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package String::Equivalence::Amharic;

# If either of these next two lines are inside
# the BEGIN block the package will break.
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
use strict;
use utf8;
use encoding 'utf8';
use Regexp::Ethiopic::Amharic qw(:forms overload setForm subForm %AmharicEquivalence);

	use strict;
	use base qw( Exporter );
	use vars qw( $VERSION @EXPORT %HaMaps );

	$VERSION = "0.04";

	@EXPORT = qw( &downgrade &inflate &isEquivalentTo &isReducible &hasEquivalence );

	%HaMaps =(
		ሐ	=> "ኀኃሀሃ",
		ኀ	=> "ሐኃሀሃ",
		ኃ	=> "ኀሐሀሃ",
		ሓ	=> "ሐኀኃሀሃ",
		ኻ	=> "ሀሃ",
		ኍ	=> "ኁሁሑ"

sub new
	bless ( {}, shift );

sub _downgradeMultiTarget
my ( $list, $re, $from, $targets ) = @_;

	my @to = split ( //, $targets );
	my @outList = ();

	foreach my $to (@to) {
		my @newList;
		for (my $i=0; $i < @{$list}; $i++) {
			$newList[$i] = $list->[$i];     # copy old list
			$newList[$i] =~ s/$from/$to/;
		push ( @outList, @newList );  # add new keys to old keys
	push ( @{$list}, @outList );  # add new keys to old keys
	$$re =~ s/$from(?!\])/[$from$targets]/;

sub _downgrade
my ( $list, $re, $from, $to ) = @_;

	unless ( $to ) {
		$to = $from;
		$to =~ tr/ሀሃሗሠ-ሧኣእኧቍኵጕቈኰጐቆኮጎዑዒዔዕዖፀ-ፆኹኺኼኽኾ/ሃሀኋሰ-ሷአእቁኩጉቆኮጎቈኰጐዕኡኢኤእኦጸ-ጾሁሂሄህሆ/;

	my @newList;
	for (my $i=0; $i < @{$list}; $i++) {
		$newList[$i] = $list->[$i];     # copy old list
		$newList[$i] =~ s/$from/$to/;
	push ( @{$list}, @newList );  # add new keys to old keys
	$$re =~ s/$from(?!\])/[$from$to]/;

sub downgrade
my $self;

	($self, $_) = @_;
	$_ = $self unless ( ref($self) );

	my @list = ( $_ );
	my $re = $_;
	my @letters = split ( // );

	foreach ( @letters ) {
		if ( /([#ሠፀ#]|[ሀሃሗኣእኧቍኵጕቈኰጐቆኮጎዑዒዔዕዖኹኺኼኽኾ])/ ) {
			my $from = $1;
			_downgrade ( \@list, \$re, $from )
				unless ( $from eq "እ" && $re =~ /^እ/ );
		if ( /([ዓዐ])/ ) {
			my $to = ( $1 eq "ዓ" ) ? "አዐ" : "አዓ" ;
			_downgradeMultiTarget ( \@list, \$re, $1, $to );
		if ( /([ሑሒሔሕሖኁኂኄኅኆ])/ ) {
			my $from = $1;
			my $compliment = ( $from =~ /[#ኀ#]/ ) ? "ሐ" : "ኀ" ;
			my $to = subForm ( $compliment, $from ).subForm ( 'ሀ', $from );
			_downgradeMultiTarget ( \@list, \$re, $from, $to );
		if ( /([ሐኀኃሓኻኍ])/ ) {
			my $to = $HaMaps{$1};
			_downgradeMultiTarget ( \@list, \$re, $1, $to );

	wantarray ? ( @list, $re ) : $list[$#list] ;

sub isReducible
my $self;

	($self, $_) = @_;
	$_ = $self unless ( ref($self) );



sub hasEquivalence
my $self;

	($self, $_) = @_;
	$_ = $self unless ( ref($self) );


sub _inflate
my ($re, @words);

	foreach (@_) {
		$re = $_;
		$re =~ s/\[(\w+)\]/<replace>/;

		my @letters = split ( //, $1 );
		foreach ( @letters ) {
			push ( @words,$re );
			$words[ $#words ] =~ s/<replace>/$_/;


	if ( $words[0] =~ /\[/ ) {
		push ( @words, _inflate( @words ) );
		@words = grep { !/\[/ } @words;
	return @words;

sub inflate
my $self;

	($self, $_) = @_;
	$_ = $self unless ( ref($self) );

	my @words = ( $_ );
	my $re = $_;

	my @letters = split ( // );

	foreach ( @letters ) {
		if ( $AmharicEquivalence{$_} ) {
			# these next 3 lines are here to skip over old Amharic
			my $equiv = $AmharicEquivalence{$_};
			$equiv =~ s/[#ኸ#]//g;
			$re =~ s/$_/[$equiv]/g;
			# $re =~ s/$_/[$AmharicEquivalence{$_}]/g;

	if ( $re =~ /\[/ ) {
		push ( @words, _inflate( $re ) );
		@words = grep { !/\[/ } @words;
		push ( @words, $re );

	return @words;

sub isEquivalentTo
my ($self, $a, $b) = @_;

	unless ( ref($self) ) {
		$b = $a;
		$a = $self;

	my @b = $self->inflate( $b );
	( $a =~ /^$b[$#b]$/ );

# Do not change this, Do not put anything below this.
# File must return "true" value at termination


=head1 NAME

String::Equivalence::Amharic - Normalization Utilities for Amharic.


  #  OO Style:
  use utf8;
  require String::Equivalence::Amharic;

  my $string = new String::Equivalence::Amharic;

  my @list = $string->downgrade ( "እግዚአብሔር" );

  my $count = 0;
  foreach (@list) {
      print "$count: $_\n";

  #  Functional Style:
  use utf8;
  use String::Equivalence::Amharic;

  my @list = downgrade ( "እግዚአብሔር" );



Under the "three levels of Amharic spelling" theory, the
String::Equivalence::Amharic  package will take a canonical word (level one)
and generate level two words (the level of popular use).  The first member
of the returned array is the original string.  The last member of the returned
array is a regular expression that will match all renderings of the list.

The doc/index.html file presents a development of the downgrade rules applied.

The package is useful for some problems, it will produce orthographically
"legal" simplification and avoids improbable naive simplifications.
L<Text::Metaphone::Amharic> of course over simplifies as it addresses a
different problem.  So while not to promote level 2 orthographies, in some
instances it is useful to generate level 2 renderings given a canonical

You I<must> start with the canonical spelling of a word as only downgrades
can occur.  Starting with a near canonical form and downgrading will generate
a shorter word list than you would have starting from the top.

=head2  Equivalence Utilities

=head3  downgrade
=head3  isReducible
=head3  hasEquivalence
=head3  isEquivalentTo
=head3  inflate

A utility function to query the "form" of an Ethiopic syllable.  It
will return an integer between 1 and 12 corresponding to the [#\d+#]

  print getForm ( "አ" ), "\n";  # prints 1


L<Regexp::Ethiopic> (which I<rules> btw).


This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 BUGS

None presently known.

=head1 AUTHOR

Daniel Yacob,  L<|>

=head1 SEE ALSO

