext_topic_tuples}];

    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    my $rank = -1;
    for my $ext_topic_t (@{$sorted_ext_topic_tuples}) {
        my $topic_t = $topic_tuples_by_ext_tt_ref->{refaddr $ext_topic_t};
        $rank ++;
        my $result_t = {$name => $rank, %{$topic_t}};
        $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;

    return $result;


sub rank_by_attr_names {
    my ($topic, $name, $order_by) = @_;

    my $topic_h = $topic->_heading();

    $topic->_assert_valid_atnm_arg( 'rank_by_attr_names', '$name', $name );
    confess q{rank_by_attr_names(): Bad $name arg; that name for a new}
            . q{ attr to add to the invocant, consisting of each tuple's}
            . q{ numeric rank, duplicates an existing attr of th invocant.}
        if exists $topic_h->{$name};

    $order_by = $topic->_normalize_order_by_arg(
        'rank_by_attr_names', '$order_by', $order_by );

    my $result = $topic->_new();

    $result->_heading( {%{$topic_h}, $name => undef} );

    if ($topic->is_empty()) {
        return $result;

    my $sort_func = $topic->_sort_func_from_order_by( $order_by );

    if (!$topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {

    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    my $rank = -1;
    for my $topic_t (@{$sort_func->( $topic )}) {
        $rank ++;
        my $result_t = {$name => $rank, %{$topic_t}};
        $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;

    return $result;


sub _normalize_order_by_arg {
    my ($topic, $rtn_nm, $arg_nm, $order_by) = @_;

    if (defined $order_by and !ref $order_by) {
        $order_by = [$order_by];
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg;}
            . q{ it must be an array-ref or a defined non-ref.}
        if ref $order_by ne 'ARRAY';

    $order_by = [CORE::map {
              (ref $_ ne 'ARRAY') ? [$_, 0, 'cmp']
            : (@{$_} == 1)        ? [@{$_}, 0, 'cmp']
            : (@{$_} == 2)        ? [@{$_}, 'cmp']
            :                       $_
        } @{$order_by}];
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg elem;}
            . q{ it must be a 1-3 elem array-ref or a defined non-ref,}
            . q{ its first elem must be a valid attr name (defin non-ref),}
            . q{ and its third elem must be undef or one of 'cmp'|'<=>'.}
        if notall {
                ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' and @{$_} == 3
                and defined $_->[0] and !ref $_->[0]
                and (!defined $_->[2]
                    or $_->[2] eq 'cmp' or $_->[2] eq '<=>')
            } @{$order_by};

    my $atnms = [CORE::map { $_->[0] } @{$order_by}];
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg;}
            . q{ it specifies a list of}
            . q{ attr names with at least one duplicated name.}
        if (uniqstr @{$atnms}) != @{$atnms};

    my $topic_h = $topic->_heading();
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm arg;}
            . q{ the list of attr names it specifies isn't a subset of the}
            . q{ heading of the relation defined by the $members arg.}
        if notall { exists $topic_h->{$_} } @{$atnms};

    return $order_by;


sub _sort_func_from_order_by {
    my ($topic, $order_by) = @_;
    my $sort_func_perl
    = "sub {\n"
        . "my (\$topic) = \@_;\n"
        . "return [sort {\n"
            . (CORE::join ' || ', '0', CORE::map {
                    my ($name, $is_reverse_order, $compare_op) = @{$_};
                    $compare_op ||= 'cmp';
                        ? "\$b->{'$name'} $compare_op \$a->{'$name'}"
                        : "\$a->{'$name'} $compare_op \$b->{'$name'}");
                } @{$order_by}) . "\n"
        . "} values \%{\$topic->_body()}];\n"
    . "}\n"
    my $sort_func = eval $sort_func_perl;
    if (my $err = $@) {
        confess qq{Oops, failed to compile Perl sort func from order by;\n}
            . qq{  error message is [[$err]];\n}
            . qq{  source code is [[$sort_func_perl]].}
    return $sort_func;


sub limit {
    my ($topic, $ord_func, $min_rank, $max_rank) = @_;

    $topic->_assert_valid_func_arg( 'limit', '$ord_func', $ord_func );

    $topic->_assert_valid_nnint_arg( 'limit', '$min_rank', $min_rank );
    $topic->_assert_valid_nnint_arg( 'limit', '$max_rank', $max_rank );
    confess q{limit(): The $max_rank arg can't be less than the $min_rank.}
        if $max_rank < $min_rank;

    if ($topic->is_empty()) {
        return $topic;

    if (!$topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {

    my $topic_b = $topic->_body();

    my $ext_topic_tuples = [];
    my $topic_tuples_by_ext_tt_ref = {};

    for my $topic_t_refaddr (CORE::keys %{$topic_b}) {
        my $topic_t = $topic_b->{$topic_t_refaddr};
        my $ext_topic_t = $topic->_export_nfmt_tuple( $topic_t );
        push @{$ext_topic_tuples}, $ext_topic_t;
        $topic_tuples_by_ext_tt_ref->{refaddr $ext_topic_t}
            = $topic_t_refaddr;

    my $sorted_ext_topic_tuples = [sort {
        local $_ = { 'a' => $a, 'b' => $b };
    } @{$ext_topic_tuples}];

    my $result = $topic->empty();

    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    for my $ext_topic_t
            (@{$sorted_ext_topic_tuples}[$min_rank..$max_rank]) {
        my $topic_t_refaddr
            = $topic_tuples_by_ext_tt_ref->{refaddr $ext_topic_t};
        $result_b->{$topic_t_refaddr} = $topic_b->{$topic_t_refaddr};

    return $result;


sub limit_by_attr_names {
    my ($topic, $order_by, $min_rank, $max_rank) = @_;

    $order_by = $topic->_normalize_order_by_arg(
        'limit_by_attr_names', '$order_by', $order_by );

        'limit_by_attr_names', '$min_rank', $min_rank );
        'limit_by_attr_names', '$max_rank', $max_rank );
    confess q{limit_by_attr_names():}
            . q{ The $max_rank arg can't be less than the $min_rank.}
        if $max_rank < $min_rank;

    if ($topic->is_empty()) {
        return $topic;

    my $sort_func = $topic->_sort_func_from_order_by( $order_by );

    if (!$topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {

    my $result = $topic->empty();

    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    for my $topic_t (@{$sort_func->( $topic )}[$min_rank..$max_rank]) {
        $result_b->{refaddr $topic_t} = $topic_t;

    return $result;


sub substitution {
    my ($topic, $attr_names, $func, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;
    (my $subst_h, $attr_names)
        = $topic->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_subst_args(
        'substitution', '$attr_names', '$func', $attr_names, $func );
    return $topic->_substitution(
        'substitution', '$attr_names', '$func',
        $attr_names, $func, $subst_h, $allow_dup_tuples );

sub _atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_subst_args {
    my ($topic, $rtn_nm, $arg_nm_atnms, $arg_nm_func, $atnms, $func) = @_;

    (my $subst_h, $atnms) = $topic->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_atnms_arg(
        $rtn_nm, $arg_nm_atnms, $atnms );
    my (undef, undef, $subst_only)
        = $topic->_ptn_conj_and_disj( $topic->_heading(), $subst_h );
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm_atnms arg; that attr list}
            . q{ isn't a subset of the invocant's heading.}
        if @{$subst_only} > 0;

    $topic->_assert_valid_func_arg( $rtn_nm, $arg_nm_func, $func );

    return ($subst_h, $atnms);

sub _substitution {
    my ($topic, $rtn_nm, $arg_nm_attrs, $arg_nm_func, $attrs, $func,
        $subst_h, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;

    if ($topic->is_empty()) {
        return $topic;
    if (@{$attrs} == 0) {
        # Substitution in zero attrs of input yields the input.
        return $topic;

    if (!$allow_dup_tuples and !$topic->_is_known_dup_free()) {

    my $result = $topic->empty();

    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    for my $topic_t (values %{$topic->_body()}) {
        my $subst_t;
            local $_ = $topic->_export_nfmt_tuple( $topic_t );
            $subst_t = $func->();
            $rtn_nm, $arg_nm_func, $arg_nm_attrs, $subst_t, $subst_h );
        $subst_t = $topic->_import_nfmt_tuple( $subst_t );
        my $result_t = {%{$topic_t}, %{$subst_t}};
        $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;

    return $result;


sub static_subst {
    my ($topic, $attrs) = @_;
        'static_subst', '$attrs', $attrs );
    return $topic->_static_subst( $attrs );

sub _assert_valid_static_subst_args {
    my ($topic, $rtn_nm, $arg_nm_attrs, $attrs) = @_;

    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm_attrs arg; it isn't a hash-ref.}
        if ref $attrs ne 'HASH';

    my (undef, undef, $subst_only)
        = $topic->_ptn_conj_and_disj( $topic->_heading(), $attrs );
    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm_attrs arg; that attr list}
            . q{ isn't a subset of the invocant's heading.}
        if @{$subst_only} > 0;

    confess qq{$rtn_nm(): Bad $arg_nm_attrs arg;}
            . q{ it is a hash-ref, and there exist circular refs}
            . q{ between itself or its tuple-valued components.}
        if $topic->_tuple_arg_has_circular_refs( $attrs );


sub _static_subst {
    my ($topic, $attrs) = @_;

    if ($topic->is_empty()) {
        return $topic;
    if ((scalar CORE::keys %{$attrs}) == 0) {
        # Substitution in zero attrs of input yields the input.
        return $topic;

    $attrs = $topic->_import_nfmt_tuple( $attrs );

    my $result = $topic->empty();

    my $result_b = $result->_body();

    for my $topic_t (values %{$topic->_body()}) {
        my $result_t = {%{$topic_t}, %{$attrs}};
        $result_b->{refaddr $result_t} = $result_t;

    return $result;


sub subst_in_restr {
    my ($topic, $restr_func, $subst_attr_names, $subst_func,
        $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;

        'subst_in_restr', '$restr_func', $restr_func );

    (my $subst_h, $subst_attr_names) = $topic
        ->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_subst_args( 'subst_in_restr',
            '$subst_attr_names', '$subst_func',
            $subst_attr_names, $subst_func );

    my ($topic_to_subst, $topic_no_subst)
        = @{$topic->_restr_and_cmpl( $restr_func, $allow_dup_tuples )};

    return $topic_to_subst
        ->_substitution( 'subst_in_restr', '$subst_attr_names',
            '$subst_func', $subst_attr_names, $subst_func, $subst_h,
            $allow_dup_tuples )
        ->_union( [$topic_no_subst] );


sub static_subst_in_restr {
    my ($topic, $restr_func, $subst, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;

        'static_subst_in_restr', '$restr_func', $restr_func );

        'static_subst_in_restr', '$subst', $subst );

    my ($topic_to_subst, $topic_no_subst)
        = @{$topic->_restr_and_cmpl( $restr_func, $allow_dup_tuples )};

    return $topic_to_subst
        ->_static_subst( $subst )
        ->_union( [$topic_no_subst] );


sub subst_in_semijoin {
    my ($topic, $restr, $subst_attr_names, $subst_func, $allow_dup_tuples)
        = @_;

    $restr = $topic->_normalize_relation_arg(
        'subst_in_semijoin', '$restr', $restr );

    (my $subst_h, $subst_attr_names) = $topic
        ->_atnms_hr_from_assert_valid_subst_args( 'subst_in_semijoin',
            '$subst_attr_names', '$subst_func',
            $subst_attr_names, $subst_func );

    my ($topic_to_subst, $topic_no_subst)
        = @{$topic->_semijoin_and_diff( $restr )};

    return $topic_to_subst
        ->_substitution( 'subst_in_semijoin', '$subst_attr_names',
            '$subst_func', $subst_attr_names, $subst_func, $subst_h,
            $allow_dup_tuples )
        ->_union( [$topic_no_subst] );


sub static_subst_in_semijoin {
    my ($topic, $restr, $subst) = @_;

    $restr = $topic->_normalize_relation_arg(
        'static_subst_in_semijoin', '$restr', $restr );

        'static_subst_in_semijoin', '$subst', $subst );

    my ($topic_to_subst, $topic_no_subst)
        = @{$topic->_semijoin_and_diff( $restr )};

    return $topic_to_subst
        ->_static_subst( $subst )
        ->_union( [$topic_no_subst] );


sub outer_join_with_group {
    my ($primary, $secondary, $group_attr) = @_;

    $secondary = $primary->_normalize_relation_arg(
        'outer_join_with_group', '$secondary', $secondary );
        'outer_join_with_group', '$group_attr', $group_attr );

    my $primary_h = $primary->_heading();

    confess q{outer_join_with_group(): Bad $group_attr arg;}
            . q{ that name for a new attr to add}
            . q{ to $primary, consisting of grouped $secondary-only attrs,}
            . q{ duplicates an attr of $primary (not being grouped).}
        if exists $primary_h->{$group_attr};

    # TODO: inline+merge what join/group/etc do for better performance.

    my ($both, $primary_only, $inner) = $primary->_ptn_conj_and_disj(
            $primary_h, $secondary->_heading() );
    my $inner_h = {CORE::map { $_ => undef } @{$inner}};

    my ($pri_matched, $pri_nonmatched)
        = @{$primary->_semijoin_and_diff( $secondary )};

    my $result_matched = $pri_matched
        ->_join( [$secondary] )
        ->_group( $group_attr, $inner, [CORE::keys %{$primary_h}],
            $inner_h );

    my $result_nonmatched = $pri_nonmatched
        ->_static_exten( {$group_attr => $primary->_new( $inner )} );

    my $result = $result_matched->_union( [$result_nonmatched] );

    if ($primary->_is_known_dup_free()
            and $secondary->_is_known_dup_free()) {
        $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;


sub outer_join_with_undefs {
    my ($primary, $secondary) = @_;

    $secondary = $primary->_normalize_relation_arg(
        'outer_join_with_undefs', '$secondary', $secondary );

    my (undef, undef, $exten_attrs) = $primary->_ptn_conj_and_disj(
        $primary->_heading(), $secondary->_heading() );
    my $filler = {CORE::map { $_ => undef } @{$exten_attrs}};

    my ($pri_matched, $pri_nonmatched)
        = @{$primary->_semijoin_and_diff( $secondary )};

    my $result_matched = $pri_matched->_join( [$secondary] );

    my $result_nonmatched = $pri_nonmatched->_static_exten( $filler );

    my $result = $result_matched->_union( [$result_nonmatched] );

    if ($primary->_is_known_dup_free()
            and $secondary->_is_known_dup_free()) {
        $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;


sub outer_join_with_static_exten {
    my ($primary, $secondary, $filler) = @_;

    $secondary = $primary->_normalize_relation_arg(
        'outer_join_with_static_exten', '$secondary', $secondary );

    confess q{outer_join_with_static_exten(): Bad $filler arg;}
            . q{ it isn't a hash-ref.}
        if ref $filler ne 'HASH';
    confess q{outer_join_with_static_exten(): Bad $filler arg;}
            . q{ it is a hash-ref, and there exist circular refs}
            . q{ between itself or its tuple-valued components.}
        if $primary->_tuple_arg_has_circular_refs( $filler );

    my (undef, undef, $exten_attrs) = $primary->_ptn_conj_and_disj(
        $primary->_heading(), $secondary->_heading() );
    my $exten_h = {CORE::map { $_ => undef } @{$exten_attrs}};

    confess q{outer_join_with_static_exten(): Bad $filler arg elem;}
            . q{ it doesn't have exactly the}
            . q{ same set of attr names as the sub-heading of $secondary}
            . q{ that doesn't overlap with the heading of $primary.}
        if !$primary->_is_identical_hkeys( $exten_h, $filler );

    my ($pri_matched, $pri_nonmatched)
        = @{$primary->_semijoin_and_diff( $secondary )};

    my $result_matched = $pri_matched->_join( [$secondary] );

    my $result_nonmatched = $pri_nonmatched->_static_exten( $filler );

    my $result = $result_matched->_union( [$result_nonmatched] );

    if ($primary->_is_known_dup_free()
            and $secondary->_is_known_dup_free()) {
        $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;


sub outer_join_with_exten {
    my ($primary, $secondary, $exten_func, $allow_dup_tuples) = @_;

    $secondary = $primary->_normalize_relation_arg(
        'outer_join_with_exten', '$secondary', $secondary );
        'outer_join_with_exten', '$exten_func', $exten_func );

    my (undef, undef, $exten_attrs) = $primary->_ptn_conj_and_disj(
        $primary->_heading(), $secondary->_heading() );
    my $exten_h = {CORE::map { $_ => undef } @{$exten_attrs}};

    my ($pri_matched, $pri_nonmatched)
        = @{$primary->_semijoin_and_diff( $secondary )};

    my $result_matched = $pri_matched->_join( [$secondary] );

    # Note: if '_extension' dies due to what $exten_func did it would
    # state the error is reported by 'extension' and with some wrong
    # details; todo fix later; on correct it won't affect users though.
    my $result_nonmatched = $pri_nonmatched->_extension(
        $exten_attrs, $exten_func, $exten_h, $allow_dup_tuples );

    my $result = $result_matched->_union( [$result_nonmatched] );

    if ($primary->_is_known_dup_free()
            and $secondary->_is_known_dup_free()) {
        $result->_is_known_dup_free( 1 );

    return $result;


} # class Set::Relation::V2


1; # Magic true value required at end of a reusable file's code.


=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Set::Relation::V2 -
Bundled second implementation of Set::Relation role

=head1 VERSION

This document describes Set::Relation::V2 version 0.13.1 for Perl 5.


See the SYNOPSIS of L<Set::Relation>, which represents this file also.


Set::Relation::V2 provides the second complete implementation of the
Set::Relation role, following L<Set::Relation::V1>, and it does not
implement the Set::Relation::Mutable role.  This newer version is the one
you should be using in practice, rather than the older one, since it should
have better performance.

There are 2 main differences that Set::Relation::V2 has from
Set::Relation::V1.  The first is that V2 provides immutable objects while
V1 provides mutable objects.  The second is that V2 is lazy and will defer
any tests for duplicate tuples as late as possible, while V1 is eager and
will test for duplicate tuples as early as possible; V2 will also respect
true C<$allow_dup_tuples> arguments, while V1 will ignore them.  Besides
those 2 matters and their associated large differences in performance
profiles, V2 is essentially the same as V1, including that relation tuples
are internally represented by Perl Hashes.


Set::Relation::V2 composes the Set::Relation role declared in the
L<Set::Relation> file.


I<This documentation is pending.>


I<This documentation is pending.>


This file requires any version of Perl 5.x.y that is at least 5.8.1.

It also requires these Perl 5 packages that are available both bundled with
Perl 5.8.1+ and on CPAN:
L<Carp-ver(1.01..*)|Carp>, L<Scalar::Util-ver(1.13..*)|Scalar::Util>.

It also requires these Perl 5 packages that are available both bundled with
Perl 5.25.1+ and on CPAN: L<List::Util-ver(1.45..*)|List::Util>.


None reported.

=head1 SEE ALSO

Go to L<Set::Relation> for the majority of both distribution-internal
and external references.


I<This documentation is pending.>

=head1 AUTHOR

Darren Duncan (C<>)


Set::Relation is Copyright © 2006-2016, Muldis Data Systems, Inc.

See the LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT of L<Set::Relation> for details.


The ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS in L<Set::Relation> apply to this file too.
