;;; this file was automatically generated from
;;; Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-ETHER-0.093/profiles/github/profile.ini

template = Module.pm

; not used, because we want to template bits of this.
; [DistINI]
; append_file = plugins.ini

; so subsequent plugins can call $zilla->distmeta and not blow up
format = 0.001

; for metadata used in initial CONTRIBUTING file
bugtracker.rt = 1

root = skel

type = pod
location = build


-dist = Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-ETHER
-filename = CONTRIBUTING

; we can't just include this file in skel because
; File::ShareDir::Install::_scan_share_dir (used to) unconditionally skip all dotfiles.
; see https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=95749
[GenerateFile / gitignore]
filename = .gitignore
is_template = 1
content = /.ackrc
content = /.build/
content = !/.gitignore
content = /.latest
content = /{{$dist->name}}-*/
content = /{{$dist->name}}-*.tar.gz

[GenerateFile / ackrc]
filename = .ackrc
is_template = 0
content = --ignore-dir=.latest

[GenerateFile / mailmap]
filename = .mailmap
is_template = 0
content = # https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-shortlog.html

[GenerateFile / Changes]
filename = Changes
is_template = 1 ; needed for whitespace
content = Revision history for {{$dist->name}}
content =
content = {{ '{{$NEXT}}' }}
content = {{ '         ' }} - Initial release.

commit_message = initial commit%n%nvia [Git::Init] in Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-ETHER-0.093, github profile.
config = user.email ether@cpan.org
; we don't configure a repository here because [GitHub::Create] won't do its
; thing if there is already a remote spec added.

:version = 0.35
prompt = 1
has_issues = 0

; this will fail if we said no to creating the github repository

run = echo "You should now do: cd %d"