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=head1 NAME

dtRdr::doc::AnnotationServers - remote annotation server details

=head1 Initial Interaction

=head2 Discovery

  o get server version/capabilities
  o possibly login at this point
  o maybe create-account API?

Sounds like delegation is in order.

  $base = "";
  foreach $plugin (@plugins) {
    $plugin->identify_uri($base) and last;

=head3 version.yml

For best results, a server should provide a capabilities url at
"$base/version" which returns a yaml file describing the server

  type: example_type
  version: 0.5

This could be served by the framework, or just be a static file.  The
benefit is not having to return a series of 404's or other errors while
the plugins poke at your server.

The path to version.yml is derived from the base URL as follows:


Possibly also:




=head3 plugin-specific discovery

A specific noteserver plugin may then get additional initialization
data.  For the dtRdr::Annotation::Sync::Standard module, this path is:



or, if there are config options:

  protocol: https
  auth_required: 1
    template: 'edit[name]=#USERNAME#&edit[pass]=#PASSWORD#'

=head2 Cookie-Based login

The 'auth_required' directive instructs the client to login before
attempting any read operations.

The 'login' directive instructs the client to fill-in the template data
and post it to the given url.

=head1 Data Requests

=head2 manifest

Client gets manifest for one-or-more books


=item request:

Request basically maps to a db query.

  GET "$base/manifest.yml?book=$bid1&book=$bid2"

Apache's default config allows ~8000 bytes in a URI.  That's roughly 200
books, so this shouldn't be an issue.  To deal with larger quantities of
books, we should probably be posting library data to the server rather
than POSTing a GET request.

Note:  The book id should not be unescaped.  Book id's are supposed to
be uri-safe, so unescaping it is an error.  In "convenient"
environments, the book id's will have to be re-escaped to contain only
the 'A-Za-z0-9.-' characters (and, of course, the %.)  The re-escaping
should only be necessary on legacy books, but how will we know which
those are?

Note:  PHP servers will need to do a little extra work here, since PHP
won't treat url parameters as arrays without the php-specific "[]"
suffix on the key.

=item response:

Identifier and revision key:value pairs (C<$id: $revision>.)


=item $id

The annotation ID.

=item $revision

The revision number (see below.)



=head2 Get Entity

  GET $base/annotation/$id.yml

Server must answer with 200 (OK) and YAML content.

=begin note

Mega-request?  expects to receive multi-chunk YAML

  id: ...
  id: ...

=end note

=head1 New Entity Creation

  POST $base/annotation/

Server must answer with 201 (Created.)  Posting an existing entity is an
error (409.)

=head1 Entity Update

  PUT $base/annotation/$id.yml?rev=$assumed_rev

Server must answer with 200 (OK.)

The client can assert that the new revision is a given value, etc.  This
allows the server to error (409) if the data has changed since the
client got the manifest.  Otherwise, the client would have to lock a
resource, and that could lead to a permanently locked resource (only
prevented by a heroic coding effort) if the connection drops.

Assertions should be done through url parameters.  Alternatively, the
server could just read the revision from the posted yaml (but it must be
the server version.)  I prefer url parameters, since that decouples the
data from the arguments.

=head1 Entity Delete

  DELETE $base/annotation/$id.yml?rev=$assumed_rev

Server must answer with 200 and the YAML data (and 204 (No Content) may
be supported later.)  As in PUT, a failed rev assertion is a 409

=head1 Synchronization

Notes are synchronized between clients and the server using a
combination of revision numbers and timestamps.

=head2 Revisions

Revision number should be incremented by the entity making the change.
To prevent collisions, the client should maintain a last-known server
revision alongside the local revision.

  A has r2
  B has r2
  A makes r3
  A syncs to S
  B makes r3 (but is ignorant)
  B syncs to S
    B sees r3 on S, presents user with choice
      (informed by content, times)
      (or just decides based on S.mod_time vs B.mod_time)
      y: B sets r4 on S, A syncs r4 from S later
      n: B gets r3 from S

The need for knowing the last-sync'd server revision comes in when B
bumps the revision locally multiple times (r3, r4) after having fetched
r2 and without knowing that A has pushed r3.  When S.rev is undefined on
the client, this indicates that item must be created on the next sync.

=head2 Deletions

If a client has an item with a defined S.rev which does not appear in
the manifest, this indicates that the item was deleted from the server
since the last sync.

To push deletions I<to> the server, the client must maintain a local
"to-delete" list of some sort.  One implementation might be to have a
deletions table (id, delete_time, (maybe needs_sync).)

Deletions should honor the same conflict resolution semantics as changes
(a locally-changed note removed from the server, or a server-changed
note deleted on the client are both possible.)

=head2 Dates

The date attached to the annotation is always relative to the computer
on which it is currently being stored.

Locally, notes are stored with client dates.  These are translated to
and from server dates while dealing with the server.

The server date shift is calculated as follows.

  $init = time;
  $ans = GET "$server/version.yml"; # fictional
  $done = time;
  $mean = ($done + $init) / 2;
  $stime = $ans->headers->date;
  $drift = sprintf("%0.0f", $stime + 0.5 - $mean);

The $drift value is the number of seconds which the server is I<ahead>
of the client clock.

The 0.5s adjustment gives us a higher probability of having the correct
server time (because the server only answers in integers.)  This should
make us +/- 0.5s rather than tending toward an average of -0.5s error
(that is, on a server/client both using ntp, the $drift value will be 0
far more than 50% of the time.)

TODO:  If the client makes a request with an 'If-Modified-Since', the
server should honor that and return 304 if the requested entity is
unchanged.  (This should only be relevant in the "manifest.yml"

The following items are stored in the annotation objects:


=item create_time

Creation time in seconds.

=item mod_time

Last modification time in seconds.


=head1 Client-Side

  o define server, username, password, metadata
  o associate books
  o assign publicness+associated_server to annotations
  o change publicness/associated_server

=head2 Annotation Properties

The I<public> attribute of an annotation contains:

  server  server ID
  owner   username (or undefined if "me")
  rev     last sync'd revision

=head3 Server ID

The server id is stored in the local annotations.  To allow server
migration, this should not be the url (also, some servers will answer at
more than one url.)

=head2 Association and Management

=head3 Suggested Server

The book package may contain an 'annotation_server' property.  This
should be the server url, but we should allow the server_id to be in
there somehow.  In fact, I'm going to require the id for now.  We could
go to the server to get the id, but not yet.

Books that don't have actual data structures in their property sheets
(ahem) should do something like this:

  annotation_server: x3E7CE4|

Regardless, the api is:

  my $obj = $book->meta->annotation_server;
  my $id  = $obj->id;
  my $uri = $obj->uri;

=head3 Booklist

This is stored in the config under each server.  A book id may be
associated with more than one server.

We should support storing/synchronizing a booklist on the server.

=head1 LEGACY

In the old API, this url fetches notes in SQL dump format (ick.)


It also uses a package name instead of id, and has to block while
fetching all of the notes for the book.

  o imported old notes get undef positions
  o old noteserver implicitly upgrades notes
  o old noteserver shouldn't allow modifying the position
  o upgrading the table turns the old id into the note_id
