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package Slackware::Slackget::Search;

use warnings;
use strict;

=head1 NAME

Slackware::Slackget::Search - The slack-get search class

=head1 VERSION

Version 1.0.0


our $VERSION = '1.0.0';


A class to search for packages on a Slackware::Slackget::PackageList object. This class is a real search engine (I personnally use it couple with the slack-get daemon, on my website), and it has been designed to be easily tunable.

    use Slackware::Slackget::Search;

    my $search = Slackware::Slackget::Search->new($packagelist);
    my @array = $search->search_package($string); # the simplier, search a matching package name
    my @array = $search->search_package_in description($string); # More specialyze, search in the package description
    my @array = $search->search_package_multi_fields($string,@fields); # search in each fields for matching $string

All methods return an array of Slackware::Slackget::Package objects.



=head2 new

The constructor take a Slackware::Slackget::PackageList object as argument.

	my $search = Slackware::Slackget::Search->new($packagelist);


sub new
	my ($class,$packagelist) = @_ ;
	my $self={};
	return undef if(ref($packagelist) ne 'Slackware::Slackget::PackageList');
	$self->{PKGLIST} = $packagelist;
	return $self;


=head2 search_package

This method take a string as parameter search for packages matching the string, and return an array of Slackware::Slackget::Package

	@packages = $packageslist->search_package('gcc');


sub search_package {
	my ($self,$string) = @_ ;
	my @result;
	foreach (@{$self->{PKGLIST}->get_all()}){
		if($_->get_id() =~ /\Q$string\E/i or $_->name() =~ /\Q$string\E/i){
			push @result, $_;
	return (@result);

=head2 exact_search

This method take a string as parameter search for packages where the id is equal to this string. Return the index of the packages in the list.

	$idx = $packageslist->exact_search('perl-mime-base64-3.05-noarch-1');


sub exact_search
	my ($self,$string) = @_ ;
	my @result;
	my $k=0;
	foreach (@{$self->{PKGLIST}->get_all()}){
		next unless(defined($_));
		if($_->get_id() eq $string){
			push @result, $k;
	return (@result);

=head2 exact_name_search

Same as exact_search() but search on the name of the package instead of its id.

	$idx = $packageslist->exact_search('perl-mime-base64');


sub exact_name_search
	my ($self,$string) = @_ ;
	my @result;
	my $k=0;
	foreach (@{$self->{PKGLIST}->get_all()}){
		next unless(defined($_));
		if($_->name() eq $string){
			push @result, $k;
	return (@result);

=head2 search_package_in_description

Take a string as parameter, and search for this string in the package description

	my @array = $search->search_package_in description($string);


sub search_package_in_description {
	my ($self,$string) = @_ ;
	my @result;
	foreach (@{$self->{PKGLIST}->get_all()}){
		if($_->get_id() =~ /\Q$string\E/i or $_->description() =~ /\Q$string\E/i){
			push @result, $_;
	return (@result);

=head2 search_package_multi_fields

Take a string and a fields list as parameter, and search for this string in the package required fields

	my @array = $search->search_package_multi_fields($string,@fields);

TIPS: you can restrict the search domain by providing fields with restrictions, for example :

	# For a search only in packages from the Slackware source.
	my @results = $search->search_package_multi_fields('burner', 'package-source=slackware', 'description','name');
	# For a search only in packages from the Audioslack source, and only i486 packages
	my @results = $search->search_package_multi_fields('burner', 'package-source=audioslack', 'architecture=i486', 'description','name');


sub search_package_multi_fields {
	my ($self,$string,@fields)=@_;
	my @result;
# 	print STDERR "[Slackware::Slackget::Search->search_package_multi_fields()] (debug) begin the search.\n";
	foreach (@{$self->{PKGLIST}->get_all()}){
		foreach my $field (@fields)
# 			print STDERR "[Slackware::Slackget::Search->search_package_multi_fields()] (debug) compare \"$string\" with package ".$_->get_id()." field $field (".$_->getValue($field).")\n";
			if($field=~ /^([^=]+)=(.+)/)
				if(defined($_->getValue($1)) && $_->getValue($1) ne $2)
# 					print "[search] '$1' => '",$_->getValue($1),"' ne '$2'\n";
					last ;
			elsif($_->get_id() =~ /\Q$string\E/i or (defined($_->getValue($field)) && $_->getValue($field)=~ /\Q$string\E/i)){
				push @result, $_;
	return (@result);

=head2 multi_search

take a reference on an array of string (requests) as first parameters and a reference to an array which contains the list of fields to search in, and perform a search.

This method return an array of Slackware::Slackget::Package as a result. The array is sort by pertinences.

	my @result_array = $search->multi_search(['burn','dvd','cd'],['name','id','description']) ;

You can apply the same tips than for the search_package_multi_fields() method, about the restrictions on search fields.


sub multi_search
	my ($self,$requests,$fields,$opts) = @_ ;
	my @result;
	my $complete_request = join ' ', @{$requests};
	$complete_request=~ s/^(.+)\s+$/$1/;
	print STDERR "[Slackware::Slackget::Search->multi_search()] (debug) the complete request is \"$complete_request\"\n";
	foreach (@{$self->{PKGLIST}->get_all()})
		my $is_result = 0;
		my $cpt = 0 ;
		foreach my $field (@{$fields})
# 			print STDERR "[Slackware::Slackget::Search->multi_search()] (debug) looking for field: $field\n";
			my $field_value;
			if($field=~ /^([^=]+)=(.+)/)
# 				print STDERR "[Slackware::Slackget::Search->multi_search()] (debug) got a A=B type field (A=$1 and B=$2)\n";
				if(defined($_->getValue($1)) && $_->getValue($1) ne $2)
					$is_result = 0;
					last ;
				elsif(defined($_->getValue($1)) && $_->getValue($1) eq $2)
					$cpt+= 5 ;
				next if(!defined($field_value = $_->getValue($field)));
			foreach my $string (@{$requests})
				next unless(defined($field_value) && defined($complete_request));
				my @tmp;
				if(@tmp = $field_value=~ /\Q$complete_request\E/gi){
					$cpt+= scalar(@tmp)*5 ;
					$is_result += 1;
				elsif(@tmp = $field_value=~ /\Q$string\E/gi){ #@tmp = $_->get_id() =~ /\Q$string\E/gi or 
					$cpt+= scalar(@tmp)*1.5 ;
					$is_result += 1;
		$is_result = 0 if($is_result < (scalar(@{$requests})/2) );
			print STDERR "[slack-get] (search engine debug) package ",$_->get_id," got a score of $cpt and a 'is_result' of $is_result\n" if($is_result && $cpt);
			push @result, $_ ;
	return @result;

=head1 AUTHOR

DUPUIS Arnaud, C<< <> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Slackware::Slackget

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * Infinity Perl website


=item * slack-get specific website


=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Thanks to Bertrand Dupuis (yes my brother) for his contribution to the documentation.

=head1 SEE ALSO


Copyright 2005 DUPUIS Arnaud, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.


1; # End of Slackware::Slackget::Search