The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;

    package My::Role;
    use Moose::Role;

    sub foo { 'Foo::foo' }
    sub bar { 'Foo::bar' }
    sub baz { 'Foo::baz' }

    package My::Class;
    use Moose;

    with 'My::Role' => { -excludes => 'bar' };

ok(My::Class->meta->has_method($_), "we have a $_ method") for qw(foo baz);
ok(!My::Class->meta->has_method('bar'), '... but we excluded bar');

    package My::OtherRole;
    use Moose::Role;

    with 'My::Role' => { -excludes => 'foo' };

    sub foo { 'My::OtherRole::foo' }
    sub bar { 'My::OtherRole::bar' }

ok(My::OtherRole->meta->has_method($_), "we have a $_ method") for qw(foo bar baz);

ok(!My::OtherRole->meta->requires_method('foo'), '... and the &foo method is not required');
ok(!My::OtherRole->meta->requires_method('bar'), '... and the &bar method is not required');

    package Foo::Role;
    use Moose::Role;

    sub foo { 'Foo::Role::foo' }

    package Bar::Role;
    use Moose::Role;

    sub foo { 'Bar::Role::foo' }

    package Baz::Role;
    use Moose::Role;

    sub foo { 'Baz::Role::foo' }

    package My::Foo::Class;
    use Moose;

    ::is( ::exception {
        with 'Foo::Role' => { -excludes => 'foo' },
             'Bar::Role' => { -excludes => 'foo' },
    }, undef, '... composed our roles correctly' );

    package My::Foo::Class::Broken;
    use Moose;

    ::like( ::exception {
        with 'Foo::Role',
             'Bar::Role' => { -excludes => 'foo' },
    }, qr/Due to a method name conflict in roles 'Baz::Role' and 'Foo::Role', the method 'foo' must be implemented or excluded by 'My::Foo::Class::Broken'/, '... composed our roles correctly' );

    my $foo = My::Foo::Class->new;
    isa_ok($foo, 'My::Foo::Class');
    can_ok($foo, 'foo');
    is($foo->foo, 'Baz::Role::foo', '... got the right method');

    package My::Foo::Role;
    use Moose::Role;

    ::is( ::exception {
        with 'Foo::Role' => { -excludes => 'foo' },
             'Bar::Role' => { -excludes => 'foo' },
    }, undef, '... composed our roles correctly' );

ok(My::Foo::Role->meta->has_method('foo'), "we have a foo method");
ok(!My::Foo::Role->meta->requires_method('foo'), '... and the &foo method is not required');

    package My::Foo::Role::Other;
    use Moose::Role;

    ::is( ::exception {
        with 'Foo::Role',
             'Bar::Role' => { -excludes => 'foo' },
    }, undef, '... composed our roles correctly' );

ok(!My::Foo::Role::Other->meta->has_method('foo'), "we dont have a foo method");
ok(My::Foo::Role::Other->meta->requires_method('foo'), '... and the &foo method is required');
