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package App::Sqitch::Engine;

use 5.010;
use Moose;
use strict;
use utf8;
use Try::Tiny;
use Locale::TextDomain qw(App-Sqitch);
use App::Sqitch::X qw(hurl);
use namespace::autoclean;

our $VERSION = '0.940';

has sqitch => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'App::Sqitch',
    required => 1,
    handles  => { destination => 'db_name', plan => 'plan' },

has start_at => (
    is  => 'rw',
    isa => 'Str'

has no_prompt => (
    is      => 'rw',
    isa     => 'Bool',
    default => 0,

has _variables => (
    traits  => ['Hash'],
    is      => 'rw',
    isa     => 'HashRef[Str]',
    default => sub { {} },
    handles => {
        variables       => 'elements',
        set_variables   => 'set',
        clear_variables => 'clear',

sub load {
    my ( $class, $p ) = @_;

    # We should have a command.
    hurl 'Missing "engine" parameter to load()' unless $p->{engine};

    # Load the engine class.
    my $pkg = __PACKAGE__ . "::$p->{engine}";
    eval "require $pkg" or hurl "Unable to load $pkg";
    return $pkg->new( sqitch => $p->{sqitch} );

sub name {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || shift;
    return '' if $class eq __PACKAGE__;
    my $pkg = quotemeta __PACKAGE__;
    $class =~ s/^$pkg\:://;
    return $class;

sub config_vars { return }

sub deploy {
    my ( $self, $to, $mode ) = @_;
    my $sqitch   = $self->sqitch;
    my $plan     = $self->_sync_plan;
    my $to_index = $plan->count - 1;

    hurl plan => __ 'Nothing to deploy (empty plan)' if $to_index < 0;

    if (defined $to) {
        $to_index = $plan->index_of($to) // hurl plan => __x(
            'Unknown deploy target: "{target}"',
            target => $to,

        # Just return if there is nothing to do.
        if ($to_index == $plan->position) {
                'Nothing to deploy (already at "{target}"',
                target => $to
            return $self;

    if ($plan->position == $to_index) {
        # We are up-to-date.
        hurl {
            ident   => 'deploy',
            message => __ 'Nothing to deploy (up-to-date)',
            exitval => 1,

    } elsif ($plan->position == -1) {
        # Initialize the database, if necessary.
        unless ($self->initialized) {
                'Adding metadata tables to {destination}',
                destination => $self->destination,

    } else {
        # Make sure that $to_index is greater than the current point.
        hurl deploy => __ 'Cannot deploy to an earlier target; use "revert" instead'
            if $to_index < $plan->position;

        defined $to ? __x(
            'Deploying changes through {target} to {destination}',
            destination => $self->destination,
            target      => $plan->change_at($to_index)->format_name_with_tags
        ) : __x(
            'Deploying changes to {destination}',
            destination => $self->destination,

    $mode ||= 'all';
    my $meth = $mode eq 'change' ? '_deploy_by_change'
             : $mode eq 'tag'  ? '_deploy_by_tag'
             : $mode eq 'all'  ? '_deploy_all'
             : hurl deploy => __x 'Unknown deployment mode: "{mode}"', mode => $mode;

    $self->$meth($plan, $to_index);

sub revert {
    my ( $self, $to ) = @_;
    my $sqitch = $self->sqitch;
    my $plan   = $self->sqitch->plan;

    my @changes;

    if (defined $to) {
        my $parsed = $to;
        my $offset = App::Sqitch::Plan::ChangeList::_offset $parsed;
        my ( $cname, $tag ) = split /@/ => $parsed, 2;
        my $change = $self->find_change(
            ( !$tag && $cname =~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/ ? (change_id => $cname) : (
                change => $cname,
                tag    => $tag,
            offset => $offset,
        ) or do {
            # Not deployed. Is it in the plan?
            if ( $plan->get($to) ) {
                # Known but not deployed.
                hurl revert => __x(
                    'Target not deployed: "{target}"',
                    target => $to
            # Never heard of it.
            hurl revert => __x(
                'Unknown revert target: "{target}"',
                target => $to,

        $change = App::Sqitch::Plan::Change->new( %{ $change }, plan => $plan );
        @changes = $self->deployed_changes_since($change) or hurl {
            ident => 'revert',
            message => __x(
                'No changes deployed since: "{target}"',
                target => $to,
            exitval => 1,

        if ($self->no_prompt) {
                'Reverting changes to {target} from {destination}',
                target      => $change->format_name_with_tags,
                destination => $self->destination,
        } else {
            hurl {
                ident   => 'revert',
                message => __ 'Nothing reverted',
                exitval => 1,
            } unless $sqitch->ask_y_n(__x(
                'Revert changes to {target} from {destination}?',
                target      => $change->format_name_with_tags,
                destination => $self->destination,
            ), 'Yes');

    } else {
        @changes = $self->deployed_changes or hurl {
            ident   => 'revert',
            message => __ 'Nothing to revert (nothing deployed)',
            exitval => 1,

        if ($self->no_prompt) {
                'Reverting all changes from {destination}',
                destination => $self->destination,
        } else {
            hurl {
                ident   => 'revert',
                message => __ 'Nothing reverted',
                exitval => 1,
            } unless $sqitch->ask_y_n(__x(
                'Revert all changes from {destination}?',
                destination => $self->destination,
            ), 'Yes');

    # Create change objects.
    @changes = map {
        my $tags = $_->{tags} || [];
        my $c    = App::Sqitch::Plan::Change->new(%{ $_ }, plan => $plan );
            App::Sqitch::Plan::Tag->new(name => $_, plan => $plan, change => $c )
        ) for @{ $tags };
    } reverse @changes;

    # XXX Check for conflicts before reverting anything.

    # Do we want to support modes, where failures would re-deploy to previous
    # tag or all the way back to the starting point? This would be very much
    # like deploy() mode. I'm thinking not, as a failure on a revert is not
    # something you generaly want to recover from by deploying back to where
    # you started. But maybe I'm wrong?
    $self->revert_change($_) for @changes;

    return $self;

sub change_id_for_depend {
    my ( $self, $dep ) = @_;
    hurl engine =>  __x(
        'Invalid dependency: {dependency}',
        dependency => $dep->as_string,
    ) unless defined $dep->id
          || defined $dep->change
          || defined $dep->tag;

    return $self->change_id_for(
        change_id => $dep->id,
        change    => $dep->change,
        tag       => $dep->tag,
        project   => $dep->project,

sub find_change {
    my ( $self, %p ) = @_;

    # Find the change ID or return undef.
    my $change_id = $self->change_id_for(
        change_id => $p{change_id},
        change    => $p{change},
        tag       => $p{tag},
        project   => $p{project} || $self->plan->project,
    ) // return;

    # Return relative to the offset.
    return $self->change_offset_from_id($change_id, $p{offset});

sub _deploy_by_change {
    my ( $self, $plan, $to_index ) = @_;

    # Just deploy each change. If any fails, we just stop.
    while ($plan->position < $to_index) {

    return $self;

sub _rollback {
    my ($self, $tagged) = (shift, shift);
    my $sqitch = $self->sqitch;

    if (my @run = reverse @_) {
        $tagged = $tagged ? $tagged->format_name_with_tags : $self->start_at;
            $tagged ? __x('Reverting to {target}', target => $tagged)
                 : __ 'Reverting all changes'

        try {
            $self->revert_change($_) for @run;
        } catch {
            # Sucks when this happens.
            $sqitch->vent(eval { $_->message } // $_);
            $sqitch->vent(__ 'The schema will need to be manually repaired');

    hurl deploy => __ 'Deploy failed';

sub _deploy_by_tag {
    my ( $self, $plan, $to_index ) = @_;

    my ($last_tagged, @run);
    try {
        while ($plan->position < $to_index) {
            my $change = $plan->next;
            push @run => $change;
            if ($change->tags) {
                @run = ();
                $last_tagged = $change;
    } catch {
        if (my $ident = eval{ $_->ident }) {
            $self->sqitch->vent($_->message) unless $ident eq 'private'
        } else {
        $self->_rollback($last_tagged, @run);

    return $self;

sub _deploy_all {
    my ( $self, $plan, $to_index ) = @_;

    my @run;
    try {
        while ($plan->position < $to_index) {
            my $change = $plan->next;
            push @run => $change;
    } catch {
        if (my $ident = eval{ $_->ident }) {
            $self->sqitch->vent($_->message) unless $ident eq 'private'
        } else {
        $self->_rollback(undef, @run);

    return $self;

sub _sync_plan {
    my $self = shift;
    my $plan = $self->sqitch->plan;

    if (my $id = $self->latest_change_id) {
        my $idx = $plan->index_of($id) // hurl plan => __x(
            'Cannot find {target} in the plan',
            target => $id

        my $change = $plan->change_at($idx);
        if ($id eq $change->old_id) {
            # Old IDs need to be replaced.
            $idx    = $self->_update_ids;
            $change = $plan->change_at($idx);

        if (my @tags = $change->tags) {
            $self->start_at( $change->format_name . $tags[-1]->format_name );
        } else {
            $self->start_at( $change->format_name );

    } else {
    return $plan;

sub _update_ids {
    # We do nothing but inform, by default.
    my $self = shift;
        'Updating legacy change and tag IDs in {destination}',
        destination => $self->destination,
    return $self;

sub is_deployed {
    my ($self, $thing) = @_;
    return $thing->isa('App::Sqitch::Plan::Tag')
        ? $self->is_deployed_tag($thing)
        : $self->is_deployed_change($thing);

sub deploy_change {
    my ( $self, $change ) = @_;
    my $sqitch = $self->sqitch;
    $sqitch->info('  + ', $change->format_name_with_tags);

    # Check for conflicts.
    if (my @conflicts = grep {
    } $change->conflicts) {
        hurl deploy => __nx(
            'Conflicts with previously deployed change: {changes}',
            'Conflicts with previously deployed changes: {changes}',
            scalar @conflicts,
            changes => join ' ', map { $_->as_string } @conflicts,

    # Check for dependencies.
    if (my @required = grep {
        !$_->resolved_id( $self->change_id_for_depend($_) )
    } $change->requires) {
        hurl deploy => __nx(
            'Missing required change: {changes}',
            'Missing required changes: {changes}',
            scalar @required,
            changes => join ' ', map { $_->as_string } @required,

    return try {
        try {
        } catch {
            # Oy, our logging died. Rollback.
            $sqitch->vent(eval { $_->message } // $_);

            # Begin work and run the revert.
            try {
                $self->sqitch->info('  - ', $change->format_name_with_tags);
            } catch {
                # Oy, the revert failed. Just emit the error.
                $sqitch->vent(eval { $_->message } // $_);
            hurl private => __ 'Deploy failed';
    } finally {
    } catch {
        die $_;

sub revert_change {
    my ( $self, $change ) = @_;
    $self->sqitch->info('  - ', $change->format_name_with_tags);

    if (my @requiring = $self->changes_requiring_change($change)) {
        my $proj = $self->plan->project;
        # XXX Include change_id in the output?
        hurl revert => __nx(
            'Required by currently deployed change: {changes}',
            'Required by currently deployed changes: {changes}',
            scalar @requiring,
            changes => join ' ', map {
                ($_->{project} eq $proj ? '' : "$_->{project}:" )
                . $_->{change}
                . ($_->{asof_tag} // '')
            } @requiring,

    try {
        try {
        } catch {
            # Oy, our logging died. Rollback and revert this change.
            $self->sqitch->vent(eval { $_->message } // $_);
            hurl revert => 'Revert failed';
    } finally {
    } catch {
        die $_;

sub begin_work  { shift }
sub finish_work { shift }
sub rollback_work { shift }

sub earliest_change {
    my $self = shift;
    my $change_id = $self->earliest_change_id(@_) // return undef;
    return $self->sqitch->plan->get( $change_id );

sub latest_change {
    my $self = shift;
    my $change_id = $self->latest_change_id(@_) // return undef;
    return $self->sqitch->plan->get( $change_id );

sub initialized {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented initialized()";

sub initialize {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented initialize()";

sub register_project {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented register_project()";

sub run_file {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented run_file()";

sub run_handle {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented run_handle()";

sub log_deploy_change {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented log_deploy_change()";

sub log_fail_change {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented log_fail_change()";

sub log_revert_change {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented log_revert_change()";

sub is_deployed_tag {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented is_deployed_tag()";

sub is_deployed_change {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented is_deployed_change()";

sub change_id_for {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented change_id_for()";

sub earliest_change_id {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented earliest_change_id()";

sub latest_change_id {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented latest_change_id()";

sub deployed_changes {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented deployed_changes()";

sub deployed_changes_since {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented deployed_changes_since()";

sub load_change {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented load_change()";

sub changes_requiring_change {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented changes_requiring_change()";

sub name_for_change_id {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented name_for_change_id()";

sub change_offset_from_id {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented change_offset_from_id()";

sub registered_projects {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented registered_projects()";

sub current_state {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented current_state()";

sub current_changes {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented current_changes()";

sub current_tags {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented current_tags()";

sub search_events {
    my $class = ref $_[0] || $_[0];
    hurl "$class has not implemented search_events()";

no Moose;


=head1 Name

App::Sqitch::Engine - Sqitch Deployment Engine

=head1 Synopsis

  my $engine = App::Sqitch::Engine->new( sqitch => $sqitch );

=head1 Description

App::Sqitch::Engine provides the base class for all Sqitch storage engines.
Most likely this will not be of much interest to you unless you are hacking on
the engine code.

=head1 Interface

=head3 Class Methods

=head3 C<config_vars>

  my %vars = App::Sqitch::Engine->config_vars;

Returns a hash of names and types to use for configuration variables for the
engine. These can be set under the C<core.$engine_name> section in any
configuration file.

The keys in the returned hash are the names of the variables. The values are
the data types. Valid data types include:


=item C<any>

=item C<int>

=item C<num>

=item C<bool>

=item C<bool-or-int>


Values ending in C<+> (a plus sign) may be specified multiple times. Example:

      client  => 'any',
      db_name => 'any',
      host    => 'any',
      port    => 'int',
      set     => 'any+',

In this example, the C<port> variable will be stored and retrieved as an
integer. The C<set> variable may be of any type and may be included multiple
times. All the other variables may be of any type.

By default, App::Sqitch::Engine returns an empty list. Subclasses for
supported engines will return more.

=head2 Constructors

=head3 C<load>

  my $cmd = App::Sqitch::Engine->load(%params);

A factory method for instantiating Sqitch engines. It loads the subclass for
the specified engine and calls C<new>, passing the Sqitch object. Supported
parameters are:


=item C<sqitch>

The App::Sqitch object driving the whole thing.


=head3 C<new>

  my $engine = App::Sqitch::Engine->new(%params);

Instantiates and returns a App::Sqitch::Engine object.

=head2 Instance Methods

=head3 C<name>

  my $name = $engine->name;

The name of the engine. Defaults to the last part of the package name, so as a
rule you should not need to override it, since it is that string that Sqitch
uses to find the engine class.

=head3 C<destination>

  my $destination = $engine->destination;

Returns the name of the destination database. This will usually be the same as
the configured database name or the value of the C<--db-name> option. Hover,
subclasses may override it to provide other values, such as when neither of
the above have values but there is nevertheless a default value assumed by the
engine. Used internally to name the destination in status messages.

=head3 variables

=head3 set_variables

=head3 clear_variables

  my %vars = $engine->variables;
  $engine->set_variables(foo => 'bar', baz => 'hi there');

Get, set, and clear engine variables. Variables are defined as key/value pairs
to be passed to the engine client in calls to C<deploy> and C<revert>, if the
client supports variables. For example, the
L<PostgreSQL engine|App::Sqitch::Engine::pg> passes all the variables to
the C<psql> client via the C<--set> option.

=head3 C<deploy>

  $engine->deploy($to_target, $mode);

Deploys changes to the destination database, starting with the current
deployment state, and continuing to C<$to_target>. C<$to_target> must be a
valid target specification as passable to the C<index_of()> method of
L<App::Sqitch::Plan>. If C<$to_target> is not specified, all changes will be

The second argument specifies the reversion mode in the case of deployment
failure. The allowed values are:


=item C<all>

In the event of failure, revert all deployed changes, back to the point at
which deployment started. This is the default.

=item C<tag>

In the event of failure, revert all deployed changes to the last
successfully-applied tag. If no tags were applied during this deployment, all
changes will be reverted to the pint at which deployment began.

=item C<change>

In the event of failure, no changes will be reverted. This is on the
assumption that a change failure is total, and the change may be applied again.


Note that, in the event of failure, if a reversion fails, the destination
database B<may be left in a corrupted state>. Write your revert scripts

=head3 C<revert>


Reverts the L<App::Sqitch::Plan::Tag> from the database, including all of its
associated changes.

=head3 C<deploy_change>


Used internally by C<deploy()> to deploy an individual change.

=head3 C<revert_change>


Used internally by C<revert()> (and, by C<deploy()> when a deploy fails) to
revert an individual change.

=head3 C<is_deployed>

  say "Tag deployed"  if $engine->is_deployed($tag);
  say "Change deployed" if $engine->is_deployed($change);

Convenience method that dispatches to C<is_deployed_tag()> or
C<is_deployed_change()> as appropriate to its argument.

=head3 C<earliest_change>

  my $change = $engine->earliest_change;
  my $change = $engine->earliest_change($offset);

Returns the L<App::Sqitch::Plan::Change> object representing the earliest
applied change. With the optional C<$offset> argument, the returned change
will be the offset number of changes following the earliest change.

=head3 C<latest_change>

  my $change = $engine->latest_change;
  my $change = $engine->latest_change($offset);

Returns the L<App::Sqitch::Plan::Change> object representing the latest
applied change. With the optional C<$offset> argument, the returned change
will be the offset number of changes before the latest change.

=head3 C<change_id_for_depend>

  say 'Dependency satisfied' if $engine->change_id_for_depend($depend);

Returns the change ID for a L<dependency|App::Sqitch::Plan::Depend>, if the
dependency resolves to a change currently deployed to the database. Returns
C<undef> if the dependency resolves to no currently-deployed change.

=head3 C<find_change>

  my $change = $engine->find_change(%params);

Finds and returns a deployed change, or C<undef> if the change has not been
deployed. The supported parameters are:


=item C<change_id>

The change ID.

=item C<change>

A change name.

=item C<tag>

A tag name.

=item C<project>

A project name. Defaults to the current project.

=item C<offset>

The number of changes offset from the change found by the other parameters
should actually be returned. May be positive or negative.


The order of precedence for the search is:


=item 1.

Search by change ID, if passed.

=item 2.

Search by change name as of tag, if both are passed.

=item 3.

Search by change name or tag.


The offset, if passed, will be applied relative to whatever change is found by
the above algorithm.

=head2 Abstract Instance Methods

These methods must be overridden in subclasses.

=head3 C<begin_work>


This method is called just before a change is deployed or reverted. It should
create a lock to prevent any other processes from making changes to the
database, to be freed in C<finish_work> or C<rollback_work>.

=head3 C<finish_work>


This method is called after a change has been deployed or reverted. It should
unlock the lock created by C<begin_work>.

=head3 C<rollback_work>


This method is called after a change has been deployed or reverted and the
logging of that change has failed. It should rollback changes started by

=head3 C<initialized>

  $engine->initialize unless $engine->initialized;

Returns true if the database has been initialized for Sqitch, and false if it
has not.

=head3 C<initialize>


Initializes a database for Sqitch by installing the Sqitch metadata schema
and/or tables. Should be overridden by subclasses. This implementation throws
an exception

=head3 C<register_project>


Registers the current project plan in the database. The implementation should
insert the project name and URI if they have not already been inserted. If a
project with the same name but different URI already exists, an exception
should be thrown.

=head3 C<is_deployed_tag>

  say 'Tag deployed' if $engine->is_deployed_tag($tag);

Should return true if the L<tag|App::Sqitch::Plan::Tag> has been applies to
the database, and false if it has not.

=head3 C<is_deployed_change>

  say 'Change deployed' if $engine->is_deployed_change($change);

Should return true if the L<change|App::Sqitch::Plan::Change> has been
deployed to the database, and false if it has not.

=head3 C<change_id_for>

  say $engine->change_id_for(
      change  => $change_name,
      tag     => $tag_name,
      offset  => $offset,
      project => $project,

Searches the database for the change with the specified name, tag, and offset.
The parameters are as follows:


=item C<change>

The name of a change. Required unless C<tag> is passed.

=item C<tag>

The name of a tag. Required unless C<change> is passed.

=item C<offset>

The number of changes offset from the change found by the tag and/or change
name. May be positive or negative to mean later or earlier changes,
respectively. Defaults to 0.

=item C<project>

The name of the project to search. Defaults to the current project.


If both C<change> and C<tag> are passed, C<find_change_id> will search for the
last instance of the named change deployed I<before> the tag.

=head3 C<changes_requiring_change>

  my @requiring = $engine->changes_requiring_change($change);

Returns a list of hash references representing currently deployed changes that
require the passed change. When this method returns one or more hash
references, the change should not be reverted. Each hash reference should
contain the following keys:


=item C<change_id>

The requiring change ID.

=item C<change>

The requiring change name.

=item C<project>

The project the requiring change is from.

=item C<asof_tag>

Name of the first tag to be applied after the requiring change was deployed,
if any.


=head3 C<log_deploy_change>


Should write to the database metadata and history the records necessary to
indicate that the change has been deployed.

=head3 C<log_fail_change>


Should write to the database event history a record reflecting that deployment
of the change failed.

=head3 C<log_revert_change>


Should write to and/or remove from the database metadata and history the
records necessary to indicate that the change has been reverted.

=head3 C<earliest_change_id>

  my $change_id = $engine->earliest_change_id($offset);

Returns the ID of the earliest applied change from the current project. With
the optional C<$offset> argument, the ID of the change the offset number of
changes following the earliest change will be returned.

=head3 C<latest_change_id>

  my $change_id = $engine->latest_change_id;
  my $change_id = $engine->latest_change_id($offset);

Returns the ID of the latest applied change from the current project.
With the optional C<$offset> argument, the ID of the change the offset
number of changes before the latest change will be returned.

=head3 C<deployed_changes>

  my @change_hashes = $engine->deployed_changes;

Returns a list of hash reference, each representing a change from the current
project in the order in which they were deployed. The keys in each hash
reference must be:


=item C<id>

The change ID.

=item C<name>

The change name.

=item C<project>

The name of the project with which the change is associated.

=item C<note>

The note attached to the change.

=item C<planner_name>

The name of the user who planned the change.

=item C<planner_email>

The email address of the user who planned the change.

=item C<timestamp>

An L<App::Sqitch::DateTime> object representing the time the change was planned.

=item C<tags>

An array reference of the tag names associated with the change.


=head3 C<deployed_changes_since>

  my @change_hashes = $engine->deployed_changes_since($change);

Returns a list of hash references, each representing a change from the current
project deployed after the specified change. The keys in the hash references
should be the same as for those returned by C<deployed_changes()>.

=head3 C<name_for_change_id>

  my $change_name = $engine->name_for_change_id($change_id);

Returns the name of the change identified by the ID argument. If a tag was
applied to a change after that change, the name will be returned with the tag
qualification, e.g., C<app_user@beta>. This value should be suitable for
uniquely identifying the change, and passing to the C<get> or C<index_of>
methods of L<App::Sqitch::Plan>.

=head3 C<registered_projects>

  my @projects = $engine->registered_projects;

Returns a list of the names of Sqitch projects registered in the database.

=head3 C<current_state>

  my $state = $engine->current_state;
  my $state = $engine->current_state($project);

Returns a hash reference representing the current project deployment state of
the database, or C<undef> if the database has no changes deployed. If a
project name is passed, the state will be returned for that project. Otherwise,
the state will be returned for the local project.

The hash contains information about the last successfully deployed change, as
well as any associated tags. The keys to the hash should include:


=item C<project>

The name of the project for which the state is reported.

=item C<change_id>

The current change ID.

=item C<change>

The current change name.

=item C<note>

A brief description of the change.

=item C<tags>

An array reference of the names of associated tags.

=item C<committed_at>

An L<App::Sqitch::DateTime> object representing the date and time at which the
change was deployed.

=item C<committer_name>

Name of the user who deployed the change.

=item C<committer_email>

Email address of the user who deployed the change.

=item C<planned_at>

An L<App::Sqitch::DateTime> object representing the date and time at which the
change was added to the plan.

=item C<planner_name>

Name of the user who added the change to the plan.

=item C<planner_email>

Email address of the user who added the change to the plan.


=head3 C<current_changes>

  my $iter = $engine->current_changes;
  my $iter = $engine->current_changes($project);
  while (my $change = $iter->()) {
      say '* ', $change->{change};

Returns a code reference that iterates over a list of the currently deployed
changes in reverse chronological order. If a project name is not passed, the
current project will be assumed. Each change is represented by a hash
reference containing the following keys:


=item C<change_id>

The current change ID.

=item C<change>

The current change name.

=item C<committed_at>

An L<App::Sqitch::DateTime> object representing the date and time at which the
change was deployed.

=item C<committer_name>

Name of the user who deployed the change.

=item C<committer_email>

Email address of the user who deployed the change.

=item C<planned_at>

An L<App::Sqitch::DateTime> object representing the date and time at which the
change was added to the plan.

=item C<planner_name>

Name of the user who added the change to the plan.

=item C<planner_email>

Email address of the user who added the change to the plan.


=head3 C<current_tags>

  my $iter = $engine->current_tags;
  my $iter = $engine->current_tags($project);
  while (my $tag = $iter->()) {
      say '* ', $tag->{tag};

Returns a code reference that iterates over a list of the currently deployed
tags in reverse chronological order. If a project name is not passed, the
current project will be assumed. Each tag is represented by a hash reference
containing the following keys:


=item C<tag_id>

The tag ID.

=item C<tag>

The name of the tag.

=item C<committed_at>

An L<App::Sqitch::DateTime> object representing the date and time at which the
tag was applied.

=item C<committer_name>

Name of the user who applied the tag.

=item C<committer_email>

Email address of the user who applied the tag.

=item C<planned_at>

An L<App::Sqitch::DateTime> object representing the date and time at which the
tag was added to the plan.

=item C<planner_name>

Name of the user who added the tag to the plan.

=item C<planner_email>

Email address of the user who added the tag to the plan.


=head3 C<search_events>

  my $iter = $engine->search_events( %params );
  while (my $change = $iter->()) {
      say '* $change->{event}ed $change->{change}";

Searches the deployment event log and returns an iterator code reference with
the results. If no parameters are provided, a list of all events will be
returned from the iterator reverse chronological order. The supported parameters


=item C<event>

An array of the type of event to search for. Allowed values are "deploy",
"revert", and "fail".

=item C<project>

Limit the events to those with project names matching the specified regular

=item C<change>

Limit the events to those with changes matching the specified regular

=item C<committer>

Limit the events to those logged for the actions of the committers with names
matching the specified regular expression.

=item C<limit>

Limit the number of events to the specified number.

=item C<offset>

Skip the specified number of events.

=item C<direction>

Return the results in the specified order, which must be a value matching
C</^(:?a|de)sc/i> for "ascending" or "descending".


Each event is represented by a hash reference containing the following keys:


=item C<event>

The type of event, which is one of:


=item C<deploy>

=item C<revert>

=item C<fail>


=item C<project>

The name of the project with which the change is associated.

=item C<change_id>

The change ID.

=item C<change>

The name of the change.

=item C<note>

A brief description of the change.

=item C<tags>

An array reference of the names of associated tags.

=item C<requires>

An array reference of the names of any changes required by the change.

=item C<conflicts>

An array reference of the names of any changes that conflict with the change.

=item C<committed_at>

An L<App::Sqitch::DateTime> object representing the date and time at which the
event was logged.

=item C<committer_name>

Name of the user who deployed the change.

=item C<committer_email>

Email address of the user who deployed the change.

=item C<planned_at>

An L<App::Sqitch::DateTime> object representing the date and time at which the
change was added to the plan.

=item C<planner_name>

Name of the user who added the change to the plan.

=item C<planner_email>

Email address of the user who added the change to the plan.


=head3 C<run_file>


Should execute the commands in the specified file. This will generally be an
SQL file to run through the engine's native client.

=head3 C<run_handle>


Should execute the commands in the specified file handle. The file handle's
contents should be piped to the engine's native client.

=head3 C<load_change>

  my $change = $engine->load_change($change_id);

Given a deployed change ID, loads an returns a hash reference representing the
change in the database. The keys should be the same as those in the hash
references returned by C<deployed_changes()>. Returns C<undef> if the change
has not been deployed.

=head3 C<change_offset_from_id>

  my $change = $engine->change_offset_from_id( $change_id, $offset );

Given a change ID and an offset, returns a hash reference of the data for a
deployed change (with the same keys as defined for C<deployed_changes()>) in
the current project that was deployed C<$offset> steps before the change
identified by C<$change_id>. If C<$offset> is C<0> or C<undef>, the change
represented by C<$change_id> should be returned (just like C<load_change()>).
Otherwise, the change returned should be C<$offset> steps from that change ID,
where C<$offset> may be positive (later step) or negative (earlier step).
Returns C<undef> if the change was not found or if the offset is more than the
number of changes before or after the change, as appropriate.

=head1 See Also


=item L<sqitch>

The Sqitch command-line client.


=head1 Author

David E. Wheeler <>

=head1 License

Copyright (c) 2012 iovation Inc.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

