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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use DBD::Pg;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Spec;
our $VERSION = '3.30';

Getopt::Long::Configure (qw(bundling));

my $opts = { psql => 'psql', directory => '.' };

    'dbname|d=s'          => \$opts->{dbname},
    'username|U=s'        => \$opts->{username},
    'host|h=s'            => \$opts->{host},
    'port|p=s'            => \$opts->{port},
    'exclude-schema|N=s@' => \$opts->{exclude_schema},
    'directory|dir=s'     => \$opts->{directory},
    'verbose|v+'          => \$opts->{verbose},
    'help|H'              => \$opts->{help},
    'man|m'               => \$opts->{man},
    'version|V'           => \$opts->{version},
) or require Pod::Usage && Pod::Usage::pod2usage(2);

if ( $opts->{help} or $opts->{man} ) {
    require Pod::Usage;
        '-sections' => $opts->{man} ? '.+' : '(?i:(Usage|Options))',
        '-verbose'  => 99,
        '-exitval' => 0,

if ($opts->{version}) {
    print 'pg_prove ', main->VERSION, $/;

# Function to write a test script.
sub script(&;$) {
    my ($code, $fn) = @_;
    my $file = File::Spec->catfile($opts->{directory}, $fn);
    open my $fh, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $file or die "Cannot open $file: $!\n";
    my $orig = select;
    select $fh;
    print "SET client_encoding = 'UTF-8';\n",
          "SET client_min_messages = warning;\n",
          "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pgtap;\n",
          "RESET client_min_messages;\n\n",
          "SELECT * FROM no_plan();\n\n";
    print "SELECT * FROM finish();\nROLLBACK;\n";
    close $fh or die "Error closing $file: $!\n";
    select $orig;

my @conn;
for (qw(host port dbname)) {
    push @conn, "$_=$opts->{$_}" if defined $opts->{$_};
my $dsn = 'dbi:Pg';
$dsn .= ':' . join ';', @conn if @conn;

my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $opts->{username}, undef, {
    RaiseError     => 1,
    PrintError     => 0,
    AutoCommit     => 1,
    pg_enable_utf8 => 1,
$dbh->do(q{SET client_encoding = 'UTF-8'});


script {
    if (my @schemas = get_schemas($opts->{exclude_schema})) {
        for my $schema (@schemas) {
} 'schema.sql';


sub get_schemas {
    my @exclude = ('information_schema');
    push @exclude, @{ $_[0] } if $_[0] && @{ $_[0] };

    my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(q{
        SELECT nspname
          FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace
         WHERE nspname NOT LIKE 'pg_%'
           AND nspname <> ALL(?)
         ORDER BY nspname

    my $schemas = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($sth, undef, \@exclude) or return;
    return @$schemas;

sub schemas_are {
    my $schemas = shift;
    print "SELECT schemas_are(ARRAY[\n    '",
        join("',\n    '", @$schemas),
        "'\n]);\n\n" if @$schemas;

sub get_rels {
    my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(q{
        SELECT c.relname
          FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
          JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
         WHERE c.relkind = ?
           AND n.nspname = ?
         ORDER BY c.relname
    return $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($sth, undef, @_);

sub tables_are {
    my $schema = shift;
    my $tables = get_rels(r => $schema);
    return unless $tables && @{ $tables };
    print "SELECT tables_are('$schema', ARRAY[\n    '",
        join("',\n    '", @$tables),

    for my $table (@{ $tables }) {
        script { has_table($schema, $table) } "table_$schema.$table.sql";

sub views_are {
    my $schema = shift;
    my $tables = get_rels(v => $schema);
    return unless $tables && @$tables;
    print "SELECT views_are('$schema', ARRAY[\n    '",
        join("',\n    '", @$tables),

sub sequences_are {
    my $schema = shift;
    my $tables = get_rels(S => $schema);
    return unless $tables && @$tables;
    print "SELECT sequences_are('$schema', ARRAY[\n    '",
        join("',\n    '", @$tables),

sub functions_are {
    my $schema = shift;
    my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{
        SELECT p.proname
          FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p
          JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON p.pronamespace = n.oid
         WHERE n.nspname = ?
    my $funcs = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($sth, undef, $schema);
    return unless $funcs && @$funcs;
    print "SELECT functions_are('$schema', ARRAY[\n    '",
        join("',\n    '", @$funcs),

sub has_table {
    my ($schema, $table) = @_;
    print "SELECT has_table(
    '$schema', '$table',
    'Should have table $schema.$table'
    has_pk($schema, $table);
    columns_are($schema, $table);

sub has_pk {
    my ($schema, $table) = @_;
    my $fn = _hasc($schema, $table, 'p') ? 'has_pk' : 'hasnt_pk';
    print "select $fn(
    '$schema', '$table',
    'Table $schema.$table should have a primary key'

sub columns_are {
    my ($schema, $table) = @_;
    print "SET search_path = '$schema';\n";
    my $cols = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(q{
        SELECT a.attname AS name
             , pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) AS type
             , a.attnotnull AS not_null
             , a.atthasdef  AS has_default
             , pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid)
          FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
          JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
          JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON c.oid = a.attrelid
          LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attrdef d ON a.attrelid = d.adrelid AND a.attnum = d.adnum
         WHERE n.nspname = ?
           AND c.relname = ?
           AND a.attnum > 0
           AND NOT a.attisdropped
         ORDER BY a.attnum
    }, undef, $schema, $table);

    return unless $cols && @{ $cols };
    print "SELECT columns_are('$schema', '$table', ARRAY[\n    '",
        join("',\n    '", map { $_->[0] } @{ $cols }),

    for my $col (@{ $cols }) {
        my $null_fn = $col->[2] ? 'col_not_null(' : 'col_is_null( ';
        my $def_fn = $col->[3] ? 'col_has_default(  ' : 'col_hasnt_default(';
        print "SELECT has_column(       '$table', '$col->[0]');\n",
              "SELECT col_type_is(      '$table', '$col->[0]', '$col->[1]');\n",
              "SELECT $null_fn     '$table', '$col->[0]');\n",
              "SELECT $def_fn'$table', '$col->[0]');\n";
        print "SELECT col_default_is(   '$table', '$col->[0]', '$col->[4]');\n"
            if $col->[3];
        print $/;


sub _hasc {
    my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached(q{
            SELECT true
              FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
              JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c      ON c.relnamespace = n.oid
              JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint x ON c.oid = x.conrelid
             WHERE c.relhaspkey = true
               AND n.nspname = ?
               AND c.relname = ?
               AND x.contype = ?
    return $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($sth, undef, @_)->[0];


=encoding utf8

=head1 Name

pg_tapgen - Generate schema TAP tests from an existing database

=head1 Usage

  pg_tapgen -d template1 > schema_test.sql

=head1 Description

C<pg_tapgen> is a command-line utility to generate pgTAP tests to validate a
database schema by reading an existing database and generating the tests to
match. Its use requires the installation of the L<DBI> and L<DBD::Pg> from
CPAN or via a package distribution.

B<Warning:> These prerequisites are not validated by the pgTAP C<Makefile>, so
you'll need to install them yourself. As a result, inclusion of this script in
the pgTAP distribution is experimental. It may be moved to its own
distribution in the future.

=head1 Options

  -d --dbname DBNAME        Database to which to connect.
  -U --username USERNAME    Username with which to connect.
  -h --host HOST            Host to which to connect.
  -p --port PORT            Port to which to connect.
  -v --verbose              Display output of test scripts while running them.
  -N --exclude-schema       Exclude a schema from the generated tests.
     --directory DIRECTORY  Directory to which to write the test files.
  -H --help                 Print a usage statement and exit.
  -m --man                  Print the complete documentation and exit.
  -V --version              Print the version number and exit.

=head1 Options Details


=item C<-d>

=item C<--dbname>

  pg_tapgen --dbname try
  pg_tapgen -d postgres

The name of database to which to connect. Defaults to the value of the
C<$PGDATABASE> environment variable or to the system username.

=item C<-U>

=item C<--username>

  pg_tapgen --username foo
  pg_tapgen -U postgres

PostgreSQL user name to connect as. Defaults to the value of the C<$PGUSER>
environment variable or to the operating system name of the user running the

=item C<-h>

=item C<--host>

  pg_tapgen --host
  pg_tapgen -h dev.local

Specifies the host name of the machine on which the server is running. If the
value begins with a slash, it is used as the directory for the Unix-domain
socket. Defaults to the value of the C<$PGHOST> environment variable or

=item C<-p>

=item C<--port>

  pg_tapgen --port 1234
  pg_tapgen -p 666

Specifies the TCP port or the local Unix-domain socket file extension on which
the server is listening for connections. Defaults to the value of the
C<$PGPORT> environment variable or, if not set, to the port specified at
compile time, usually 5432.

=item C<--dir>

=item C<--directory>

Directory to which to write test files. Defaults to the current directory.

=item C<-v>

=item C<--verbose>

  pg_tapgen --verbose
  pg_tapgen -v

Display standard output of test scripts while running them. This behavior can
also be triggered by setting the C<$TEST_VERBOSE> environment variable to a
true value.

=item C<-N>

=item C<--exclude-schema>

  pg_tapgen --exclude-schema contrib
  pg_tapgen -N testing -N temporary

Exclude a schema from the test generation. C<pg_tapgen> always ignores
C<information_schema>, as it is also ignored by pgTAP. But if there are other
schemas in the database that you don't need or want to test for in the
database (because you run the tests on another database without those schemas,
for example), use C<--exclude-schema> to omit them. May be used more than once
to exclude more than one schema.

=item C<-H>

=item C<--help>

  pg_tapgen --help
  pg_tapgen -H

Outputs a brief description of the options supported by C<pg_tapgen> and exits.

=item C<-m>

=item C<--man>

  pg_tapgen --man
  pg_tapgen -m

Outputs this documentation and exits.

=item C<-V>

=item C<--version>

  pg_tapgen --version
  pg_tapgen -V

Outputs the program name and version and exits.


=head1 Author

David E. Wheeler <>

=head1 Copyright

Copyright (c) 2009-2014 David E. Wheeler. Some Rights Reserved.
