package Tapir::Validator;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Tapir::Exceptions;

sub new {
	my ($class, %self) = @_;

	if (! keys %self) {
		%self = (
			audit_types => 1,
			warn_unused_types => 0,
			docs => {
				require => {
					return => 0,      # @return not required
					params => 0,  # @param's must match with method arguments
					methods => 1, # every method must be documented

					typedefs => 0,
					exceptions => 0,
					structs => 0,
					rest => 0,
	$self{docs}{flags} ||= {
		# List the '@' keys that are flags and will have no value following them
		flags => {
			optional => 1,
			utf8     => 1,
	return bless \%self, $class;

=head2 audit_idl_document ($thrift_idl_document)


sub audit_idl_document {
    my ($self, $document) = @_;

    $self->{custom_types} = {};

    my (%methods_types_used);

    my @audit;
    foreach my $child (@{ $document->children }) {
        foreach my $type ($self->_audit_flatten_types($child)) {
            next unless $type->isa('Thrift::IDL::Type::Custom');
            if ($child->isa('Thrift::IDL::Service')) {
                $methods_types_used{ $type->full_name }++;
            if ($self->{audit_types} && ! $self->{custom_types}{ $type->full_name }) {
                push @audit, "$child contains reference to custom type ".$type->full_name." which hasn't yet been defined";

		my $audit_error = $self->_audit_parse_structured_comment($child);

        if ($child->isa('Thrift::IDL::TypeDef')
            || $child->isa('Thrift::IDL::Struct')
            || $child->isa('Thrift::IDL::Enum')
            || $child->isa('Thrift::IDL::Senum')
        ) {
			push @audit, $audit_error if $audit_error && $self->{docs}{require}{typedefs};
            $self->{custom_types}{ $child->full_name } = $child;

        if ($self->{docs}{require}{exceptions} && $child->isa('Thrift::IDL::Exception')) {
            push @audit, $audit_error if $audit_error;
        elsif ($self->{docs}{require}{structs} && $child->isa('Thrift::IDL::Struct') && ! $child->isa('Thrift::IDL::Exception')) {
            push @audit, $audit_error if $audit_error;
        elsif ($child->isa('Thrift::IDL::Service')) {
            my $service = $child;

            # Ensure that each child method has a comment that defines it's documentation,
            # and parse this comment into a data structure and store in the $method object.
            foreach my $method (@{ $child->methods }) {
                my %ids;
                foreach my $field (@{ $method->arguments }) {
                    # Check for 'optional' flag
                    if ($field->optional) {
                        push @audit, "Service $child method $method field '".$field->name."' has 'optional' flag: not valid for an argument field; rewrite as '\@optional' in comment";

                    # Check for non-duplication of field ids
                    if (! defined $ids{$field->id}) {
                        $ids{$field->id} = $field;;
                    else {
                        push @audit, "Service $child method $method field '".$field->name."' id ".$field->id." was already assigned to field '".$ids{$field->id}->name."'";

                if (! $method->comments) {
                    if ($self->{docs}{require}{methods}) {
                        push @audit, "Service $child method $method has no comment documentation";

                my $failed = $self->_audit_parse_structured_comment($method);
                if ($failed) {
                    push @audit, $failed;

    if ($self->{warn_unused_types} && (my @unused = sort grep { ! $methods_types_used{$_} } keys %{ $self->{custom_types} })) {
        print STDERR "AUDIT WARN: The following types were custom defined but weren't used in any method I saw:\n";
        print STDERR "  " . join(', ', @unused) . "\n";

    return @audit;

sub _audit_flatten_types {
    my ($self, $node) = @_;
    if (! defined $node) {
        print STDERR "_audit_flatten_types() called on undef\n";
        return ();
    # Resolve named custom types to their original typedef objects
    if ($node->isa('Thrift::IDL::Type::Custom') && $self->{custom_types} && $self->{custom_types}{ $node->full_name }) {
        $node = $self->{custom_types}{ $node->full_name };
    my @types = map { $node->$_ } grep { $node->can($_) } qw(type val_type key_type returns);
    my @children = map { ref $_ ? @$_ : $_ } map { $node->$_ } grep { $node->can($_) && defined $node->$_ } qw(arguments throws children fields);
    return @types, map { $self->_audit_flatten_types($_) } @types, @children;

sub _audit_parse_structured_comment {
    my ($self, $object) = @_;

    my @comments = @{ $object->comments };

    if (! @comments) {
        return "$object has no comments";

    my $comment = join "\n", map { $_->escaped_value } @comments;

    my %doc;
    $object->{doc} = \%doc;

    foreach my $line (split /\n\s*/, $comment) {
        my @parts = split /\s* (\@\w+) \s*/x, $line;
        while (defined (my $part = shift @parts)) {
            next if ! length $part;
            my ($javadoc_key) = $part =~ m{^\@(\w+)$};

            if (! $javadoc_key) {
                if (! defined $doc{description}) {
                    $doc{description} = $part;
                else {
                    $doc{description} .= "\n" . $part;

			if ($self->{docs}{flags}{$javadoc_key}) {
				$doc{$javadoc_key} = 1;

			my $value = shift @parts;
			if ($javadoc_key eq 'param') {
				my ($param, $description) = $value =~ m{^(\w+) \s* (.*)$}x;
				$doc{param}{$param} = $description || '';
			elsif ($javadoc_key eq 'validate') {
				my ($param, $args) = $value =~ m{^(\w+) \s* (.*)$}x;
				push @{ $doc{validate}{$param} }, $args || '';
			elsif ($javadoc_key eq 'rest') {
				my ($method, $route) = split /\s+/, $value, 2;
				if ($method !~ /^(any|get|put|post|head|delete)$/i) {
					return "\@rest method '$method' is invalid";
				$doc{rest} = { method => lc($method), route => $route };
			else {
				push @{ $doc{$javadoc_key} }, $value;

    # Allow fields/arguments to have structured comments and to describe themselves
        # Only use arguments or fields, not both (some objects allow both)
        my @keys = grep { $object->can($_) } qw(arguments fields);
        if (@keys) {
            my $key = $keys[0];
            my @fields = @{ $object->$key };
            foreach my $field (@fields) {
                $self->_audit_parse_structured_comment($field) if int @{ $field->comments };
                if ($field->{doc} && (my $description = $field->{doc}{description})) {
                    if (defined $doc{param}{$field->name}) {
                        $doc{param}{$field->name} .= '; ' . $description;
                    else {
                        $doc{param}{$field->name} = $description;

	# Check for completeness of the documentation
    if ($object->isa('Thrift::IDL::Method')) {
		if ($self->{docs}{require}{return}) {
			# Non-void return value requires description
			my $return = $object->returns;
			unless ($return->isa('Thrift::IDL::Type::Base') && $return->name eq 'void') {
				if (! $doc{return}) {
					return "$object has a non-void return value but no docs for it";

		if ($self->{docs}{require}{params}) {
			# Check the params (make a copy as I'll be destructive)
			my %params = %{ $doc{param} };
			my @fields = map { @{ $object->$_ } } grep { $object->can($_) } qw(arguments fields);
			foreach my $field (@fields) {
				if (defined $params{$field->name}) {
					delete $params{$field->name};
				else {
					return "$object doesn't document argument $field";
			foreach my $remaining (keys %params) {
				return "$object documented param $remaining which doesn't exist in the object fields";

		if ($self->{docs}{require}{rest} && ! $doc{rest}) {
			return "$object doesn't provide a \@rest route";


sub validate_parser_message {
    my ($self, $message, $opt) = @_;
    $opt ||= {};

    my $idl = $message->method->idl_doc; 
    my $method_doc = $message->{method}->idl->{doc};

    foreach my $spec (@{ $message->method->idl->arguments }) {
        my $field = $message->arguments->id($spec->id);
        $self->_validate_parser_message_argument($idl, $opt, $spec, $field);

sub _validate_parser_message_argument {
    my ($self, $idl, $opt, $spec, $field) = @_;

    my @docs;
    push @docs, $spec->{doc} if defined $spec->{doc};

    if (defined $field && $spec->type->isa('Thrift::IDL::Type::Custom')) {
        my $ref_object = $idl->object_full_named($spec->type->full_name);
        if ($ref_object && $ref_object->isa('Thrift::IDL::Struct')) {
            my $field_set = $field->value;
            foreach my $child_spec (@{ $ref_object->fields }) {
                my $child_field = $field_set->id($child_spec->id);
                if (! defined $child_field) {
                #print "Child spec/field: " . Dumper({ field_set => $field_set, child_field => $child_field, child_spec => $child_spec });
                $self->_validate_parser_message_argument($idl, $opt, $child_spec, $child_field);
        push @docs, $ref_object->{doc} if defined $ref_object->{doc};

    # Create an aggregate doc from the list of @docs
    my $doc = {};
    foreach my $sub (@docs) {
        # Make a copy of it, as I'll be deleting keys from it
        my %sub = %$sub;

        # Overrides
        foreach my $key (qw(description), keys %{ $self->{docs}{flags} }) {
            next unless defined $sub{$key};
            $doc->{$key} = delete $sub{$key};

        # Hash-based
        foreach my $key (qw(param)) {
            next unless defined $sub{$key};
            $doc->{$key}{$_} = $sub{$key}{$_} foreach keys %{ $sub{$key} };
            delete $sub{$key};

        # Validate
        foreach my $key (keys %{ $sub{validate} }) {
            push @{ $doc->{validate}{$key} }, @{ $sub{validate}{$key} };
        delete $sub{validate};

        # All else is array
        foreach my $key (keys %sub) {
            push @{ $doc->{$key} }, @{ $sub{$key} };

    if (! defined $field && ! $doc->{optional} && ! $spec->optional) {
            error => "Missing non-optional field ".$spec->name,
            key => $spec->name,

    return unless defined $field;

    # Store a reference to the Thrift::IDL::Type spec in the Thrift::Parser::Type object
    # This will give the message arguments direct access to the docs on the spec
    $field->{spec} = $spec;

    my $desc = (defined $field->value ? '"' . $field->value . '"' : 'undef') . ' (' . $spec->name . ')';

    if (defined $field->value
        && $field->isa('Thrift::Parser::Type::string')
        && ! $doc->{utf8}
        && $field->value =~ m{[^\x00-\x7f]}) {
            error => "String $desc contains > 127 bytes but isn't permitted to have utf8 data",
            key => $field->name, value => $field->value

    return unless $doc->{validate};

    foreach my $key (keys %{ $doc->{validate} }) {
        if ($key eq 'regex' && $field->isa('Thrift::Parser::Type::string')) {
            foreach my $value (@{ $doc->{validate}{$key} }) {
                my $regex;
                if (my ($lq, $body, $rq, $opts) = $value =~ m{^\s* (\S)(.+?)(\S) ([xsmei]*) \s*$}x) {
                    my $left_brackets  = '[{(';
                    my $right_brackets = ']})';
                    if ($lq eq $rq || (
                        index($left_brackets, $lq) >= 0 &&
                        index($left_brackets, $lq) == index($right_brackets, $rq)
                    )) {
                        $regex = eval "qr{$body}$opts";
                        die $@ if $@;
                if (! $regex) {
                        error => "Can't parse regex pattern from '$value'",
                        key => ref($field),
                if (defined $field->value && $field->value !~ $regex) {
                        error => "Argument $desc doesn't pass regex $value",
                        key => $field->name, value => $field->value,
        elsif ($key eq 'length' && $field->isa('Thrift::Parser::Type::string')) {
            foreach my $value (@{ $doc->{validate}{$key} }) {
                my ($min, $max) = $value =~ /^\s* (\d*) \s*-\s* (\d*) \s*$/x;
                $min = undef unless length $min;
                $max = undef unless length $max;
                if (! defined $min && ! defined $max) {
                        error => "Can't parse length range from '$value' (format '\\d* - \\d*'",
                        key => ref($field),
                my $len = length $field->value;
                if (defined $min && $len < $min) {
                        error => "Argument $desc is shorter than permitted ($min)",
                        key => $field->name, value => $field->value,
                if (defined $max && $len > $max) {
                        error => "Argument $desc is longer than permitted ($max)",
                        key => $field->name, value => $field->value,
        elsif ($key eq 'range' && $field->isa('Thrift::Parser::Type::Number')) {
            foreach my $value (@{ $doc->{validate}{$key} }) {
                my ($min, $max) = $value =~ /^\s* (\d*) \s*-\s* (\d*) \s*$/x;
                $min = undef unless length $min;
                $max = undef unless length $max;
                if (! defined $min && ! defined $max) {
                        error => "Can't parse number range from '$value' (format '\\d* - \\d*'",
                        key => ref($field),
                if (defined $min && $field->value < $min) {
                        error => "Argument $desc is smaller than permitted ($min)",
                        key => $field->name, value => $field->value,
                if (defined $max && $field->value > $max) {
                        error => "Argument $desc is longer than permitted ($max)",
                        key => $field->name, value => $field->value,
        else {
                error => "Validate key '$key' and field type '".ref($field)."' is not valid",
                key => ref($field),

