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package ExtUtils::CppGuess;

use strict;
use warnings;

=head1 NAME

ExtUtils::CppGuess - guess C++ compiler and flags


With L<Extutils::MakeMaker>:

    use ExtUtils::CppGuess;

    my $guess = ExtUtils::CppGuess->new;

      ( # MakeMaker args,

With L<Module::Build>:

    my $guess = ExtUtils::CppGuess->new;

    my $build = Module::Build->new
      ( # Module::Build arguments


C<ExtUtils::CppGuess> attempts to guess the system's C++ compiler
that is compatible with the C compiler that your perl was built with.

It can generate the necessary options to the L<Module::Build>
constructor or to L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>'s C<WriteMakefile>

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

Creates a new C<ExtUtils::CppGuess> object.
Takes the path to the C compiler as the C<cc> argument,
but falls back to the value of C<$Config{cc}>, which should
be what you want anyway.

You can specify C<extra_compiler_flags> and C<extra_linker_flags>
(as strings) which will be merged in with the auto-detected ones.

=head2 module_build_options

Returns the correct options to the constructor of C<Module::Build>.
These are:


=head2 makemaker_options

Returns the correct options to the C<WriteMakefile> function of
These are:

    dynamic_lib => { OTHERLDFLAGS => ... }

If you specify the extra compiler or linker flags in the
constructor, they'll be merged into C<CCFLAGS> or
C<OTHERLDFLAGS> respectively.

=head2 is_gcc

Returns true if the detected compiler is in the gcc family.

=head2 is_msvc

Returns true if the detected compiler is in the MS VC family.

=head2 add_extra_compiler_flags

Takes a string as argument that is added to the string of extra compiler

=head2 add_extra_linker_flags

Takes a string as argument that is added to the string of extra linker

=head1 AUTHOR

Mattia Barbon <>

Steffen Mueller <>

Tobias Leich <>


Copyright 2010, 2011 by Mattia Barbon.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


use Config ();
use File::Basename qw();
use Capture::Tiny 'capture_merged';

our $VERSION = '0.12';

sub new {
    my( $class, %args ) = @_;
    my $self = bless { %args }, $class;

    # Allow override of default %Config::Config; useful in testing.
    if( ! exists $self->{config} || ! defined $self->{config} ) {
      $self->{config} = \%Config::Config;

    # Allow a 'cc' %args.  If not supplied, pull from {config}, or $Config{cc}.
    if( ! exists $self->{cc} || ! defined $self->{cc} ) {
        = exists $self->{config}{cc} && defined $self->{config}{cc}
        ? $self->{config}{cc}
        : $Config::Config{cc};

    # Set up osname.
    if( ! exists $self->{os} || ! defined $self->{os} ) {
        = exists $self->{config}{osname} && defined $self->{config}{osname}
        ? $self->{config}{osname}
        : $^O;

    return $self;

# Thus saith the law: All references to %Config::Config shall come through
# $self->_config.  Accessors shall provide access to key components thereof.
# Testing shall thus grow stronger, verifying performance for platforms diverse
# to which access we have not.

sub _config { shift->{config} }
sub _cc     { shift->{cc}     }
sub _os     { shift->{os}     }

sub guess_compiler {
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->{guess} if $self->{guess};

    if( $self->_os =~ /^mswin/i ) {
        $self->_guess_win32() or return;
    } else {
        $self->_guess_unix()  or return;
    return $self->{guess};

sub _get_cflags {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->guess_compiler or die;

    my $cflags =  ' ' . $self->_config->{ccflags};
    $cflags    .= ' ' . $self->{guess}{extra_cflags};
    $cflags    .= ' ' . $self->{extra_compiler_flags}
      if defined $self->{extra_compiler_flags};

    return $cflags;

sub _get_lflags {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->guess_compiler || die;

    my $lflags = $self->{guess}{extra_lflags};
    $lflags .= ' ' . $self->{extra_linker_flags}
      if defined $self->{extra_linker_flags};

    return $lflags;

sub makemaker_options {
    my $self = shift;

    my $lflags = $self->_get_lflags;
    my $cflags = $self->_get_cflags;

    return (
      CCFLAGS      => $cflags,
      dynamic_lib  => { OTHERLDFLAGS => $lflags },

sub module_build_options {
    my $self = shift;

    my $lflags = $self->_get_lflags;
    my $cflags = $self->_get_cflags;

    return (
      extra_compiler_flags => $cflags,
      extra_linker_flags   => $lflags,

sub _guess_win32 {
    my $self = shift;
    my $c_compiler = $self->_cc;
#    $c_compiler = $Config::Config{cc} if not defined $c_compiler;

    if( $self->_cc_is_gcc( $c_compiler ) ) {
        $self->{guess} = {
          extra_cflags => ' -xc++ ',
          extra_lflags => ' -lstdc++ ',
    } elsif( $self->_cc_is_msvc( $c_compiler ) ) {
        $self->{guess} = {
          extra_cflags => ' -TP -EHsc ',
          extra_lflags => ' msvcprt.lib ',
    } else {
        die "Unable to determine a C++ compiler for '$c_compiler'";

    return 1;

sub _guess_unix {
    my $self = shift;
    my $c_compiler = $self->_cc;
#    $c_compiler = $Config::Config{cc} if not defined $c_compiler;

    if( !$self->_cc_is_gcc( $c_compiler ) ) {
        die "Unable to determine a C++ compiler for '$c_compiler'";

    $self->{guess} = {
      extra_cflags => ' -xc++ ',
      extra_lflags => ' -lstdc++ ',
    $self->{guess}{extra_lflags} .= ' -lgcc_s'
      if $self->_os eq 'netbsd' && $self->{guess}{extra_lflags} !~ /-lgcc_s/;

    return 1;

# originally from Alien::wxWidgets::Utility
# Why was this hanging around outside of all functions, and without any other
# use of $quotes?
# my $quotes = $self->_os =~ /MSWin32/ ? '"' : "'";

sub _capture {
    my @cmd = @_;

    my $out = capture_merged { system(@cmd) };
    $out = '' if not defined $out;

    return $out;

# capture the output of a command that is run with piping
# to stdin of the command. We immediately close the pipe.
sub _capture_empty_stdin {
    my $cmd = shift;
    my $out = capture_merged {
        if ( open my $fh, '|-', $cmd ) {
          close $fh;
    $out = '' if not defined $out;

    return $out;

sub _cc_is_msvc {
    my( $self, $cc ) = @_;
      = ($self->_os =~ /MSWin32/ and File::Basename::basename($cc) =~ /^cl/i);
    return $self->{is_msvc};

sub _cc_is_gcc {
    my( $self, $cc ) = @_;

    $self->{is_gcc} = 0;
    my $cc_version = _capture( "$cc --version" );
    if (
         $cc_version =~ m/\bg(?:cc|\+\+)/i # 3.x, some 4.x
      || scalar( _capture( "$cc" ) =~ m/\bgcc\b/i ) # 2.95
      || scalar(_capture_empty_stdin("$cc -dM -E -") =~ /__GNUC__/) # more or less universal?
      || scalar($cc_version =~ m/\bcc\b.*Free Software Foundation/si) # some 4.x?
    ) {
      $self->{is_gcc} = 1;

    return $self->{is_gcc};

sub is_gcc {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->guess_compiler || die;
    return $self->{is_gcc};

sub is_msvc {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->guess_compiler || die;

    return $self->{is_msvc};

sub add_extra_compiler_flags {
    my( $self, $string ) = @_;

      = defined($self->{extra_compiler_flags})
        ? $self->{extra_compiler_flags} . ' ' . $string
        : $string;

sub add_extra_linker_flags {
    my( $self, $string ) = @_;
      = defined($self->{extra_linker_flags})
        ? $self->{extra_linker_flags} . ' ' . $string
        : $string;
