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use strict;
use warnings;
package Net::LDAP::Filter::SQL;
  $Net::LDAP::Filter::SQL::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:ESSELENS';
  $Net::LDAP::Filter::SQL::VERSION = '0.02';
use parent qw/Net::LDAP::Filter/;
use Carp;

sub _filter_parse {
    my $self = shift;
    my $hash = shift || $self;
    my $args = shift;

    $self->{sql_values} ||= [];
    $self->{sql_ops} ||= { reverse qw/&   and
                                      |   or
                                      !   not
                                      =   equalityMatch
                                      ~   approxMatch
                                      >=  greaterOrEqual
                                      <=  lessOrEqual
                                      / };

    foreach (keys %$hash) {
        /^and/ and return '('. join(') and (', map { $self->_filter_parse($_) } @{$hash->{$_}}) .')';
        /^or/  and return '('. join(') or (', map { $self->_filter_parse($_) } @{$hash->{$_}}) .')';
        /^not/ and return 'not (' . $self->_filter_parse($hash->{$_}) . ')';
        /^present/ and return $hash->{$_}.' is not null';
        /^(equalityMatch|greaterOrEqual|lessOrEqual|approxMatch)/ and do {
                push @{$self->{sql_values}}, $hash->{$_}->{assertionValue};
                return $self->_escape_identifier($hash->{$_}->{attributeDesc}) . " ". $self->{sql_ops}->{$1} . " ?";
        /^substrings/ and do {
            my $str = join("%", "", map { values %$_ } @{$hash->{$_}->{substrings}});
            $str =~ s/^.// if exists $hash->{$_}->{substrings}[0]{initial};
            $str .= '%' unless exists $hash->{$_}->{substrings}[-1]{final};

            push @{$self->{sql_values}}, $str;
            return '(' . $self->_escape_identifier($hash->{$_}->{type}) .' like ?) ';
        /^extensibleMatch/ and do {
            push @{$self->{sql_values}}, $hash->{$_}->{matchValue};
            return $self->_escape_identifier($hash->{$_}->{matchingRule}) . '(' . $self->_escape_identifier($hash->{$_}->{type}) . ') = ?';

sub _escape_identifier {
    my ($self,$ident) = @_;
    $ident =~ s/\W//g and warn "identifier '$ident' contains non word characters";
    return $ident;

sub sql_clause {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{sql_clause} ||= $self->_filter_parse();
    return $self->{sql_clause};

sub sql_values {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->_filter_parse() unless $self->{sql_values};
    return $self->{sql_values};

sub as_string {
    my $self = shift;
    return Net::LDAP::Filter::_string(map { $_ => $self->{$_} } grep {! /^sql_/} keys %$self);

sub new_from_data {
    my $self = shift;
    my $dataref = shift;
    croak "expecting a HASH" unless ref $dataref eq 'HASH'; 

    my %data = %$dataref;
    return bless(\%data, 'Net::LDAP::Filter::SQL');



=head1 VERSION

version 0.02

=head1 NAME

Net::LDAP::Filter::SQL - LDAP filter to SQL clause transformer


    my $ldapfilter = new Net::LDAP::Filter( '(&(name=Homer)(city=Springfield))' );

    my $sqlfilter  = new Net::LDAP::Filter::SQL( '(&(name=Marge)(city=Springfield))' );

    my $sqlfilter2 = Net::LDAP::Filter::SQL->new_from_data({ 'equalityMatch' => { 'assertionValue' => 'bar', 'attributeDesc' => 'foo' } });

    my $sqlfilter3 = bless($ldapfilter,'Net::LDAP::Filter::SQL');

    print Data::Dumper({ clause => $sqlfilter->sql_clause, values => $sqlfilter->sql_values });

    # ... $dbh->selectall_arrayref('select * from sometable where '.$sqlfilter->sql_clause, undef, $sqlfilter->sql_values)


This module allows you to transform a Net::LDAP::Filter object into an SQL
clause string containing '?' placeholders.  The corresponding values can be
accessed as a list, and thus can be used inside a dbh prepare or select call.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new( I<ldapfilter> )

Create a new LDAP Filter

=head2 new_from_data( I<$hashref> )

Creates a new LDAP Filter from an existing data set. i.e. a Net::LDAP::Filter structure

=head2 sql_clause(I<>)

returns an sql where clause in string format with '?' placeholders

=head2 sql_values(I<>)

returns a list of values associated with the filter

=head1 METHODS

=head1 EXAMPLE

    my $filter = new Net::LDAP::Filter::SQL('(&(name=Marge)(city=Springfield))');
    print Dumper({ clause => $filter->sql_clause, values => $filter->sql_values });
    # $VAR1 = {
    #           'clause' => '(name = ?) and (city = ?)',
    #           'values' => [
    #                         'Marge',
    #                         'Springfield'
    #                       ]
    #         };

=head1 BUGS

probably lots, please send patches

=head1 TODO

=over 4

=item *

figure out what approxMatch should do. e.g. soundex? 


=head1 SUPPORT

send me an e-mail

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item *


=item *




My mother, for raising me and my brother the way she did. Thanks mom!


See perlmodinstall for information and options on installing Perl modules.


No bugs have been reported.

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at

=head1 AUTHOR

Tim Esselens <>


This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Tim Esselens.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

