The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 69;
use Test::Exception;
use Test::Moose 'does_ok';


    package Stuff;
    use Moose;

    has 'options' => (
        traits    => [qw/MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection::Array/],
        is        => 'ro',
        isa       => 'ArrayRef[Str]',
        default   => sub { [] },
        provides => {
            'push'          => 'add_options',
            'pop'           => 'remove_last_option',
            'shift'         => 'remove_first_option',
            'unshift'       => 'insert_options',
            'get'           => 'get_option_at',
            'set'           => 'set_option_at',
            'count'         => 'num_options',
            'empty'         => 'has_options',
            'clear'         => 'clear_options',
            'splice'        => 'splice_options',
            'sort_in_place' => 'sort_options_in_place',
            'accessor'      => 'option_accessor',
        curries   => {
            'push'    => {
                add_options_with_speed => ['funrolls', 'funbuns']
            'unshift'  => {
                prepend_prerequisites_along_with => ['first', 'second']
            'sort_in_place' => { descending_options => [ sub { $_[1] <=> $_[0] } ],

my $stuff = Stuff->new(options => [ 10, 12 ]);
isa_ok($stuff, 'Stuff');

can_ok($stuff, $_) for qw[

is_deeply($stuff->options, [10, 12], '... got options');

ok($stuff->has_options, '... we have options');
is($stuff->num_options, 2, '... got 2 options');

is($stuff->remove_last_option, 12, '... removed the last option');
is($stuff->remove_first_option, 10, '... removed the last option');

is_deeply($stuff->options, [], '... no options anymore');

ok(!$stuff->has_options, '... no options');
is($stuff->num_options, 0, '... got no options');

lives_ok {
    $stuff->add_options(1, 2, 3);
} '... set the option okay';

is_deeply($stuff->options, [1, 2, 3], '... got options now');

ok($stuff->has_options, '... no options');
is($stuff->num_options, 3, '... got 3 options');

is($stuff->get_option_at(0), 1, '... get option at index 0');
is($stuff->get_option_at(1), 2, '... get option at index 1');
is($stuff->get_option_at(2), 3, '... get option at index 2');

lives_ok {
    $stuff->set_option_at(1, 100);
} '... set the option okay';

is($stuff->get_option_at(1), 100, '... get option at index 1');

lives_ok {
    $stuff->add_options(10, 15);
} '... set the option okay';

is_deeply($stuff->options, [1, 100, 3, 10, 15], '... got more options now');

is($stuff->num_options, 5, '... got 5 options');

is($stuff->remove_last_option, 15, '... removed the last option');

is($stuff->num_options, 4, '... got 4 options');
is_deeply($stuff->options, [1, 100, 3, 10], '... got diff options now');

lives_ok {
    $stuff->insert_options(10, 20);
} '... set the option okay';

is($stuff->num_options, 6, '... got 6 options');
is_deeply($stuff->options, [10, 20, 1, 100, 3, 10], '... got diff options now');

is($stuff->get_option_at(0), 10, '... get option at index 0');
is($stuff->get_option_at(1), 20, '... get option at index 1');
is($stuff->get_option_at(3), 100, '... get option at index 3');

is($stuff->remove_first_option, 10, '... getting the first option');

is($stuff->num_options, 5, '... got 5 options');
is($stuff->get_option_at(0), 20, '... get option at index 0');

is_deeply( $stuff->options, [], "... clear options" );

$stuff->add_options(5, 1, 2, 3);
is_deeply( $stuff->options, [1, 2, 3, 5], "... sort options in place (default sort order)" );

$stuff->sort_options_in_place( sub { $_[1] <=> $_[0] } );
is_deeply( $stuff->options, [5, 3, 2, 1], "... sort options in place (descending order)" );

$stuff->add_options(5, 1, 2, 3);
lives_ok {
} '... curried sort in place lives ok';

is_deeply( $stuff->options, [5, 3, 2, 1], "... sort currying" );

throws_ok { $stuff->sort_options_in_place('foo') } qr/Argument must be a code reference/,
    'error when sort_in_place receives a non-coderef argument';


lives_ok {
} '... set the options okay';

lives_ok {
    $stuff->add_options_with_speed('compatible', 'safe');
} '... add options with speed okay';

is_deeply($stuff->options, [qw/tree funrolls funbuns compatible safe/],
          'check options after add_options_with_speed');

lives_ok {
} '... add prerequisite options okay';

$stuff->add_options( 1, 2 );

lives_ok {
    $stuff->splice_options( 1, 0, 'foo' );
} '... splice_options works';

    $stuff->options, [ 1, 'foo', 2 ],
    'splice added expected option'

is($stuff->option_accessor(1 => 'foo++'), 'foo++');
is($stuff->option_accessor(1), 'foo++');

## check some errors

#dies_ok {
#    $stuff->insert_options(undef);
#} '... could not add an undef where a string is expected';
#dies_ok {
#    $stuff->set_option(5, {});
#} '... could not add a hash ref where a string is expected';

dies_ok {
    Stuff->new(options => [ undef, 10, undef, 20 ]);
} '... bad constructor params';

dies_ok {
    my $stuff = Stuff->new();
} '... rejects push of an invalid type';

dies_ok {
    my $stuff = Stuff->new();
} '... rejects unshift of an invalid type';

dies_ok {
    my $stuff = Stuff->new();
    $stuff->set_option_at( 0, undef );
} '... rejects set of an invalid type';

dies_ok {
    my $stuff = Stuff->new();
    $stuff->sort_in_place_options( undef );
} '... sort rejects arg of invalid type';

dies_ok {
    my $stuff = Stuff->new();
} '... accessor rejects 0 args';

dies_ok {
    my $stuff = Stuff->new();
    $stuff->option_accessor(1, 2, 3);
} '... accessor rejects 3 args';

## test the meta

my $options = $stuff->meta->get_attribute('options');
does_ok($options, 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection::Array');

is_deeply($options->provides, {
    'push'    => 'add_options',
    'pop'     => 'remove_last_option',    
    'shift'   => 'remove_first_option',
    'unshift' => 'insert_options',
    'get'     => 'get_option_at',
    'set'     => 'set_option_at',
    'count'   => 'num_options',
    'empty'   => 'has_options',    
    'clear'   => 'clear_options',    
    'splice'  => 'splice_options',
    'sort_in_place' => 'sort_options_in_place',
    'accessor' => 'option_accessor',
}, '... got the right provides mapping');

is($options->type_constraint->type_parameter, 'Str', '... got the right container type');