
use warnings;
use strict;

use Test::More no_plan =>;#<

use Getopt::Abridged;

  my $go = Getopt::Abridged->new(
    -positional => ['world'],

  ok($go, 'constructor');

    my $opt = $go->process([]);
    can_ok($opt, 'world');
    can_ok($opt, 'greeting');
    can_ok($opt, 'verbose');
    is($opt->world, 'World');
    is($opt->greeting, 'Hello');
    is_deeply([$opt->bar], [qw(this that then)]); 
    is_deeply({$opt->baz}, {foo => bar => x => 8});
    is($opt->verbose, 1);
    my $opt = $go->process(['You']);
    is($opt->world, 'You');
    my $opt = $go->process(['--verbose', '-g', 'bah']);
    is($opt->verbose, 1);
    is($opt->greeting, 'bah');
    my $opt = $go->process(['-q']);
    is($opt->verbose, 0);
    my $opt = $go->process(['--quiet']);
    is($opt->verbose, 0);


{ # now with this conversion business
  my $was = Getopt::Abridged->can('process');
  ok(Getopt::Abridged->can('process') != $was, 'replaced');
  ok(Getopt::Abridged->can('process') == $was, 'restored');


  my $go = Getopt::Abridged->new(
  eval {$go->process('foo') };
  like($@, qr/should have no arguments/);

  my $string = '';
  open(my $fh, '>', \$string) or die "cannot open string ref - $!";
  # TODO a package variable is ok for testing, but not much of an API
  local $Getopt::Abridged::PODHANDLE = $Getopt::Abridged::PODHANDLE = $fh;
  is($go->process(), undef);
  my @exp = map({s/^  //; $_} split(/\n/, <<'  ---'));
  =head1 Usage

    basic.t [options]

  =head1 Options


  =item -w, --world WORLD

  The world.

  DEFAULT: World

  =item -g, --greeting GREETING

  The greeting.

  DEFAULT: Hello

  =item -f, --foo FOO [--foo ...] (number)

  The foo.

  =item --verbose

  The verbose.


  =item -q, --quiet, --no-verbose

  The no_verbose.

  =item --version

  Print version number and quit.

  =item -h, --help

  Show help about options.




  my @got = split(/\n/, $string);
  is_deeply(\@got, \@exp);


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