The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package dtRdr::Book;
$VERSION = eval{require version}?version::qv($_):$_ for(0.10.1);

use warnings;
use strict;

use Carp;
use XML::Parser::Expat;
use Digest::MD5;
use URI;

use dtRdr::Plugins::Book;
use dtRdr::TOC;
use dtRdr::Metadata::Book;
use dtRdr::String::Splicer;
use dtRdr::Logger;
# the callback object is magic class data
use dtRdr::Callbacks::Book;
use dtRdr::Selection;
use dtRdr::NoteThread;

use dtRdr::Traits::Class qw(

use Class::Accessor::Classy;
ro qw(
ri qw(
rw 'anno_io';
rs fingerprint => \ (my $set_fingerprint);
no  Class::Accessor::Classy;

use Method::Alias qw(
  has_cached_NC has_cached_node_characters
  get_cached_NC get_cache_chars
  get_NC        get_node_characters
  create_NC     create_node_characters
  cache_NC      cache_node_characters

=head1 NAME

dtRdr::Book - base and factory class for books

=head2 import


Called by 'use dtRdr::Book (%arguments)'.  Only applicable to plugins.

=over 1

=item register HASHREF

A hash reference which is passed to register_plugin().

  use dtRdr::Book (register => {});

  use dtRdr::Book (register => {foo => "bar"});



sub import {
  my $self = shift;
  my @args = @_;

  # only do something if requested
  @args or return();

  (@args %2) and croak("odd number of elements in argument hash");
  my %args = @args;

  $args{register} or return(); # XXX until we learn new tricks at least

  $args{'register'}{'class'} ||= caller;
  # just like: use dtRdr::Book ( register => {class => __PACKAGE__} );
} # end subroutine import definition

=head2 register_plugin

Registers your plugin with dtRdr::Plugins::Book.



sub register_plugin {
  my $self = shift;
  (@_ %2) and croak("odd number of elements in argument hash");
  my %args = @_;

  $args{'class'} ||= caller;

} # end subroutine register_plugin definition

=head1 Factory Methods


#   new_by_uri       - creates object but doesn't load
#   identify_by_foo  - $_->identify_foo for (@plugins)

=head2 new_from_uri

Create a new object and load the uri.



sub new_from_uri {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($uri) = @_;

  my ($class, $cache) = $self->identify_by_uri($uri);
  if($class) {
    my $book = $class->new();

    # $cache should always have only one key
    my ($cache_key, @o) = keys(%$cache);
    @o and die "'$class' overfilled the cache in identify_uri()";

    # see if it has a cache-utilizing constructor method
    my $method = $cache_key ? "load_from_$cache_key" : 'load_uri';
    $method = 'load_uri' unless($book->can($method));
    $book->$method( ($cache_key ? $cache->{$cache_key} : $uri))
      or die "factory call to $book->$method failed";
    # XXX and then try more plugins?

  die "could not find a suitable plugin for '$uri'";
} # end subroutine new_from_uri definition

=head2 identify_by_uri

  my $class = dtRdr::Book->identify_by_uri($uri);


sub identify_by_uri {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($uri) = @_;

  # FIXME make cache a passed-in reference
  # (so we can call this from elsewhere and not deal with that)

  my @plugins = dtRdr::Plugins::Book->get_classes();
  @plugins or die("no book plugins defined");
  my %cache;
  foreach my $class (@plugins) {

    RL('#plugin')->debug("Loading Plugin $class");
    if(my $ref = $class->can('identify_uri')) {
      if($ref eq __PACKAGE__->can('identify_uri')) {
        RL('#plugin')->warn("$class unfinished");
        # XXX de-register?
    else {
      # XXX de-register?
      RL('#plugin')->warn("$class is incompetent");
    # warn "ask $class";

    # optimizes repassing objects if the identify_ method in one plugin
    # creates one -- also: skip those that don't work with that type of
    # object?
    my ($res, $res_c) = $class->identify_uri( $uri, %cache ? {%cache} : ());

    $res and return($class, ($res_c ? ($res_c) : {}));
    L->debug("$class declined $uri");

    %cache = ($res_c ? (%$res_c) : ()); # no return -> drop existing cache
} # end subroutine identify_by_uri definition

=head1 Base Class API

These methods may be overridden by subclasses.

=head1 Constructor

=head2 new

  $book = dtRdr::Book->new();


sub new {
	my $package = shift;
	my $class = ref($package) || $package;
	my $self = {};
  my %defaults = (
    cache_chars => {},
    highlights  => {},
    bookmarks   => {},
    notes       => {},
    selections  => {},

  foreach my $k (keys(%defaults)) { $self->{$k} = $defaults{$k}; }
	bless($self, $class);

  $self->{meta} ||=
    $self->can('METADATA_CLASS') ?
      $self->METADATA_CLASS->new :

} # end subroutine new definition

=head1 Virtual Methods

Subclasses need to implement these.

=head2 load_uri



sub load_uri { $_[0]->NOT_IMPLEMENTED(@_[1..$#_]); }

=head2 identify_uri



sub identify_uri { $_[0]->NOT_IMPLEMENTED(@_[1..$#_]); }

=head2 member_exists

  my $bool = $book->member_exists($filepath);


sub member_exists { $_[0]->NOT_IMPLEMENTED(@_[1..$#_]); }

=head2 get_member_string

Gets the string for the member at path $filepath.

  my $string = $book->get_member_string($filepath);


sub get_member_string { $_[0]->NOT_IMPLEMENTED(@_[1..$#_]); }

=head2 get_content

Returns the HTML and associated image and object data for a portion of
the book.

  my $html = $book->get_content($toc)

The C<$toc> object is a (C<'dtRdr::TOC'>) node representing the content


sub get_content { my $self = shift; $self->NOT_IMPLEMENTED(@_); }

=head2 get_content_by_id

  my $html = $book->get_content_by_id($id);


sub get_content_by_id { my $self = shift; $self->NOT_IMPLEMENTED(@_); }

=head2 get_raw_content

Unprocessed content for a given node.



sub get_raw_content { my $self = shift; $self->NOT_IMPLEMENTED(@_); }

=head2 get_copy_content

Copyable content for a given node.



sub get_copy_content { my $self = shift; $self->NOT_IMPLEMENTED(@_); }

=head2 get_trimmed_content

Gets all of the rendered xml content for a $toc node.

  my $xml = $book->get_trimmed_content($toc);


sub get_trimmed_content { my $self = shift; $self->NOT_IMPLEMENTED(@_); }

=head2 is_nesty

A class method that says whether the book needs special treatment.


sub is_nesty { my $self = shift; $self->NOT_IMPLEMENTED(@_); }

=head1 Methods


=head2 mk_fingerprint

Create and store a checksum for the book.



sub mk_fingerprint {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($data) = @_;

  my $digest = Digest::MD5->new;

  # TODO $data could be a filehandle, filename, etc
  if(ref($data) eq 'SCALAR') {
  else {
    croak('must have a scalar reference');
  $self->$set_fingerprint( $digest->hexdigest );
} # end subroutine mk_fingerprint definition

=head2 set_id

Can only happen once.



sub set_id {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($id) = @_;
  defined($self->id) and croak("cannot change book id");
} # end subroutine set_id definition

=head1 Annotations

=begin developer

=head2 a bunch of methods

These all do the same thing, so they're in a foreach.  For extra speed
points, do eval $string on each one to save the runtime lookups on our
$blah_foo variables.

=end developer


# a pile of nearly identical methods for each annotation type
foreach my $foo (qw(note bookmark highlight selection)) {

  # pluralize
  my $foos = $foo . 's';
  # type map
  my $foo_type = {
    bookmark  => 'dtRdr::Bookmark',
    highlight => 'dtRdr::Highlight',
    note      => 'dtRdr::Note',
    selection => 'dtRdr::AnnoSelection',
  $foo_type or die "ack $foo";

  my $persist = {
    'bookmark'  => 1,
    'highlight' => 1,
    'note'      => 1,

  # and we'll need a getter
  my $get_foos = 'get_' . $foos;

  # methods we'll create and maybe call
  my $add_foo      = 'add_'     . $foo;
  my $change_foo   = 'change_'  . $foo;
  my $delete_foo   = 'delete_'  . $foo;
  my $find_foo     = 'find_'    . $foo;
  my $node_foos    = 'node_'    . $foos;
  my $local_foos   = 'local_'   . $foos;
  my $related_foos = 'related_' . $foos;

=head2 add_<annotation>



my $add_foo_sub = sub {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($anno) = @_;
  eval { $anno->isa($foo_type) } or
    croak("Not a $foo");

  my $node_id = $anno->node->id;

  # memorize it
  my $data = $self->$get_foos;
  $data->{$node_id} ||= {};
  $data->{$node_id}{$anno->id} = $anno;
  #WARN "added $anno";

  # hope this isn't a speed issue

  # persist it
  $self->do_serialize('insert', $anno) if($persist);
}; # end subroutine $add_foo_sub definition

=head2 change_<annotation>

Notify callbacks and IO subsystem that the annotation has changed.

  $note      = $book->change_note($note);
  $bookmark  = $book->change_bookmark($bookmark);
  $highlight = $book->change_highlight($highlight);

Alternatively, for internal usage, will replace an annotation object
with a new one bearing the same id.  If the object returned is not the
same reference that you passed, you should use the one which is


my $change_foo_sub = sub {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($anno) = @_;

  my $node_id = $anno->node->id;
  my $anno_id = $anno->id;

  my $data = $self->$get_foos;
  $data->{$node_id} or croak("cannot change that annotation");
  my $had = $data->{$node_id}{$anno_id};
  unless($had == $anno) {
    # NOT: $data->{$node_id}{$anno_id} = $anno;
    # oops, what about those who had a handle on it?
    # but it is probably (at least roughly) the way to go
    %{$had} = %{$anno};


  $self->do_serialize('update', $had) if($persist);
}; # end subroutine $change_foo_sub definition

=head2 delete_<annotation>



my $delete_foo_sub = sub {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($anno) = @_;
  eval { $anno->isa($foo_type) } or
    croak("Not a $foo");

  # all data
  my $data = $self->$get_foos;
  # node data
  my $node_data = $data->{$anno->node->id};
  $node_data or return();


  # persist it
  $self->do_serialize('delete', $anno) if($persist);
}; # end subroutine $delete_foo_sub definition

=head2 find_<annotation>

  my $note      = $book->find_note($anno_id);
  my $bookmark  = $book->find_bookmark($anno_id);
  my $highlight = $book->find_highlight($anno_id);


my $find_foo_sub = sub {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($anno_id) = @_;

  my $data = $self->$get_foos;
  foreach my $key (keys %$data) {
    if(my $anno = $data->{$key}{$anno_id}) {
}; # end subroutine $find_foo_sub definition

=head2 node_<annotation>s

Get all highlights for a given node, including ancestors, those that
start in older siblings, etc.

  my @notes      = $book->node_notes($node);
  my @bookmarks  = $book->node_bookmarks($node);
  my @highlights = $book->node_highlights($node);


my $node_foos_sub = sub {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($node) = @_;
  $node or croak("must have a node");

  my @local = $self->$local_foos($node);

  # check the ancestor/descendant tree and pre-calculate local RP's
  my @others = $self->$related_foos($node);
  # @others and warn "my others is @others";

  # NOTE not worth sorting here, since we have to build a @todo list
  # that is just a group of positions, -- i.e.  overlapping highlights
  # don't sort start-before-start

  return(@local, @others);
}; # end subroutine $node_foos_sub definition

=head2 local_<annotation>s

Highlights which structurally belong to the given TOC node.

  my @notes      = $book->local_notes($node);
  my @bookmarks  = $book->local_bookmarks($node);
  my @highlights = $book->local_highlights($node);


my $local_foos_sub = sub {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($node) = @_;
  my $foo_ref = $self->$get_foos;
  #WARN($foo_ref ? (%{$foo_ref}) : 'none', " ($foo) for node id:",$node->id);
  return(values(%{ $foo_ref->{$node->id} || {} }));
}; # end subroutine $local_foos_sub definition

=head2 related_<annotation>s

Highlights which appear in the given TOC $node (e.g. anchored in
that node's descendants, ancestors, and older siblings.)

  my @notes      = $book->related_notes($node);
  my @bookmarks  = $book->related_bookmarks($node);
  my @highlights = $book->related_highlights($node);


my $related_foos_sub = sub {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($node) = @_;

  my @related =
  # @related and warn "\nrelated:  @related";
  # @related and warn "first is ", $related[0]->node->id;
  return(map({$self->localize_annotation($_, $node)} @related));
}; # end subroutine $related_foos_sub definition

my $package = __PACKAGE__;
{ # now just install them
  no strict 'refs';
  *{$package . '::' . $add_foo}      = $add_foo_sub;
  *{$package . '::' . $change_foo}   = $change_foo_sub;
  *{$package . '::' . $delete_foo}   = $delete_foo_sub;
  *{$package . '::' . $find_foo}     = $find_foo_sub;
  *{$package . '::' . $node_foos}    = $node_foos_sub;
  *{$package . '::' . $local_foos}   = $local_foos_sub;
  *{$package . '::' . $related_foos} = $related_foos_sub;
} # end pile of nearly identical methods

=head2 note_thread

Look for notes in the same thread and build them into a tree.  Returns a
dtRdr::NoteThread object, unless the note is a single, in which case it
returns only the note object.

  my $thread = $book->note_thread($note);

$note may be a note object or note id.


sub note_thread {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($note) = @_;

  my @pile = $self->find_note_references($note);
  (1 == scalar(@pile)) and return($pile[0]);
  my ($thread, @other) = dtRdr::NoteThread->create(@pile);
  @other and die "threading broke"; # should return only one thread
} # end subroutine note_thread definition

=head2 find_note_references

A really stupid name?  Maybe just in the wrong place.

  my @pile = $book->find_note_references($note);


sub find_note_references {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($note) = @_;

  # TODO let that be an id

  my $root_id = $note->id;
  if(my @r = $note->references) {
    $root_id = $r[-1];

  my @pile = $self->local_notes($note->node);
  my @thread = grep({ my @r;
    ((@r = $_->references) ? $r[-1] : $_->id) eq $root_id;
  } @pile);
} # end subroutine find_note_references definition

=head2 drop_selections



sub drop_selections {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{selections} = {};
} # end subroutine drop_selections definition

=head1 Position Juggling

=head2 _GP_to_NP

Globalize a Node Position

  $self->_GP_to_NP($node, $pos);


sub _GP_to_NP {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($node, $gp) = @_;
  my $np = $gp - $node->word_start;
} # end subroutine _GP_to_NP definition

=head2 _NP_to_GP

  $self->_NP_to_GP($node, $pos);


sub _NP_to_GP {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($node, $np) = @_;
  my $gp = $np + $node->word_start;
} # end subroutine _NP_to_GP definition

=head2 localize_annotation

  $book->localize_annotation($anno, $node);


sub localize_annotation {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($anno, $node) = @_;
  my $dbg = 0;
  $dbg and warn "try to localize ", $anno->node->id;

  # TODO make this a proper method
  # also, what to do for out-of-range?
  my $localize = sub {
    my ($snode, $dnode, $s_rp) = @_;
    my $s_np = $self->_RP_to_NP($snode, $s_rp);
    my $gp = $self->_NP_to_GP($snode, $s_np);
    my $d_np = $self->_GP_to_NP($dnode, $gp);
    # out-of-range?
    my $d_rp = $self->_NP_to_RP($dnode, $d_np);
    $dbg and warn join("\n  ", 'details',
                  "source_rp: $s_rp",
                  "source_np: $s_np",
                  "gp:        $gp",
                  "dest_np:   $d_np",
                  "dest_rp:   $d_rp",
                  ), "\n  ";
  if($anno->isa('dtRdr::Range')) {

    my ($s_rp, $e_rp) = map({
      my $method = 'get_' . $_ . '_pos'; # play nice with Boundless
      my $sloc = $anno->$method;
      defined($sloc) or die "no offset";
      $localize->($anno->node, $node, $sloc);
    } qw(start end));

    my $nlength =
      $self->_NP_to_RP($node, $node->word_end - $node->word_start);

    if(($s_rp < 0) and ($e_rp > $nlength)) { # it spans it
      $s_rp = 0;
      $e_rp = $nlength;
    else {
      # does it even touch the $node?
      return if(
        (($s_rp < 0) and ($e_rp < 0)) or
        (($s_rp > $nlength) and ($e_rp > $nlength))
    0 and warn "ok -- got this far";

    # otherwise, adjust min/max values
    ($s_rp < 0)        and ($s_rp = 0);
    ($e_rp > $nlength) and ($e_rp = $nlength);

    my $local = $anno->renode($node, range => [$s_rp, $e_rp]);
  else {
    die "dunno how to do that yet jim";
} # end subroutine localize_annotation definition

=head1 Annotation Serialization

=head2 get_anno_io

Get the annotation IO object.

=head2 set_anno_io

Set the annotation IO object.

=head2 do_serialize

This sidesteps the issue of having distinct add_foo(), add_foo_nowrite()
methods.  If there is a serializer (see L<dtRdr::Annotation::IO>)
available, we call $action on it with $object and %args.

  $book->do_serialize($action, $object, %args);


sub do_serialize {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($action, $object, %args) = @_;

  # can't serialize without one
  my $io = $self->anno_io or return;
  $io->can($action) or
    croak("incompetent? (cannot '$action') IO object: $io");

  $io->$action($object, %args);
} # end subroutine do_serialize definition

=head2 io_action

Disable the annotation I/O system while running an action.  Designed for
use by the I/O system.

  $book->io_action(sub {...});


sub io_action {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($subref) = @_;
  local $self->{anno_io};
} # end subroutine io_action definition

=head1 Text Search

=begin developer

=head2 how searching for positions and inserting annotations work

The search is performed as if:

  * All XML tags have been stripped from the book.
  * Any number of whitespace characters are one space.

The annotation offset values are then stored according to this convention.

When we do C<insert_nbh()>, we have to count our way through the content
in the character handler, while placing the following items:

  * spans (with classes according to the highlight ID) for highlights
  * href+img tags for bookmarks and notes

Notes will be viewed in a separate window/slice of frame.

=end developer

=head2 insert_nbh

Insert the note, bookmark, and highlight data for the given node.

  $content = $self->insert_nbh($node, $content);

This also creates the C<cache_chars> data needed for C<locate_string()>

TODO a better name (like rapidfire_xml_hatchet or something)

ALSO TODO currently, books need to call this from their get_content() or
else they have no specialness.  Books really must call this though,
since e.g. mozilla requires that the images get rewritten as base64


sub insert_nbh {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($node, $content) = @_;
  eval {$node->isa('dtRdr::TOC')} or
    croak('not a TOC object (usage: $book->insert_nbh($node, $str); )');

  RL('#speed')->info('running insert_nbh for ', $node->id);

  unless(@_ >= 2) { # get the content
    croak("must have content");
    die "this part isn't done";
    # TODO requires get_content() refactor
    # maybe something like _get_basic_content() ?
    # or just say YAGNI, bah, etc.

  # notes are special
  my @notes = dtRdr::NoteThread->create($self->node_notes($node));
  foreach my $note (@notes) { # each is actually a tree
    $note = $note->note unless($note->has_children);

  # The node_foos() calls give offsets in local coordinates.
  # The todo list is a list of arrays -- we'll shift it down to nothing.
  # First value of each is the position, second is the object.
  my @todo = (
    map({ [ $_->start_pos, $_ ], [ $_->end_pos, $_ ], }
  #WARN "todo is ", join("|", map({$_->[1]} @todo));

  # we have to sort it here to get overlapping highlights to work
  @todo = sort({$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} @todo);

    ' todo items ... starting insert parse');
  use dtRdr::BookUtil::AnnoInsert;
  my $parser = dtRdr::BookUtil::AnnoInsert->new($self,
    todo => \@todo,
    node => $node,
    xml_callbacks => {$self->xml_callbacks},
  my $output = $parser->done;

  DBG_DUMP('INSERT', 'thecontent.xml', sub {$output});

  RL('#speed')->info('insert_nbh done');

} # end subroutine insert_nbh definition

=head2 locate_string

Finds $string in $node and returns a Selection object (possibly for a
different node) with RENDERED POSITIONS.

  my $range = $book->locate_string($node, $string, $lwing, $rwing);


sub locate_string {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($node, $str, $lstr, $rstr) = @_;

  my $cache = $self->get_cache_chars($node);

  my ($s, $l, $r) = ($str, $lstr, $rstr);

  # NOTE:
  #   xml allows &lt; &gt; &amp; &quot; &apos
  #   all twig passes is &lt; and &amp; -- all else gets encoded
  # so, the assumption is that there is no &quot; etc in the node_chars

  s/&/&amp;/gs for($s,$l,$r);
  s/</&lt;/gs for($s,$l,$r);

  # a bit of fixup
  $_ =~ s/\s+/ /gs for($s, $l, $r);   # singularize whitespace
  $_ =~ s/^ $//s for($l, $r);         # null wings are an issue
  $s =~ s/^ // if($l =~ m/ $/);       # migrate leading space
  # XXX should we be able to allow
  # trailing space on the selection
  # without a right-context? (which
  # only happens at end-of-node)
  $s =~ s/ $// if($r =~ m/^(?: |$)/); # migrate trailing space

  # no trailing/leading space in selection
  # XXX this is a forced migration (as opposed to the context-wins one above)
  if($s =~ s/ $//) { $r = ' ' . $r if($r ne ''); }
  if($s =~ s/^ //) { $l = $l . ' ' if($l ne ''); }

  DBG_DUMP('CACHE', 'cache', sub {$cache});

  # the search:
  # my $pos = index($cache, "$l$s$r");
  # # TODO check that this was unique?

  # DBG_DUMP('CACHE', 'dump', sub {"$l$s$r\n$cache\n\n# vim\:nowrap"});

  # unless($pos >= 0) { # XXX this if() won't fit the m// approach
  #   # XXX some problem with getting utf8 in the selection when we had
  #   # given it an html-escaped character
  #   DBG_DUMP('SEARCH', 'bah',
  #     sub {"search failed on\r$l$s$r\r$cache\r\r# vim:nowrap"}
  #   );
  #   L->error(
  #     "could not find >>>$l$s$r<<<" .
  #     (0 ? " in >>>$cache<<<" : '') .
  #     "(pos $pos)"
  #   );
  #   # TODO try a little harder:
  #   # 1.  search for just $string, $lwing, or $rwing?
  #   # 2.  0,1,2,... and -1,-2,-3,... word search?
  #   return();
  # }

  # 0 and WARN("\n\nindex found ",
  #   join(", ", map({length($_)} $l, $s, $r, $cache)), "|",
  #   join(", ",
  #     $pos, $pos+length($l),
  #     $pos+length($l.$s), $pos+length($l.$s.$r)
  #   ));

  # my @len = map({length($_)} $l, $s, $r);
  # my ($spos, $epos) = (
  #   $pos + $len[0],
  #   $pos + $len[0] + $len[1]
  #   );
  # ######################################################################

  my @matches = _context_match(\$cache, $l, $s, $r);
  unless(@matches) {
    L->warn("no matches");
  # XXX "too many" is an error, but we need to leave it as non-fatal at
  # least to accomodate the (currently) incompetent widgets
  (@matches > 1) and L->warn("too many matches");
  my ($spos, $epos) = @{$matches[0]};

  # adjust $node for tightness
  my $range = $self->reduce_word_scope($node, $spos, $epos);

  # turn into a selection
  my $selection = dtRdr::Selection->claim($range);

  # set the selected text property on it
  $selection->set_selected(substr($cache, $spos, $epos - $spos));

  # and a context based on the reduced-scope node
  # TODO oops, that's going to require some math here to avoid calling
  # get_content on that node :-/
  # $selection->set_context([$left,$right]);

} # end subroutine locate_string definition

=head2 _context_match

  my @matches = _context_match(\$string, $left, $search, $right);

Returns a list of match pairs:  @matches = ([$start, $end], ...);


sub _context_match {
  my ($str, $li, $si, $ri) = @_;
  if(my $ref = ref($str)) {
    ($ref eq 'SCALAR') or croak("reference, but not a scalar ($ref)");
  else { # I guess make a copy
    my $var = $str;
    $str = \$var;

  my ($l, $s, $r) = ($li, $si, $ri);

  # prep them
  foreach my $v ($l, $s, $r) {
    $v =~ s/\s//g;
    L('search')->debug("now $v\n");
    $v = join('\\s*', map({s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_-])/\\$1/; $_} split(//, $v)));
    L('search')->debug("done $v\n");
  L('search')->debug("search $l|$s|$r\n");

  my @starts;
  my @ends;
  while($$str =~ m/($l)\s*($s)\s*($r)/g) {
    my @s = @-;
    my @e = @+;
    # we need to shift() each of these since the first will be the
    # entire match
    (@$_ == 3) or die for(\@s, \@e);
    L('search')->debug("found ", join("|", map({join(",", @$_)} \@s, \@e)));
    push(@starts, $s[1]);
    push(@ends,   $e[1]);
  @starts or return();
  (@starts == @ends) or die "something went wrong there @starts @ends";
  my @matches = map({[$starts[$_], $ends[$_]]} 0..$#starts);
  L('search')->debug(scalar(@matches), " matches");
} # end subroutine _context_match definition

=head2 reduce_word_scope

Returns a Range with the appropriate TOC node and start/end positions.

  my $range = $book->reduce_word_scope($node, $start, $end);


sub reduce_word_scope {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($node, $spos, $epos) = @_;

  my ($s,$e) = ($spos, $epos);
  my $nstart = $node->word_start;
  $_ += $nstart for($s,$e);

  my $found;
  foreach my $d (reverse($node->descendants)) {
    # other book classes need to deal with black holes
    defined($d->word_start) or
      die $d->id, " node did not get an aot entry!";
    if(($d->word_start <= $s) and ($d->word_end >= $e)) {
      $found = $d;
  if($found) {
    # now adjust $spos, $epos correctly
    my $delta = $found->word_start - $node->word_start; # not correct
    $spos = $spos - $delta;
    $epos = $epos - $delta;
  else {
    # positions are golden
    $found = $node;

  return(dtRdr::Range->create(node => $found, range => [$spos, $epos]));
} # end subroutine reduce_word_scope definition

=head1 Character Cache Management

The characters (for use in annotation placement) are cached by
insert_nbh(), but can also be created and managed with these methods.

The cache is currently permanent WRT the life of the object.  This is,
of course, a slow memory leak.  If you're short on ram, please send
code and/or time.

=head2 has_cached_node_characters

  my $bool = $book->has_cached_node_characters($node);


sub has_cached_node_characters {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($node) = @_;

} # end subroutine has_cached_node_characters definition

=head2 cache_node_characters

Saves the characters in the cache, and will eventually implement cache

  $book->cache_node_characters($node, $chars);


sub cache_node_characters {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($node, $chars) = @_;
  eval {$node->isa('dtRdr::TOC')} or Carp::confess('not a TOC object');

  # XXX this caching mechanism will turn into a memory leak => do
  # something like close_book() or else have it be a short
  # (maybe three-element) array.
  $self->{cache_chars}{$node->id} = $chars;
} # end subroutine cache_node_characters definition

=head2 get_cache_chars

Get the cache characters for a given TOC node.

  my $chars = $book->get_cache_chars($node);


sub get_cache_chars {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($toc) = @_;
  eval {$toc->isa('dtRdr::TOC')} or
    croak('not a TOC object (usage: $book->get_cache_chars($node);)');

  my $id = $toc->id;

  # you should only call this if you know they are there
  croak("no cache for node:'$id'")

} # end subroutine get_cache_chars definition

=head2 get_node_characters

Get the characters for $node.  Will check the cache and/or create them.

  my $chars = $book->get_node_characters($node);


sub get_node_characters {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($node) = @_;

  if($self->has_cached_node_characters($node)) {
  else {
    my $chars = $self->create_node_characters($node);
    $self->cache_node_characters($node, $chars);
} # end subroutine get_node_characters definition

=head2 create_node_characters

  my $chars = $book->create_node_characters($node);


sub create_node_characters {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($node) = @_;

  my $content = $self->get_trimmed_content($node);
  $content or die("got no content for node: ", $node->id);

  my $chars;

  # NOTE the difference is 33.8s vs 20.0s for dr_search 'open'

  if(0) { # these are not the slow droids you're looking for
    my $twig = XML::Twig->new( keep_spaces => 1 );
    eval { $twig->parse($content); };
    $@ and die("parse failed: '$@'");
    $chars = $twig->root->text;
    # make it align with our typical cache
    $chars =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
    $chars =~ s/</&lt;/g;
  else { # this is slightly faster, but maybe still not correct

    # NOTE particularly, we seem to have trouble with various forms of
    # whitespace (probably causes some position issues.)

    # ALSO unless we get the utf8 magic straight, HTML::Entities will
    # get it all wrong

    # NOTE we don't support character declarations doing it like this --
    # but we would need to weld that into $content to make twig happy
    # above anyway.

    $chars = $content;
    $chars =~ s/<[^>]+>//g;
    require HTML::Entities;
    require Encode;

    # make sure it is unicode
    $chars = Encode::decode_utf8($chars); 

    # may want to check that at some point
    #Encode::is_utf8($chars) or die "ack";
    #utf8::valid($chars) or die "ack";

    # now de-entity it all
    $chars = HTML::Entities::decode_entities($chars);

    my $kill_spaces = '' .
      chr(160) . # is &nbsp;/&#160;
      "\x{85}" .
      "\x{2028}\x{2029}" .
    $chars =~ s/[$kill_spaces]+/ /g;
    $chars =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
    $chars =~ s/</&lt;/g;
  if((not $node->is_root) and $self->whitespace_before($node)) {
    $chars =~ s/^\s+//;
  $chars =~ s/\s+/ /g;
} # end subroutine create_node_characters definition

=head1 TOC-related Methods

=head2 get_toc

Every book has a table of contents.

  my $root = $book->get_toc;

See TOC for tree-related methods and below for book-related methods
(book related methods can transcend the tree structure, allowing us to
support less-than-elegant book formats.)


# plain accessor

=head2 find_toc

Find the TOC node for $id.

  my $toc = $book->find_toc($id);


sub find_toc {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($id) = @_;
} # end subroutine find_toc definition

=head2 descendant_nodes

  my @nodes =  $book->descendant_nodes($node);


sub descendant_nodes {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($node) = @_;
} # end subroutine descendant_nodes definition

=head2 ancestor_nodes

  my @nodes =  $book->ancestor_nodes($node);


sub ancestor_nodes {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($node) = @_;
} # end subroutine ancestor_nodes definition

=head2 visible_nodes

  my @visible = $book->visible_nodes;


sub visible_nodes {
  my $self = shift;

  my $toc = $self->toc or croak('no toc');

  my @vis;
  $toc->rmap(sub { my ($n) = @_;
    $n->visible and push(@vis, $n);
} # end subroutine visible_nodes definition

=head1 XML processing

=head2 xml_callbacks

Gets the xml callbacks for xml rewrite processing.

  my %dispatch = $book->xml_callbacks;

This %dispatch table will contain C<start> and C<end> keys, below which
will be keys for individual xml elements (aka 'a', 'img', etc.)

For the basic case of adding or overriding element handlers, plugins
should define the augment_xml_callbacks() method rather than overriding
this method.  No mechanism is provided or planned for chained handlers
-- in that case you should override, then curry as needed.

Callbacks are fired during the parse() method of
dtRdr::BookUtil::AnnoInsert.  The parameters are as follows.

    node       => $node,
    parser     => $parser,
    attributes => \%atts,
    before     => \$before,
    during     => \$during,
    after      => \$after

The $before, $during, and $after references are strings which the plugin
should modify as needed.

Note that this is very similar to the XML start/end handler.  The only
thing missing is the element name (you know that already.)


=item $book

The book object (aka $self.)

=item parser

The Expat object.

=item attributes

The %atts hash which was fed to the tag handler by the parser (only in
start tag.)

=item before

A reference to the hoppers string intended to be placed before the

=item during

A reference to the $parser->recognized_string value.

=item after

A referece to the hoppers string intended to be placed after the


Note (again) that before, during, and after are *references* to strings.
This is speed-critical, or else the API would be more user-friendly.


=item Variably-Named Elements


=item _content_node

This key is replaced with the value of $book->XML_CONTENT_NODE (or
dropped if there is no such method.)  This builtin callback provides the
copy_ok handling (and maybe more later.)




sub xml_callbacks {
  my $self = shift;

  my %callbacks = $self->_standard_xml_callbacks;

  # rename the _content_node handlers
  foreach my $set (keys(%callbacks)) {
    if(my $item = delete($callbacks{$set}{_content_node})) {
      if($self->can('XML_CONTENT_NODE')) {
        my $node_name = $self->XML_CONTENT_NODE;
        exists($callbacks{$set}{$node_name}) and
          croak("cannot have '$node_name' as your XML_CONTENT_NODE");
        $callbacks{$set}{$node_name} = $item;

  # TODO the other part
  # my %child_says = $self->augment_xml_callbacks;
  # XXX actually won't have a use for that yet

} # end subroutine xml_callbacks definition

=head2 _standard_xml_callbacks

Just a constant, but may be overridden.

  my %dispatch = $self->_standard_xml_callbacks;


sub _standard_xml_callbacks {
  my $self = shift;

  # only do this once per xml run
  my $copy_image = $self->get_callbacks->img_src_rewrite(

  start => {
    'img' => sub { # TODO only if there's an img_src_rewrite installed
      my $self = shift;
      my %params = @_;

      my $str = $params{during};
      if(my ($s, $src, $e) = $$str =~ m/(.*src=")([^"]+)(.*)/) {
        $src = $self->get_callbacks->img_src_rewrite($src, $self);
        $$str = $s . $src . $e;
    }, # img
    '_content_node' => sub { # is hopefully book-agnostic
      my $self = shift;
      my %params = @_;

      my $aft = $params{after};
      my $node = $params{node};
      my $toc = $node->get_by_id($params{attributes}{id});
      $toc or die "cannot find a toc for this subnode";
      if($toc->copy_ok) {
        my $copy_link =
          '<a class="dr_copy" ' .
          'href="' .
            URI->new('dr://LOCAL/'. $toc->id . '.copy')->as_string .
          '">' .
          '<img class="dr_copy" src="' . $copy_image . '" /></a>';
        $$aft .= $copy_link;
    }, # _content_node
    'a' => sub {
      my $self = shift;
      my %params = @_;

      my $str = $params{during};
      if(my ($s, $href, $e) = $$str =~ m/(.*href=")([^"]+)(.*)/) {
        my $refsub = sub { # TODO is its own callback?
          my ($ref) = @_;
          my $render_id = $self->id;
          if($ref =~ m/^pkg:/) { # explicit, but maybe dirty
            my $uri = URI->new($ref);
            my $auth = $self->_id_escape(
              URI::Escape::uri_unescape($uri->authority) # bah
            my $rstring =
              'pkg://' . $auth . $uri->path;
          elsif($ref !~ m/^\w{3,6}:/) { # relative link
            my $rstring = 'pkg://'. $render_id . '/'.
          #WARN "unhandled link $ref";
        $href = $refsub->($href);
        defined($href) or return; # don't mess with it
        $$str = $s . $href . $e;
    }, # a
  }, # start
  end => {},
} # end subroutine _standard_xml_callbacks definition

{ # Zombie package

package dtRdr::Book::Zombie;

use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;

use base 'dtRdr::Book';

=head1 Zombies

dtRdr::Book::Zombie - Books that walk around mindlessly

Though they don't eat flesh, these are the undead books.  They have no
content or other book-like capabilities besides an id and possibly a

They may be resurrect()ed, though that magic isn't done yet.  Similarly,
calling $book->kill should turn it into a zombie.


=head2 new

  dtRdr::Book::Zombie->new(id => $id);


sub new {
  my $package = shift;
  (@_%2) and croak("odd number of elements in argument hash");
  my (%args) = @_;

  defined($args{id}) or croak("must have id argument for zombie");

  my $self = $package->SUPER::new(@_);

  $self->{toc} = dtRdr::Book::Zombie::TOC->new(book => $self);

} # end subroutine new definition

# TODO is_alive accessor/constant?
# kill/revive methods?

  package dtRdr::Book::Zombie::TOC;
  use Class::Accessor::Classy;
  with 'new';
  ro 'id';
  ro 'book';
  no  Class::Accessor::Classy;
  sub isa {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($ask) = @_;
    return(1) if($ask eq 'dtRdr::TOC');
    return $self->SUPER::isa($ask);
  sub get_by_id {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($id) = @_;
    return((ref($self) || $self)->new(id => $id, book => $self->book));

} # end toc

} # end Zombie

=head1 See Also



=head1 AUTHOR

Eric Wilhelm <ewilhelm at cpan dot org>


Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Eric L. Wilhelm and OSoft, All Rights Reserved.


Absolutely, positively NO WARRANTY, neither express or implied, is
offered with this software.  You use this software at your own risk.  In
case of loss, no person or entity owes you anything whatsoever.  You
have been warned.

=head1 LICENSE

The dotReader(TM) is OSI Certified Open Source Software licensed under
the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2, June 1991. Non-encrypted
and encrypted packages are usable in connection with the dotReader(TM).
The ability to create, edit, or otherwise modify content of such
encrypted packages is self-contained within the packages, and NOT
provided by the dotReader(TM), and is addressed in a separate commercial

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


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