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package Dist::Zilla::Role::PotWriter;

# ABSTRACT: Something that writes gettext language translation template file

use Moose::Role;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use IPC::Run3;
use namespace::autoclean;

our $VERSION = '0.85';

sub files_to_scan {
    my $self = shift;
    my $dzil = $self->zilla;
    $_->gather_files for @{ $dzil->plugins_with(-FileGatherer) };
    # XXX Consider replacing with a LocaleTextDomain-specific file finder?
    return grep { /[.]pm\z/ } map { $_->name } @{ $dzil->files };

sub write_pot {
    my ($self, %p) = @_;
    my $dzil = $self->zilla;
    my $pot  = $p{to}
        or $dzil->log_fatal('Missing required "to" parameter to write_pot()');
    my $verb = -e $pot ? 'update' : 'create';

    # Make sure the directory exists.
    make_path $pot->parent->stringify unless -d $pot->parent;

    # Need to do this before calling other methods, as they need the
    # files loaded to find various information.
    my @files = $self->files_to_scan;

    my $email = $p{bugs_email} || do {
        if (my $author = $dzil->authors->[0]) {
            require Email::Address;
            my ($addr) = Email::Address->parse($author);
            $addr->address if $addr;
    } || '';

    my $log = sub { $dzil->log(@_) };
    run3 [
        $p{xgettext} || 'xgettext' . ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? '.exe' : ''),
        '--from-code=' . ($p{encoding} || 'UTF-8'),
        '--package-name=' . ($p{package} || $dzil->name),
        '--package-version=' . ($p{version} || $dzil->version || 'VERSION'),
        '--copyright-holder=' . ($p{copyright_holder} || $dzil->copyright_holder),
        ($email ? '--msgid-bugs-address=' . $email : ()),
        '--output=' . $pot,
    ], undef, $log, $log;
    $dzil->log_fatal("Cannot $verb $pot") if $?;

requires 'zilla';


=head1 Name

Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PotWriter - Something that writes gettext language translation template file

=head1 Synopsis

  with 'Dist::Zilla::Role::PotWriter';

  # ...

  sub execute {
      my $self = shift;

=head1 Description

This role provides a utility method for generating a
L<GNU gettext|>-style language translation

=head2 Instance Methods

=head3 C<write_pot>


Creates or updates a L<GNU gettext|>-style
language translation file. The supported parameters are:


=item C<to>

L<Path::Class::File> object representing the file to write to. Required.

=item C<scan_files>

Array reference listing the files to scan. Defaults to all F<*.pm> files
gathered by L<Dist::Zilla>.

=item C<xgettext>

Path to the C<xgettext> application. Defaults to just C<xgettext>
(C<xgettext.exe> on Windows), which should work if it's in your path.

=item C<encoding>

Encoding to assume when scanning for localizable strings. Defaults to

=item C<package>

The name of the localization package. Defaults to the distribution name as
configured for L<Dist::Zilla>.

=item C<version>

The version of the package. Defaults to the version as configured for

=item C<copyright_holder>

The name of the translation copyright holder. Defaults to the copyright holder
configured for L<Dist::Zilla>.

=item C<bugs_email>

Email address for reporting translation bugs. Defaults to the email address of
the first author known to L<Dist::Zilla>, if available and parseable by


=head1 Author

David E. Wheeler <>

=head1 Copyright and License

This software is copyright (c) 2012-2013 by David E. Wheeler.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
