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# Usage: perl batch.t [-g] [-p pattern]
# -p pattern:	Only runs the test cases for which the output filename
#		(e.g. t/out/dv_attr1.err) matches the specified pattern.
# -g:		Generates the t/out/*.err files (should probably only be 
#		used by enno)
# -d:		If specified, generates 2 output files in t/out:
#			dv_attr1.err.out1 : result of test case
#			dv_attr1.err.out2 : expected output (same as .err with 
#							     normalized newlines)
# -o:		Also print the result of the test case.
# This script basically runs all test cases for all xml files in the t/ directory
# and compares the output with the appropriate output in t/out/*.err
# There are currently 4 test cases:
# - cp: Uses XML::Checker::Parser
# - dc: Uses XML::DOM::Parser to create a XML::DOM::Document
#	and checks it with $doc->check.
# - dv: uses XML::DOM::ValParser
# - sc: Uses XML::Parser::PerlSAX to parse and 
#	passes data onto the SAX interface of XML::Checker
# The expected output of running script 'cp' on file attr.xml can be found in
# t/out/cp_attr1.err

use strict;
use Carp;
use Getopt::Std;
use Cwd;

use vars qw( $opt_t $opt_g $opt_p $opt_d $opt_o );
# disable warnings with -w
#$opt_o = $opt_d = $opt_t = $opt_g = $opt_p = undef;

getopts ("dogt:p:");

# Determine OS path separator
sub get_path_sep
    if ((defined $^O and
         $^O =~ /MSWin32/i ||
         $^O =~ /Windows_95/i ||
         $^O =~ /Windows_NT/i) ||
        (defined $ENV{OS} and
         $ENV{OS} =~ /MSWin32/i ||
         $ENV{OS} =~ /Windows_95/i ||
         $ENV{OS} =~ /Windows_NT/i))
        return "\\";
    elsif  ((defined $^O and $^O =~ /MacOS/i) ||
            (defined $ENV{OS} and $ENV{OS} =~ /MacOS/i))
	return ":";
    else	# Unix
	return "/";

my $sep = get_path_sep();

# chdir to the t/ subdirectory
my $currdir = cwd;
my $prefix = "";
if (-d 't')
    chdir 't';
    $prefix = "t$sep";

my @xml = map { s/\.xml$//; $_ } <*.xml>;	# strip .xml suffix
chdir $currdir;

my $GENERATE = $opt_g;
my $ONLY = $opt_p || undef;

my @scripts = qw( sc dv cp dc );
my $num_tests = @xml * @scripts;

print "1..$num_tests\n";

my $testcase = 1;
for my $script (@scripts)
    for my $xml (@xml)
	my $outfile = "${prefix}out${sep}${script}_$xml.err";
	next if defined $ONLY && $outfile !~ /$ONLY/;

#	print "-- run $outfile\n";

	my $err;
	    no strict "refs";
	    $err = &$script ($prefix . $xml);

	    if (open (OUT, ">$outfile"))
		print OUT $err;
		close OUT;
		print "(gen) could not open $outfile\n";
	    my $same = same ($err, $outfile);
	    my $not = $same ? "" : "not ";
	    print "${not}ok $testcase - $script/$xml\n";

my $error_str = "";

sub my_fail
    $error_str .= XML::Checker::error_string (@_);

sub append_str
    $error_str .= shift() . "\n";

sub same
    my ($str, $outfile) = @_;
    if (open (FILE, $outfile))
	local $/;	# temporarily set file slurping on
	my $str2 = <FILE> || "";
	close FILE;

	# Normalize newlines to current platform
	$str2 =~ s/(\x0D\x0A|\x0D|\x0A)/\n/g;

	if ($opt_o)
	    print $str;

	if ($str eq $str2)
	    return 1;
	    if ($opt_d)
		open (OUT, ">$outfile.out1");
		print OUT $str;
		close OUT;
		open (OUT, ">$outfile.out2");
		print OUT $str2;
		close OUT;
	    return 0;
	print "ERROR: could not open $outfile: $?\n";
	return 0;

# XML::Parser throws exceptions of the form:
#  no element found at line 5, column 0, byte -1 at 
#  /home1/enno/perl500502/lib/site_perl/5.005/sun4-solaris/XML/ line 168
# For comparison purposes we have to chop off the filename, because that will
# be different for each installation
sub chop_exception
    my ($ex) = @_;
    $ex =~ s/ at \S+ line \d+//;

# Script 'cp': Uses XML::Checker::Parser
sub cp
    my ($xml) = @_;
    require XML::Checker::Parser;

    local $XML::Checker::FAIL = \&my_fail;
    $error_str = "";
    my $parser = new XML::Checker::Parser;
	$parser->parsefile ("$xml.xml");
    if ($@)
	$error_str .= "PARSER TERMINATED: " . chop_exception($@);

# Script 'dc': Uses XML::DOM::Parser to create a XML::DOM::Document
#		and checks it with $doc->check.
sub dc
    my ($xml) = @_;
    require XML::DOM;
    require XML::Checker;

    local $XML::Checker::FAIL = \&my_fail;
    local *XML::DOM::warning = \&append_str;

    $error_str = "";
    my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser;	# could pass options!
	my $doc = $parser->parsefile ("$xml.xml");
	$doc->check;	# could pass Checker with options!
    if ($@)
	$error_str .= "PARSER TERMINATED: " . chop_exception($@);

# Script 'dv': uses XML::DOM::ValParser
sub dv
    my ($xml) = @_;
    require XML::DOM;
    require XML::DOM::ValParser;

    local $XML::Checker::FAIL = \&my_fail;
    local *XML::DOM::warning = \&append_str;

    $error_str = "";
    my $parser = new XML::DOM::ValParser;	# could pass options!
	my $doc = $parser->parsefile ("$xml.xml");
    if ($@)
	$error_str .= "PARSER TERMINATED: " . chop_exception($@);

# Script 'sc': Uses XML::Parser::PerlSAX to parse and 
#		passes data onto the SAX interface of XML::Checker
sub sc
    my ($xml) = @_;
    require XML::Parser::PerlSAX;
    require XML::Checker;

    local $XML::Checker::FAIL = \&my_fail;

    $error_str = "";
    my $checker = new XML::Checker;	# could pass options!
    my $parser = new XML::Parser::PerlSAX (Handler => $checker);

    if (open (STREAM, "$xml.xml"))
	    $parser->parse (Source => { ByteStream => \*STREAM });
	if ($@)
	    $error_str .= "PARSER TERMINATED: " . chop_exception($@);
	close STREAM;