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use strict;
use warnings;
package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckLib;
# git description: v0.005-3-g4a12dcd
$Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckLib::VERSION = '0.006';
# ABSTRACT: Require that our distribution has a particular library available
# KEYWORDS: distribution installation require compiler library header resource
# vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=78 et :

use Moose;
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use namespace::autoclean;

my @list_options = qw(header incpath lib libpath);
sub mvp_multivalue_args { @list_options }

foreach my $option (@list_options)
    has $option => (
        isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]',
        lazy => 1,
        default => sub { [] },
        traits => ['Array'],
        handles => { $option => 'elements' },

my @string_options = qw(INC LIBS debug);
has \@string_options => (
    is => 'ro', isa => 'Str',

around dump_config => sub
    my ($orig, $self) = @_;
    my $config = $self->$orig;

    $config->{+__PACKAGE__} = {
        ( map { $_ => [ $self->$_ ] } @list_options ),
        ( map { $_ => $self->$_ } @string_options ),

    return $config;

sub register_prereqs
    my $self = shift;
          phase => 'configure',
          type  => 'requires',
        'Devel::CheckLib' => '0.9',

my %files;
sub munge_files
    my $self = shift;

    my @mfpl = grep { $_->name eq 'Makefile.PL' or $_->name eq 'Build.PL' } @{ $self->zilla->files };
    for my $mfpl (@mfpl)
        $self->log_debug('munging ' . $mfpl->name . ' in file gatherer phase');
        $files{$mfpl->name} = $mfpl;

# XXX - this should really be a separate phase that runs after InstallTool -
# until then, all we can do is die if we are run too soon
sub setup_installer
    my $self = shift;

    my @mfpl = grep { $_->name eq 'Makefile.PL' or $_->name eq 'Build.PL' } @{ $self->zilla->files };

    $self->log_fatal('No Makefile.PL or Build.PL was found. [CheckLib] should appear in dist.ini after [MakeMaker] or variant!') unless @mfpl;

    for my $mfpl (@mfpl)
        next if exists $files{$mfpl->name};
        $self->log_debug('munging ' . $mfpl->name . ' in setup_installer phase');

sub _munge_file
    my ($self, $file) = @_;

    my $orig_content = $file->content;
    $self->log_fatal('could not find position in ' . $file->name . ' to modify!')
        if not $orig_content =~ m/use strict;\nuse warnings;\n\n/g;

    my $pos = pos($orig_content);

    # build a list of tuples: field name => string
    my @options = (
        (map {
            my @stuff = map { '\'' . $_ . '\'' } $self->$_;
                ? [ $_ => @stuff > 1 ? ('[ ' . join(', ', @stuff) . ' ]') : $stuff[0] ]
                : ()
        } @list_options),
        (map {
            defined $self->$_
                ? [ $_ => '\'' . $self->$_ . '\'' ]
                : ()
        } @string_options),

        substr($orig_content, 0, $pos)
        . "# inserted by " . blessed($self) . ' ' . ($self->VERSION || '<self>') . "\n"
        . "use Devel::CheckLib;\n"
        . "check_lib_or_exit(\n"
        . join('',
                map { '    ' . $_->[0] . ' => ' . $_->[1] . ",\n" } @options
        . ");\n\n"
        . substr($orig_content, $pos)




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckLib - Require that our distribution has a particular library available

=head1 VERSION

version 0.006


In your F<dist.ini>:

    lib = jpeg
    header = jpeglib.h


This is a L<Dist::Zilla> plugin that modifies the F<Makefile.PL> or
F<Build.PL> in your distribution to contain a L<Devel::CheckLib> call, that
asserts that a particular library and/or header is available.  If it is not
available, the program exits with a status of zero, which on a
L<CPAN Testers|> machine will result in a NA result.

=for Pod::Coverage mvp_multivalue_args register_prereqs munge_files setup_installer


All options are as documented in L<Devel::CheckLib>:

=head2 C<lib>

A string with the name of a single library name. Can be used more than once.
Depending on the compiler found, library names will be fed to the compiler
either as C<-l> arguments or as C<.lib> file names. (e.g. C<-ljpeg> or

=head2 C<libpath>

Additional path to search for libraries. Can be used more than once.

=head2 C<LIBS>

A L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>-style space-separated list of libraries (each preceded by C<-l>) and directories (preceded by C<-L>).

=head2 C<debug>

If true, emit information during processing that can be used for debugging.
B<Note>: as this is an arbitrary string that is inserted directly into
F<Makefile.PL> or F<Build.PL>, this can be any arbitrary expression,
for example:

    debug = $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING} || $^O eq 'MSWin32'

=head2 C<header>

The name of a single header file name. Can be used more than once.

=head2 C<incpath>

An additional path to search for headers. Can be used more than once.

=head2 C<INC>

=for stopwords incpaths

A L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>-style space-separated list of incpaths, each preceded by C<-I>.

=head1 SUPPORT

=for stopwords irc

Bugs may be submitted through L<the RT bug tracker|>
(or L<|>).
I am also usually active on irc, as 'ether' at C<>.

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item *


=item *

L<Devel::AssertOS> and L<Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AssertOS>

=item *

L<Devel::CheckBin> and L<Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CheckBin>


=head1 AUTHOR

Karen Etheridge <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Karen Etheridge.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
