The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use if $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING}, 'Test::Warnings';
use Test::DZil;
use Test::Fatal;
use Test::Deep;
use Path::Tiny;
use Moose::Util 'find_meta';
use File::pushd 'pushd';
use Dist::Zilla::App::Command::stale;

use lib 't/lib';
use NoNetworkHits;
use EnsureStdinTty;
use DiagFilehandles;

my @prompts;
    use Dist::Zilla::Chrome::Test;
    my $meta = find_meta('Dist::Zilla::Chrome::Test');
    $meta->add_before_method_modifier(prompt_str => sub {
        my ($self, $prompt, $arg) = @_;
        push @prompts, $prompt;

my $checked_app;
my $tzil = Builder->from_config(
    { dist_root => 'does-not-exist' },
        add_files => {
            path(qw(source dist.ini)) => simple_ini(
                [ GatherDir => ],
                do {
                    my $mod = '0';
                    map {
                        my $phase = $_;
                        map {
                            [ 'Prereqs' => $phase . $_ => { 'Foo' . $mod++ => 0 } ]
                        } qw(Requires Recommends Suggests)
                    } qw(Runtime Test Develop);
                [ 'PromptIfStale' => {
                        check_all_prereqs => 1,
                        # some of these are duplicated with prereqs
                        module => [ 'Bar', map { 'Foo' . $_ } 0 .. 2 ], phase => 'build'
            path(qw(source lib => "package Foo;\n1;\n",

if (not $checked_app++)
    my $wd = pushd $tzil->root;
        [ Dist::Zilla::App::Command::stale->stale_modules($tzil) ],
        [ 'Bar', map { 'Foo' . $_ } ('0' .. '8') ],
        'app finds stale modules',
    goto BUILD;

my %expected_prompts = (
    before_build => [
        map { '    ' . $_ . ' is not installed.' } 'Bar', map { 'Foo' . $_ } ('0' .. '2') ],
    after_build => [
        map { '    ' . $_ . ' is not installed.' } map { 'Foo' . $_ } ('3' .. '8') ],

my @expected_prompts = map {
    "Issues found:\n" . join("\n", @{$expected_prompts{$_}}, 'Continue anyway?')
} qw(before_build after_build);

$tzil->chrome->set_response_for($_, 'y') foreach @expected_prompts;


# if a response has not been configured for a particular prompt, we will die
    exception { $tzil->build },
    'build succeeded when checking for a module that is not stale',

    'we were indeed prompted, for exactly all the right phases and types, and not twice for the duplicates',

diag 'got log messages: ', explain $tzil->log_messages
    if not Test::Builder->new->is_passing;
