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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 344;
#use Test::More 'no_plan';
use File::Spec;
use Test::MockModule;
use Test::Exception;
use Test::NoWarnings;
use Path::Class;
use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
use Locale::TextDomain qw(App-Sqitch);

my $CLASS;
    $CLASS = 'App::Sqitch';
    use_ok $CLASS or die;

# protect against user's environment variables

ok my $sqitch = App::Sqitch->new, 'Load a sqitch object';
isa_ok my $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command->load({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    command => 'config',
    config  => $sqitch->config,
}), 'App::Sqitch::Command::config', 'Config command';

isa_ok $cmd, 'App::Sqitch::Command', 'Config command';
can_ok $cmd, qw(file action context get get_all get_regex set add unset unset_all list edit);

is_deeply [$cmd->options], [qw(
)], 'Options should be configured';

# Test configure errors.
my $mock = Test::MockModule->new('App::Sqitch::Command::config');
my @usage;
$mock->mock(usage => sub { shift; @usage = @_; die 'USAGE' });

# Test for multiple config file specifications.
throws_ok { App::Sqitch::Command::config->configure( $sqitch->config, {
    user    => 1,
    system  => 1,
}) } qr/USAGE/, 'Construct with user and system';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Only one config file at a time.'],
    'Should get error for multiple config files';

throws_ok { App::Sqitch::Command::config->configure( $sqitch->config, {
    user  => 1,
    local => 1,
}) } qr/USAGE/, 'Construct with user and local';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Only one config file at a time.'],
    'Should get error for multiple config files';

throws_ok { App::Sqitch::Command::config->configure( $sqitch->config, {
    file   => 't/sqitch.ini',
    system => 1,
})} qr/USAGE/, 'Construct with file and system';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Only one config file at a time.'],
    'Should get another error for multiple config files';

throws_ok { App::Sqitch::Command::config->configure( $sqitch->config, {
    file   => 't/sqitch.ini',
    user   => 1,
})} qr/USAGE/, 'Construct with file and user';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Only one config file at a time.'],
    'Should get a third error for multiple config files';

throws_ok { App::Sqitch::Command::config->configure( $sqitch->config, {
    file   => 't/sqitch.ini',
    user   => 1,
    system => 1,
})} qr/USAGE/, 'Construct with file, system, and user';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Only one config file at a time.'],
    'Should get one last error for multiple config files';

# Test for multiple type specifications.
throws_ok { App::Sqitch::Command::config->configure( $sqitch->config, {
    bool   => 1,
    num    => 1,
}) } qr/USAGE/, 'Construct with bool and num';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Only one type at a time.'],
    'Should get error for multiple types';

throws_ok { App::Sqitch::Command::config->configure( $sqitch->config, {
    sqitch => $sqitch,
    int    => 1,
    num    => 1,
})} qr/USAGE/, 'Construct with int and num';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Only one type at a time.'],
    'Should get another error for multiple types';

throws_ok { App::Sqitch::Command::config->configure( $sqitch->config, {
    int    => 1,
    bool   => 1,
})} qr/USAGE/, 'Construct with int and bool';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Only one type at a time.'],
    'Should get a third error for multiple types';

throws_ok { App::Sqitch::Command::config->configure( $sqitch->config, {
    int    => 1,
    bool   => 1,
    num    => 1,
})} qr/USAGE/, 'Construct with int, num, and bool';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Only one type at a time.'],
    'Should get one last error for multiple types';

# Test for multiple action specifications.
for my $spec (
    [qw(get unset)],
    [qw(get unset edit)],
    [qw(get unset edit list)],
    [qw(unset edit)],
    [qw(unset edit list)],
    [qw(edit list)],
    [qw(edit add list)],
    [qw(edit add list get_all)],
    [qw(edit add list get_regex)],
    [qw(edit add list unset_all)],
    [qw(edit add list get_all unset_all)],
    [qw(edit list remove_section)],
    [qw(edit list remove_section rename_section)],
) {
    throws_ok { App::Sqitch::Command::config->configure( $sqitch->config, {
        map { $_ => 1 } @{ $spec }
    })} qr/USAGE/, 'Construct with ' . join ' & ' => @{ $spec };
    is_deeply \@usage, ['Only one action at a time.'],
        'Should get error for multiple actions';

# Test context.
is $cmd->file, $sqitch->config->dir_file,
    'Default context should be local context';
is $cmd->action, undef, 'Default action should be undef';
is $cmd->context, undef, 'Default context should be undef';

# Test local file name.
is_deeply App::Sqitch::Command::config->configure( $sqitch->config, {
    local    => 1,
}), {
    context => 'local',
}, 'Local context should be local';

# Test user file name.
is_deeply App::Sqitch::Command::config->configure( $sqitch->config, {
    user    => 1,
}), {
    context => 'user',
}, 'User context should be user';

# Test system file name.
is_deeply App::Sqitch::Command::config->configure( $sqitch->config, {
    system    => 1,
}), {
    context => 'system',
}, 'System context should be system';

# Test execute().
my @fail;
$mock->mock(fail => sub { shift; @fail = @_; die "FAIL @_" });
my @set;
$mock->mock(set => sub { shift; @set = @_; return 1 });
my @get;
$mock->mock(get => sub { shift; @get = @_; return 1 });
my @get_all;
$mock->mock(get_all => sub { shift; @get_all = @_; return 1 });
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    context => 'system',
}), 'Create config set command';

ok $cmd->execute(qw(foo bar)), 'Execute the set command';
is_deeply \@set, [qw(foo bar)], 'The set method should have been called';
ok $cmd->execute(qw(foo)), 'Execute the get command';
is_deeply \@get, [qw(foo)], 'The get method should have been called';

ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'get_all',
}), 'Create config get_all command';
is_deeply \@get_all, ['boy.howdy'],
    'An action with a dash should have triggered a method with an underscore';
$mock->unmock(qw(set get get_all));

# Test get().
chdir 't';
$ENV{SQITCH_USER_CONFIG} = 'user.conf';
my @emit;
$mock->mock(emit => sub { shift; push @emit => [@_] });
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'get',
}), 'Create config get command';

ok $cmd->execute('core.engine'), 'Get core.engine';
is_deeply \@emit, [['pg']], 'Should have emitted the merged core.engine';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute(''), 'Get';
is_deeply \@emit, [['localhost']], 'Should have emitted the merged';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute(''), 'Get';
is_deeply \@emit, [['/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql']],
    'Should have emitted the merged';
@emit = ();

# Make sure the key is required.
throws_ok { $cmd->get } qr/USAGE/, 'Should get usage for missing get key';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'And the missing get key should trigger a usage message';
throws_ok { $cmd->get('') } qr/USAGE/, 'Should get usage for invalid get key';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'And the invalid get key should trigger a usage message';

# Make sure int data type works.
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'get',
    type    => 'int',
}), 'Create config get int command';

ok $cmd->execute('revert.count'), 'Get revert.count as int';
is_deeply \@emit, [[2]],
    'Should have emitted the revert count';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute('revert.revision'), 'Get revert.revision as int';
is_deeply \@emit, [[1]],
    'Should have emitted the revert revision as an int';
@emit = ();

throws_ok { $cmd->execute('bundle.tags_only') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Get bundle.tags_only as an int should fail';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Int cast exception ident should be "config"';

# Make sure num data type works.
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'get',
    type    => 'num',
}), 'Create config get num command';

ok $cmd->execute('revert.count'), 'Get revert.count as num';
is_deeply \@emit, [[2]],
    'Should have emitted the revert count';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute('revert.revision'), 'Get revert.revision as num';
is_deeply \@emit, [[1.1]],
    'Should have emitted the revert revision as an num';
@emit = ();

throws_ok { $cmd->execute('bundle.tags_only') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Get bundle.tags_only as an num should fail';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Num cast exception ident should be "config"';

# Make sure bool data type works.
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'get',
    type    => 'bool',
}), 'Create config get bool command';

throws_ok { $cmd->execute('revert.count') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Should get failure for invalid bool int';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Bool int cast exception ident should be "config"';
throws_ok { $cmd->execute('revert.revision') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Should get failure for invalid bool num';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Bool num cast exception ident should be "config"';

ok $cmd->execute('bundle.tags_only'), 'Get bundle.tags_only as bool';
is_deeply \@emit, [['true']],
    'Should have emitted bundle.tags_only as a bool';
@emit = ();

# Make sure bool-or-int data type works.
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'get',
    type    => 'bool-or-int',
}), 'Create config get bool-or-int command';

ok $cmd->execute('revert.count'), 'Get revert.count as bool-or-int';
is_deeply \@emit, [[2]],
    'Should have emitted the revert count as an int';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute('revert.revision'), 'Get revert.revision as bool-or-int';
is_deeply \@emit, [[1]],
    'Should have emitted the revert revision as an int';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute('bundle.tags_only'), 'Get bundle.tags_only as bool-or-int';
is_deeply \@emit, [['true']],
    'Should have emitted bundle.tags_only as a bool';
@emit = ();

chdir File::Spec->updir;

    local $ENV{SQITCH_SYSTEM_CONFIG} = file qw(t sqitch.conf);
    ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
        sqitch  => $sqitch,
        context => 'system',
        action  => 'get',
    }), 'Create system config get command';
    ok $cmd->execute('core.engine'), 'Get system core.engine';
    is_deeply \@emit, [['pg']], 'Should have emitted the system core.engine';
    @emit = ();

    ok $cmd->execute(''), 'Get system';
    is_deeply \@emit, [['/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql']],
        'Should have emitted the system';
    @emit = @fail = ();

    throws_ok { $cmd->execute('') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
        'Attempt to get should fail';
    is $@->ident, 'config', 'Error ident should be "config"';
    is $@->message, '', 'Error Message should be empty';
    is $@->exitval, 1, 'Error exitval should be 1';
    is_deeply \@emit, [], 'Nothing should have been emitted';

    local $ENV{SQITCH_USER_CONFIG} = file qw(t user.conf);
    ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
        sqitch  => $sqitch,
        context => 'user',
        action  => 'get',
    }), 'Create user config get command';
    @emit = ();

    ok $cmd->execute(''), 'Get user';
    is_deeply \@emit, [['localhost']], 'Should have emitted the user';
    @emit = ();

    ok $cmd->execute(''), 'Get user';
    is_deeply \@emit, [['/opt/local/pgsql/bin/psql']],
        'Should have emitted the user';
    @emit = ();

    local $ENV{SQITCH_CONFIG} = file qw(t local.conf);
    ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
        sqitch  => $sqitch,
        context => 'local',
        action  => 'get',
    }), 'Create local config get command';
    @emit = ();

    ok $cmd->execute(''), 'Get local';
    is_deeply \@emit, [['widgets']], 'Should have emitted the local';
    @emit = ();

    ok $cmd->execute('core.engine'), 'Get local core.engine';
    is_deeply \@emit, [['pg']], 'Should have emitted the local core.engine';
    @emit = ();

    # What happens when there is no config file?
    ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
        sqitch  => $sqitch,
        context => 'system',
        action  => 'get',
    }), 'Create another system config get command';
    ok !-f $cmd->file, 'There should be no system config file';
    throws_ok { $cmd->execute('core.engine') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
        'Should fail when no system config file';
    is $@->ident, 'config', 'Error ident should be "config"';
    is $@->message, '', 'Error Message should be empty';
    is $@->exitval, 1, 'Error exitval should be 1';

    ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
        sqitch  => $sqitch,
        context => 'user',
        action  => 'get',
    }), 'Create another user config get command';
    ok !-f $cmd->file, 'There should be no user config file';
    throws_ok { $cmd->execute('core.engine') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
        'Should fail when no user config file';
    is $@->ident, 'config', 'Error ident should be "config"';
    is $@->message, '', 'Error Message should be empty';
    is $@->exitval, 1, 'Error exitval should be 1';

    ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
        sqitch  => $sqitch,
        context => 'local',
        action  => 'get',
    }), 'Create another local config get command';
    ok !-f $cmd->file, 'There should be no local config file';
    throws_ok { $cmd->execute('core.engine') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
        'Should fail when no local config file';
    is $@->ident, 'config', 'Error ident should be "config"';
    is $@->message, '', 'Error Message should be empty';
    is $@->exitval, 1, 'Error exitval should be 1';

# Test list().
local $ENV{SQITCH_SYSTEM_CONFIG} = file qw(t sqitch.conf);
local $ENV{SQITCH_USER_CONFIG} = file qw(t user.conf);
local $ENV{SQITCH_CONFIG} = file qw(t local.conf);
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'list',
}), 'Create config list command';
ok $cmd->execute, 'Execute the list action';
is_deeply \@emit, [[
target.devdb.uri=db:sqlite:\ Stonebraker
]], 'Should have emitted the merged config';
@emit = ();

    local $ENV{SQITCH_SYSTEM_CONFIG} = file qw(t sqitch.conf);
    local $ENV{SQITCH_USER_CONFIG} = undef;
    local $ENV{SQITCH_CONFIG} = undef;
    ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
        sqitch  => $sqitch,
        context => 'system',
        action  => 'list',
    }), 'Create system config list command';
    ok $cmd->execute, 'List the system config';
    is_deeply \@emit, [[
    ]], 'Should have emitted the system config list';
    @emit = ();

    $ENV{SQITCH_USER_CONFIG} = file qw(t user.conf);
    ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
        sqitch  => $sqitch,
        context => 'user',
        action  => 'list',
    }), 'Create user config list command';
    ok $cmd->execute, 'List the user config';
    is_deeply \@emit, [[
core.sqlite.registry=meta\ Stonebraker
    ]],  'Should only have emitted the user config list';
    @emit = ();

    $ENV{SQITCH_CONFIG} = file qw(t local.conf);
    ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
        sqitch  => $sqitch,
        context => 'local',
        action  => 'list',
    }), 'Create local config list command';
    ok $cmd->execute, 'List the local config';
    is_deeply \@emit, [[
    ]],  'Should only have emitted the local config list';
    @emit = ();

    # What happens when there is no config file?
    local $ENV{SQITCH_USER_CONFIG} = undef;
    ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
        sqitch  => $sqitch,
        context => 'system',
        action  => 'list',
    }), 'Create system config list command with no file';
    ok $cmd->execute, 'List the system config';
    is_deeply \@emit, [], 'Nothing should have been emitted';

    ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
        sqitch  => $sqitch,
        context => 'user',
        action  => 'list',
    }), 'Create user config list command with no file';
    ok $cmd->execute, 'List the user config';
    is_deeply \@emit, [], 'Nothing should have been emitted';

# Test set().
my $file = 'testconfig.conf';
$mock->mock(file => $file);
END { unlink $file }

ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
}), 'Create system config set command';
ok $cmd->execute('' => 'bar'), 'Write';
is_deeply read_config($cmd->file), {'' => 'bar' },
    'The property should have been written';

# Write another property.
ok $cmd->execute('core.engine' => 'funky'), 'Write core.engine';
is_deeply read_config($cmd->file), {'' => 'bar', 'core.engine' => 'funky' },
    'Both settings should be saved';

# Write a sub-propery.
ok $cmd->execute('' => 'theory'), 'Write';
is_deeply read_config($cmd->file), {
    ''     => 'bar',
    'core.engine'  => 'funky',
    '' => 'theory',
}, 'Both sections should be saved';

# Make sure the key is required.
throws_ok { $cmd->set } qr/USAGE/, 'Should set usage for missing set key';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'And the missing set key should trigger a usage message';
throws_ok { $cmd->set('') } qr/USAGE/, 'Should set usage for invalid set key';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'And the invalid set key should trigger a usage message';

# Make sure the value is required.
throws_ok { $cmd->set('') } qr/USAGE/, 'Should set usage for missing set value';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'And the missing set value should trigger a usage message';

# Test add().
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'add',
}), 'Create system config add command';
ok $cmd->execute('' => 'baz'), 'Add to';
is_deeply read_config($cmd->file), {
    ''     => ['bar', 'baz'],
    'core.engine'  => 'funky',
    '' => 'theory',
}, 'The value should have been added to the property';

# Make sure the key is required.
throws_ok { $cmd->add } qr/USAGE/, 'Should add usage for missing add key';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'And the missing add key should trigger a usage message';
throws_ok { $cmd->add('') } qr/USAGE/, 'Should add usage for invalid add key';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'And the invalid add key should trigger a usage message';

# Make sure the value is required.
throws_ok { $cmd->add('') } qr/USAGE/, 'Should add usage for missing add value';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'And the missing add value should trigger a usage message';

# Test get with regex.
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'get',
}), 'Create system config add command';
ok $cmd->execute('core.engine', 'funk'), 'Get core.engine with regex';
is_deeply \@emit, [['funky']], 'Should have emitted value';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute('', 'z$'), 'Get with regex';
is_deeply \@emit, [['baz']], 'Should have emitted value';
@emit = ();

throws_ok { $cmd->execute('', 'x$') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Attempt to get with non-matching regex should fail';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Error ident should be "config"';
is $@->message, '', 'Error Message should be empty';
is $@->exitval, 1, 'Error exitval should be 1';
is_deeply \@emit, [], 'Nothing should have been emitted';

# Test get_all().
@emit = ();
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'get_all',
}), 'Create system config get_all command';
ok $cmd->execute('core.engine'), 'Call get_all on core.engine';
is_deeply \@emit, [['funky']], 'The engine should have been emitted';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute('core.engine', 'funk'), 'Get all core.engine with regex';
is_deeply \@emit, [['funky']], 'Should have emitted value';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute(''), 'Call get_all on';
is_deeply \@emit, [["bar\nbaz"]], 'Both foos should have been emitted';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute('', '^ba'), 'Call get_all on with regex';
is_deeply \@emit, [["bar\nbaz"]], 'Both foos should have been emitted';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute('', 'z$'), 'Call get_all on with limiting regex';
is_deeply \@emit, [["baz"]], 'Only the one foo should have been emitted';
@emit = ();

throws_ok { $cmd->execute('', 'x$') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Attempt to get_all with non-matching regex should fail';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Error ident should be "config"';
is $@->message, '', 'Error Message should be empty';
is $@->exitval, 1, 'Error exitval should be 1';
is_deeply \@emit, [], 'Nothing should have been emitted';

# Make sure the key is required.
throws_ok { $cmd->get_all } qr/USAGE/, 'Should get_all usage for missing get_all key';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'And the missing get_all key should trigger a usage message';
throws_ok { $cmd->get_all('') } qr/USAGE/, 'Should get_all usage for invalid get_all key';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'And the invalid get_all key should trigger a usage message';

# Make sure int data type works.
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'get_all',
    type    => 'int',
}), 'Create config get_all int command';

ok $cmd->execute('revert.count'), 'Get revert.count as int';
is_deeply \@emit, [[2]],
    'Should have emitted the revert count';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute('revert.revision'), 'Get revert.revision as int';
is_deeply \@emit, [[1]],
    'Should have emitted the revert revision as an int';
@emit = ();

throws_ok { $cmd->execute('bundle.tags_only') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Get bundle.tags_only as an int should fail';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Int cast exception ident should be "config"';

# Make sure num data type works.
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'get_all',
    type    => 'num',
}), 'Create config get_all num command';

ok $cmd->execute('revert.count'), 'Get revert.count as num';
is_deeply \@emit, [[2]],
    'Should have emitted the revert count';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute('revert.revision'), 'Get revert.revision as num';
is_deeply \@emit, [[1.1]],
    'Should have emitted the revert revision as an num';
@emit = ();

throws_ok { $cmd->execute('bundle.tags_only') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Get bundle.tags_only as an num should fail';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Num cast exception ident should be "config"';

# Make sure bool data type works.
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'get_all',
    type    => 'bool',
}), 'Create config get_all bool command';

throws_ok { $cmd->execute('revert.count') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Should get failure for invalid bool int';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Bool int cast exception ident should be "config"';
throws_ok { $cmd->execute('revert.revision') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Should get failure for invalid bool num';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Num int cast exception ident should be "config"';

ok $cmd->execute('bundle.tags_only'), 'Get bundle.tags_only as bool';
is_deeply \@emit, [[$Config::GitLike::VERSION > 1.08 ? 'true' : 1]],
    'Should have emitted bundle.tags_only as a bool';
@emit = ();

# Make sure bool-or-int data type works.
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'get_all',
    type    => 'bool-or-int',
}), 'Create config get_all bool-or-int command';

ok $cmd->execute('revert.count'), 'Get revert.count as bool-or-int';
is_deeply \@emit, [[2]],
    'Should have emitted the revert count as an int';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute('revert.revision'), 'Get revert.revision as bool-or-int';
is_deeply \@emit, [[1]],
    'Should have emitted the revert revision as an int';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute('bundle.tags_only'), 'Get bundle.tags_only as bool-or-int';
is_deeply \@emit, [[$Config::GitLike::VERSION > 1.08 ? 'true' : 1]],
    'Should have emitted bundle.tags_only as a bool';
@emit = ();

# Test get_regex().
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'get_regex',
}), 'Create system config get_regex command';
ok $cmd->execute('core\\..+'), 'Call get_regex on core\\..+';
is_deeply \@emit, [[q{core.engine=funky
core.extension=ddl[bar, baz]
]], 'Should match all core options';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute('core\\.pg\\..+'), 'Call get_regex on core\\.pg\\..+';
is_deeply \@emit, [[q{}
]], 'Should match all options';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute('core\\.pg\\..+', 'theory$'),
    'Call get_regex on core\\.pg\\..+ and value regex';
is_deeply \@emit, [[q{}
]], 'Should match all options that match';
@emit = ();

throws_ok { $cmd->execute('core\\.pg\\..+', 'x$') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Attempt to get_regex with non-matching regex should fail';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Error ident should be "config"';
is $@->message, '', 'Error Message should be empty';
is $@->exitval, 1, 'Error exitval should be 1';
is_deeply \@emit, [], 'Nothing should have been emitted';

# Make sure the key is required.
throws_ok { $cmd->get_regex } qr/USAGE/, 'Should get_regex usage for missing get_regex key';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'And the missing get_regex key should trigger a usage message';
throws_ok { $cmd->get_regex('') } qr/USAGE/, 'Should get_regex usage for invalid get_regex key';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'And the invalid get_regex key should trigger a usage message';

# Make sure int data type works.
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'get_regex',
    type    => 'int',
}), 'Create config get_regex int command';

ok $cmd->execute('revert.count'), 'Get revert.count as int';
is_deeply \@emit, [['revert.count=2']],
    'Should have emitted the revert count';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute('revert.revision'), 'Get revert.revision as int';
is_deeply \@emit, [['revert.revision=1']],
    'Should have emitted the revert revision as an int';
@emit = ();

throws_ok { $cmd->execute('bundle.tags_only') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Get bundle.tags_only as an int should fail';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Int cast exception ident should be "config"';

# Make sure num data type works.
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'get_regex',
    type    => 'num',
}), 'Create config get_regexp num command';

ok $cmd->execute('revert.count'), 'Get revert.count as num';
is_deeply \@emit, [['revert.count=2']],
    'Should have emitted the revert count';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute('revert.revision'), 'Get revert.revision as num';
is_deeply \@emit, [['revert.revision=1.1']],
    'Should have emitted the revert revision as an num';
@emit = ();

throws_ok { $cmd->execute('bundle.tags_only') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Get bundle.tags_only as an num should fail';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Num cast exception ident should be "config"';

# Make sure bool data type works.
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'get_regex',
    type    => 'bool',
}), 'Create config get_regex bool command';

throws_ok { $cmd->execute('revert.count') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Should get failure for invalid bool int';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Bool int cast exception ident should be "config"';
throws_ok { $cmd->execute('revert.revision') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Should get failure for invalid bool num';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Num int cast exception ident should be "config"';

ok $cmd->execute('bundle.tags_only'), 'Get bundle.tags_only as bool';
is_deeply \@emit, [['bundle.tags_only=' . ($Config::GitLike::VERSION > 1.08 ? 'true' : 1)]],
    'Should have emitted bundle.tags_only as a bool';
@emit = ();

# Make sure int data type works.
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'get_regex',
    type    => 'bool-or-int',
}), 'Create config get_regex bool-or-int command';

ok $cmd->execute('revert.count'), 'Get revert.count as bool-or-int';
is_deeply \@emit, [['revert.count=2']],
    'Should have emitted the revert count as an int';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute('revert.revision'), 'Get revert.revision as bool-or-int';
is_deeply \@emit, [['revert.revision=1']],
    'Should have emitted the revert revision as an int';
@emit = ();

ok $cmd->execute('bundle.tags_only'), 'Get bundle.tags_only as bool-or-int';
is_deeply \@emit, [['bundle.tags_only=' . ($Config::GitLike::VERSION > 1.08 ? 'true' : 1)]],
    'Should have emitted bundle.tags_only as a bool';
@emit = ();

# Test unset().
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'unset',
}), 'Create system config unset command';

ok $cmd->execute(''), 'Unset';
is_deeply read_config($cmd->file), {
    ''    => ['bar', 'baz'],
    'core.engine' => 'funky',
}, ' should be gone';
ok $cmd->execute('core.engine'), 'Unset core.engine';
is_deeply read_config($cmd->file), {
    ''  => ['bar', 'baz'],
}, 'core.engine should have been removed';

throws_ok { $cmd->execute('') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Should get failure trying to delete multivalue key';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Multiple value exception ident should be "config"';
is $@->message, __ 'Cannot unset key with multiple values',
    'And it should have the proper error message';

ok $cmd->execute('', 'z$'), 'Unset with a regex';
is_deeply read_config($cmd->file), {
    '' => 'bar',
}, 'The "baz" value should have been removed';

# Make sure the key is required.
throws_ok { $cmd->unset } qr/USAGE/, 'Should unset usage for missing unset key';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'And the missing unset key should trigger a usage message';
throws_ok { $cmd->unset('') } qr/USAGE/, 'Should unset usage for invalid unset key';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'And the invalid unset key should trigger a usage message';

# Test unset_all().
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'unset_all',
}), 'Create system config unset_all command';

$cmd->add('', 'baz');
ok $cmd->execute(''), 'unset_all';
is_deeply read_config($cmd->file), {}, ' should have been removed';

# Test handling of multiple value.
$cmd->add('', 'bar');
$cmd->add('', 'baz');
$cmd->add('', 'yo');

ok $cmd->execute('', '^ba'), 'unset_all with regex';
is_deeply read_config($cmd->file), {
    '' => 'yo',
}, ' should have one value left';

# Make sure the key is required.
throws_ok { $cmd->unset_all } qr/USAGE/, 'Should unset_all usage for missing unset_all key';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'And the missing unset_all key should trigger a usage message';
throws_ok { $cmd->unset_all('') } qr/USAGE/, 'Should unset_all usage for invalid unset_all key';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'And the invalid unset_all key should trigger a usage message';

# Test replace_all.
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'replace_all',
}), 'Create system config replace_all command';

$cmd->add('', 'bar');
$cmd->add('', 'baz');
$cmd->add('', 'yo');

ok $cmd->execute('', 'hi'), 'Replace all';
is_deeply read_config($cmd->file), {
    '' => 'hi',
    '' => 'yo',
}, ' should have all its values with one value';

$cmd->add('', 'bar');
$cmd->add('', 'baz');
ok $cmd->execute('', 'ba', '^ba'), 'Replace all matching /^ba/';

is_deeply read_config($cmd->file), {
    '' => 'hi',
    '' => ['yo', 'ba'],
}, ' should have had the matching values replaced';

# Clean up.
$cmd->unset('', 'ba');

# Test rename_section().
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'rename_section',
}), 'Create system config rename_section command';
ok $cmd->execute('core', 'funk'), 'Rename "core" to "funk"';
is_deeply read_config($cmd->file), {
    '' => 'yo',
}, ' should have become';

throws_ok { $cmd->execute('foo') } qr/USAGE/, 'Should fail with no new name';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'Message should be in the usage call';

throws_ok { $cmd->execute('', 'bar') } qr/USAGE/, 'Should fail with bad old name';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'Message should be in the usage call';

throws_ok { $cmd->execute('baz', '') } qr/USAGE/, 'Should fail with bad new name';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'Message should be in the usage call';

throws_ok { $cmd->execute('foo', 'bar') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Should fail with invalid section';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Invalid section exception ident should be "config"';
is $@->message, __ 'No such section!',
    'Invalid section exception message should be set';

# Test remove_section().
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'remove_section',
}), 'Create system config remove_section command';
ok $cmd->execute('funk'), 'Remove "func" section';
is_deeply read_config($cmd->file), {},
    'The "funk" section should be gone';

throws_ok { $cmd->execute() } qr/USAGE/, 'Should fail with no name';
is_deeply \@usage, ['Wrong number of arguments.'],
    'Message should be in the usage call';

throws_ok { $cmd->execute('bar') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Should fail with invalid name';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Invalid key name exception ident should be "config"';
is $@->message, __ 'No such section!', 'And the invalid key message should be set';

# Test errors with multiple values.

throws_ok { $cmd->get('', '.') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Should fail fetching multi-value key';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Multi-value key exception ident should be "config"';
is $@->message, __x(
    'More then one value for the key "{key}"',
    key => '',
), 'The multiple value error should be thrown';

$cmd->add('', 'hi');
$cmd->add('', 'bye');
throws_ok { $cmd->set('', 'hi') } 'App::Sqitch::X',
    'Should fail setting multi-value key';
is $@->ident, 'config', 'Mult-valkue key exception ident should be "config"';
is $@->message, __('Cannot overwrite multiple values with a single value'),
    'The multi-value key error should be thrown';

# Test edit().
my $shell;
my $ret = 1;
$mock->mock(shell => sub { $shell = $_[1]; return $ret });
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
    action  => 'edit',
}), 'Create system config edit command';
ok $cmd->execute, 'Execute the edit comand';
is $shell, $sqitch->editor . ' ' . $sqitch->quote_shell($cmd->file),
    'The editor should have been run';

# Make sure we can write to a file in a directory.
my $path = file qw(t config.tmp test.conf);
$mock->mock(file => $path);
END { remove_tree +File::Spec->catdir(qw(t config.tmp)) }
ok $sqitch = App::Sqitch->new, 'Load a new sqitch object';
ok $cmd = App::Sqitch::Command::config->new({
    sqitch  => $sqitch,
}), 'Create system config set command with subdirectory config file path';
ok $cmd->execute('', 'hi'), 'Set "" in subdirectory config file';
is_deeply read_config($cmd->file), {'' => 'hi' },
    'The file should have been written';

sub read_config {
    my $conf = App::Sqitch::Config->new;