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package Thrift::Parser;

=head1 NAME

Thrift::Parser - A Thrift message (de)serialization OO representation


  use Thrift;
  use Thrift::Parser;
  use Thrift::IDL;

  my $parser = Thrift::Parser->new(
      idl => Thrift::IDL->parse_thrift_file('tutorial.thrift'),
      service => 'Calculator',

  ## Parse a payload

  # Obtain a Thrift::Protocol subclass somehow with a loaded buffer
  my $buffer   = ...;
  my $protocol = Thrift::BinaryProtocol->new($buffer);

  my $message = $parser->parse_message($protocol);

  print "Received method call " . $message->method->name . "\n";

  ## Use the auto-generated classes to create request/responses

  my $request = tutorial::Calculator::add->compose_message_call(
    num1 => 15,
    num2 => 33,

  my $response = $request->compose_reply(48);


This module provides strict typing and full object orientation of all the Thrift types.  It allows you, with a L<Thrift::IDL> object, to create a parser which can parse any L<Thrift::Protocol> object into a message object, and creates dynamic classes according to the IDL specification, allowing you to create method calls, objects, and responses.


use strict;
use warnings;
use Thrift;
use Params::Validate;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Path; # mkpath, for full_docs_to_dir
use base qw(Class::Accessor);
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(idl service built_classes));
use Carp;

use Thrift::Parser::Types;
use Thrift::Parser::Method;
use Thrift::Parser::Exceptions;
use Thrift::Parser::Message;
use Thrift::Parser::Field;
use Thrift::Parser::FieldSet;

our $VERSION = '0.04';

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

  my $parser = Thrift::Parser->new(
    idl => Thrift::IDL->parse_thrift_file('..'),
    service => 'myServiceName',

Creates the Parser object and dynamic classes from the IDL file.


sub new {
    my $class = shift;

    my %self = validate(@_, {
        idl => 1,
        service => 1,

    my $self = bless \%self, $class;


    return $self;

sub _load_service {
    my ($self, $service_name, $basename, $service_extended) = @_;

    #print "_load_service($service_name, ".($basename || 'undef').")\n";

    ## Find the Service object that I'll be implementing

    my ($service, $found_service);
    foreach $service (@{ $self->idl->services }) {
        next if $service->name ne $service_name;
        if ($basename) {
            next if $service->{header}{basename} ne $basename;
        $found_service = $service;

    if (! $found_service) {
        my $full_name = ($basename ? $basename . '.' : '') . $service_name;
        die "The service named '$full_name' is not implemented in the IDL document passed ("
            .join(', ', map { ($_->{header}{basename} ? $_->{header}{basename} . '.' : '') . $_->name } @{ $self->idl->services }).")";
    $service = $found_service;

    # Copy all the methods into a lookup hash by name
    foreach my $method (@{ $service->methods }) {
        my $namespace = $service->{header}->namespace('perl');
        my $message_class = ($namespace ? $namespace . '::' : '')
            . ($service_extended || $service->name) . '::' . $method->name;

        $self->{methods}{ $method->name } = {
            idl => $method,
            class => $message_class,

    # If this service extends another service, load that too
    if ($service->extends) {
        my ($extends_namespace, $extends_service_name) = $service->extends =~ m{^([^.]+) \. ([^.]+)$}x;
        $extends_service_name ||= $service->extends;
        $self->_load_service($extends_service_name, $extends_namespace, ($service_extended || $service_name));

sub _build_classes {
    my $self = shift;

    my @build;

    foreach my $method_name (keys %{ $self->{methods} }) {
        my $details = $self->{methods}{$method_name};
        push @build, {
            class => $details->{class},
            base  => 'Thrift::Parser::Method',
            idl   => $details->{idl},
            name  => $method_name,
            accessors => {
                return_class => $self->idl_type_class($details->{idl}->returns),
                throw_classes => {
                    map { $_->name => $self->idl_type_class($_->type) }
                    @{ $details->{idl}->throws }

    foreach my $struct (@{ $self->idl->structs }) {
        my $namespace = $struct->{header}->namespace('perl');
        push @build, {
            class => join ('::', (defined $namespace ? ($namespace) : ()), $struct->name),
            base  => $struct->isa('Thrift::IDL::Exception') ? 'Thrift::Parser::Type::Exception' : 'Thrift::Parser::Type::Struct',
            idl   => $struct,
            name  => $struct->name,

    foreach my $enum (@{ $self->idl->enums }) {
        my $namespace = $enum->{header}->namespace('perl');
        push @build, {
            class => join ('::', (defined $namespace ? ($namespace) : ()), $enum->name),
            base  => 'Thrift::Parser::Type::Enum',
            idl   => $enum,
            name  => $enum->name,

    foreach my $typedef (@{ $self->idl->typedefs }) {
        my $namespace = $typedef->{header}->namespace('perl');
        push @build, {
            class => join ('::', (defined $namespace ? ($namespace) : ()), $typedef->name),
            base  => 'Thrift::Parser::Type::' . lc $typedef->type->name,
            idl   => $typedef,
            name  => $typedef->name,

    foreach my $build (@build) {
        #print STDERR "Building $$build{class} (base $$build{base})\n";

        eval <<EOF;
package $$build{class};

use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw($$build{base});
        die $@ if $@;

        $build->{accessors} ||= {};
        while (my ($key, $value) = each %{ $build->{accessors} }) {


=head2 parse_message

  my $message = $parser->parse_message($transport);

Given a L<Thrift::Transport> object, the parser will create a L<Thrift::Parser::Message> object.


sub parse_message {
    my ($self, $input) = @_;

    my %meta;
    $input->readMessageBegin(\$meta{method}, \$meta{type}, \$meta{seqid});

    my $method_details = $self->{methods}{$meta{method}};
    my $idl = $method_details->{idl};
    if (! $idl) {
        die "No way to process unknown method '$meta{method}'"; # TODO

    my $idl_fields = [];
    if ($meta{type} == TMessageType::CALL || $meta{type} == TMessageType::ONEWAY) {
        $idl_fields = $idl->arguments;
    elsif ($meta{type} == TMessageType::REPLY) {
        $idl_fields = [
            Thrift::IDL::Field->new({ id => 0, type => $idl->returns, name => '_return_value' }),
            @{ $idl->throws }
    elsif ($meta{type} == TMessageType::EXCEPTION) {
        $idl_fields = [
            Thrift::IDL::Field->new({ id => 1, name => 'message', type => Thrift::IDL::Type::Base->new({ name => 'string' }) }),
            Thrift::IDL::Field->new({ id => 2, name => 'code',    type => Thrift::IDL::Type::Base->new({ name => 'i32' }) }),

    my $arguments = $self->parse_structure($input, $idl_fields);

    # Finish reading the message

    my $message = Thrift::Parser::Message->new({
        method    => $method_details->{class},
        type      => $meta{type},
        seqid     => $meta{seqid},
        arguments => $arguments,

    return $message;

=head2 full_docs_to_dir

  $parser->full_docs_to_dir($dir, $format);

Using the dynamically generated classes, this will create 'pod' or 'pm' files in the target directory in the following format:

  (or with format 'pm')

The directory will be created if it doesn't exist.


sub full_docs_to_dir {
    my ($self, $dir, $format, $ignore_existing) = @_;
    my $class = ref $self;
    $format ||= 'pod';

    foreach my $built (@{ $self->built_classes }) {
        my $filename;

        if ($format eq 'pod') {
            $filename = $dir . '/' . $built->{class} . '.pod';
        elsif ($format eq 'pm') {
            $filename = $dir . '/' . $built->{class} . '.pm';
            $filename =~ s{::}{/}g;

        if ($ignore_existing && -f $filename) {

        my $pod = $built->{class}->docs_as_pod( $built->{base} );

        my ($base_path) = $filename =~ m{^(.+)/[^/]+$};
        -d $base_path || mkpath($base_path) || die "Can't mkpath $base_path: $!";

        open my $podfh, '>', $filename or die "Can't open '$filename' for writing: $!";
        print $podfh $pod;
        close $podfh;


=head2 parse_structure

  my $fieldset = $parser->parse_structure($transport, $thrift_idl_method->arguments);

Returns a L<Thrift::Parser::FieldSet>.  Attempts to read a structure off the transport, using an array of L<Thrift::IDL::Field> objects to define the specification of the structure.


sub parse_structure {
    my ($self, $input, $idl_fields) = @_;

    # Preprocess the list of IDL fields
    my %idl_fields_by_id;
    $idl_fields ||= [];
    foreach my $field (@$idl_fields) {
        $idl_fields_by_id{ $field->id } = $field;

    my @fields;

    while (1) {
        my %meta;

        $input->readFieldBegin(\$meta{name}, \$meta{type}, \$meta{id});

        last if $meta{type} == TType::STOP;

        # Reference the Thrift::IDL::Field if present
        $meta{idl} = $idl_fields_by_id{$meta{id}};

        # Read the value of the field from the input
        my $value = $self->parse_type($input, \%meta);
        push @fields, Thrift::Parser::Field->new({
            id => $meta{id},
            value => $value,
            name => ($meta{idl} ? $meta{idl}{name} : undef),


    return Thrift::Parser::FieldSet->new({ fields => \@fields });

=head2 parse_type

  my $typed_value = $parser->parse_type($transport, { idl => $thrift_idl_type_object || type => 4 });

Reads a single value off the transport and returns it as an object in a L<Thrift::Parser::Type> subclass.


sub parse_type {
    my ($self, $input, $meta) = @_;

    my $type_class;
    if ($meta->{idl}) {
        $type_class = $self->idl_type_class($meta->{idl}{type});
    else {
        # Field didn't correspond with an expected field from the IDL
        my $type_name = Thrift::Parser::Types->to_name($meta->{type});
        if (! defined $type_name) {
            die "Failed to find type name from type id $$meta{type}; " . Dumper($meta);
        $type_class = 'Thrift::Parser::Type::' . lc $type_name;

    my $typed_value = $type_class->new();
    if ($typed_value->can('read')) {
        $typed_value->read($self, $input, $meta);
        return $typed_value;

    my $read_method = Thrift::Parser::Types->read_method($meta->{type});
    if ($input->can($read_method)) {
    else {
        my $type = Thrift::Parser::Types->to_name($meta->{type});
        die "Don't know how to read $type; tried $read_method";

    return $typed_value;

=head2 idl_type_class

  my $parser_type_class = $parser->idl_type_class($thrift_idl_type_object);

Maps the given L<Thrift::IDL::Type> object to one in my parser namespace.  If it's a custom type, it'll map into a dynamic class.


sub idl_type_class {
    my ($self, $type) = @_;
    if ($type->isa('Thrift::IDL::Type::Custom')) {
        my $referenced_type = $self->idl->object_full_named($type->full_name);
        if (! $referenced_type) {
            die "Couldn't find definition of custom type '".$type->full_name."'";#; ".Dumper($self->idl);
        my $namespace = $referenced_type->{header}->namespace('perl');
        return join '::', (defined $namespace ? ($namespace) : ()), $type->local_name;
    else {
        return 'Thrift::Parser::Type::' . $type->name;

=head2 resolve_idl_type

  my $thrift_idl_type_object = $parser->resolve_idl_type($thrift_idl_custom_type_object);

Returns the base L<Thrift::IDL::Type> object from the given L<Thrift::IDL::Type::Custom> object


# FIXME: Shouldn't this be in L<Thrift::IDL>?

sub resolve_idl_type {
    my ($self, $type) = @_;
    while ($type->isa('Thrift::IDL::Type::Custom')) {
        $type = $self->idl->object_named($type->name)->type;
    return $type;

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Thrift>, L<Thrift::IDL>


This module is being developed via a git repository publicly available at L<>.  I encourage anyone who is interested to fork my code and contribute bug fixes or new features, or just have fun and be creative.


Copyright (c) 2009 Eric Waters and XMission LLC (  All rights reserved.  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.

=head1 AUTHOR

Eric Waters <>

