=head1 Name

sqitch-tag - Create or list tag objects

=head1 Synopsis

  sqitch [options] tag
  sqitch [options] tag name
  sqitch [options] tag name change
  sqitch [options] tag [-n MESSAGE] name

=head1 Description

Tag a change or list the existing tags. Tagging a change is useful for
preparing for a release. Tags are also required in order to rework a change.

To specify a change, use a change specification as documented in
L<sqitchchanges>. If called with a tag name but no change, the most recent
change will be tagged. If called with no name specified, a list of the current
tags will be output.

=head1 Options


=item C<-n>

=item C<--note>

A brief note describing the tag. The note will be attached to the tag as a
comment. Multiple invocations will be concatenated together as separate


=head1 Configuration Variables

None currently.

=head1 Sqitch

Part of the L<sqitch> suite.