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package MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Role;
  $MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Role::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:FLORA';
  $MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Role::VERSION = '0.28';
# ABSTRACT: metarole role for storing code attributes

use Moose ();
use Moose::Util::MetaRole;
use Moose::Util qw/find_meta does_role ensure_all_roles/;

use Moose::Role;

use MooseX::MethodAttributes ();
use MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role ();

use namespace::clean -except => 'meta';

with qw/

$Moose::VERSION >= 0.9301
    ? around composition_class_roles => sub {
        my ($orig, $self) = @_;
        return $self->$orig,
    : has '+composition_class_roles' => (
        default => sub { [ 'MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Role::Application::Summation' ] },

after 'initialize' => sub {
    my ($self, $class, %args) = @_;
    ensure_all_roles($class, 'MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::AttrContainer');

# FIXME - Skip this logic if the method metaclass already does the right role?
around method_metaclass => sub {
    my $orig = shift;
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->$orig(@_) if scalar @_;
        superclasses => [ $self->$orig ],
        roles        => [qw/
        cache        => 1,

sub _copy_attributes {
    my ($self, $thing) = @_;

    push @{ $thing->_method_attribute_list }, @{ $self->_method_attribute_list };
    @{ $thing->_method_attribute_map }{ (keys(%{ $self->_method_attribute_map }), keys(%{ $thing->_method_attribute_map })) }
        = (values(%{ $self->_method_attribute_map }), values(%{ $thing->_method_attribute_map }));

# This allows you to say use Moose::Role -traits => 'MethodAttributes'
# This is replaced by MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role, and this trait registration
# is now only present for backwards compatibility reasons.
package # Hide from PAUSE

sub register_implementation { 'MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Role' }




=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Role - metarole role for storing code attributes


    package MyRole;
    use MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role;

    sub foo : Bar Baz('corge') { ... }

    package MyClass
    use Moose;

    with 'MyRole';

    my $attrs = MyClass->meta->get_method('foo')->attributes; # ["Bar", "Baz('corge')"]


This module is a metaclass role which is applied by L<MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role>, allowing
you to add code attributes to methods in Moose roles.

These attributes can then be found by introspecting the role metaclass, and are automatically copied
into any classes or roles that the role is composed onto.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 initialize

Ensures that the package containing the role methods does the
L<MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::AttrContainer> role during initialisation,
which in turn is responsible for capturing the method attributes on the class
and registering them with the metaclass.

=head2 method_metaclass

Wraps the normal method and ensures that the method metaclass performs the
L<MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Method> role, which allows you to
introspect the attributes from the method objects returned by the MOP when
querying the metaclass.

=head1 CAVEATS


=item *

Currently roles with attributes cannot have methods excluded
or aliased, and will in turn confer this property onto any roles they
are composed onto.


=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item *

Florian Ragwitz <>

=item *

Tomas Doran <>



This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Florian Ragwitz.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
