The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;

use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
use Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint;

## Create a subclass with a custom method

    package Test::Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::AnySubType;
    use Moose;
    extends 'Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint';

    sub my_custom_method {
        return 1;

my $Int = find_type_constraint('Int');
ok $Int, 'Got a good type constraint';

my $parent  = Test::Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::AnySubType->new({
        name => "Test::Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::AnySubType" ,
        parent => $Int,

ok $parent, 'Created type constraint';
ok $parent->check(1), 'Correctly passed';
ok ! $parent->check('a'), 'correctly failed';
ok $parent->my_custom_method, 'found the custom method';

my $subtype1 = subtype 'another_subtype' => as $parent;

ok $subtype1, 'Created type constraint';
ok $subtype1->check(1), 'Correctly passed';
ok ! $subtype1->check('a'), 'correctly failed';
ok $subtype1->my_custom_method, 'found the custom method';

my $subtype2 = subtype 'another_subtype' => as $subtype1 => where { $_ < 10 };

ok $subtype2, 'Created type constraint';
ok $subtype2->check(1), 'Correctly passed';
ok ! $subtype2->check('a'), 'correctly failed';
ok ! $subtype2->check(100), 'correctly failed';

ok $subtype2->my_custom_method, 'found the custom method';

    package Foo;

    use Moose;

    package Bar;

    use Moose;

    extends 'Foo';

    package Baz;

    use Moose;

my $foo = class_type 'Foo';
my $isa_foo = subtype 'IsaFoo' => as $foo;

ok $isa_foo, 'Created subtype of Foo type';
ok $isa_foo->check( Foo->new ), 'Foo passes check';
ok $isa_foo->check( Bar->new ), 'Bar passes check';
ok ! $isa_foo->check( Baz->new ), 'Baz does not pass check';
like $foo->get_message( Baz->new ), qr/^Validation failed for 'Foo' with value .*Baz.* \(not isa Foo\)/, 'Better validation message';

# Maybe in the future this *should* inherit?
like $isa_foo->get_message( Baz->new ), qr/^Validation failed for 'IsaFoo' with value .*Baz.*/, "Subtypes do not automatically inherit parent type's message";

# Implicit types
    package Quux;

    use Moose;

    has age => (
        isa => 'Positive',
        is => 'bare',

like( exception {
    Quux->new(age => 3)
}, qr/^Attribute \(age\) does not pass the type constraint because: Validation failed for 'Positive' with value 3 \(not isa Positive\)/ );

is( exception {
    Quux->new(age => (bless {}, 'Positive'));
}, undef );

eval "
    package Positive;
    use Moose;

like( exception {
    Quux->new(age => 3)
}, qr/^Attribute \(age\) does not pass the type constraint because: Validation failed for 'Positive' with value 3 \(not isa Positive\)/ );

is( exception {
    Quux->new(age => Positive->new)
}, undef );

class_type 'Negative' => message { "$_ is not a Negative Nancy" };

    package Quux::Ier;

    use Moose;

    has age => (
        isa => 'Negative',
        is => 'bare',

like( exception {
    Quux::Ier->new(age => 3)
}, qr/^Attribute \(age\) does not pass the type constraint because: 3 is not a Negative Nancy / );

is( exception {
    Quux::Ier->new(age => (bless {}, 'Negative'))
}, undef );
