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use strict;
use warnings;
package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PromptIfStale;
  $Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PromptIfStale::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:ETHER';
# git description: v0.021-3-gfc5321a
$Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PromptIfStale::VERSION = '0.022';
# ABSTRACT: Check at build/release time if modules are out of date
# vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=78 et :

use Moose;
with 'Dist::Zilla::Role::BeforeBuild',

use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(ArrayRef Bool Str);
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq none);
use version;
use Path::Tiny;
use Cwd;
use HTTP::Tiny;
use Encode;
use JSON;
use Module::Path 'module_path';
use Module::Metadata;
use namespace::autoclean;

sub mvp_multivalue_args { qw(modules skip) }
sub mvp_aliases { {
    module => 'modules',
    check_all => 'check_all_plugins',
} }

has phase => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => enum([qw(build release)]),
    default => 'release',

has modules => (
    isa => ArrayRef[Str],
    traits => [ 'Array' ],
    handles => { _raw_modules => 'elements' },
    lazy => 1,
    default => sub { [] },

has check_all_plugins => (
    is => 'ro', isa => Bool,
    default => 0,

has check_all_prereqs => (
    is => 'ro', isa => Bool,
    default => 0,

has skip => (
    isa => ArrayRef[Str],
    traits => [ 'Array' ],
    handles => { skip => 'elements' },
    lazy => 1,
    default => sub { [] },

has fatal => (
    is => 'ro', isa => Bool,
    default => 0,

has index_base_url => (
    is => 'ro', isa => Str,

around dump_config => sub
    my ($orig, $self) = @_;
    my $config = $self->$orig;

    $config->{+__PACKAGE__} = {
        (map { $_ => ($self->$_ || 0) } qw(phase check_all_plugins check_all_prereqs)),
        skip => [ $self->skip ],
        modules => [ $self->_raw_modules ],

    return $config;

sub before_build
    my $self = shift;

    if ($self->phase eq 'build')
        my @modules = uniq
            ( $self->check_all_plugins ? $self->_modules_plugin : () );

        $self->_check_modules(@modules) if @modules;

sub after_build
    my $self = shift;

    if ($self->phase eq 'build' and $self->check_all_prereqs)
        my @modules = $self->_modules_prereq;
        $self->_check_modules(@modules) if @modules;

sub before_release
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self->phase eq 'release')
        my @modules = (
            ( $self->check_all_plugins ? $self->_modules_plugin : () ),
        push @modules, $self->_modules_prereq if $self->check_all_prereqs;

        $self->_check_modules(uniq @modules) if @modules;

# a package-scoped singleton variable that tracks the module names that have
# already been checked for, so other instances of this plugin do not duplicate
# the check.
my %already_checked;
sub __clear_already_checked { %already_checked = () } # for testing

sub stale_modules
    my ($self, @modules) = @_;

    my (@stale_modules, @errors, %module_to_filename);
    foreach my $module (sort @modules)
        next if $module eq 'perl';
        next if $already_checked{$module};

        my $path = module_path($module);
        if (not $path)
            push @stale_modules, $module;
            push @errors, $module . ' is not installed.';

        # ignore modules in the dist currently being built
        my $relative_path = path($path)->relative(getcwd);
        $self->log_debug($module . ' provided locally (at ' . $relative_path
                . '); skipping version check'), next
            unless $relative_path =~ m/^\.\./;

        $module_to_filename{$module} = $path;

    foreach my $module (sort keys %module_to_filename)
        my $indexed_version = $self->_indexed_version($module, !!(keys %module_to_filename > 5));
        my $local_version = Module::Metadata->new_from_file($module_to_filename{$module})->version;

        $self->log_debug('comparing indexed vs. local version for ' . $module
            . ': indexed=' . ($indexed_version // 'undef')
            . '; local version=' . ($local_version // 'undef'));

        if (not defined $indexed_version)
            push @stale_modules, $module;
            push @errors, $module . ' is not indexed.';

        if (defined $local_version
            and $local_version < $indexed_version)
            push @stale_modules, $module;
            push @errors, 'Indexed version of ' . $module . ' is ' . $indexed_version
                    . ' but you only have ' . $local_version
                    . ' installed.';

    return \@stale_modules, \@errors;

sub _check_modules
    my ($self, @modules) = @_;

    $self->log('checking for stale modules...');
    my ($stale_modules, $errors) = $self->stale_modules(@modules);

    return if not @$errors;

    my $prompt = @$errors > 1
        ? (join("\n    ", 'Issues found:', @$errors) . "\n")
        : ($errors->[0] . ' ');

    my $continue;
    if (not $self->fatal)
        $prompt .= 'Continue anyway?';
        $continue = $self->zilla->chrome->prompt_yn($prompt, { default => 0 });

    $self->log_fatal('Aborting ' . $self->phase . "\n"
        . 'To remedy, do: cpanm ' . join(' ', @$stale_modules)) if not $continue;

has _modules_plugin => (
    isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]',
    traits => ['Array'],
    handles => { _modules_plugin => 'elements' },
    lazy => 1,
    default => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        my @skip = $self->skip;
        return [
            grep { my $module = $_; none { $module eq $_ } @skip }
            map { $_->meta->name } @{ $self->zilla->plugins }

has _modules_prereq => (
    isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]',
    traits => ['Array'],
    handles => { _modules_prereq => 'elements' },
    lazy => 1,
    default => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        my $prereqs = $self->zilla->prereqs->as_string_hash;
        my @skip = $self->skip;
            grep { my $module = $_; none { $module eq $_ } @skip }
            map { keys %$_ }
            grep { defined }
            map { @{$_}{qw(requires recommends suggests)} }
            grep { defined }
            values %$prereqs

sub _modules_extra
    my $self = shift;
    my @skip = $self->skip;
    grep { my $module = $_; none { $module eq $_ } @skip } $self->_raw_modules;

my $packages;
sub _indexed_version
    my ($self, $module, $combined) = @_;

    # we download 02packages if we have several modules to query at once, or
    # if we were given a different URL to use -- otherwise, we perform an API
    # hit for just this one module's data
    return $combined || $packages || $self->index_base_url
        ? $self->_indexed_version_via_02packages($module)
        : $self->_indexed_version_via_query($module);

# I bet this is available somewhere as a module?
sub _indexed_version_via_query
    my ($self, $module) = @_;

    die 'should not be here - get 02packages instead' if $self->index_base_url;

    my $res = HTTP::Tiny->new->get("$module");
    $self->log_debug('could not query the index?'), return undef if not $res->{success};

    # JSON wants UTF-8 bytestreams, so we need to re-encode no matter what
    # encoding we got. -- rjbs, 2011-08-18 (in Dist::Zilla)
    my $json_octets = Encode::encode_utf8($res->{content});
    my $payload = JSON::->new->decode($json_octets);

    $self->log_debug('invalid payload returned?'), return undef unless $payload;
    $self->log_debug($module . ' not indexed'), return undef if not defined $payload->[0]{mod_vers};

# TODO: it would be AWESOME to provide this to multiple plugins via a role
# even better would be to save the file somewhere semi-permanent and
# keep it refreshed with a Last-Modified header - or share cpanm's copy?
sub _get_packages
    my $self = shift;
    return $packages if $packages;

    require File::Temp;
    my $tempdir = File::Temp::tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
    my $filename = '02packages.details.txt.gz';
    my $path = path($tempdir, $filename);

    my $base = $self->index_base_url || '';

    my $response = HTTP::Tiny->new->mirror($base . '/modules/' . $filename, $path);
    $self->log('could not fetch the index - network down?'), return undef if not $response->{success};

    require Parse::CPAN::Packages::Fast;
    $packages = Parse::CPAN::Packages::Fast->new($path->stringify);

sub _indexed_version_via_02packages
    my ($self, $module) = @_;

    my $packages = $self->_get_packages;
    return undef if not $packages;
    my $package = $packages->package($module);
    return undef if not $package;




=encoding UTF-8

=for :stopwords Karen Etheridge David Golden darkpan irc

=head1 NAME

Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PromptIfStale - Check at build/release time if modules are out of date

=head1 VERSION

version 0.022


In your F<dist.ini>:

    phase = build
    module = Dist::Zilla
    module = Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::ME


    check_all_plugins = 1


C<[PromptIfStale]> is a C<BeforeBuild> or C<BeforeRelease> plugin that compares the
locally-installed version of a module(s) with the latest indexed version,
prompting to abort the build process if a discrepancy is found.

Note that there is no effect on the built dist -- all actions are taken at
build time.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item * C<phase>

Indicates whether the checks are performed at I<build> or I<release> time
(defaults to I<release>).

(Remember that you can use different settings for different phases by employing
this plugin twice, with different names.)

=item * C<module>

The name of a module to check for. Can be provided more than once.

=item * C<check_all_plugins>

A boolean, defaulting to false, indicating that all plugins being used to
build this distribution should be checked.

=item * C<check_all_prereqs>

A boolean, defaulting to false, indicating that all prerequisites in the
distribution metadata should be checked. The modules are a merged list taken
from all phases (C<configure>, C<build>, C<runtime>, C<test> and C<develop>) ,
and the C<requires>, C<recommends> and C<suggests> types.

=item * C<skip>

The name of a module to exempt from checking. Can be provided more than once.

=item * C<fatal>

A boolean, defaulting to false, indicating that missing prereqs will result in
an immediate abort of the build/release process, without prompting.

=item * C<index_base_url>

When provided, uses this base URL to fetch F<02packages.details.txt.gz>
instead of the default C<>.  Use this when your
distribution uses prerequisites found only in your darkpan-like server.


=for Pod::Coverage mvp_multivalue_args mvp_aliases before_build after_build before_release stale_modules

=head1 SUPPORT

Bugs may be submitted through L<the RT bug tracker|>
(or L<|>).
I am also usually active on irc, as 'ether' at C<>.

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item *

the L<[EnsureNotStale]|Dist::Zilla::Plugin::EnsureNotStale> plugin in this distribution

=item *

the L<dzil stale|Dist::Zilla::App::Command::stale> command in this distribution

=item *

L<Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs::MatchInstalled>, L<Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs::MatchInstalled::All>


=head1 AUTHOR

Karen Etheridge <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Karen Etheridge.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


David Golden <>
