#      $URL: http://perlcritic.tigris.org/svn/perlcritic/trunk/distributions/Perl-Critic/lib/Perl/Critic/Utils/DataConversion.pm $
#     $Date: 2011-05-15 16:34:46 -0500 (Sun, 15 May 2011) $
#   $Author: clonezone $
# $Revision: 4078 $

package Perl::Critic::Utils::DataConversion;

use 5.006001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Readonly;

use Perl::Critic::Utils qw{ :characters :booleans };

use base 'Exporter';

our $VERSION = '1.116';


Readonly::Array our @EXPORT_OK => qw(


sub boolean_to_number {  ## no critic (RequireArgUnpacking)
    return $_[0] ? $TRUE : $FALSE;


sub dor {  ## no critic (RequireArgUnpacking)
    foreach (@_) {
        defined $_ and return $_;


sub defined_or_empty {  ## no critic (RequireArgUnpacking)
    return defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : $EMPTY;





=for stopwords

=head1 NAME

Perl::Critic::Utils::DataConversion - Utilities for converting from one type of data to another.


Provides data conversion functions.


This is considered to be a public module.  Any changes to its
interface will go through a deprecation cycle.



=item C<boolean_to_number( $value )>

Return 0 or 1 based upon the value of parameter in a boolean context.

=item C<dor( $value, $default )>

Return either the value or the default based upon whether the value is
defined or not.

=item C<dor_n( $value0, $value1, ... )>

Returns the first defined value among its arguments. If none is defined,
simply returns.

=item C<defined_or_empty( $value )>

Return either the parameter or an empty string based upon whether the
parameter is defined or not.


=head1 AUTHOR

Elliot Shank <perl@galumph.com>


Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Elliot Shank.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.  The full text of this license
can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.


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