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package HTML::Zoom::SelectorParser;

use strictures 1;
use base qw(HTML::Zoom::SubObject);
use Carp qw(confess);

my $sel_char = '-\w_';
my $sel_meta_char = q-!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\]^`{|}~-;
my $sel_item = qr/(?:(?:\\[\Q$sel_meta_char\E])|[$sel_char])/;
my $sel_re = qr/($sel_item+)/;
my $match_value_re = qr/"?($sel_item*)"?/;

sub new { bless({}, shift) }

sub _raw_parse_simple_selector {
  for ($_[1]) { # same pos() as outside

    # '*' - match anything

    /\G\*/gc and
      return sub { 1 };

    # 'element' - match on tag name

    /\G$sel_re/gc and
      return do {
        my $name = $_[0]->_unescape($1);
        sub { $_[0]->{name} && $_[0]->{name} eq $name }

    # '#id' - match on id attribute

    /\G#$sel_re/gc and
      return do {
        my $id = $_[0]->_unescape($1);
        sub { $_[0]->{attrs}{id} && $_[0]->{attrs}{id} eq $id }

    # '.class1.class2' - match on intersection of classes

    /\G((?:\.$sel_re)+)/gc and
      return do {
        my $cls = $1; $cls =~ s/^\.//;
        my @cl = map $_[0]->_unescape($_), split(/(?<!\\)\./, $cls);
        sub {
          && !grep $_[0]->{attrs}{class} !~ /(^|\s+)\Q$_\E($|\s+)/, @cl

    # '[attr^=foo]' - match attribute with ^ anchored regex
    /\G\[$sel_re\^=$match_value_re\]/gc and
      return do {
        my $attribute = $_[0]->_unescape($1);
        my $value = $_[0]->_unescape($2);
        sub {
          && $_[0]->{attrs}{$attribute} =~ qr/^\Q$value\E/;

    # '[attr$=foo]' - match attribute with $ anchored regex
    /\G\[$sel_re\$=$match_value_re\]/gc and
      return do {
        my $attribute = $_[0]->_unescape($1);
        my $value = $_[0]->_unescape($2);
        sub {
          && $_[0]->{attrs}{$attribute} =~ qr/\Q$value\E$/;

    # '[attr*=foo] - match attribute with regex:
    /\G\[$sel_re\*=$match_value_re\]/gc and
      return do {
        my $attribute = $_[0]->_unescape($1);
        my $value = $_[0]->_unescape($2);
        sub {
          && $_[0]->{attrs}{$attribute} =~ qr/\Q$value\E/;

    # '[attr~=bar]' - match attribute contains word
    /\G\[$sel_re~=$match_value_re\]/gc and
      return do {
        my $attribute = $_[0]->_unescape($1);
        my $value = $_[0]->_unescape($2);
        sub {
          && $_[0]->{attrs}{$attribute} =~ qr/\b\Q$value\E\b/;

    # '[attr!=bar]' - match attribute contains prefix (for language matches)
    /\G\[$sel_re\|=$match_value_re\]/gc and
      return do {
        my $attribute = $_[0]->_unescape($1);
        my $value = $_[0]->_unescape($2);
        sub {
          && $_[0]->{attrs}{$attribute} =~ qr/^\Q$value\E(?:-|$)/;

    # '[attr=bar]' - match attributes
    /\G\[$sel_re=$match_value_re\]/gc and
      return do {
        my $attribute = $_[0]->_unescape($1);
        my $value = $_[0]->_unescape($2);
        sub {
          && $_[0]->{attrs}{$attribute} eq $value;

    # '[attr!=bar]' - attributes doesn't match
    /\G\[$sel_re!=$match_value_re\]/gc and
      return do {
        my $attribute = $_[0]->_unescape($1);
        my $value = $_[0]->_unescape($2);
        sub {
          ! ($_[0]->{attrs}{$attribute}
          && $_[0]->{attrs}{$attribute} eq $value);

    # '[attr]' - match attribute being present:
    /\G\[$sel_re\]/gc and
      return do {
        my $attribute = $_[0]->_unescape($1);
        sub {
          exists $_[0]->{attrs}{$attribute};

    # none of the above matched, try catching some obvious errors:

    # indicate unmatched square bracket:
    /\G\[[^\]]*/gc and $_[0]->_blam('Unmatched [');

sub parse_selector {
  my $self = $_[0];
  my $sel = $_[1]; # my pos() only please
  die "No selector provided" unless $sel;
  local *_;
  for ($sel) {
    my @sub;
    PARSE: { do {

      my @this_chain;

      # slurp selectors until we find something else:
      while( my $sel = $self->_raw_parse_simple_selector($_) ){
        push @this_chain, $sel;

      if( @this_chain == 1 )
        push @sub, @this_chain;
        # make a compound match closure of everything
        # in this chain of selectors:
        push @sub, sub{
          my $r;
          for my $inner ( @this_chain ){
            if( ! ($r = $inner->( @_ )) ){
              return $r;
          return $r;

      # now we're at the end or a delimiter:
      last PARSE if( pos == length );
      /\G\s*,\s*/gc or do {
        $self->_blam( "Selectors not comma separated." );

     } until (pos == length) };
    return $sub[0] if (@sub == 1);
    return sub {
      foreach my $inner (@sub) {
        if (my $r = $inner->(@_)) { return $r }

sub _unescape {
    my ($self, $escaped) = @_;
    (my $unescaped = $escaped) =~ s/\\([\Q$sel_meta_char\E])/$1/g;
    return $unescaped;

sub _blam {
  my ($self, $error) = @_;
  my $hat = (' ' x (pos||0)).'^';
  die "Error parsing dispatch specification: ${error}\n
${hat} here\n";



2011-12-23 Jim Miner
Fix parsing of selectors matching against attribute value "" (empty).
(This does not fix parsing of single-quoted attribute values.)