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<p class='quotation' id='q37'>I suggested holding a "Python Object
Oriented Programming Seminar", but the acronym was unpopular.</p>
<p class='source'>Joseph Strout, 28 Feb 1997</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q38'>Strangely enough I saw just such a
beast at the grocery store last night. Starbucks sells Javachip.
(It's ice cream, but that shouldn't be an obstacle for the Java
marketing people.)</p>
<p class='source'>Jeremy Hylton, 29 Apr 1997</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q39'>A little girl goes into a pet show
and asks for a wabbit. The shop keeper looks down at her, smiles
and says:
"Would you like a lovely fluffy little white
rabbit, or a cutesy wootesly little brown rabbit?"
"Actually", says the little girl, "I don't
think my python would notice."</p>
<p class='source'>Told by Nick Leaton, 4 Dec 1996</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q40'>When I originally designed Perl 5's
OO, I thought about a lot of this stuff, and chose the explicit
object model of Python as being the least confusing. So far I
haven't seen a good reason to change my mind on that.</p>
<p class='source'>Larry Wall, 27 Feb 1997 on perl5-porters</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q41'>
PSA 1996 Budget
$1,093,276.54  'Guido for President' 
                 Campaign Contributions(1)
$        3.12  Milk Money Extortion Program
$    2,934.07  PSA Memberships
$1,096,213.73  Total Income

$  652,362.55  Monty Python Licencing Fees (2)
$   10,876.45  Pre-Release 2 Week Vacations (3)
$  369,841.59  Post-Release 2 Week Vacations (3)
$       15.01  Alien Abduction Insurance
$   62,541.72  Python Web Site Maintenance
$      554.65  Great Comfort Cream
$1,096,191.97  Total Expenses
$      (21.76) Total Profit (Loss)
(1) Many of you many not be aware of the
fabulously successful 'Guido for President' Campaign. While Guido
has no interest in being the president, the PSA thought it would be
a cool way to collect money. The centerpiece of the campaign
featured an attractive offer to spend the night in Guido's spare
bedroom in exchange for a $50,000.00 contribution. (Mark Lutz
stayed TWICE!)
(2) Since the proliferation of Monty Python
related names (Python, Monty, Grail, Eric-the-Half-a-Compiler, et
al.) has increased over the past year, the PSA felt it would be
wise to licencing the Python name to forestall any lawsuits. An
added benefit is that John Cleese is teaching Guido how to walk
(3) Pre-Release vacations are spent in the
Catskills. Post-Release vacations are spent in the Bahamas. Guido
is currently working on a system which will allow him to make more
releases of Python; thus octupling the number of vacations he takes
in a year.</p>
<p class='source'>Matthew Lewis Carroll Smith, 4 Apr 1997</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q42'>I mean, just take a look at Joe
Strout's brilliant little "python for beginners" page. Replace all
print-statements with <code>sys.stdout.write( string.join(map(str,
args)) + "\n")</code> and you surely won't get any new beginners.
And That Would Be A Very Bad Thing.</p>
<p class='source'>Fredrik Lundh, 27 Aug 1996</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q43'>Ya, ya, ya, except ... if I were
built out of KSR chips, I'd be running at 25 or 50 MHz, and would
be wrong about ALMOST EVERYTHING almost ALL THE TIME just due to
being a computer! Think about it -- when's the last time you spent
20 hours straight debugging your
son/wife/friend/neighbor/dog/ferret/snake? And they <em>still</em>
fell over anyway? Except in a direction you've never seen before
each time you try it? The easiest way to tell you're dealing with a
computer is when the other side keeps making the same moronic
misteakes over and misteakes over and misteakes over and misteakes
over and misteakes over and misteakes CTRL-C again.</p>
<p class='source'>Tim Peters, 30 Apr 1997</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q44'>BTW, a member of the ANSI C committee
once told me that the only thing rand is used for in C code is to
decide whether to pick up the axe or throw the dwarf, and if that's
true I guess "the typical libc rand" is adequate for all but the
most fanatic of gamers &lt;wink&gt;.</p>
<p class='source'>Tim Peters, 21 June 1997.</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q45'>Things in Python are very clear, but
are harder to find than the secrets of wizards. Things in Perl are
easy to find, but look like arcane spells to invoke magic.</p>
<p class='source'>Mike Meyer, 6 Nov 1997</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q46'>Indeed, as Palin has come to
understand, being part of Python means never really knowing what
may lurk around the corner.
"We've never really followed any rules at all
with Python," he said. "We're a spontaneous lot. It's more fun that
<p class='source'>Michael Palin, quoted from a Reuters/Variety news
item titled "Rare Python Reunion", Jan 15 1998.</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q47'>Python is an excellent language for
learning object orientation. (It also happens to be my favorite OO
scripting language.)</p>
<p class='source'>Sriram Srinivasan<cite>Advanced Perl Programming</cite></p>
<p class='quotation' id='q48'>The point is that newbies almost
always read more into the semantics of release than are specified,
so it's worthwile to be explicit about how little is being said
<p class='source'>Tim Peters, 12 Feb 1998</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q49'>Ah! "Never mind" to a bunch of what I
said before (this editor can't move backwards &lt;wink&gt;).</p>
<p class='source'>Tim Peters, 12 Feb 1998</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q50'>After 1.5 years of Python, I'm still
discovering richness (and still unable to understand what the hell
Jim Fulton is talking about).</p>
<p class='source'>Gordon McMillan, 13 Mar 1998</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q51'>Tabs are good, spaces are bad and
mixing the two just means that your motives are confused and that
you don't use enough functions.</p>
<p class='source'>John J. Lehmann, 19 Mar 1998</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q52'>... but whenever optimization comes
up, people get sucked into debates about exciting but elaborate
schemes not a one of which ever gets implemented; better to get an
easy 2% today than dream about 100% forever.</p>
<p class='source'>Tim Peters, 22 Mar 1998</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q53'>I've been playing spoilsport in an
attempt to get tabnanny.py working, but now that there's absolutely
no reason to continue with this, the amount of my life I'm willing
to devote to it is unbounded &lt;0.9 wink&gt;.</p>
<p class='source'>Tim Peters, 30 Mar 1998</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q54'>Python is a little weak in forcing
encapsulation. It isn't made for bondage and domination
<p class='source'>Paul Prescod, 30 Mar 1998</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q55'>One of my first big programming
assignments as a student of computer science was a source formatter
for Pascal. The assignment was designed to show us the real-life
difficulties of group programming projects. It succeeded perhaps
too well. For a long time, I was convinced that source code
formatters were a total waste of time, and decided to write
beautiful code that no automatic formatter could improve upon. In
fact, I would intentionally write code that formatters could only
make worse.</p>
<p class='source'>Guido van Rossum, 31 Mar 1998</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q56'>You need to build a system that is
futureproof; it's no good just making a modular system. You need to
realize that your system is just going to be a module in some
bigger system to come, and so you have to be part of something
else, and it's a bit of a way of life.</p>
<p class='source'>Tim Berners-Lee, at the WWW7 conference</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q57'>From gotos to the evolution of life
in 10 posts; that's comp.lang.python for you!</p>
<p class='source'>A.M. Kuchling, 4 Apr 1998</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q58'>This is <em>Python</em>! If we didn't
care what code looked like, most of us would probably be hacking in
some version of Lisp -- which already covered most of Python's
abstract <em>semantics</em> way back when Guido was just a wee
snakelet frolicking in the lush Amsterdam jungle.</p>
<p class='source'>Tim Peters, 24 Apr 1998</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q59'>The infinities aren't contagious
except in that they often appear that way due to their large
<p class='source'>Tim Peters, on the IEEE 754 floating point
standard 27 Apr 1998</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q60'>The "of course, while <em>I</em> have
no problem with this at all, it's surely too much for a lesser
being" flavor of argument always rings hollow to me. Are you
personally confused by the meanings for "+" that exist today?
<em>Objecting</em> to the variations is a different story; I'm
wondering whether you personally stumble over them in practice. I
don't; Steven doesn't; I doubt that you do either. I'm betting that
almost <em>nobody</em> ever does, in which case those "less nimble
colleagues and students" must be supernaturally feeble to merit
such concern.</p>
<p class='source'>Tim Peters, 29 Apr 1998</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q61'>"Ideally, IMO, two messages with the
same name should have the same meaning but possibly different
implementations. Of course, "meaning" is somewhat relative, but the
notion that two messages with the same name should have the same
'meaning' is very useful."
"Like clothes.launder() vs money.launder(), or
shape.draw() vs blood.draw(), or matrix.norm() vs hi.norm()
&lt;wink&gt;? I'm afraid English thrives on puns, and the same word
routinely means radically different things across application
areas. Therefore, to insist that a word have "one true meaning" in
a programming language is insisting that the language cater to one
true application domain."</p>
<p class='source'>Jim Fulton and Tim Peters, in a discussion of
rich comparisons, 29 Apr 1998</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q62'>Indeed, when I design <em>my</em>
killer language, the identifiers "foo" and "bar" will be reserved
words, never used, and not even mentioned in the reference manual.
Any program using one will simply dump core without comment.
Multitudes will rejoice.</p>
<p class='source'>Tim Peters, 29 Apr 1998</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q63'>Too little freedom makes life
confusingly clumsy; too much, clumsily confusing. Luckily, the
tension between freedom and restraint eventually gets severed by
Guido's Razor.</p>
<p class='source'>Tim Peters, 29 Apr 1998</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q64'>In other words, I'm willing to see
dark corners added to the language, as long as I don't have to go
into them myself.</p>
<p class='source'>A.M. Kuchling, 29 Apr 1998</p>
<p class='quotation' id='q65'>This argument is specious. What on
earth would it mean to compare an object you created with another
object from someone else's code unless you knew exactly what each
object's semantics were? Do you really want to ask if my abstract
syntax tree is less then your HTTP connection object?</p>
<p class='source'>Jeremy Hylton, in a discussion of rich
comparisons, 29 Apr 1998</p>
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