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use strict;
use warnings;

use FindBin qw($Bin $Script);
use lib "$Bin/../lib";

use Test::More;
use Test::Trap;
use File::Which qw(which);
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);

use Readonly;

package App::ClusterSSH::Config;

sub new {
    my ($class, %args) = @_;
    my $self = {%args};
    return bless $self, $class;

package main;

    use_ok("App::ClusterSSH::Helper") || BAIL_OUT('failed to use module');

my $helper;

$helper = App::ClusterSSH::Helper->new();
isa_ok( $helper, 'App::ClusterSSH::Helper' );

my $script;

trap {
    $script = $helper->script;
is( $trap->leaveby, 'die', 'returned ok' );
is( $trap->stdout,  q{},   'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  q{},   'Expecting no STDERR' );
is( $trap->die, 'No configuration provided or in wrong format', 'no config' );

trap {
    $script = $helper->script( something => 'nothing' );
is( $trap->leaveby, 'die', 'returned ok' );
is( $trap->stdout,  q{},   'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  q{},   'Expecting no STDERR' );
is( $trap->die, 'No configuration provided or in wrong format',
    'bad format' );

my $mock_config = App::ClusterSSH::Config->new();
trap {
    $script = $helper->script( $mock_config );
is( $trap->leaveby, 'die', 'returned ok' );
is( $trap->stdout,  q{},   'Expecting no STDOUT' );

# ignore stderr here as it will complain about missing xxx_arg var
#is( $trap->stderr, q{}, 'Expecting no STDERR' );
is( $trap->die, q{Config 'comms' not provided}, 'missing arg' );

$mock_config->{comms} = 'method';
trap {
    $script = $helper->script( $mock_config );
is( $trap->leaveby, 'die', 'returned ok' );
is( $trap->stdout,  q{},   'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  q{},   'Expecting no STDERR' );
is( $trap->die, q{Config 'method' not provided}, 'missing arg' );

$mock_config->{method} = 'binary';
trap {
    $script = $helper->script( $mock_config );
is( $trap->leaveby, 'die', 'returned ok' );
is( $trap->stdout,  q{},   'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  q{},   'Expecting no STDERR' );
is( $trap->die, q{Config 'method_args' not provided}, 'missing arg' );

$mock_config->{method_args} = 'rubbish';
$mock_config->{command} = 'echo';
$mock_config->{auto_close} = 5;
trap {
    $script = $helper->script( $mock_config );
is( $trap->leaveby, 'return', 'returned ok' );
is( $trap->stdout,  q{},   'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  q{},   'Expecting no STDERR' );
is( $trap->die, undef,     'not died' );

trap {
    eval { $script };
is( $trap->leaveby, 'return', 'returned ok' );
is( $trap->stdout,  q{},   'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  q{},   'Expecting no STDERR' );
is( $trap->die, undef,     'not died' );
