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<title>perlSGML -- SGML::Parser</title>
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<hr><h2><a name="Name">Name</a></h2>

<p>SGML::Parser - SGML instance parser</p>

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<hr><h2><a name="Synopsis">Synopsis</a></h2>
  package MyParser;
  use SGML::Parser;
  @ISA = qw( SGML::Parser );

  sub cdata { ... }
  sub char_ref { ... }
  sub comment_decl { ... }
  sub end_tag { ... }
  sub entity_ref { ... }
  sub ignored_data { ... }
  sub marked_sect_close { ... }
  sub marked_sect_open { ... }
  sub parm_entity_ref { ... }
  sub processing_inst { ... }
  sub start_tag { ... }
  sub error { ... }

  $myparser = new MyParser;

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<hr><h2><a name="Description">Description</a></h2>

<p><strong>SGML::Parser</strong> is a simple SGML instance parser;
it cannot parse document type declarations.  To use the class, you
create a derived class of <strong>SGML::Parser</strong> and redefine
the various methods invoked when certain events occur during parsing.

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<hr><h2><a name="Class_Methods">Class_Methods</a></h2>

<p>The following class methods are defined:
<li><a href="#new">new</a></li>

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<hr size=0 width="50%" align=left noshade>
<h3><a name="new">new</a></h3>

<p>Instantiate a new parser object.  The way <b>SGML::Parser</b>
is defined, an <b>SGML::Parser</b> object will probably never
be directed instantiated, but a derived class will be.
The <b>new</b> method is implemented to be reused by derived classes,
so redefinition of the method is not required (unless derived
class must perform custom initialization beyond what <b>SGML::Parser</b>

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<hr><h2><a name="Object_Methods">Object Methods</a></h2>

<p>The following lists the methods defined by
<strong>SGML::Parser</strong> that should not be overriden:
<li><a href="#parse_data">parse_data</a></li>
<li><a href="#get_line_no">get_line_no</a></li>
<li><a href="#get_input_label">get_input_label</a></li>

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<hr size=0 width="50%" align=left noshade>
<h3><a name="parse_data">parse_data</a></h3>


<dt><var>$fh</var> (required)</dt><dd>
Reference to the filehandle of the SGML instance to parse.
<dt><var>$label</var> (optional)</dt><dd>
Label for the filehandle being parsed, usually a filename.
The name is used for error messages.
<dt><var>$init_buf</var> (optional)</dt><dd>
Initial data to prepend to instance to include in the parse.
<dt><var>$line_no</var> (optional)</dt><dd>
The starting line number.  If not defined, numbering starts at 0.

<p>The return value of the method should be <tt>undef</tt>.  However, if
any data was in the current buffer and parsing was aborted, the return
value is the buffer's contents.

<p><strong>parse_data</strong> parses an SGML instance.  When
parsing, the various <a href="#Callback_Methods">callback methods</a>
are called when the various lexical contructs are encountered.

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<hr size=0 width="50%" align=left noshade>
<h3><a name="get_line_no">get_line_no</a></h3>


<p>The current line number.

<p>Get the current line number.  Method useful in callback methods.

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<hr size=0 width="50%" align=left noshade>
<h3><a name="get_input_label">get_input_label</a></h3>


<p>Label string.

<p>Retrieves the label given to the input being parsed.  Label is defined
when the <strong>parse_data</strong> method is called.  Method useful
in callback methods.

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<hr><h2><a name="Callback_Methods">Callback Methods</a></h2>

<p>The following methods are intended to be redefined by a derived
class to handle the processing events generated by the
<strong>parse_data</strong> method.
<li><a href="#cdata">cdata</a></li>
<li><a href="#char_ref">char_ref</a></li>
<li><a href="#comment_decl">comment_decl</a></li>
<li><a href="#end_tag">end_tag</a></li>
<li><a href="#entity_ref">entity_ref</a></li>
<li><a href="#error">error</a></li>
<li><a href="#ignored_data">ignored_data</a></li>
<li><a href="#marked_sect_close">marked_sect_close</a></li>
<li><a href="#marked_sect_open">marked_sect_open</a></li>
<li><a href="#parm_entity_ref">parm_entity_ref</a></li>
<li><a href="#processing_inst">processing_inst</a></li>
<li><a href="#start_tag">start_tag</a></li>

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<hr size=0 width="50%" align=left noshade>
<h3><a name="cdata">cdata</a></h3>

<dd>Character data.


<p><strong>cdata</strong> is invoked when character data is encountered.
The character data is passed into the method.  Multiple lines of
character data may generate multiple <strong>cdata</strong> calls.

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<hr size=0 width="50%" align=left noshade>
<h3><a name="char_ref">char_ref</a></h3>

<dd>The character number or function name.


<p><strong>char_ref</strong> is invoked when a character reference
is encountered.  The number/name of the character reference
is passed in as an argument.

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<hr size=0 width="50%" align=left noshade>
<h3><a name="comment_decl">comment_decl</a></h3>

<dd>Reference to an array of strings.  Each string is the content
of each comment block in the declaration.


<p><strong>comment_decl</strong> is called when a comment declaration is
parsed.  The passed in argument is a reference to an array containing
the comment blocks defined in the declaration.

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<hr size=0 width="50%" align=left noshade>
<h3><a name="end_tag">end_tag</a></h3>

<dd>Generic identifier.


<p><strong>end_tag</strong> is called when an end tag is encountered.
The generic identifier of the end tag is passed in as an argument.
The value may be the empty string if the end tag is a null end tag.

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<hr size=0 width="50%" align=left noshade>
<h3><a name="entity_ref">entity_ref</a></h3>

<dd>Name of the entity

<p>Any text that should be furthered parse.

<p><strong>entity_ref</strong> is called for entity references.  The name
of the entity is passed in as an argument.  If any data is returned by
this method, the data will be prepended to the parse buffer and parsed.

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<hr size=0 width="50%" align=left noshade>
<h3><a name="error">error</a></h3>

<dd>List of strings containing error message


<p><strong>error</strong> is called when any error occurs in parsing.
The default implementation is to print the error message (which can
be a list of strings) prepending by the class name, input label, and
line number the method was called.

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<hr size=0 width="50%" align=left noshade>
<h3><a name="ignored_data">ignored_data</a></h3>

<dd>Ignored data.


<p><strong>ignored_data</strong> is called for data that is in an IGNORE
marked section.

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<hr size=0 width="50%" align=left noshade>
<h3><a name="marked_sect_close">marked_sect_close</a></h3>



<p><strong>marked_sect_close</strong> is called when a marked section close is

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<hr size=0 width="50%" align=left noshade>
<h3><a name="marked_sect_open">marked_sect_open</a></h3>

<dd>The status keyword.
<dd>Original status specification text.


<p><strong>marked_sect_open</strong> is called when a marked section
open is encountered.  The <var>$status_keyword</var> argument is
the status keyword for the marked section (eg. INCLUDE, IGNORE).
The <var>$status_spec</var> argument is the original status
specification text.  This may be equal to <var>$status_keyword</var>,
or contain an parameter entity reference.  If a parameter entity
reference, the <strong>parm_entity_ref</strong> method was called to
determine the value of the <strong>$status_keyword</strong> argument.

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<hr size=0 width="50%" align=left noshade>
<h3><a name="parm_entity_ref">parm_entity_ref</a></h3>

<dd>Name of the parameter entity.

<p>Replacement text.

<p><strong>parm_entity_ref</strong> is called to resolve parameter entity
references.  Currently, it is only invoked if a parameter entity
reference is encountered in a marked section open.  The return value
should contain the value of the parameter entity reference.

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<hr size=0 width="50%" align=left noshade>
<h3><a name="processing_inst">processing_inst</a></h3>

<dd>Character data within the processing instruction.


<p><strong>processing_inst</strong> is called for processing instructions.
<strong>$data</strong> is the content of the processing instruction.

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<hr size=0 width="50%" align=left noshade>
<h3><a name="start_tag">start_tag</a></h3>
    $parser-><strong>start_tag</strong>(<var>$gi</var>, <var>$attr_spec</var>);

<dd>Generic identifier
<dd>Attribute specification list


<p><strong>start_tag</strong> is called for start tags.
<var>$gi</var> is the generic indentifier of the start tag.
<var>$attr_spec</var> is the attribute specification list string.
The <strong>SGMLparse_attr_spec</strong> function defined in <a
href="SGML..Util.html"><strong>SGML::Util</strong></a> can be
used to parse the string into name/value pairs.

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<hr><h2><a name="Parser_Modes">Parser Modes</a></h2>

<p><strong>SGML::Parser</strong> has parser modes for properly determining
how to analyze the input data.  Mode switching is automatic for
most cases.  However, since SGML parsing rules can changed depending
on the content model of elements, callback methods can force a mode
change.  This mode change will normally be done when encountering a
start tag (which invokes the <strong>start_tag</strong> method) and
the element represented by the start tag should parsed like it has
CDATA or RCDATA content.  The following code example shows how you
can change parsing modes:
    sub start_tag {
	my $this      = shift;
	my $gi        = uc shift;
	my $attr_spec = shift;

	if ($gi eq 'LITERAL-TEXT') {
	    $this->{'mode'} = $SGML::Parser::ModeCData;
	} elsif ($gi eq 'EX') {
	    $this->{'mode'} = $SGML::Parser::ModeRCData;

	# ...

<p>The element names are arbitrary, but it shows how you can switch
parsing modes via a callback method.  <strong>SGML::Parser</strong>
will change the mode when an end tag is encountered.

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<hr><h2><a name="See_Also">See Also</a></h2>

<a href="SGML..Util.html"><strong>SGML::Util</strong></a>

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<!--	@(#)  avail.mod 1.2 97/09/16 @(#)
<h2><a name="availability">Availability</a></h2>
<p>This software is part of the <em>perlSGML</em> package; see
(<a href=""

<!--	@(#) author.mod 1.2 97/09/16 15:50:29 @(#)
<h2><a name="author">Author</a></h2>
<a href="">Earl Hood</a><br>
<a href=""
Copyright &#169; 1997<br>

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97/09/18 14:32:46